单词 | 体感 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 体感 noun —somatosensory nExamples:立体感 n—three-dimensionality n
一些实体报告,人们的总体感觉是,这种专门知识 在参与《行动计划》执行工作的单位和实体一级并不总是一个必要条件。 un.org | Some entities reported that there was an overall feeling that such expertise [...] was not always a requirement at the unit and [...]entity levels involved in the implementation of the Action Plan. un.org |
我国政府于 2005 年启动了防止幼儿经母体感染 艾 滋病毒/艾滋病的国家方案,重点在于提高青年和 母亲的认识,援助面临感染风险的孤儿和儿童,扩大 全国抗逆转录病毒疗法普及范围,向受感染母亲生下 的孩子发放牛奶,并为感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的孕妇 提供安全分娩服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our Government launched a national programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in 2005, focusing on awareness-raising for young people and mothers, assistance to exposed orphans and children, expanded national coverage for antiretroviral therapy, milk distribution to children born of infected mothers, and safe childbirth for pregnant women with HIV/AIDS. daccess-ods.un.org |
在儿童基金会协助下,普及感染艾滋病毒的儿童的治疗、护理和辅助 的工作,及预防儿童经母体感染艾 滋病的工作,均取得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the assistance of UNICEF, progress had been made towards the goal of [...] universal access to treatment, care and support of HIV-affected children, and in [...] prevention of mother-to-child transmission. daccess-ods.un.org |
以海信此次获奖的三大系列产品为例,海信个人智能电视I’TV,由于其首次实现了大屏传小屏、小屏传大屏等功能,使得“多屏互动”、“协同互传”成为现实,让用户真正实现了随时、随地、随心、随欲地移动观看电视;海信XT710系列云智能电视应用自主研发的HiTV-OS操作系统并兼容了Android操作系统,打造出完全开放的多类型应用商店;海信K510系列智能电视采用窄边框设计,具 有 3 D 体感 游 戏 功能,数字一体机功能、无线传屏等功能。 gdjrdz.com | This prize in the three hisense series products, for example, hisense personal intelligent TV I 'TV, because its first realized DaBing spread small screen, the small screen DaBing function, make "more screen interaction", "collaborative mutual preach" to become a reality, let the user to achieve a truly anywhere, at any time, with, at the, moving to watch television; Hisense XT710 series cloud intelligent TV application of independent research and development HiTV-OS operating system and is compatible with the Android operating system, make a completely open application has stores; Hisense K510 [...] series intelligent TV narrow frame [...] design, with a 3 D body feeling the functionality, [...]digital body function, wireless preach screen etc. Function. gdjrdz.com |
柯达 DITR 4401 胶片专为液体感光性 树脂、模拟柔印、模拟胶印应用量身打造。 graphics.kodak.com | KODAK DITR 4401 Film is designed for liquid photopolymer, analog flexography, and analog offset applications. graphics.kodak.com |
他们的部署将发挥重大作用,让社区 特别是妇女等社区中最脆弱的群体感 到 放 心,并且为 在所有领土上重建法治和国家管辖权,奠定基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their deployment will play a significant role in reassuring communities, and particularly the most vulnerable in those communities, such as women, and provide the foundation for re-establishing the rule of law and State authority in all territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
需要进 [...] 一步改进对注射药物使用者的监督、对危险 群 体感 染 艾滋病毒情况的监测以及 对药物相关死亡的报告,以切实掌握有关趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Surveillance of injecting drug users, the [...] monitoring of HIV infections among at-risk [...]populations and the reporting of drug-related [...]deaths need to be further improved to realistically capture the trends. daccess-ods.un.org |
要产生有说服力的立体感,主体和每 层背景要 分得清清楚楚,这效果可以由打灯及色彩运用达成,用光线的反差将浅色的放在深色前, 或深色放在浅色前,以及有计划地把光和色彩元素布置在画面中。 motion.kodak.com | This is accomplished with light or color, creating contrasts of light against dark or dark against light, and by strategic placement of lights and color elements. motion.kodak.com |
当人体感染艾滋病毒或 患有艾滋病时,很难抵抗感染。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | When you have HIV/AIDS, your body has a hard time fighting infections. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
