

单词 作答

作答 noun ()

please answer n

See also:


answer v
respond v
reply v
return v


External sources (not reviewed)

作答時完 全沒有形容行政長官在立法會會議廳答覆 陳議員的質詢時,所說的是行政長官個人的意見。
I did not say in my reply that the remarks of the Chief Executive in reply to Mr CHAN's [...]
question in this Chamber were the
personal opinions of the Chief Executive.
如果你再說下去,司 長便沒有時作答了。
If you go on speaking, the Chief Secretary will not have
[...] the time to give a reply.
代表团指出,一些问题在开幕发言和对已收到的预先准备的问题 作答复 中已有论述。
It noted that some issues had already been addressed in the opening statement and responses to advance questions received.
由于缔约国作答复, 因此必须对提交人的指控给予应有的重视,视之为已获得 适当的证实。
In the absence of a reply from the State party, [...]
due weight must be given to the authors' allegations, to the extent that
these have been properly substantiated.
本數表所列數字已經撇除自稱不瞭解預算案內容而沒 作答 的 被 訪者。
Figures listed in this table have already excluded respondents who said they did not know the content of the budget.
所有六作答的联 合国组织,都表示愿意加强联合国系统内部在政策性问题和实地计 划上的合作,以增加互补性,避免工作重复。
All six United Nations organizations that responded expressed their readiness to strengthen cooperation within the United Nations system with respect both to policy issues and to programmes at the field level with a view to complementing each other and avoiding duplication of work.
在对一位专家提出的关于“追加计划”应具 有灵活性,以便未预计到的和新出现的需求都能够得到满足的要 作答 时 , 秘书处的代表确 认,该“追加计划”还将反映各国的发展战略和其它共同在国家一级开展的计划,反映不断 变化的需求和情况。
In response to the request by an expert to make “additional programme” flexible so that unforeseen/emerging needs can be accommodated, it was confirmed that the “additional programme” also would reflect national development strategies and other joint country-level programmes, as well as changing needs and circumstances.
小组委员会认为,不需要专家咨询或相关 国际组织的合作,但需要更多时间审查全部数据并编写向委员会转递的建议;小 组委员会指出,这还将取决于毛里求斯和塞舌尔两国代表团对小组委员会问题作答复的时间和内容。
The Subcommission concluded that it did not require the advice of specialists nor the cooperation of relevant international organizations and that further time would be required to examine all the data and prepare its recommendations for transmittal to the Commission, noting that this would
also depend on the timing and
[...] content of the responses of the delegations of Mauritius and Seychelles to its questions.
因此,我认为,只有当安全理事会请求法院提供法律咨询意见时,法 作答 复才是恰当的。
Therefore, in my view, only if the
Court were asked by the Security Council to provide its legal advice, would it have
[...] been proper for the Court to reply.
對此表所含問題作答將有助於蘇 格蘭犯罪記錄辦事處確定,登記人員是否已遵守本守則和法律規定。
This form will contain
[...] questions which, when answered, will assist Disclosure [...]
Scotland in determining adherence by the registered
person to the Code and the law
专家们欢迎一些国家给予合作,包括44 个国家对调查问作答,然 而, 专家们表示遗憾的是,虽然缔约国有对秘密拘留进行调查的义务,但是,许多国 家没有对调查问作答,而收到的答复大多资料不足。
While the experts welcome the cooperation extended by a number of States, including through the responses submitted by 44 of them to the questionnaire, they express their regret that, although States have the obligation to investigate secret detention, many did not send responses, and a majority of those received did not contain sufficient information.
1.7 考生必須於答題簿、補充答題紙或特別答題紙 作答 , 並 不得撕下答題簿內紙頁。
1.7 Candidates shall answer only on answer books, supplementary answer sheets and special answer sheets provided for the purpose.
納入質素控制計劃的公司應把作答 的 試卷及成績正本夾附在有 關的人事檔案或質素控制計劃培訓檔案內,並在另一檔案標示適 當的參考條目。
QAIHT companies should attach original copies of completed examination papers and results to either the relevant personnel file(s) or the QAIHT training file and make appropriate cross reference in the other file.
我們強調被訪者務須如作答,否 則調查結果便沒有參考價值。
We emphasized that the
[...] interviewees must answer honestly, otherwise [...]
the research result will lose its value.
接受审评的缔约方可作简短的口头陈述,随后由缔约方口头提问,并由接受 审评的缔约方应答提问; 对每个缔约方进行的国际评估的结果将包括下列各项:秘书处编写的包括
[...] 深入审评报告的纪录、履行机构的概要报告、缔约方提交的问题和 作答 复 , 以 及接受审评的缔约方在履行机构工作组届会两个月之内提出的任何其他意见。
The outputs of the international assessment for each Party will include the following: a record prepared by the secretariat which includes in-depth review reports, the
summary report of the SBI, questions submitted by
[...] Parties and responses provided, and [...]
any other observations by the Party under
review that are submitted within two months of the working group session of the SBI.
(d) 如果某个非政府组织在非政府组织处在连续两届会议期间发出两次催 复函和说明作答复后 果的第三次即最后一次催复函后仍不答复委员会的问题, 则该组织的申请将视为将无损结束。
(d) If a non-governmental organization does not respond to questions posed by the Committee after two reminders, and a third (final) reminder explaining the consequences of the failure to respond, sent by the Non-Governmental Organizations Branch throughout the course of two consecutive sessions of the Committee, the application of the concerned organization will be considered closed without prejudice.
