

单词 佛朗机



Western (or Western-style) cannon of the Ming era


Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era

See also:


Buddha n
Buddhism n


External sources (not reviewed)

为博茨瓦纳的中央和省机构政府官员举办了消费者保 护和消费者福祉的培训班(11 月佛朗西斯城)。
A Training Course on Consumer Protection and Consumer Welfare for government officials from both central and provincial agencies of Botswana was organized (Francistown, November).
2010 年 5 月 25 日,工作组发布了一份新闻稿,关切地注意到司 机 关总 委员会暂停了西班牙法官 Baltasar Garzón 的职务,原因是他受理并调查了 2006 年提交的关于西班牙内战佛朗哥政 权时期发生的 10 万多宗强迫失踪事件的指 控。
On 25 May 2010, the Working Group issued a press release noting with concern the suspension of Judge Baltasar Garzón of Spain by the General Council of the Judiciary for having admitted and investigated a series of complaints submitted in 2006 regarding more than 100,000 cases of enforced disappearances which occurred during the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime.
[...] 烃淘汰管理计划项目提案,这是开发计划署根据第 55/13 号决定(d)段以牵机构名义为朗伊斯 兰共和国提交的一揽子提案的组成部分。
The representative of the Secretariat said that UNIDO had submitted a proposal for preparation of an HCFC phase-out management plan for the compressor manufacturing and residential air conditioning manufacturing sub-sector as part of
a package proposal for the Islamic
[...] Republic of Iran submitted by UNDP as lead agency, in [...]
the light of decision 55/13(d).
在上述第一次会议之后,朗和原子 能 机 构 之 间的交流导致进一步详细拟订 了该结构化方案。
Following that first
[...] meeting, exchanges between Iran and the Agency resulted [...]
in further elaboration of the structured approach.
佛朗哥夫 人(厄瓜多尔)(以西班牙语发言):我们 厄瓜多尔共和国卫生部谨表示,我们对在此次和以往 会议上在集体和全球制定预防和控制慢性非传染性 疾病的行动和战略方面表达的共识表示满意。
): We in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Ecuador would like to express our satisfaction with the agreement expressed at this and previous meetings regarding progress in the collective and global development of actions and strategies to prevent and control chronic non-communicable diseases.
Lumerical的设计软件已在30多个国家应用,全球科技领先厂商,如安捷伦、ASML、博世、佳能、Harris、飞利浦、奥林巴斯、三星和意法半导体,以及众多卓越研 机 构 ,如 哈 佛 大 学 、加州理工学院、马克斯 朗 克 研 究所、麻省理工学院、美国国家标准与技术研究院和中国科学院等,都在使用Lumerical的设计软件FDTD [...]
Lumerical's design software solutions are employed in more than 30 countries by global technology leaders like Agilent, ASML, Bosch, Canon, Harris, Philips, Olympus,
Samsung, and
[...] STMicroelectronics, and prominent research institutions including Caltech, Harvard, Max Planck Institute, [...]
MIT, NIST and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
其中规模最大的制造商佛山市恒力 机 械 有限公司(HLT),该公司成立于1957年,在1988年生产了中国的第一台液压陶瓷压机。
The largest of these is Foshan Henglitai Machinery (HLT), which was established in 1957 and produced China’s first hydraulic ceramic press in 1988.
伊朗不得从本国领土,或由本国国民,或使用 悬挂本国国旗的船只或飞机,直接或间接地提
[...] 供、销售或转让武器或有关材料,所有国家都应 禁止本国国民,或使用悬挂本国国旗的船只或机,从伊朗购置这些物项”。
Iran shall not supply, sell or transfer directly or indirectly from its territory or by its nationals or using its flag vessels or aircraft any arms or related materiel, and that all
States shall prohibit the procurement
[...] of such items from Iran by their nationals, [...]
or using their flag vessels or aircraft”.
此外,除了伊瓦图-塔那那佛飞机场 和 图阿马西纳港之外,马达加斯加国 际飞机场和港口的安全程度,尚未达到打击恐怖主义所需。
