

单词 体大思精

See also:


in general
on the whole
more or less
in rough terms

External sources (not reviewed)

遵循这个计划的视觉逻辑,这个文本被 思 为 一 个 精 致 的 整 体 , 每 个艺术家的贡献都呈现为另一个艺术家的干预行为的碎片。
Following the visual logic of this project,
[...] this text was conceived as an exquisite corps in which each [...]
of the artists’ contributions
was present as a fragment of another artist’s intervention.
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈的进 精 神 ,解 放 思 想 , 与时俱进 大 胆 实践,走出了一条具有中国特色 体 现 时 代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。
Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development.
根据分工负 责和非集中化精神,总部外办事处 在确定32 C/5优先事项方面有了更大 的发言权,主要表现方式是召开了分 布在世界各地的教科文组织教育专业 工作人员的第一次“体大会”,并 加强了32 C/5的合作规划工作,从而 使下放的计划资金百分比创了新高。
In accordance with the spirit of subsidiarity and decentralization, field offices were given a much greater say in the establishment of priorities for document 32 C/5, through, among other modalities, by convening the first ever “General Assembly” of all UNESCO’s education professionals worldwide, and intensive cooperative planning for document 32 C/5 that resulted in the highest ever [...]
percentage of decentralized programme funds.
它们包括文化习俗的表征,包括经济驱 动的活动、传统知识、文化表现形式、判例、宇宙观 精 神 信仰 、 思 想 体 系 、归 属法规、解决纠纷的技巧、社会价值观、艺术、服饰、歌谣和舞蹈。
They include manifestations of cultural practices, including economically driven activity, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, jurisprudence, cosmovisions, spirituality, philosophies, membership codes, dispute resolution techniques, social values, arts, dress, song and dance.
教育应当成为“公民”大事,教育体制的改革应当根据确 实的情况,以及注重全纳、教育高质量和让幼儿、青少年及成人都学有所获的 体思 路。
Education must be a “citizen’s issue”, with reforms based on evidence and an overarching vision of inclusion and high quality and learning outcomes for all, from young children to teenagers and adults.
2008 年,南方共同市场和安第斯共体领 导人之间签署了由 12 名成员组成 的《南美洲国家联盟组织条约》,自那时以来,在该区域有关建立南 大 陆 联思想继续得到巩固。
In the region, the idea of continental union has continued to solidify since the 2008 signing of the 12-member Union of South American Nations Constitutive Treaty between the leaders of the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) and the Andean Community.
代表团欢迎并感谢大概为数不少的用于文化多样性的存款金建议,同时要求各缔约方 使 大部 分 的捐助能够捐给文化多样性国际基金,在基金内部有关资金使用的决定将本着 体精 神 在 多边 基础上做出。
It welcomed and expressed thanks for the hopefully numerous proposals for funds-in-trust for cultural diversity, and urged the Parties to make as many contributions as possible to the Fund, where decisions relating to the use of resources would be taken in an atmosphere of collegiality and on a multilateral basis.
下列其他体也派观察员与会:伯恩 思大 学 、 加拿大税收基金会、安永会 计师事务所、欧洲法律学生协会、费尔利·迪金森大学、瑞士工业服务业团体联 [...]
盟、印度国际征税基金会、大学校长国际协会、国际财政文献局、国际商会、哈 萨克斯坦管理研究院、莱顿大学、墨尔本法学院、普华永道公司、荷兰皇家壳牌
公司、圣托马斯大学、税务理事会政策研究所、税收正义网、美国国际工商理事 会、格罗宁根大学、印度尼西亚大学、联合国前实习人员和研究员世界协会。
Observers from the following other entities also participated: Bournemouth [...]
University, Canadian Tax Foundation, Ernst and
Young, European Law Students’ Association, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Federation of Industrial and Service Groups in Switzerland, Foundation for International Taxation, India, International Association of University Presidents, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), International Chamber of Commerce, KIMEP-Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Leiden University, Melbourne Law School, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Royal Dutch Shell, St. Thomas University, Tax Council Policy Institute, Tax Justice Network, United States Council for International Business, University of Groningen, University of Indonesia, World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows.
通过第一次非正思考, 得出了三位作家之间的 大 共 性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
这项承诺符合《联合国宪章》思想 和 精 神 , 《联 合国宪章》重申以男女大小国家权利平等为基础的 人的尊严。
This commitment
[...] is in harmony us with the philosophy and spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, which [...]
reaffirms the dignity of the human person based on the equal rights of men and women and of States large and small.
[...] 的原则和规则,而是在引入逐渐发展的要素的同时,以合理的方式系统整理适用 的原则和规则,同时维护维也纳制度的 体精 神。
It is a question not of creating, but of systematizing, the applicable principles and rules in a reasonable