这些介绍会的一项必有内容是,由执行局就会员国可能 具体感兴趣的、该局工作的某一方面或某一反恐领域作技术性介绍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those briefings always include a technical briefing by the Executive Directorate on a particular aspect of its work or on an area of counter-terrorism that might be of particular interest to Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
在防治艾滋病 毒/艾滋病领域,秘书处着重指出女童和妇女的脆弱性,以及儿童基金会将预防 幼儿经母体感染艾 滋病更好地融入保健和其他服务并使之与实现千年发展目标 5 的举措挂钩的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the area of HIV/AIDS, the secretariat emphasized the vulnerability of girls and women and UNICEF efforts to better integrate the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV into health and other services and to link it with efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goal 5. daccess-ods.un.org |
墙面是房间的公共面孔;其外表直接影响了室内环境与 整 体感 官 印 象。 wacker.com | Walls are a room's public face; their look influences the room’s ambience and overall impression. wacker.com |
特 别报告员首先赞扬他的前任,伊恩·布朗利先生,感谢四份报告,并 总 体感 谢他 为研究该主题做了出色的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur wishes at the outset to pay tribute to the memory of his predecessor, Mr. Ian Brownlie, and to thank him for his four reports and, in general, for the remarkable work which he carried out on the topic. daccess-ods.un.org |
我已经对由Peter A. [...] Levine医生发明的一种创伤治疗方法研究了很长时间,它被称为“ 本 体感 觉 疗 法”。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | I’ve long been studying a type of trauma therapy developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine [...] that is called Somatic Experiencing. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
该中心侧重于提供国家月球科学学术网的各项方案和 社会交流方案,以服务于想要更多了解月球科学和近地天体的社会各界,向对 月球科学和近地天体感兴趣 的人提供信息,并邀请他们出席并参与将来的会议 和研讨会。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Centre focuses on presenting the programmes of the national academic network for lunar sciences, and social communications programmes at the service of communities that want to learn more about lunar sciences and near-Earth objects, and providing those interested in lunar sciences and near-Earth objects with information, as well as inviting them to attend and participate in future conferences and seminars. oosa.unvienna.org |
大空间粗旷的整体感觉和 着意加入的一些新的细节形成有趣对比,比如可折叠的西大门,X形的门把手可嵌入钢板上镂空的文字中,膨胀的南大门等等。 chinese-architects.com | As interesting [...] contrasts to the rawness of the large [...]open space, some intricate new details were added deliberately, such [...]as foldable western entry door(s), expanded south door inspired by structure of airplane wings; X shaped door handle that interlocks with the carved-out text on the standing steel plate, and so on. chinese-architects.com |
借助特殊的Kinect体感捕捉技术,顾客和员工可以利用简单的手势与图片进行互动、快进、回放或者定格图像,方便顾客查看服装细节。 gucci.com | Thanks to special Kinect technology, customers [...] and staff will be able to interact with the images using simple gestures [...]to fast-forward and rewind or freeze the images of the show to take in a look or detail of interest to the customer. gucci.com |
儿 童在游戏中创造了他们能够控制的时空,这个时空使他们能够以不同方式主观地表达他们的 身体、感觉、感情和行为。 ipaworld.org | Children create time–space in play that is within [...] their control and allows for the subjective [...] expression of their bodies, senses, feelings and actions [...]in different ways. ipaworld.org |
三星同时也在同全球顶级娱乐品牌合作发布内容,以难以置信的 立 体感 和 完美的清晰度展示出LED电视的3D图像质量。 tipschina.gov.cn | Samsung is also partnering with the world's top entertainment brands to deliver content that showcases the LED TVs' 3D picture quality with incredible depth and perfect clarity. tipschina.gov.cn |