Other than the Antananarivo-Ivato Airport and the Port of Toamasina, Madagascar’s international airports and ports do not have a sufficient level of security in terms of counter-terrorism.
虽然原子机构根据伊朗的“保障协定”继续开展核查活动,但伊朗并没有 履行以下一些义务,包括:没有执行其“附加议定书”的规定;没有执行其“保 障协定”经修订的“辅助安排”总则第 3.1 条;没有中止浓缩相关活动;没有中 [...]
止重水相关活动;以及没有澄清引起对其核计划可能的军事层面关切的遗留未决 问题。
While the Agency continues to conduct verification activities under Iran’s Safeguards Agreement, Iran is not [...]
implementing a number of
its obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; suspension of heavy water related activities; and clarification of the remaining outstanding issues which give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to its nuclear programme.
奥兰多国机场(MCO)位佛罗里 达州奥兰多的奥兰治县,它是距离奥兰多各国际知名景点、奥兰治县会议中心及市中心商业区最近的商用机场。
Orlando International Airport (MCO) located in Orlando; in Orange County, Florida; is the closest [...]
commercial airport to
Orlando's world-class attractions, the Orange County Convention Center, and the downtown business district.
除了中国水电建设集团负责科卡卡多-新克雷水利电力项目以外,我宣布中国公司中国水利电力对外公司(简称CWE)已于2010年12月24日起负责Toachi Pilatón公司的建筑项目(242MW);其他中国公司也表示了他们对索布拉水电项目(487MW)、 佛朗 西 斯 科煤矿(270MW)及Delsitanisagua(115MW)等项目的兴趣;中国中铁集团(中国中铁四局土木工程集团有限公司)已开始负责乔内多功能项目的建筑工程,其他公司也计划在阿瓜多尔进行数千万的投资。
In addition to the Sinohydro Corporation, in charge of the Sinclair Hydroelectric Project Coca-Coda, I announce that China International Water and Electrical Corporation (CWE) is, from December 24, 2010, in charge of the construction project (242 MW) of Toachi Pilatón; other Chinese companies are also interested in the Sopladora Hydroelectric Project (487 MW), San Francisco Coal Mine (270 MW), Delsitanisagua (115 MW), etc. The China Railway Group (China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd.) is now in charge of the construction of Chone Multi-functional Project and other companies aim to make huge investment of millions in Ecuador.
外交部长霍希亚尔·扎巴里先生访问了罗马,在 12 月 14 日举行的伊拉克-意大利联合委员会会议期间 与意大利外佛朗哥·弗拉蒂尼先生举行了会晤,并 且还于 1 月 14 日参加了麦纳麦对话会议,会上讨论 了海湾地区安全所涉及的问题。
The Foreign Minister, Mr. Hoshyar Zebari, visited Rome and met with his Italian counterpart, Mr. Franco Frattini, during the meeting of the IraqiItalian Joint Commission on 14 December, and on 14 January participated in the Manama Dialogue conference, which discussed issues of regional security in the Gulf.
代理主席(以英语发言):我现在请厄瓜多尔卫生 部副部长法蒂玛·佛朗哥夫 人阁下发言。
I now give the floor to Her Excellency Mrs. Fatima Franco, Deputy Minister for Health of Ecuador.
U2009国际铀研讨会将于2009年5月9日至13日在Keystone科罗拉多度假村及会议中心举行,该会议中心位于洛矶山风景区,距离 佛 国 际 机 场 2个小时的车程,附近有许多滑雪场和湖泊,以及白雪皑皑的群山。
The U2009 Global Uranium Symposium will be held May 9-13, 2009 at the Keystone, Colorado Resort & Conference located in the
scenic Rocky Mountains, a two-hour
[...] drive from Denver International Airport and near [...]
several other ski resorts, lakes and snowcapped mountains.
最 著 名 的例 子 ,是墨 索 里 尼佛 朗 哥 的法西斯政權。
The most well-known examples are the fascist regimes under MUSSOLINI and FRANCO.
正如先前在 2011
[...] 年 6 月 19 日的信函中所报告的那样,朗通知 原子 机构 它 打算“将一些乏燃料组件(高浓铀控制燃料元件)和标准燃料元件从乏燃料池 [...]
As previously reported, in a
[...] letter dated 19 June 2011, Iran informed the Agency of [...]
its intention to “transfer some of spent
fuel assemblies (HEU [high enriched uranium] Control Fuel Element (CFE) and Standard Fuel Element (SFE)) from spent fuel pool (KMPE) to reactor core (KMPB) in order to conduct a research project”.
