单词 | 作祟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 作祟 —hauntless common: cause mischief • haunted See also:祟—evil spirit
令人遗 憾的是,前政权的残余势力仍在作祟 , 它 们在某些 国家的帮助下凭借掠夺的财富在利比亚制造无政府 状态和不稳定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, elements of the former regime were still at work, using looted wealth to create anarchy and instability in Libya, with the help of certain States. daccess-ods.un.org |
金融泡沫也罷,趕絕小販也罷,建 屏風樓也罷,全部都是由於這樣作祟。 legco.gov.hk | So, this is to blame for everything, such as the financial bubble, the eviction of hawkers, and the construction of screen-like buildings. legco.gov.hk |
最後, 原 來 是 經 濟 霸 權 作 祟 , 由資本家 來 操 控 消費。 legco.gov.hk | At the end, economic supremacy causes trouble and spending is controlled by capitalists. legco.gov.hk |
塞尔维亚政府一直在 大肆作祟,干 涉科索沃诸多制度,我们不会像他们一 样妨碍或干涉塞尔维亚事务以及塞尔维亚的任何制 度。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are not being obstructive or interfering [...] in Serbia or in any system in Serbia, as the Serbian Government has been doing [...]by interfering very disruptively in many systems of Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们加勒比心灵上的这道伤疤至今一直在我们 的血液中作祟,在我们的骨骼中作响。 daccess-ods.un.org | That scar on our Caribbean soul remains to this day a noise in our blood and an echo in our bones. daccess-ods.un.org |
在香港的綜合社會保障援助(“綜援”)制度下,有很多人其實是因 為標籤效應,或受到本身良心所驅使,或因為自尊 心 作祟 而 沒 有申領 綜援,雖然他們絕對有這個資格。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Comprehensive Social Security System (CSSA) of Hong Kong, many people do not apply for CSSA because of the stigma attached, or they are driven by their conscience or self-esteem that, though eligible for assistance, they do not apply for CSSA. legco.gov.hk |
人们因此认为那一定是金刚院在作祟 , 为 了抚慰他的灵魂开始供奉他的灵位,据说这就是五反田柱祭的由来。 bunkashisan.ne.jp | It is said that local people started the Hashira Matsuri festival in order to placate his soul. bunkashisan.ne.jp |
它表現出同情弱勢也好,支持少數族裔也好,包括在我們的議事堂 內的人琅琅上口地說平等,支持少數族裔也好,潛意識便是這種自由主 義、理性主義的思想作祟,自己仍然認為自己是高人一等,認為自己是 在救濟別人而已,這是政治正確的。 legco.gov.hk | These people would think that they are superior and they are handing out alms to other people and it is politically right to think this way. legco.gov.hk |
由于同样的思想作祟,还 存在另外一种趋势, 即将被认为是平等的权利分级。 daccess-ods.un.org | The same thinking led to a tendency to establish a hierarchy of rights, even though they were deemed to be equal. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在自由市場、重商主義的作祟 下 , 政府放任不管,商界因 而被放縱得嬌生慣養,舊有的營商思維,追求最大的利潤、有錢賺到 盡的手法,依然大行其道,企業只管挖空心思,榨盡小市民的一分一 毫;金融機構則巧立名目,一心要謀取市民畢生的積蓄,而大財團則 巧取豪奪,跨行業的壟斷、在市場橫行霸道、短視和貪婪的本質盡現 人前。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, the next Chief Executive must cast off the burden of the predecessor. He or she should tackle the root of the problem by reforming the established governance philosophy and mindset, establishing an open and democratic system, reviewing the principle of "adopting laissez-faire policy in a free market" and that of "big market, small government" upheld in the past, so that reasonable regulation and supervision can be imposed to rectify the greedy and reckless practices in the market. legco.gov.hk |
隱瞞實情、延遲通報、自信心過大,或由於自 尊心作祟而沒 有即時向專家和國際社會要求援助,這一切再加上天 災,便造成這次災難。 legco.gov.hk | The catastrophe is caused by all these factors apart from natural disasters. legco.gov.hk |
