单词 | 使一端逐渐变细 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 使一端逐渐变细 verb—taper v
希望这一方法 能够通过教育鼓励子孙后代在成长过程 中 逐渐 采 纳 使 世 界 人民思维模式发生 转 变 所 需 的适当 的价值观、态度和行为。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This method, it is hoped, would encourage, through education, future generations to grow up with appropriate values, attitudes and behaviours, that are [...] needed to bring about [...]a paradigm shift in the thinking of the people of the world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,它也是一项道义责任,反映了人类 经过长期演变,逐渐形成一套文明规范,把尊重生命 以及人格完整和尊严作为其核心价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, [...] it is also an ethical imperative that reflects the long evolution of humankind [...]towards civilizing norms that place [...]respect for life and human integrity and dignity at the core of its values. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果怀疑分配阀堵塞或完成上述步骤后压力未完全释放, 应极为缓慢地松开分配阀接头或软管 端 接 头 以 使 压 力逐 渐释放,然后再完全松开。 graco.com | If you suspect that the dispensing valve is clogged, or that pressure has not been fully relieved after following the steps above, [...] very slowly loosen the dispensing valve [...] coupler or hose end coupling to relieve pressure gradually, then loosen completely. graco.com |
Tweetbot是我最喜欢的Twitter客户端,它 结合了阴影 和 渐变 的 巧 妙应用 , 使 自 定义提示框与应用的其他设计搭配得非常融洽,整个应用看起来非常漂亮,这就是 对 细 节 的 注重。 imobe.net | Tweetbot, my favourite Twitter client mixes the subtle use of shadows and gradients to make custom alert boxes that fit with the rest of the app’s design and make the whole thing look beautiful. imobe.net |
在过去十年里,当代冲突从国家间战 事逐 渐变为国 内冲突,文化财产遭受损坏的规模也 越来越大,这一切表 明在《公约》的执行方面 存在各种缺陷,如军事需要概念的解释、特别 保护总体概念的效力、在非国际性冲突中文化 财产的保护、对违反《公约》行为的有效制裁 [...] 以及《公约》管制制度的效率等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 58. The gradual change of contemporary conflicts in the past decade from interstate warfare to internal conflicts [...] and the increasing scale of damage to cultural [...]property have shown deficiencies in the implementation of the Convention such as the interpretation of the notion of military necessity, efficiency of the overall concept of special protection, protection of cultural property in conflicts not of an international character, efficiency of sanctions for breaches of the Convention and the control system of the Convention. unesdoc.unesco.org |
行动纲领》还使人们 注意到由 环境所导致、影响最弱势人口的移民现象,并对 这一 现象制定了具体的应对方式,其中最突出的是发展伙 伴和相关国家承诺顾及那些因气候变 化 和 极 端 的气候事件而难以维生的人们所面临的需要,并减少流离 失所事件的发生。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also drew attention to the phenomenon of [...] environmentally induced migration, which affected the most vulnerable populations, and set out concrete responses to that phenomenon, notably the commitment by development partners and the countries concerned to take into account the needs of those whose livelihoods were endangered by climate change and extreme weather events [...]and reduce the incidence of displacement. daccess-ods.un.org |
据 此,鉴于上述情况,委员会认为最近联合国所有报告所证实的刚果民主共和国的 冲突局势,使委员 会无法确定该国可以在当前和 正 逐渐 演 变 的 局势下可以被认为 对申诉人安全的特定区域。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, in light of all of the abovementioned information, the Committee considers that the conflict situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as attested to in all recent United Nation reports, makes it impossible for the Committee to identify particular areas of the country which could be considered safe for the complainants in their current and evolving situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在使深宽比高的细孔前端亦能 均匀成膜的 这 一 点 上,如此的特性具有举足轻重的地 位。 tanaka.com.cn | These characteristics are very important for forming a uniform film to the edges of pores with a high aspect ratio. pro.tanaka.co.jp |