[...] 制性的各项决议的要求采取充分履行其“保障协定”和其他义务的步骤,并敦促朗与原子能机构进 行合作,以期在所有未决实质性问题上取得具体成果。
The Director General continues to urge Iran, as required in the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory Security Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its
Safeguards Agreement and its other
[...] obligations, and to urge Iran to engage with the Agency [...]
to achieve concrete results on all outstanding substantive issues.
[...] 对我国进行的无端指控,我想在这里提及,以色列政 权的代表根据该政权针对我国的好战宣传活动,再次 利用这个机构对伊朗进行无端指控。
Finally, with regard to the baseless allegations made this morning against my country, in particular by the representative of the Israeli regime, I would like to mention that the representative of the Israeli regime, in line with the regime’s
warmongering and propaganda campaign against my country, has once again used this body
[...] to level baseless allegations against Iran.
1994 年 3 月 17 日,一架朗 C-130 运机在亚美尼亚武装部队占领的阿塞 拜疆领土上空被击落,导致 [...]
32 人死亡,死者为伊朗伊斯兰共和国公民。
On 17 March 1994, an Iranian C-130 transport aircraft [...]
was shot down over the territory of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenian
armed forces, resulting in the deaths of 32 people who were citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
[...] 同意“向外界公布铀浓缩能力的进展,并由国 机 构而朗本身 执行任何工业规模行动”将很有帮助。
It would also be helpful for Iran to agree to “stretch out over time the development of its
enrichment capability and to have any industrial-scale
[...] activity conducted not by Iran but by an international [...]
另 一个重机构 是佛 得角两性平等 和公平协会,专门 处理两性平等 和 壮 大 [...]
妇女力量的问题,它努 力 与 民间社会合作,共同接触政府方案难以触及的群体。
Another key
[...] body is the Cape-Verdean Institute for Gender [...]
Equality and Equity, working specifically on gender issues and
empowerment of women, which has been seeking to work with civil society in a joint effort to reach groups that are difficult to contact through governmental programmes.
为伊朗和平使用核能提供必要的技术和财政援助,支持原子 机 构 恢复 在朗的技术合作项目。
Provision of technological and financial assistance necessary for
Iran’s peaceful use of nuclear energy, support for the resumption of
[...] technical cooperation projects in Iran by the IAEA.
尽管原子机构与伊朗之间自 2012 年 1 月以来加强了对话,但解决所有未 决实质性问题的努力却未取得具体的成果:伊朗在一份初步声明10 中干脆不再 谈论原子能机构对GOV/2011/65 号文件附件C部分中所确定问题的关切; 朗 没有 答复原子机构有关帕尔钦和外国专家的初步问题; 朗 没 有 向原子 机 构 提 供 对原子能机构要求接触的帕尔钦场址内的一个场所的准入;以及伊朗一直在该场 所进行会显著妨碍原子能机构开展有效核查能力的活动。
Despite the intensified
[...] dialogue between the Agency and Iran since January 2012, efforts to resolve all outstanding substantive issues have achieved no concrete results: Iran, in an initial declaration,10 simply dismissed the Agency’s concerns in connection with the issues identified in Section C of the Annex to GOV/2011/65; Iran has not responded to the Agency’s initial questions on Parchin and the foreign expert; Iran has not provided [...]
the Agency with access
to the location within the Parchin site to which the Agency has requested access; and Iran has been conducting activities at that location that will significantly hamper the Agency’s ability to conduct effective verification.
中国水电建设集团负责科卡卡多-新克雷水利电力项目以外,我宣布中国公司中国水利电力对外公司(CWE)已于2010年12月24日起负责Toachi Pilatón公司的建筑项目(242MW);其他中国公司也表示了他们对索布拉水电项目(487MW)、 佛朗 西 斯 科煤矿(270MW)及Delsitanisagua(115MW)等项目的兴趣。
