

单词 体育馆

体育馆 noun ()

sports centre n




See also:

体育 n

sports pl

体育 adj

sporting adj


physical education

schoolroom (old)
embassy or consulate
term for certain service establishments

External sources (not reviewed)

据悉,NBA此次开展的训练班活动也是非洲篮球推广项目的组成部分,当天训练班在南非皇家巴福 体育馆 举 办
The NBA conducts trainings and
workshops in the Royal Bafokeng Nation in South Africa as part of a project to develop
[...] basketball skills as a sport in Africa.
2011 年 4 月 4 日至 12 日,反对灭绝种族全国委员会和 Gisozi 纪念中心邀请 Umusanzu 中心的代表参加为纪念联合国灭绝种族十七周年在国 体育馆 举 办的 灭绝种族问题纪念展览。
From 4 to 12 April 2011, representatives of the Umusanzu Centre were invited by the National
Commission for the Fight
[...] against Genocide and the Gisozi Memorial Centre to participate in the genocide commemorative exhibition to mark the seventeenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, held at the National Gymnasium.
2007/08 年度速效项目资金用于 13 个项目,涉及恢 复和整修
[...] 3 个本国派出所、5 所学校、5 个体育馆和 足 球场、公路、一个诊所和一个青少年中心,以及 [...]
修建一个暴力受害者庇护所、21 个学校和保健站食 物储藏设施及提供学校家具。
5 stadiums and soccer fields, roads, [...]
a health clinic and a youth centre as well as construction of a safe house for victims
of violence, 21 food storage facilities for schools and health posts and the provision of school furniture.
我们提供免费上网,停车,洗衣服务(每公斤1.50美元) ,西班牙的经验教训(每小时4美元)体育馆旁边, 24小时办理登机手续,也没有宵禁。
We offer free Internet, parking, laundry service (USD 1,50 per kilo), Spanish lessons (USD 4 per hour), gym next door, 24 hours check-in and no curfew.
学生们在校区内可加入墨尔本大学的社团和学会、参加或观看戏剧演出、出席研讨会和世界知名专家的公开讲座、看电影、 体育馆 锻 炼 、参观美术馆,或是在众多咖啡厅和食品店品尝咖啡,与同学们聊天。
On campus, students can get involved in University of Melbourne clubs and societies, take part in or
watch theatre
[...] productions, attend seminars and public lectures from world-renowned experts, catch a movie, a session at the gym, visit the gallery, or enjoy [...]
a coffee and chat with
fellow students in one of the many cafes and food outlets.
代表团凯旋回到金边时受到了 民族英雄般的欢迎,并体育馆举行 了盛大宴会。
The delegation returned to Phnom Penh as
[...] national heroes and was feted in stadiums.
在不久的将来和长远的未来,农村将拥有舒适的住房、现代化的学 校、配备最新设备的医疗机构、设施完备的文 馆 、 体育馆 及 其 他休闲中心。
As a result, comfortable housing, modern schools, medical facilities with the latest equipment, splendid Palaces of Culture, stadiums and other recreational centres will appear in the districts in the near and distant future.
10 时,Ziyad bin Muhammad al-Ghawi(1969 出生于 Hama)向 Shari‘ah 县 县长声称,5 时 30 分,当他体育馆以南 的街区运送雇员去 Rawadi 糖果店(他本 人也在那里工作)时,4 名蒙面武装男子持自动步枪,抢走他银色的现代面包车, 车牌号 807237,还有他的行动电话,侮辱他并指控他与安全机构合作。
At 1000 hours, Ziyad bin Muhammad al-Ghawi (born in Hama in 1969) alleged to the head of Shari‘ah district that, at 0530 hours, while he was in a quarter south of the stadium transporting employees to the Rawadi sweet shop, where he also works, four masked men armed with automatic rifles stole his silver Hyundai van, licence plate No. 807237, and his mobile phone, insulted him and accused him of cooperating with the security agencies.
维多利亚州分会拥有庞大的来自各行各业的会员群体,其中包括澳大利亚最大的一些跨国公司、中小企业以及诸多中国高端公司;这其中包括于1982 年加入澳大利亚中国工商业委员会维多利亚州分会的中信集团,而海信也在维多利亚州奠定了牢固的基础,包括赞助墨尔本海 体育馆。
These include CITIC, which has been a member of ACBC Victoria since 1982, while Hisense has established a strong base in Victoria, including the sponsorship of Hisense Arena in Melbourne.
对不同类型教育机构设备供应情况的分析表明:小 体育馆 利 用 率仅为 42.6%、体育学体育馆利用率为 64.2%、而普通学体育馆利用率则高达 90%、基础教育机体育馆利用 率更是高达 93.2%。
