

单词 体认

External sources (not reviewed)

考虑到传播和信息的预算不多,提高本部门的筹资技术的迫切需要已成为总部外 和总部的体认识。
There is an overall recognition of the urgent need to enhance the Sector’s fund-raising techniques in view of CI’s modest budget, both in the field and at Headquarters.
关于贩运人口问题,加体认为, 解决这个问题 的最有效途径之一是通过多边、区域和双边合作,注 [...]
Regarding the
[...] trafficking of person, CARICOM was of the view [...]
that one of the most effective means of tackling the problem
was through continued bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation, with a focus on capacity-building and information-sharing.
但是,委员会对于缺乏对《任择议定书》所 列的罪行及其有害影响的体认识表 示关注。
The Committee is however concerned
[...] at the lack of specific awareness about the offences [...]
under the Optional Protocol and their harmful effects.
[...] 在绿色经济和“包括农业的绿色经济”背景下,绿色的渔业和水产养殖要求在综 合治理框架内体认识其 更广泛的社会角色,特别是在小型活动对当地经济增长、 [...]
减少贫困和粮食安全方面,除其他外,目的是管理该领域或领域外的外在性;创 造替代生计的机会;改进获取社会和财政服务以及教育的机会。
Therefore, in the context of the green economy, the
greening of fisheries and aquaculture
[...] requires the overall recognition of their wider [...]
societal roles – in particular of small-scale
operations for local economic growth, poverty reduction and food security – within a comprehensive governance framework, aiming inter alia: to manage externalities from or on the sector; to create alternative livelihood opportunities; and to improve access to social and financial services and education.
确认妇女是实现可持续发展方面的关键行 体 , 认 识 到 两性平等观念可以促 进应对气候变化的工作
Acknowledging women as key actors in the efforts [...]
towards sustainable development, and recognizing that a gender perspective can
contribute to efforts to address climate change
一方面,发达国家中存在着一些强大的游说 体 , 认 为 所 有知识产权 都有利于商业,使广大公众受益,并促进技术进步。
On the one side, the developed world side, there exists a powerful
[...] lobby of those who believe that all IPRs [...]
are good for business, benefit the public
at large and act as catalysts for technical progress.
首尔议程》呼吁教科文组织会员国、民间社会、专业组织和 体认 同 议程的目标,采 用议程建议的方法,协调一致地实施议程的行动要点,从而充分发挥高质量艺术教育的潜 [...]
力,积极革新教育系统,实现关键的社会和文化目标,最终是为了让儿童、青年以及所有年 龄段的终身学习者从中受益。
The Seoul Agenda calls upon UNESCO Member States, civil
society, professional organizations
[...] and communities to recognize its governing goals, [...]
to employ the proposed strategies,
and to implement the action items in a concerted effort to realize the full potential of high quality arts education to positively renew educational systems, to achieve crucial social and cultural objectives, and ultimately to benefit children, youth and life-long learners of all ages.
使这种信贷可行的一个重要因素是,从 2004 年至 2007 年,在乡村妇女工作
[...] 证国家方案的框架内签发了 56 万份证件,这个方案除了免费签发证件外,还促 进体认识身 份证和工作证的需要和用处,并让妇女知道如何利用土地改革、家 [...]
An important factor in the viability of these loans was the issuance of 560,000 identification documents between 2004 and 2007 under the National Rural Women Workers Documentation Programme, which not only made it possible to
issue such documents at no cost
[...] but promoted specific efforts to increase awareness of the need [...]
for and usefulness of civil
registration and employment documents and advised women on how to benefit from public policy in the areas of agrarian reform, family farming and social security.
各国使宗教组织、警察和其他民间 社会组织等各种体认识到 两性平等和性别暴力问题的重要性,并向家庭暴力受 害者提供了社会支持。
Various groups, such as religious organizations, the police and other civil society organizations, were sensitized on gender equality and gender-based violence, and social support was provided to assist victims of domestic violence.