In addition to the Sinohydro Corporation, in charge of the Sinclair Hydroelectric Project Coca-Coda, I announce that China International Water and Electrical Corporation (CWE) is, from December 24, 2010, in charge
of the construction
[...] project (242 MW) of Toachi Pilatón; other Chinese companies are also interested in the Sopladora Hydroelectric Project (487 MW), San Francisco Coal [...]
Mine (270 MW), Delsitanisagua (115 MW), etc.
這項工程涉及原有的“圓柱大廳”的重新組合﹔印象派繪畫廳、圖形藝術室 佛朗 索 瓦 茲•加辛展廳(Galerie Françoise Cachin)的翻新,同時包括露天平台和象征派畫廳。
It involves reorganisation of the former salle des colonnes, redesign of the Impressionist gallery and the adjacent small rooms dedicated to the graphic arts as well as renovation of the Galerie Françoise Cachin, including the terrace on the middle floor and the Symbolist gallery.
修复和弘扬以下一些考古和历史古迹遗址:杰里科(意大利资助的项目 Qasr Hisham),纳布卢斯(欧洲联盟资助的、意大利专家提供技术援助的 项目 Khan Al Wakalat),希布伦(制订保护这个古城的规划,以实施一项 行动计划,这是世界银行资助的项目),伯利恒(修复“Hosh Al Syrian” 建筑,比利佛朗德勒 社团资助的项目)。
the restoration and enhancement of various archaeological and historical monuments and sites in Jericho (Qasr Hisham, a project funded by Italy), Nablus (Khan AlWakalat, a project funded by the European Union, with technical support from Italian experts), Hebron (preparation of the plan for safeguarding the old city with a view to implementing an action plan, a project funded by the World Bank) and Bethlehem (restoration of the “Hosh Al-Syrian” building, a project funded by the Flemish Community of Belgium).
讲习班由伊朗伊斯兰共和国政府主办,2009 年 11 月 8 日至 11 日在德黑兰举 行,外层空间事务厅和朗空间机构 共 同组织了这期讲习班,亚洲太平洋空间 合作组织提供了支助。
The workshop, held in Tehran from 8 to 11 November 2009, had been hosted by the
Government of the Islamic
[...] Republic of Iran and jointly organized by the Office for Outer Space Affairs and the Iranian Space Agency, [...]
with support from
the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization.
2011 年 11 月 18 日,理事会通过了
[...] GOV/2011/69 号决议,其中除其他外,特 别强调朗和原子能机构必 须加强旨在紧急解决所有未决实质问题的对话,以澄 [...]
On 18 November 2011, the Board of Governors adopted resolution GOV/2011/69 in
which, inter alia, it stressed that
[...] it was essential for Iran and the Agency to intensify [...]
their dialogue aimed at the urgent
resolution of all outstanding substantive issues for the purpose of providing clarifications regarding those issues, including access to all relevant information, documentation, sites, material, and personnel in Iran.
由于伊朗航空公司在 协助伊朗几百万人出入伊朗,与其他国家进行交往,美国针对包括伊朗航空公司
等民事和商业公司所采取的危害性措施显然不仅有悖于其关于协助推动各国之 间的文化关系的空洞宣传,而且被伊朗人民视为一种敌对行动,无异于
[...] 1998 年 7 月美国军舰在波斯湾击落朗商业飞 机 的 举动,这一举动造成 269 名无辜伊朗人 [...]
Since Iran Air helps millions of Iranian people to connect to and interact with other nations in and out of the country, the inimical nature of the United States measures against civil and commercial companies, including Iran Air, not only clearly runs counter to its hollow propaganda on its support of the promotion of cultural relations among nations but also is
considered by the Iranian people an act as
[...] hostile as downing the Iranian commercial jetliner [...]
in the Persian Gulf by a United States
warship in July 1998, resulting in the death of 269 innocent Iranians, including tens of women and children.




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