上星期五就是科索沃解放军诉诸恐怖的遗毒 再次作祟。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is a legacy of the Kosovo Liberation Army’s value of terror that surfaced yet again on Friday. daccess-ods.un.org |
蘇妮認為當年的慘劇是由於墜機冤魂 作祟 , 導 致空難發生,因此蘇妮接受心理治療。 dddhouse.com | New insists that a vengeful spirit caused that accident, but her belief unsettled those around her and she had to go through psycho-therapy. dddhouse.com |
今天我們談論東京電力公司管理 層的人性弱點,說他們隱瞞實情、延遲通報、自信心過大,或由於自 尊心作祟而沒有即時求救等。 legco.gov.hk | When we talk about the weaknesses of human nature, that is, some members of the management team of Tokyo Electric Power are concealing the facts, delaying in notification, being over confidence or failing to seek assistance in the first instance due to self-pride, these weakness, in fact, is universal. legco.gov.hk |
這究竟是 因為我們後知後 覺 , 還 是 一 貫 抗 拒 “ 北 大 人 ” 的 心 理 作 祟 ? legco.gov.hk | Is this because we have been too slow in our realization or that we are still resisting "overlords from the north"? legco.gov.hk |
如果有人高舉“香港特區內政”這 張大旗,會令人懷疑他們究竟是欠缺基本的政治常識,抑或是主張香港獨立 的潛意識作祟呢? legco.gov.hk | Anyone holding aloof the big banner of "HKSAR's internal affairs (內政)" would therefore be suspected of either lacking fundamental knowledge of politics or subconsciously advocating the independence of the territory. legco.gov.hk |
周梁淑怡議員不 滿 我 的議案 內 容 沒 有 提 及 營 商 問題,又說我們會 被 政 府 的 民 生 概 念 分 化 , 我 認 為這完全是自 由 黨 過 度 側 重 商 界 心態作 祟 , 以為說 民 生 便 是 遺 棄 商 界 的利益 , 不關心 商 界 的 死 活 。 legco.gov.hk | I think this is all driven by the undue emphasis that the Liberal Party has put on the commercial sector, thinking that improvements to the people's livelihood would mean discarding the interests of the commercial sector to the neglect of the viability of the sector. legco.gov.hk |
新界西北的交通問題的確是非常迫切的,我希望 政府正視,不要再容許㆒貫過份保守、官僚,「有心唔怕遲」這類心 態 作祟 而 再 拖延, 更不要用財政為推搪理由。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that the Administration will pay proper attention to the problem and never let its long-standing, over-conservative, bureaucratic and "an-intention-is-never-late" mentality cause it to further procrastinate. legco.gov.hk |
此外,在重商主義的作祟下, 政府放任 不管,商界因而被縱得驕生慣養,舊有的營商思維,追求最大的利潤、 有錢“賺到盡”的手法,依然大行其道。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, the Government has adopted a laissez-faire policy under the influence of mercantilism, thus spoiling the business sector to the extent that the old business mentality of seeking maximum profits and "making as great the profit margin as possible" still prevails. legco.gov.hk |
在瀏覽網頁的同時,用筆親自記下感想,為當代「遊牧民族」提供便攜的電子 工 作 站 ,完全符合我們所 推 祟 的 「Classic Meets Modern」理念。 think-silly.com | Ideal for the digital age nomads, it perfectly echoes our ‘classic meets modern’ concept. think-silly.com |
以言论自由的名义鬼鬼祟祟地诽谤宗教的行 为必须受到谴责,需要就如何解决这一现象达成共 识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The creeping defamation of religions in the name of freedom of expression must be condemned and a consensus was needed on how to tackle that phenomenon. daccess-ods.un.org |
陸教授明白,李教授是想 教院像祟基模式,成為中大的一部分。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Luk understood what Professor Li wanted was for HKIEd to be part of CUHK in accordance with the Chung Chi model. legco.gov.hk |
老鼠已經是一些既鬼祟又討厭, 偷偷摸摸和令人生厭的動物,如果是無皮的老鼠,便更令人不快了。 legco.gov.hk | The rat is already a sneaky and disgusting creature. legco.gov.hk |