Analysis on the equipment supply subject to the type of institution shows the following figures: gyms availability is of 42.6% at primary schools, 64.2% at gymnasiums, 90% at general schools and 93.2% at the lyceums.
阿联酋航空”于2004年与Arsenal首次签署合作伙伴关系协议,规定航空公司2021年前 体育馆 冠 名 权和2006/2007赛季的球衣赞助商冠名权。
Emirates first signed its sponsorship agreement with Arsenal
in 2004, providing the airline with naming
[...] rights to the stadium until 2021 and [...]
a shirt sponsorship that began in the 2006/2007 season.
[...] 10 月 27 日在基 斯马尤的 Veko 体育馆内将 一名年轻(据说才十几岁)的少女用石块砸死事件,这一 [...]
事 件 得到媒 体在国际上 的 报 导。
A gruesome example of SGBV is the stoning to death of a
young, allegedly teenaged, woman, on 27
[...] October, at the Veko stadium in Kismayo, which [...]
was covered internationally in media.
看台下面支撑体的关节轴承在被升起的情况下,可以使体育场被滚入和滚 体育馆。
The spherical plan bearings in the supports under the stand, when raised, permit the playing field to be rolled
[...] into and out of the stadium.
几内亚各政党签署了承诺建立管制框架的声明,这是自 2009 年 9 月在科纳 克里发体育馆暴力 事件以来,在支助调解方面取得的预期成果之一(开发署)。
In Guinea, the signing by all political parties of a declaration committing themselves to putting a regulatory framework in place was
one of the desired results of facilitation support
[...] after the violent stadium events of September [...]
2009 in Conakry (UNDP).
宫川浩于1983年加入日建设计,所设计项目包括关西国际机场航站楼(1994年)、东京女子大学善福寺校区(1996年)、大阪巨蛋棒 体育馆 ( 1997年)、关西外国语大学中宫校区(2001年)、中国北京电视中心(2009年)以及中国广州图书馆。
His designs include a variety of projects such as the Kansai International Airport terminal building (1994), Tokyo Women’s Christian
University Zenpukuji Campus (1996), the Osaka
[...] Dome baseball stadium (1997), the Kansai [...]
University of Foreign Studies Nakamiya
Campus (2001), the Beijing TV Center (China, 2009), and the Guangzhou Library (China, 2012).
我们体育馆设有 空调系统,全年皆适合进行各类运动,另外设有户外足球场、篮球场、排球场及网球场,校舍顶层还设有一个小型高尔夫球场。
There are football, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts in outdoor areas and we even have a mini golf course on the roof!
该摄像机的录制和播放均可通过宽带有效传输,让您可查看更多地点的更多场景画面,凭借成熟的运动检测、智能视频内容分析和新型防篡改技术,DinionHD摄像机成为商店、学校 体育馆 等 场 所安防摄像机的理想选择。
Recording and streaming is bandwidth-efficient, so you can run more units in more places, and sophisticated motion detection, smart video content analysis and new
tamper-proofing technology make the DinionHD the obvious choice for any security camera
[...] application, be it a store, school or stadium.
去年底建成启用的澳门旅游塔,已成为澳门热门景点,其他的旅游或基建工程项目,例如多功 体育馆 、 渔 人码头、妈祖文化村、东亚卫视影城、内港重整计划、关闸新边检大楼、澳门科技馆(暂称)等将会陆续落成,这些将会是澳门发展旅游业的新元素。
The Macau Tower, inaugurated last December, has become a popular tourism spot of Macau. A number
of new projects, including the
[...] expansion of the Macau Stadium, Macau Dome, Fisherman's [...]
Wharf, the A-Ma Cultural Village,
East Asia Satellite TV City, the Macau Science Centre, the Reform of Inner Harbour as well as the new Border Gate Checkpoint are going to be new elements to further develop the local tourism industry.
作为承办2011年第14届国际泳联世界竞标赛的专业等级赛事场馆,上海东 体 育 中 心内设综 体育馆 、 游 泳馆、室外跳水池、新闻中心及停车场、公交站点等相关配套设施。
As the host of the 14th FINA World Championships, Shanghai Oriental Sports Center features a complex stadium and an aquatics center including an outdoor diving pool.
经过精心施工、调试,游泳中心扩声系统完全达到并超过 体育馆 声 学设计及测量规程》标准中的一级指标,以高质量的产品、极佳的系统效果、认真负责的技术团队保证了奥运会盛大赛事在此举行。
After careful construction, commissioning, swimming center sound reinforcement system is fully reached and exceeded "Gymnasium acoustic design and measurement procedures" standard in an indicator of high-quality products and excellent system effects, serious and responsible technical team to ensure the Olympic Games a grand event held here.