manner while introducing elements of progressive development, and of
[...] preserving the general spirit of the Vienna system.
肯定式探询意欲从根本上把人类社会和人们所谈论的各种物能与智能(包括过去的和现在的)组合起来,构造成一个建设性的联盟。 这些被组合的对象包括:成就、财富、潜力、创新力、实力 思 想 、 机会、基准尺度、巅峰瞬间、生存价值、传统、竞争力、故事、智语、对 体精 神 的 深层感悟体会,以及对美好未来的想象愿景,等等。
AI seeks, fundamentally, to build a constructive union between a whole people and the massive entirety of what people talk about as past and present capacities: achievements, assets, unexplored
potentials, innovations,
[...] strengths, elevated thoughts, opportunities, benchmarks, high point moments, lived values, traditions, strategic competencies, stories, expressions of wisdom, insights into the deeper corporate spirit or soul - and visions [...]
of valued and possible futures.
心理的生存 - 而不是后来的希腊和基督思想纯粹 的 精 神 灵 魂,而是一种减毒,半 体 材 料 鬼,或遮荫,或世俗人的形象,以及该在黑道阴影的生活是沉闷的,贫困几乎无功能的存在。
The psyche survives - not
[...] the purely spiritual soul of later Greek and Christian thought, but an attenuated, semi-material [...]
ghost, or shade, or image,
of the earthly man; and the life of this shade in the underworld is a dull, impoverished, almost functionless existence.
竞争性的民族意识——那种认定个人的尊严是与其“人民”的威望不可分割的观念——在1895至1905年间进入了中 精 英 群 体 的 思 维。
Competitive national consciousness – the consciousness that one’s individual dignity is inseparably
tied to the prestige of one’s “people” –
[...] worked its way into the minds of China’s best and brightest between [...]
1895 and 1905.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人 体 教 育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议精神, 特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of
the World Programme”;
[...] to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the [...]
use of ICTs, especially
within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
3. 随着联合国为在 2012 年 6 月 4 日至 6 日举行联合国可持续发大会(亦 称“里 约+20”)开展筹备工作,本报告重点阐述环境立法所体现的不同文明与自然的历 史关系,参考了 2011 年 4 月互动对话为推进支持可持续发展理念的 体思 维而 讨论的重要议题,本报告应该结合秘书长关于与自然和谐相处的第一次报告 (A/65/314)来阅读。
As the United Nations prepares to hold the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (also referred to as Rio+20), from 4 to 6 June 2012, the report focuses on the historic relationships different civilizations have had with nature, as expressed,
inter alia, through
[...] environmental legislation, draws upon key issues discussed at the interactive dialogue in April 2011 to advance the holistic thinking undergirding the concept of sustainable development and builds upon, and should be read in conjunction with, the first [...]
report of the Secretary-General
on harmony with nature (A/65/314).
16磅大小的识别码为C128L的体精确符 合USPS特种服务所要求的UCC/EAN Code 128码的大小――高.75",X轴.013"宽。
USPS Support - when printed at 16 points, the
[...] IDAutomationC128L font will produce the exact dimensions for [...]
UCC/EAN Code 128 required by the
USPS special services, which is a height of .75" and an X dimension of .013".
会议建议成立一支工作队,在里约会 议二十周大会背 景下编制一份可持续发展指导说明,该说明将包括就可持续发 展目标进行体思考的 指导方针,这些方针体现了该区域的需求和愿望。
The meeting recommended the creation of a task force to prepare a guidance note on
[...] development in the context of Rio+20 that would include guidelines for collective thinking on sustainable development goals that reflect the needs and aspirations [...]
of the region.
草間彌生的繪畫呈現出個人精神思 考 及 自傳式內涵,當她拿起畫筆時,透過偶然和無預兆的動機,與神祕的世界連結,內在身體的力量,潛意識的想法,鋪展出一個宇宙 大 空 間
She then connects with fantastic worlds that are filled with mystery, and as strange motivations and sheer physical force bubble to the surface from the depths of her subconscious, they inevitably explode into a whole cosmos of eerily configurated space.
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准本不要刊载那些列举参 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干事 引言和每个大计划 的引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 度的优先事项、指导方针和行动精 髓。
It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 Approved of the context maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers.
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经 大 的 保 留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义思,即 仅涉及保留的领土范围的 大 “ 使 保留的实 施条件发生根本的改变”的情况。
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