策划及制作「广 东省王杰巡迴演唱会」、「国际华裔小姐」 (2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届香港人旅游节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、 「 祟 福 皮 革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演唱会」、「香港明星足球队多伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨. fso-createhk.gov.hk | Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese International" (2002, 2004 & 2008), "Goldlion - Xian Special", "Memorial Ceremony of the King in Xian", "The 3rd Hong Kong People Tour Festival", "Nancy Sit Concert", a sponsored concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: [...] Xian Concert", [...]a contect organised by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Meeting and Signing Ceremony". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
Obscura》2011冬季號現已出版,延續《Obscura》的創刊目的, 推 祟 我 們 感興趣和認為有價值的事物,今回封面故事以「Travel With Time」為主題,找來多輛生產年份早至上世紀二十年代的汽車以及背後有著動人故事的罕見手錶 製 作 成 特 集,以歷史價值及美學角 度 作 審 視 ,展現它們超越時空的美態,希望能帶領讀者從另一個角度欣賞舊有事物的獨有內在美。 think-silly.com | With ‘Travel With Time’ as the main theme, the cover story introducing different antique machineries including cars that from the 20th century and rare watches with special stories behind, we hope to bring out its historical stories and its manifest beauty in shape, let our readers feel them in a different way, together will find inspiration in our presentation. think-silly.com |
我经常要给人们解释"为什么"安全如此重要("如果你没有什么可以隐藏的...",你什么都不做,那么授权加密是足够重要的,"只有罪犯和恐怖分子才匿名的鬼 鬼 祟祟 的 行事",等等,令 人 作 呕 ), 不管这个"为什么"为什么如此重要,在今天以及使用DSL或甚至使用一个全速的T1的个人网络里,我热衷于能给他们条理性的解释网络安全的重要性. openbsd.groupbsd.org | As I have to frequently explain to people *why* security is important at all ("if you have nothing to hide...", "nothing you do is important enough to warrant encryption...", "only criminals and terrorists need to sneak around anonymously...", etc. ad nauseam), let alone *why* it's important in this day and age of personal networks behind a DSL or even a full T1, I love being able to point them to a page which sets out a well-reasoned explanation for taking computer security seriously. openbsd.groupbsd.org |
結合莊嚴祟高的 風格與超現實主義,Marlène Mocquet 巧妙地利用點滴和厚塗顏料所作的混 合媒介 創 作 出 一 個個人,充滿詩意和奇異的宇宙,從而激起我們的好奇心。 frenchmay.com | Melding surrealism with the sublime, Mocquet masterfully executes her canvases in drips and impastos of mixed media, creating a personal, poetic and fantastic universe that piques our curiosity. frenchmay.com |
副主席察悉,重建期間,該校會暫時遷往 前沙田祟真中 學的空置校舍上課。他關注前沙 田祟 真中 學的樓宇狀況,包括其嚴重滲水問題,並且詢 問當局能否及時完成修葺工程,為該校提供臨時校 舍,以及哪一方會承擔修葺工程費用。 legco.gov.hk | Noting that during redevelopment, the School would be temporarily accommodated at the vacant school premises of the ex-Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School ("STTSS"), the Deputy Chairman expressed concern about the physical conditions at STTSS including its serious water leakage problem, and enquired whether repairs works could be completed in time to provide temporary accommodation, as well as the party that would bear the repair costs. legco.gov.hk |
不過,大家可看到整件事都真的是沒規沒矩、章法全亂的,甚至根本沒有章 法可言,一方面說薪酬是個人私隱,轉過頭卻鬼 鬼 祟祟 地 透過新聞處公布, 還指是他們個人願意公布的。 legco.gov.hk | However, it is obvious to all that no rules and regulations were followed in the incident and he has totally stepped out of line, and I would say there was no standard practice to speak of. legco.gov.hk |