









External sources (not reviewed)

本会促请政府全 面 检讨西九龙文娱艺术区发展计划,在规 划文化设施 之 前 , 应 先 考虑有关‘软 件 ’的 内容, 延 长提交发展建议的期 限 ,并公开 及 详 细 地 谘询文化界 、 专 业产 界 、立法会、公众 及相关组织 , 以 贯彻文化委员会就西九龙发展计划提出‘以 人 为本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 关 系 ’ 和 ‘民间主导’的原则 , 制 订 公 开 、公平 和 适切合 宜 的发展及运作方案, 而 在发展过程中,政府应 促成发展商与 文化界 的 伙 伴 关 系,让 文化界参 与 区 内 设施的策 划及将来的运作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professionalbodies,the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北铁路车辆或铁路处所任何部分之内或之上拾获任何物品或在切实可行的范围内尽快将该物品或人员;除人员外,任何人不得将遗失或遗留 在任何巴士或西北铁路车辆或铁路处所任何部分的财物,移离任何巴士或西北铁路车辆或铁路处 所任何部分,但目的为在切实可行范围内尽快将该财物交予人员则属例外;而就拾获者与公司之 间而言,拾获的所有物品或当作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
164 董事会可不时并於任何时间,藉授权书委任任何经其直接或间接提名的公
[...] 司、商号、个人或人数不等之为本公司的一名或多於一名受权人, [...]
而委任的目的,所授予的权力、权限及酌情决定权(以不超过根据本章程细则 归於董事或可由董事行使者为限),以及委任的期限和规限的条件,均须按董
事会认为合适者而定;任何此等授权书,均可载有董事认为适合用以保障及 方便与任何此等受权人进行交易的人,以及可授权任何此等受权人将归於他 的所有或任何权力、权限及酌情决定权转授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the
seal, appoint any company, firm or person or
[...] any fluctuating bodyof persons, whether [...]
nominated directly or indirectly by the
Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
(c) 在下列情况下「「生」有权决定是否提供「信用卡结单」,若(i)在有关期间内并无任何进支及自上一份「信用卡结单」後「信用卡 户口」、「赛马」及「合股人户口」(视乎何种情况而定)亦未有任何未偿还结欠,或(ii)「「生」或「会员」因任何理由 已取消或终止之「信用卡」或「赛马「合股人」经已解散,但「信用卡户口」或「赛马」或「合股人户口」(视 乎何种情况而定)出现逾期未付借方余额而「「生」认为逾期日子不能接受。
(c) Hang Seng will have the discretion whether to supply a Card Account Statement if (i) there are no entries covering the relevant statement period and no outstanding balance on the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) since the last Card Account Statement or (ii) where the Card has been cancelled or terminated by Hang Seng or the Cardmember for whatever reason or where the Syndicate or the Partnership has been dissolved and there is a debit balance in the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) overdue for such period considered by Hang Seng to be unacceptable.
该 等 前 瞻 性 陈 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 国 际 高 级 管 理 层 根 据 最 佳 判 断 作 出 的 估 计,存 在 重 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 风 险、 不确定性以及其他可能导致中芯国际实际业绩、财务状况或经营结果与前瞻性陈述所载资料有重大差异的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)与 半周 期 及 市 况 有 关 风 险、激 烈 竞 争、中 芯 国 际 客 户 能 否 及 时 接 收 晶 圆 产 品、能 否 及 时 引 进 新 技 术、中 芯 国 际 量 产 新 产 品 的 能 力、半服 务 供 求 情 况、行 业 产 能 过 剩、设 备、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、制 造 产 能 供 给 和 终 端市 场 的金 融 情况 是 否稳 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume,supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
董事亦认为,经修订条款属公平合理,且待医药公司不再为本公司附属公司而成 为本公司持有50%权益的合营公司後,本集团继续向医药公司提供有关财务资助及有关担保,符 合本集团及股东的
The Directors also consider that the Revised Terms are fair and reasonable, and the continuous provision of the Relevant Financial Assistance and the Relevant Guarantees by the Group to GP Corp. after it ceasing to be the Company’s subsidiary but becoming its 50% owned joint venture company are in the interest of the Group and the Shareholders as a whole.
[...] 但破损的灯/光管会释出水银污染附近环境,不慎吸入或经皮肤接触更会危害
Even though it is only present in trace amount in each mercury-containing lamp, release
of mercury from broken lamps may contaminate the
[...] surrounding and createhealth hazard [...]
through inhalation or skin contact.
张瑞珍女士续说,有关塑化剂污染事件,当局根据《公众衞生及市政条例》(第132 章)第78C(3)条六度发出第78B条命令,从市面上回收食品或禁止受污染食品输入和在本
[...] 港境内供应,因为风险评估显示长期食用这些食品可能对构成风险。
Ms. S. C. CHEUNG continued that, in connection with the plasticiser contamination incident, there were six Section 78B Orders under Section 78C(3) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (PHMSO), Cap. 132, issued to recall food from the market or to prohibit the tainted foods from importing and
supplying within Hong Kong for which risk assessment showed that long-term consumption of
[...] such products may posea health risk.