如果委员会没有就缔约国作答复的 性质做 最后决定,那么它应说:“对话仍在继续”。
In situations where the Committee does not make a final decision on the nature of a State party’s response, it should state that “the dialogue is ongoing”.
为改善宣传作,答卷人 主要向国际组织寻求人 员培训、指导原则和最佳做法及援助,这些组织在第六条的活动、获得信息及信 息和通信技术方面具有专门知识。
In order to improve awarenessraising efforts, the respondents primarily seek training for staff, guidelines and best practices, assistance from international organizations with expertise in Article 6 activities and access to information and communication technologies (ICTs).
我方也可能要求您完成我方用于研究目的的调查,但您不一定非 作答。
We may also ask you to complete surveys that we use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them.
被申请人可选择将其对第 4 条规定的仲裁通知答 复当作答辩书 对待,条件是对该仲裁通知的答复也符合本条第 2 款的 要求。
The respondent may elect to treat its response to the notice of arbitration in article 4 as a statement of defence, provided that the response to the notice of arbitration also complies with the requirements of paragraph 2 of this article.
多数意见倾向于备选案文 1,其将公布仲裁通知及对通知作答 复 的 问题留 待仲裁庭组成之后解决。
The majority view was in favour of option 1, which left the question of the publication of the notice of arbitration and of the response thereto after the constitution of the arbitral tribunal.
與 英 國 人 相 比 , 香 港 人 的 教 育 程 度 仍 是 較 低 , 沒 有 那 麼 清 楚 自 己 的 權 利 , 並 且 對 警 方 存 有 畏 意 , 所 以 會 比
較 容 易 受 到 警 方 施 壓 々 事 實 上 , 國 際 司 法 組 織 香 港 分 會
[...] 會 員 所 得 的 經 驗,尌 是 受 疑 人 往 往 會 以 為 吐 露 實 情 可 能 無 人 相 信 而 故 此 不 真作 答 。
This makes them more vulnerable to pressure from the police and indeed the experience of members of JUSTICE
has been that suspects will often give
[...] untruthful answers because they think that a truthful answer may not be [...]
毒品和犯罪问题办公室应当与国际刑警组织协调,根据会员国就经济及社 会理事会第 2008/23 号决议执行情况而对调查表作答复 并 依照理事会第 1984/48 和第 2009/25 号决议,在其任务授权范围内扩展并更新有关文化财产贩 运问题的现有统计数字,并利用相关数据包括有关非法挖掘的数据对这些统计 数字加以补充。
In coordination with INTERPOL, and on the basis of replies to questionnaires submitted by Member States on the implementation of Economic and Social Council resolution 2008/23 and pursuant to Council resolutions 1984/48 and 2009/25, UNODC, within its mandate, should expand and update existing statistics on trafficking in cultural property and complement such statistics with relevant data, including on illicit excavations.
专 家组认为有必要区分作答复的 种类,这些答复有三种:(a) 令人满意;(b) 不 完整;(c) 未作答复。
The Group believes it is important to differentiate the kinds of responses it received, which ranged from (a) satisfactory; to (b) incomplete; to (c) absence of response.
此外,个别的机构报告中提及的行政管 理方面的问题还有,是否有能力将资金转拨一个国家以及对秘书处的问题 作答 复。
There were also administrative issues with respect to the ability to transfer funds to a country and on the lack of response to the Secretariat’s questions, which had been addressed in the individual agency reports.
第一封信函发给所有缔约国,告知它们报告的应交日期;提醒并要求 报告逾期的缔约国尽快提交报告; 第二封信函发给对提示作答复且 逾期未交报告最多的缔约国,通知 它们委员会计划在未来的某届会议上审议其逾期的报告,并要求它们提前提 交报告,以便有足够时间展开建设性对话
(ii) A second letter will be sent to States parties with the most outstanding and overdue reports that do not respond to the reminder, informing them that the Committee plans to consider the overdue report(s) at a specific session in the future, and requesting that those reports be submitted in sufficient time to allow a constructive dialogue to take place
然 而 , 本 席 覺 得 ,
[...] 一 個 人 判 斷 自 己 應作 答 的 行 為 能 力 , 較 諸 其 [...]
一 般 所 會 具 有 的 行 為 能 力 為 低 , 單 是 這 一 點 並 非 充 分 理 由 支 持 作 出 結 論 ,
說 此 人 所 作 出 的 任 何 陳 述 , 在 法 律 上 來 說 都 是 非 屬 自 願 的 。
But it seems to me that the mere fact that a man's capacity to
[...] judge whether to answer or not is less [...]
than he would normally have, does not justify
the conclusion that any statement he makes is involuntary in the legal sense.
在对多边基金派代表出席全球环境基金增资会议上提出的问 作答 复 时 ,主任解释 说,该会议期间秘书处的工作量阻止秘书处出席。
In response to a question about Multilateral Fund representation at meetings on GEF replenishment, the Chief Officer explained that the Secretariat’s workload at the time of the meeting had prevented the Secretariat from attending.
执行主任关于会员国为落实《关于开展国际合作以综合、平衡战略应对世 界毒品问题的政治宣言和行动计划》所采取行动的报告(E/CN.7/2012/14)载有 关于会员国就旨在康复和重返社会的戒毒治疗和护理政策和方案 作答 复 的分 析。
The report of the Executive Director on action taken by Member States to implement the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem (E/CN.7/2012/14) contains an
analysis of the responses of
[...] Member States with regard to drug treatment and care policies and programmes aimed at rehabilitation [...]
and reintegration.
在其作答的人 员当中,Boaty's卡车公司的维护总监Steve Cates称,其公司在变速器和拖车中使用全合成机油,发动机则使用半合成润滑油。
Among other contributions, Steve Cates, director of maintenance at Boaty’s Trucking Company, said that he used full synthetic oils in the company’s transmissions and trailers, and semi-synthetic in engines.




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