(4) 有关是否需要设立及维持认购权储备及如有需要时所须设立及维持的
[...] 金额、有关认购权储备曾适用的用途、有关其曾用作弥补本公司亏损的程度、有关 须向行使认股权证持有人配发的入账列作缴足额外股份的面值以及有关认购权储备 任何其他事宜的证书或报告(由核数师编制),在没有明显错误下,对本公司及体认股权证持有人及股东而言属不可推翻及具约束力。
(4) A certificate or report by the auditors for the time being of the Company as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as
fully paid, and as to
[...] any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be [...]
conclusive and binding
upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
科学技术界主要体认识到 ,森林研究需要进一步彰 显森林和森林资源的效用及贡献,并采取更加令人信服的方式适当和有效地向终 [...]
The scientific and technological
[...] community major group recognizes that research needs [...]
to further demonstrate the usefulness
and contributions of forests and forest resources and to communicate its findings appropriately and effectively to end-users and in a more convincing manner.
将某些国际劳工公约适用于极为不同的情况 时,当然必须有极大的灵活性,但国际劳工大会 体认 定 为 此目的是 明智和必要的规定都写入公约条款内,如果证明这些规定不足以达到 目的,可由大会依照本身的正常程序随时加以个修订。
Great flexibility is of course necessary in the application of certain international labour Conventions to widely varying circumstances, but the provisions regarded by the collective judgement of the International Labour Conference as wise and necessary for this purpose are embodied in the terms of the Conventions and, if they prove inadequate for the purpose, are subject to revision by the Conference at any time in accordance with its regular procedures.
然而,第 5 段中关于建立南亚无核武器区的要求,未 体认到 实地现状。
However, the call in paragraph 5 for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in
[...] South Asia fails to acknowledge the reality on the ground.
(3) 如果采购体认为同 根据本条第(2)款(a)项邀请的供应商或承包商谈判显然 [...]
(3) If it becomes apparent to
[...] the procuring entity that the negotiations [...]
with the supplier or contractor invited pursuant
to paragraph (2)(a) of this article will not result in a procurement contract, the procuring entity shall inform that supplier or contractor that it is terminating the negotiations.
观察团在雇用司机方面遇到困难,因为反对派 体认 为 当地司机是安保部门 人员,不让他们进入其地区;这样,观察员就不得不自己驾驶车辆。
The Mission encountered difficulties in hiring
drivers because the
[...] opposition groups refused to allow local drivers to enter their areas because they believed the drivers were [...]
members of the security
services, which forces the observers to drive the vehicles themselves.
正如宣言中强调的那样,葡语共 体认 为 , 必 须在联合国主持下促进同其他区域和国际伙伴,尤 其是同非洲联盟、西非经共体和欧洲联盟的密切协 调,以便建立一种能够有效促进几内亚比绍的稳定 的伙伴关系。
To that end, we should consider the holding of a high-level meeting on Guinea-Bissau, to be convened by the Secretary-General, with the aim of articulating a common strategy to bring a lasting and stable solution between the willing partners and the leadership of the Transitional Government to help to keep it focused on the implementation of the priority programmes for the transition.
因此,我们需要树立一种体认识,使人们意识到这项责任的重要性,而且我们 必须能够商定基本的指导方针。
Therefore, we need
[...] to build a collective awareness of the importance [...]
of this responsibility and must be able to agree on the fundamental guidelines.
加勒比共同体(加体)认为,2011 年 7 月 14 日的主席非正式文件全面反映 [...]
了迄今为止我们就武器贸易条约所进行的审议,为即将于 2012 年 7 月举行的关 于武器贸易条约的外交会议的谈判提供了一个有益的基础。
The Caribbean
[...] Community (CARICOM) is of the view [...]
that the Chair’s non-paper of 14 July 2011 represents a balanced perspective
on our deliberations thus far on the treaty and would form a useful basis for our negotiations at the diplomatic conference on the treaty, to be held in July 2012.
[...] 任何形式暴力或虐待行为受害者的残疾人的 体 、 认 知 和 心理得到恢复和康复, 并促进他们重返社会。
45. Article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires States parties to
take all appropriate measures to promote
[...] the physical, cognitive and psychological [...]
recovery, rehabilitation and social reintegration
of persons with disabilities who become victims of any forms of violence or abuse.