独立非执行董事确定上述关连交易乃基於以下情况下 签订:(甲)在本集团一般及日常业务过程中订立;(乙)按正常商业条款或按不逊於本集团提供予独立 第三方或由独立第三方提供的条款订立;及(丙)根据规管该等交易的相关协议,按公平合理且符合 本公司股东的条款订立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and inthe interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
在大部分情况下,氰酸酯会是最终乙醇发生化学作用产 生氨基甲酸酯。
Cyanate is probably the ultimate precursor in most cases, reacting with ethanol to form the carbamate ester.
报告期内,本集团常关联交易执行情况详见下表(对於关联方基本资料、 其与本集团的关联关系、本集团与各关联方的关联交易协议基本内容、各协议项下预计 的2009年交易金额、进行关联交易对本集团的影响以及本公司董事会或股东大会对关联 交易协议的审议情况等信息,请参见本公司分别於2007年4月19日、2008年10月24日及 2009年3月20日刊登於《中国证券报》、《证券时报》、《上海证券报》的《关联交易公告》及 《关於深圳证券交易所股票上市规则下的2009年日常关联交易公告》)。
Details of the implementation of the Group’s ongoing connected transactions during the reporting period are set out in the following table (for information on the connected parties, their connected relationships with the Group, basic terms of the connected transactions agreements between the Group and the connected parties, estimated transaction amounts for 2008 under each agreement, impact of the connected transactions on the Group and review of the connected transactions by the Board of Directors of the Company and such other information, please refer to the announcement on ongoing connected transactions and announcement on ongoing connected transactions of 2008 under the Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange published respectively by the Company on 19 April 2007 and 20 March 2008 in China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Shanghai Securities News.
艺术是核心课程的元素,既可令课程组织严谨,又可使学 习有趣,促进学生的多元智能,透过改善他们的发声、聆听技巧和,使他们全人得着教 育,并透过绘画、摺纸、舞蹈、音乐和园艺,加强他们对涉及平面和的解决能力。
The arts are an essential, rigorous and joyful part of the core curriculum enabling students to access their multiple intelligences, educating the whole child through improving their voice, listening skills,body control, two and three dimensional problem solving abilities through drawing and painting, origami, dance, music and gardening.
当本 集团应占共同控制损等於或大於其於共同控制益(包括任何其他 无抵押之应收款项)时,本集团不再确认进一步的亏损,除非本集团已产生负债或 代共同控制款项。
When the Group’s share of losses in a jointly controlled entity equals or exceeds its interest in the jointly controlled entity, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the jointly controlledentity.
董事认为购回授权所赋予之购回 股份权力可增加本公司之灵活性,对本公司及股东有利,因为如当时市况及融资 安排配合,购回可提高本公司资产净值及╱或每股盈利。
The Directors believe that an ability to repurchase the Shares subject to the Repurchase Mandate would give the Company additional flexibility that would be beneficial to the Company and the Shareholders as a whole as such repurchases may, depending on market conditions and funding arrangements at the time, lead to an enhancement of the net asset value of the Company and/or its earnings per Share.
(c) 动议批准根据协议拟进行之全部其他交易,以及授权董事或正式获授权之董事委 员会就使协议、收购事项、配发及发行代价股份生效或与上述各项相关而作出其 认为属必要、适当、合宜或权宜之所有行动及事宜、代表本公司签署及签立所有 文件或协议或契约,并作出所有事宜及采取所有行动,并同意作出董事或正式获 授权之委员会认为符合本公司及其股东之所有有关变动、修订或豁免或 事宜(包括所有与协议所规定之条款并无基本差别之文件或任何条款之任何变动、 修订或豁免)。
(c) THAT all other transactions contemplated under the Agreement be and are hereby approved and the Directors or a duly authorised committee of the board of Directors be and are/is authorised to do all such acts and things, to sign and execute such documents or agreements or deeds on behalf of the Company and to do such other things and to take all such actions as they consider necessary, appropriate, desirable and expedient for the purposes of giving effect to or in connection with the Agreement, the Acquisition, the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares, and to agree to such variation, amendments or waiver or matters relating thereto (including any variation, amendments or waiver of such documents or any terms thereof, which are not fundamentally different from those as provided in the Agreement) as are, in the opinion of the Directors or the duly authorised committee, in the interest of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
主 席 的 主 要 职 责 为 带
[...] 领 董 事 会 及 作 出发 展 及 策 略 规 [...]
划,而 行 政 总 裁 则 负 责 执 行 由 董 事 会 批 准 的 决 策 及 策 略,并 在 执 行 董 事 的 支 援 下 管
理 本 集 团日常 营运。
The major duties of the chairman are to provide leadership to the Board
[...] and spearheadoverall corporate development [...]
and strategic planning whilst the
chief executive officer is responsible for implementing the decisions and strategy approved by the Board and managing day-to-day operations of the Group with the support of the executive directors.