鉴于电子逆向拍卖的使用日渐增多 ,同时考虑到协调和促进最佳做法的双 重目标,工作组商定:㈠在《示范法》修订案文中列 入 一 项 一 般 性 授权条文, 规定使用电 子逆向拍卖的主要原则,特别是电子逆向拍卖的使用条件和使用限 制;㈡将《示范法》规定的电子逆向拍卖限定于某些类型的购买,为此使得非 价格标准可以量化、规格可予以提供、竞争性市场得以存在;㈢在《指南》中 详细论述电子逆向拍卖的使用;㈣参照世界贸易组织多边《政府采购协定》在 使用电子逆向拍卖方面的做法(A/CN.9/575,第 60-62、66 和 67 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking account of the increasing use of ERAs and the twin aims of harmonization and promotion of best practice, the Working Group agreed: (i) to include in the revised Model Law a general enabling provision providing the key principles for the use of ERAs, notably the conditions for and limitations to the use of ERAs; (ii) to confine ERAs under the Model Law to some types of purchases for which non-price criteria could be quantified, specifications could be provided and a competitive market existed; (iii) to address in the Guide the use of ERAs in detail; and (iv) to take [...] into account the approach [...]of the multilateral Government Procurement Agreement of the World Trade Organization as regards the use of ERAs (A/CN.9/575, paras. 60-62, 66 and 67). daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年初,这一 争端演变为东 盟成员国之间迄今为止最激烈的冲突, 这是对其互不侵犯这一历史承诺的考验,同时也促 使东盟进行干预。 crisisgroup.org | In early 2011, the dispute turned into the most violent clash yet between ASEAN’s members, testing its historical commitment to non-aggression and prompting it to get involved. crisisgroup.org |
聚焦式离子束显微镜(FIB)的利用镓(Ga)金属作为离子源,再加上负电场 (Extractor) 牵引尖端细小的 镓原子,而导出镓离子束再以电透镜聚焦,经 过 一 连 串 变 化 孔 径 (Automatic Variable Aperture, AVA)可决定离子束的大小,再经过二次聚焦至试片表面,利用物理碰撞来进行特定图案的加工,一般单粒子束的FIB(Single Beam FIB),可以提供材料切割、沈积金属、蚀刻金属和选择性蚀刻氧化层等功能。 ma-tek.com | Focused Ion Beam microscope (FIB) use gallium (Ga) as a metal ion source, coupled with negative [...] electric field [...] (Extractor) traction-the-art small gallium atoms, and the export of gallium ion beam in order to re-focus lens power after a series of changes in the aperture ( Automatic Variable Aperture, AVA) [...]may determine the size [...]of the ion beam, and then after the second focus on the surface of the collision use of physical to specific patterns of processing, single-General of the particle beam FIB (Single Beam FIB), can provide cutting material, Metal deposition, metal etching and selective oxidation has features such as etching. ma-tek.com |
在这种情况下启用“16位”,您将得到一个粗糙 、 一 个 精 细 的 渐变。 dmx512.ch | In this case enable “16bit” and you [...] will get one coarse and one fine fader. dmx512.ch |
委员会进一步请秘书处继续支持《亚太贸易协定》,以 便 使 这一 协定逐步发展演变成为 推进区域一体化的力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further requests that the secretariat continue its support to the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) so as to evolve APTA as a driving force of regional integration. daccess-ods.un.org |
改善公共 服务和社会支持将是减少负面动态,减缓贫困的一些具体干预的重要因素, 例如改善孕妇和孩子保健,或学校膳食计划,具有相对快的积极作用31。 然而,为了长效变化和更稳定的人与资源的关系,这些需要作为综合办法 的 一个 部 分来实施,还要包括捕鱼作为“不得已的行业”的作用、人们离开和进入捕鱼 领域的原因和动态、农村和城市人口 逐渐变 化 着的联系、市场和经济以及与这些 有关的政治分量的更全面的了解。 fao.org | Improving public services and social support will be an important factor in reducing this negative dynamic, and some specific poverty alleviation interventions, such as improved maternal and child health care, or school feeding programmes, can have very positive effects relatively quickly.31 However, for lasting changes and more stable human–resource relationships, this has to be done [...] as part of an [...] integrated approach, one that also includes a fuller understanding of the role of fishing as a “last resort”, the causes and dynamics of people leaving and entering fishing, evolving links between rural [...]and urban populations, [...]markets and economies, and the political weight related to these. fao.org |
这方面的优先事项将是制 [...] 定并实施《国家积极老龄化战略》,据以推动政府的议事日程 , 使 民 众 在他 们逐 渐变老时 得以维持并改善其身体、社会和精神健康状况,并尽可能长久地在家庭 [...]和社区内生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The priorities will be to complete and implement the National Positive [...] Ageing Strategy and to drive [...] the Government's agenda to enable people as they grow older [...]to maintain and improve their physical, [...]social and mental well-being and to live in their homes and communities for as long as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
如下图 2 所示,这一比例预计在未来几年将 逐渐变 化。 wipo.int | This ratio is expected to gradually change in the years to come, [...] as shown in chart 2, below. wipo.int |