委员会还欢迎缔约国为解决历史条约诉求作出的努力,但感到关切的 是有报告称,在一例个案中,尽管一些毛利人 体认 为 解 决办法没有恰当体现部 落原有的所有权,缔约国却结束了协商。
The Committee also welcomes the efforts of the State party to settle historical Treaty claims, but is concerned at reports
that in one particular
[...] case, the State party put an end to consultations despite the claim of some Māori groups that the settlements [...]
did not adequately
reflect original tribal ownership.
在曾经是暴力受害者的残疾妇女和残疾女孩要求获得为促进其 体 、 认知 和 心理复原、康复和重返社会所必要的健康和其他服务时,仍然存在着妨碍她们 诉诸司法的许多障碍。
Many of the obstacles hindering access to justice for women and girls with disabilities who have been victims of violence are also present when they request health and other services necessary to promote physical, cognitive and psychological recovery, rehabilitation and social integration.
青少年主要体认为,加强教育和能力建设,尤其是加强对青年人的教育和 能力建设,可以提高对森林的认识和了解,因此,这应该成为国家和公私部门努 [...]
The children
[...] and youth major group believes that enhancing education [...]
and capacity-building, especially among young people,
raises awareness and knowledge about forests and should therefore constitute a crucial addition to State and public and private sector efforts.
他继续指出,“生命之水”国际行动十年(2005-2015)展示了会员国将其对水 的重要性的体认知转 化为行动的政治意志,尤其是转化为实现国际商定的水相 [...]
He went on to state that the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015 demonstrated the
political will of Member States to
[...] translate their collective recognition of the importance [...]
of water into action, particularly
action to achieve the internationally agreed water-related goals, including the Millennium Development Goals and environmental sustainability.
目前,公司以深圳为基点、以北京为先导,立足光彩国际中心、泛海国际居住区两个重点项目,全面启动ISO9001(质量)、ISO14001(环境)、GB/T28001(职业健康安全)三位 体认 证 工 作,打造标准化、规范化、职业化的一流物业管理企业。
Based on Glory China Center and Oceanwide
International Residential District, OPM is on the
[...] way for three certifications: ISO9001 (quality), [...]
ISO14001(environment) and GB/T28001
(professional health security) , which would shape it into a standardized, regulated and professional top-tier property management company.
董事会将制订、管理和监督面向所有执行 体 的 认 证 程序,该程序以体 认证标准为基础,反映基金的信托原则和标准及环境和社会保障措施。
49. The Board will develop, manage and oversee an accreditation process for all implementing entities based on specific accreditation criteria that reflect the Fund’s fiduciary principles and standards and environmental and social safeguards.
他的作品用幽默的、虚构奇观的方式来探究和表述人的身体、经验及认知之间的关系,同时也探讨人造现实、媒体、历史感知与 体认 同 之 间的关系,这似乎给人一种多面的感觉,但透过这些作品会有一个清晰完整的“王郁洋”。
He try to use humor, fiction and spectacle ways to explore and reflect the relation
between the human body,
[...] experience and cognition, at the same time He also explore the relationship between artificial reality, the media, history perception [...]
and physical cognition.
核心价值:具备丰富项目经验的技术专家为客户提供支持活动,帮助企业迅速熟悉功能安全各相关方面的技术要求和工作流程,加快产品开发进度并保证其功能安全符合性要求,为 体认 证 工作展开奠定基础。
Core value: have experienced technical experts providing support activities for clients, helping companies to quickly get familiar with technical requirements and work flow of functional safety, speeding up product development progress and making
sure products compliance with functional safety requirements, and setting a sound
[...] foundation for specific certificate work.
在同届会议上,《议定书》/ 《公约》缔约方会议请秘书处在具备资源的前 提下,经与适应基金董事会协商,借助适应基金认证工具包以及所汲取经验教训 和最佳做法,酌情在最多达三个区域或分区域举办研讨会,并在情况允许和需要 时,可能再另行举办一次研讨会,以使缔约方熟悉国家执行 体认 证 的 程序和要 求。
At the same session, the CMP requested the secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, in consultation with the Adaptation Fund Board, and making use of the Adaptation Fund Accreditation Toolkit, lessons learned and best practices, to conduct up to three regional or subregional, as appropriate, workshops, with the possibility of another, as
circumstances permit and as
[...] warranted, in order to familiarize Parties with the process and the requirements of the accreditation of national implementing entities.




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