高斯在1788年开始了他的教育体育馆 的 帮 助下Büttner和巴特尔斯,他在那里学到高级德语和拉丁语。
In 1788 Gauss began his education at the Gymnasium [...]
with the help of Büttner and Bartels, where he learnt High German and Latin.
最近的几笔慈善资金分别捐赠给了乔治华盛顿卡弗中心(用 体育馆 地 面 铺设)、Norwalk社区健康中心以及Norwalk社区粮库。
Recent grants have been awarded to the Family and Children's Agency, DOMUS, the Norwalk Community Health Center and to the Norwalk Community Food Bank.
作为波兰的四个主办城市之一,波兹南修建了新 的市体育馆和铁 路客运站,并且对其国际机场进行了现代 [...]
Poznań, one of the four Polish host cities,
[...] built a new City Stadium and a new railway [...]
terminal, and modernized its international airport.
本产品已经广泛应用到2008奥运场馆、国 体育馆 、 北 京奥体中心 体育馆 、 英东游泳馆、综合训练馆男女柔道馆、网球馆、国 体 育 总 局训练局举重及篮球馆、奥林匹克公园国家会议转播中心、国家大剧院、中央电视台新台址数码影厅及音控室、太仓世纪南洋影城、上海大光明影院、青岛大剧院、青岛奥帆中心大剧场、青岛奥帆中心博物馆、济南奥林匹克体育中心游泳馆、马达加斯加国际会议中心、喀麦 体育馆 、 安哥拉内图大学等国内外重点工程。
Our products have been used in 2008
Olympic Competition
[...] Halls: National Gym; Beijing Olympic Gym Center: Main Gym, Yingtung Natatorium, Comprehensive Training Bureau Judo Hall, Tennis Court, General Administration of Sports of China Training Bureau Weight lifting Hall, Basketball Hall, Olympic Garden National Broadcasting Center, National Grand Theater, CCTV new site digital cinema, audio control room, Taicang Century Cinema; Shanghai Ever bright Cinema; Qingdao Grand Theater, Qingdao Huachen Cinema, Shanghai International Cineplex of  Expo Entertainment Center, Music Hall of Xiamen International Conference Center, Qingdao Comprehensive Sports Training Stadium, Qingdao Museum of Olympic Center, Jinan Olympic Sports Center-Natatoriumand American AMC Cinema in Monterey Park, Madagascar international Conference Center, Cameroon Gym, Angola-Neto [...]
University, etc.
球迷还可以得到一个特殊的数字“披头士套装”,展出“在华盛 体育馆 举 行,现场1964”的演唱会电影,其中一个世界性的iTunes独家捕捉了甲壳虫乐队的演唱会的第一个美国。
Fans can also get a special digital
“Beatles Box Set” featuring the “Live at
[...] the Washington Coliseum, 1964” concert [...]
film, a worldwide iTunes exclusive which
captures the Beatles’ very first US concert.
阿联酋航空”已经在英国体育界高调扮演了重要赞助商的角色,在著名的国际体育赛事中也承担了赞助商任务,包括“世界杯足球赛、”“2012’莱德杯、”在“阿联酋航 体育馆 ” 举 办的“国际板球委员会”和“Arsenal足球俱乐部”比赛,以及“‘阿联酋航空’格拉斯哥七人橄榄球”比赛。
Emirates is already a significant supporter of high profile sport in the UK and internationally with a prestigious portfolio which includes the FIFA World Cup, the 2012 Ryder Cup, the International Cricket Council and Arsenal Football Club at Emirates Stadium, as well as the Emirates Airline Glasgow Rugby Sevens
Hightex 是拉伸工程领域全球最大的承包商——完成的卓越项目 包括南非的世界体育馆、曼 谷机场和温布尔登中心球场——将供 应面积约为 [...]
6,700 平方米的整体可伸缩内顶。
Hightex, a global contractor in the field of tensile
engineering--with a track record that includes
[...] World Cup stadiums in South africa, the Bangkok airport [...]
and Wimbledon’s center court--
will supply the entire retractable inner roof of 6,700 m² approximately.
[...] LP和所有小型纪录片13灌制的录音室专辑,“过去主人翁”和“住在华盛顿 体育馆 , 19 64年”演唱会电影,一个世界范围的iTunes独家的抓住了披头士的第一个美国的全部音乐会。
The special digital “Beatles Box Set” ($149) contains the 13 remastered studio albums with iTunes LPs and all
mini-documentaries, “Past Masters,” and the “Live
[...] at the Washington Coliseum, 1964” concert [...]
film, a worldwide iTunes exclusive which captures
the Beatles’ very first US concert in its entirety.




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