基金表現包含自股份類別成立日期之前的 思 美 國 精 選 價 值基金表現在內, 思 美 國 精 選 價 值基金的投資目標及政策與本 基大致相 同及由同一投資組合團隊所管理,但未獲授權在香港認購。 思 美 國 精 選 價 值基金與美盛倍思美國股票基金合 併,其資產亦於2012年4月13日轉換至美盛倍思美國股票基金。
Performance includes periods prior to the share class inception date, reflecting performance of the PCM US Equity Select Portfolio (which has a substantially similar investment objective and policy and managed by the same portfolio management but was not authorised in Hong Kong), which was merged into the Legg Mason PCM US Equity Fund and whose assets were transferred into this Fund on 13 April 2012.
(25) 讨论还围绕编制文件 33 C/5
[...] 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件思考和指导原则;传播和信息的能力建设以及 体 专 业 人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the
use of open source
[...] software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia [...]
centres; and development
of diverse and multilingual local content.
该机主要用于混凝土搅拌站输送水泥,粉煤灰物料,还适用于化工、冶金、粮仓加工、仓储及其它适用螺旋输送机的场所,该机螺 体 直 径 小,转速高,输送 大 , 精 度 高,输送工况佳。
This machine is mainly used for concrete mixing station for transport cement, fly ash material, also used in chemical, metallurgical, grain processing, storage and other place
applicable screw conveyor,
[...] the spiral body diameter is small, high speed, large conveying capacity, high precision, good conveying [...]
总之,该人力资源战略的目的是帮助改革机构文化,其目标是:2 具有创新性——奖励勇于承担风险的精神,致力于实现共同理想; 具有包容性——与会员国和其他合作伙伴开展战略合作; 具有思精神— —进行试点改革并系统地吸取自身的经验教训; 具有向外看的精神——把自己定位为更广泛的全球系统的一部分; 具有合作精神——优先考虑体利益 ,而不是党派利益,开展跨境合作。
Overall, the HR Strategy aims at contributing to the change of the institutional culture, towards being:2 Innovative – rewarding risk-taking and building on commitment to a common vision
这一规定得到了专门保护个人信息的第一部分第 4 章内容的 支持,第 3 条第(II)款中对个人信息进行了定义:个人信息属于某一自然人,有关他或她的“民 族或种族血缘的信息,涉及体,精 神 或情绪的特征的信息,感情的和家庭生活的信息,住 所信息,电话号码,遗产信息,意识形态和政治观点,宗教或哲学信仰与信念,他的 体或 精神健 康状况,他的性取向,或任何类似的信息都可能会影响到他的隐私权。
This is bolstered by Chapter IV of Section I, which is devoted to the protection of personal information, defined in Article 3(II) as information from which a physical person may be identified and concerning his or her “ethnic or
racial origin, or referring to his physical, moral or emotional characteristics, his sentimental and family life, domicile,
[...] telephone number, patrimony, ideology and political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or convictions, his physical or mental state of health, his sexual preferences, or any similar information that might affect his privacy”.
我們今天在這個議事堂裏審議這項條例草案,便要想一想,我們要如何 回應這些家庭、這些家長、這些小朋友多年以來的一些很小,很卑微,但我 們應該尊重的意願;就是把這個最低限度的要求寫在一個使用公帑的教育機 構的辦學宗旨裏,令將來的人、教育當局、教育工作者看到,讓他們 思大 家是否均要多做一點工夫?
As we are scrutinizing this Bill in this Chamber today, we have to consider how we should respond to these long-standing small wishes of these families, parents and children, which warrant our respect, that is, to lay down in the objects of a publicly-funded educational institution this minimum requirement so that when people, the education authorities and education practitioners see this in the future, they can reflect on whether more efforts should be made.
还将介绍世界各地区大思想家 、哲学家和社会科学家在强调对话重 要性的方面做出的贡献,并还将广泛宣传他们的思想,继续并进一步扩大上述已在开展的活 动。
There will also be a presentation of the
[...] contributions of great thinkers, philosophers and [...]
social scientists from various regions
with respect to the values underlying the dialogue with a view to disseminating their thoughts widely, continuing and building on already ongoing activities described above.
今年INTRALOT在CIBELAE大会的主题是“通用游戏体验”,该创新框架的 体思 想 是 :实现在单个统一平台登入玩家账户,通过零售、互联网、移动设备以及数字电视等多个渠道对彩票游戏内容进行访问。
The protagonist of INTRALOT’s presence in this
[...] year’s CIBELAE Congress will be the UNIVERSAL GAMING EXPERIENCE, an innovative framework which is shaped to achieve unified [...]
access to the most
entertaining gaming content through Retail, Internet, Mobile and iTV channels under one and single platform and player account.
当您完成了英语培训,您便可以参加国际认可的英文测试,包括剑桥测试、托福英语测试(TOEFL)和 思 测 试 (IELTS), 大 利 亚的院校偏向采用 思 , 同 时雅思成绩也是许多学生签证的必备条件。
When you finish your English course you can choose to sit for one of the major internationally recognised tests, including the Cambridge Test (CAE), the Pearson test (PTE) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).




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