确保服务特别是为妇女及其配偶提供自愿艾滋病毒咨询和 检测,如果检测结果呈阳性,则根据《预防幼儿经 母 体感 染 附 加倡 议》,对其进行艾滋病毒垂直传播方面的治疗,并尊重妇女自行决定 是否、何时及与谁生育子女的生殖权利(《行动纲领》8.34,1994 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ensure that services provide voluntary HIV counselling and testing (VCT), especially for women and their partners and, if positive, that they be treated for vertical HIV transmission in accordance with the MTCT-Plus Initiative, respecting the reproductive rights of women to decide for themselves if, when and with whom to have children (POA 8.34, 1994). daccess-ods.un.org |
这符合理事会在组织内部形成整体感 、 责 任感和共 同 体感 的 愿 景。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is in keeping with the vision of the Board, in achieving a sense of continuity, responsibility and community among the organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
极致的闪耀夺目!娇韵诗调和身体磨砂霜——蕴含迷迭香精华油、紫檀、薄荷、糖盐结 晶 体 — — 感 受 老废角质、皮屑和污垢被清除时的奢华惊喜,重焕肌肤深层细胞。 clarinsusa.com | Clarins’ spa-fresh body polisher — with essential [...] oils of Rosemary, Rosewood, Mint, Sugar [...] and Salt Crystals — feels ooh la la luxurious [...]as it smoothes away dry cells, flakes [...]and impurities to reveal the glowing skin beneath. clarinsusa.com |
研究人员应用一种叫做低温电子断层扫描的技术制作出了在噬 菌 体感 染 第一阶段中的细胞三维重建;噬菌体是专门以细菌作为标靶的病毒。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Researchers have used a technique known as cryo-electron [...] tomography to produce [...] three-dimensional reconstructions of cells during the first stages of infection with bacteriophages, [...]or viruses that specifically target bacteria. chinese.eurekalert.org |
发布第一个免操控,身体感应, 强大的视频舞蹈游戏"Dance Central"之后, Xbox 360制作了15款限量及镶嵌施华洛世奇元素水晶 的 体感 器 Kinect,它会于凯莉·米洛2011欧洲爱神演唱会里的35场演出中展出。 playbling.com | After announcing that "Dance Central", the first [...] controller-free, [...] body-tracking, fully immersive dance video game, sponsors Kylie Minogue's "Aphrodite: Les Folies" European Tour 2011, Xbox 360 has created 15 exclusive editions of the Kinect sensor made with [...]Swarovski ® Elements [...]inspired in the 35 shows that the artist will offer in 15 countries. playbling.com |
此类价值观可以包括对一个有价值的目 标所做出的承诺;为追求目标而牺牲自我的意愿;还有通过与队友一道以及与能够欣赏精彩比 赛和卓越表现的对手共同参加活动所培养的 集 体感 和 团 结精神。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This category can include commitment to a worthy goal; the willingness to sacrifice in pursuit of a goal; the sense of community and solidarity that can be generated by a shared activity among teammates and between competitors who can appreciate a good match and excellence in performance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至于Android体感遥控技术可配合各种 体感 动 作 ,大玩智慧电视游戏、遥控玩具汽车,甚至声控家电,只须把这套软件内建于机上盒,再透过Android手机下载安 装 体感 遥 控 APP后,手机就能和电视连上线,运用手机内建的触控和GSensor功能,让机上盒与手机进行智慧化结合,体验Android market里成千上万种的游戏。 jxlcd.com | As for the Android somatosensory control technology with various somatosensory action, playing video games, intelligent remote control toy car, and even voice control home appliances, as long as the software inside the machine box, and then through the Android mobile phone to download and install the somatosensory APP remote control, [...] mobile phone can [...]connect with mobile phone and TV, built-in control and GSensor function, let the machine box and a mobile phone for intelligent combination of experience, Android market tens of thousands of species of game. jxlcd.com |
其中,照明系统可提供民众达到节能目标,并塑造舒适的工作环境照 明 ; 体感 遥 控 技术让Android手机可以“玩游戏、操控遥控汽车、声控家电”,摇身一变成 为 体感 摇 控 器,甚至使机上盒厂商找到杀手级应用,为生活带来更多便利与趣味。 jxlcd.com | Among them, lighting system can provide people achieve energy saving goals, and create a [...] comfortable working [...] environment lighting; somatosensory remote control technology for Android mobile phone can " play games, remote control cars, home appliances control voice ", become a somatosensory remote control, [...]even to the set-top [...]box manufacturers to find the killer application, for life more convenient and fun. jxlcd.com |