但是,其他发言者曾质疑即使以逐渐 发展的方式列入这条草案是否可取;他们特别指出,在条款草案中列 入 一 项 首 先 涉及引渡、其次才涉及驱逐的规定,是不适当的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other speakers, however, [...] queried the advisability of including the draft article, even by way of progressive development; they commented in particular that it was inappropriate [...]to have in [...]the draft articles a provision that was more concerned with extradition than with expulsion. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是 一个复杂的系统设计问题:研发一个相互关联的动态系统的各个部分并将它们组 合在一起,使其能免逐渐相互 作用、取得进步。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a complex systems design challenge: developing the components of an [...] interrelated, dynamic system and structuring them in such a way that [...] they interact in a cumulative process to induce progress. daccess-ods.un.org |
以致市场上LCD液晶拼接将成为大屏幕市场的主流,并且逐步取代DLP大屏幕市场,就目前而言,虽然LCD液晶拼接抢占的大屏幕市场只不过 是 一 些 低端的对显示效果要求不是很高,并且经济支付能力有限有很想拥有大屏幕拼接显示系统的用户,但是LCD液晶拼接在大屏幕拼接市场上所占的份额越来越多了,有人说LCD液晶拼接的拼缝是它的硬伤,但是随着科技不断进步,拼缝在慢 慢 变 小 , 逐渐 被 高 端 客 户 所认同,液晶大屏幕的显示效果也逐渐提高,色彩逼真度也逐渐加强。 jxlcd.com | LCD splicing so that the market will become the mainstream of the market on a large screen, and gradually replace the DLP big screen market, for now, although the LCD splicing preemption in the market for big screen is just some low-end display effect of request is not high, and economic ability to pay co. jxlcd.com |
这一 选择范围可以让摄影师决定让场景 逐渐变 暖 或变冷,甚至是 在 一 个 场 景中,因为效果的需 要或者为了抵消日光自然的变化,改变其色彩。 motion.kodak.com | This range of choice allows the cinematographer [...] to make the scene incrementally warmer or cooler—or even to change the color during a scene, either for an effect, or to [...]counteract the naturally [...]changing color of the sunlight. motion.kodak.com |
鳞片状叶2或3,4-6毫米叶单生;叶柄4-8厘米,近无毛; 叶片三出, [...] 2.5-4 * 3-6 厘米,无毛; 小叶柄5-10(-20)毫米; 中心的小叶3浅裂,近心形五角,基部楔形,边缘具圆齿到 具 细 齿 , 先 端渐 尖 或 钝,裂片无梗,3浅裂; 类似于中间一枚的 侧生小叶但是2裂的或2半裂,稍偏斜,末级小裂片钝。 flora.ac.cn | Leaf solitary; petiole 4--8 cm, subglabrous; leaf blade ternate, 2.5--4 × 3--6 cm, glabrous; petiolules 5--10(--20) mm; central leaflet 3-lobed, subcordate-pentagonal, base cuneate, [...] margin crenate to [...] denticulate, apex acuminate or obtuse, segments sessile, 3-lobed; lateral leaflets similar to central one but 2-lobed or 2-cleft, [...]slightly oblique, ultimate lobules obtuse. flora.ac.cn |
可以方便地 使用此 设置以固定间隔拍摄风景图像,观测动物/植物 的 逐渐变 化 ,以 及其他应用。 us.leica-camera.com | This allows capturing gradual changes at constant intervals for landscape scenes, animals/plants, and other applications. us.leica-camera.com |
防晒产品正逐渐成为一大细分市场,成长前景巨大。 wacker.com | Sunscreen products are evolving into a major market segment with enormous growth prospects. wacker.com |
法官履行这一职责的情况还包括应当事方的要求解决 争 端 、 仔 细 商 讨 案 件、制定庭审程序,以及对法律进行解释 这 一 常 规 工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | This role is also expected to be exercised by judges whenever they are requested to resolve disputes between parties, when they deliberate on cases, devise procedures to be applied in courts, and in general when they interpret the law. daccess-ods.un.org |
人类面临着制止全球变暖,使地球 冷却的巨大挑战,解决 这 一 问 题的 唯 一办 法是在农业做法上进行深刻转变, 逐渐 采 取土著和乡下从事农耕的人采用的可持 续生产模式以及促进解决农业和粮食自主问题的祖先模式和做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Humanity’s immense challenge of stopping global warming and cooling the planet can only be achieved through a profound shift in agriculture towards a sustainable model of indigenous/aboriginal small-scale production, as well as other ancestral ecological models and practices that contribute to solving the problem of climate change and ensure food sovereignty. daccess-ods.un.org |
叶柄大约1毫米;叶片椭圆状长圆形或长圆状披针形的,老的下部枝上的叶小, 5.5-7 * 1.8-2.3 厘米,在年轻的上部枝上的叶大, 8.5-12 * 3-3.8 厘米,薄革质或纸质,两面无毛,发亮,基部楔形,边缘外卷, 先 端渐 尖 , 钝,或具小短尖顶部;两面的中脉突起,侧脉18-20 对,脉间2-4毫米,细脉密。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole ca. 1 mm; leaf blade elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, leaves on old lower branches small, 5.5-7 × 1.8-2.3 cm, on young upper branches large, 8.5-12 × 3-3.8 cm, thinly coriaceous or chartaceous, both surfaces glabrous, shining, base [...] cuneate, margin [...] revolute, apex acuminate, obtuse, or with mucronulate tip; midrib elevated on both surfaces, lateral veins 18-20 pairs, 2-4 mm between veins, veinlets dense. flora.ac.cn |