除非法律另有规定,本公司不承认任何人士按任何信托持有任何股份,且本公 司概不受任何约束或在任何方面被要求承认(即使已获相关通知)任何股份或任何股份的零碎 部 分的任何衡平、或有、未来或部分权益;或(仅限本细则或法律另有规定者外)任何股份的任 何其他权利,但不包括登记持有人对的绝对权利。
Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereofin the registered holder.
2) 如果从外接磁碟机复原影像,请尝试将该影像复制到其他存放区然後重新尝试复原,因为出 现的问题可能与
2) If you recover the image from an external drive, try to copy that image to another storage and retry recovery as the issue may be related to the hardware.
豁免方」是指个别和所有原告及 [Lufthansa] ,代表自身以及透过他们提 出索赔的任何个人或括继承者、管理员、遗赠受益人、前任、接任、母公司、子公 司、任何形式的代表、股东、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附属机构、受托人、代 理商、雇员、承包人、律师或保险商;以及和解,代表自身以及透过他们提出索赔 的任何个人或括继承者、管理员、遗赠受益人、前任、接任、母公司、子公司、任 何形式的代表、股东、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附属机构、受托人、代理商、 雇员、承包人、律师或保险商。
Releasing Parties” shall refer individually and collectively, to Plaintiffs and all [Lufthansa]
[...] Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves and any person orentity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, and to SettlementClass Counsel, on behalf of themselves and any person orentity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, [...]
predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer.
An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates made by the directors, as well as
[...] evaluating theoverall presentation [...]
of the consolidated financial statements.
於本组织章程大纲的一般诠释及特别是本第3条的中,当中所订明或提述的目的、 业务或权力不会因任何其他目的、业务或权力,或本公司名称,或兩项或以上目的、业务 或权力并列的提述或据此作出的推論而受到规限或限制,而倘本条或本组织章程大纲其他 地方有任何歧义,将根据有关诠释及注解阐释,该等诠释及解释将可扩大及扩展(而并非 限制)本公司的目的、业务及可行使的权力。
In the interpretation of this Memorandum of Association in general and of this Clause 3 in particular no object, business or power specified or mentioned shall be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object, business or power, or the name of the Company, or by the juxtaposition of two or more objects, businesses or powers and that, in the event of any ambiguity in this Clause or elsewhere in this Memorandum of Association, the same shall be resolved by such interpretation and construction as will widen and enlarge and not restrict the objects, businesses and powers of and exercisable by the Company.
(n) 若阁下在任何时候就进行与交易所合约有关的交易而在吾等以外的香港期货交易所参与者开立一 个或多个帐户,及若香港期货交易所委员会决定该帐户的未平仓总额为“大额未平仓持仓”,阁下应 即时向吾等或(若吾等要求)向香港期货交易所报告该“大额未平仓持仓”,并向吾等或香港期货交 易所(视情况而定)提供其所规定的与该“大额未平仓持仓”有关的资料(包括阁下的姓名及最终受 益人或在公司或况下,则为公司或的最终实益拥有人的个人,包括透过代名人或 信托形式持有利益的受益人),及向吾等或香港期货交易所(视情况而定)提供其所要求的任何其 他资料(视情况而定)。
(n) if you shall at any time open one or more accounts with exchange participants of the HKFE other than ourselves for the purpose of carrying out transactions relating to Futures or Options Contracts and if the open positions in such accounts in aggregate amount to a Large Open Position as determined by the board of the HKFE, you shall report to us, or if required by us, the HKFE immediately of such Large Open Position and provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be) with such information as we or the HKFE (as the case may be) may require in connection therewith (including your name and the ultimate beneficiary or in the case of a company or body corporate, the individuals who are the ultimate beneficial owners of the sharecapital of the company or body corporate, including a beneficiary holding an interest through a nominee or trust) of such Large Open Position and also provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be).
(i) 进行作为控股公司的业务,并收购及持有任何性质的任何公司、法人务(不论於何处成立或经营)发行或担保的股份、股票、债权股 证、债券、按揭、义务和任何形式的证券,以及任何政府、主权统治者、 专员、信托、地方当局或其他公共机构(无论位於百慕达或其他地区) 发行或担保的股份、股票、债权证、债权股证、债券、按揭、义务和其 他证券,并修订、调换、处置或以其他不时认为权宜的方式处理本公司 当时的任何投资
(i) To carry on business as a holding company and to acquire and hold shares, stocks, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking of whatever nature and wherever constituted or carrying on business, and shares, stock, debenture, debenture stock, bonds, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government, sovereign ruler, commissioners, trust, local authority or other public body,- whether in Bermuda or elsewhere, and to vary' transpose' dispose of or otherwise deal with from time to time as may be considered expedient any of the Company's investments for the time being
(c) 在不影响第24及25项条文之情况下,当「「生」、「会员」任何一方取消或终止「专用卡」,或「赛马「合股人」经已 解散、或「赛马」及「合股人户口」经已终止,「会员」、「」或「主管合股人」有责任要求一份最新之「户口 结单」或不时向「「生」查询当时「专用卡户口」、「赛马」及「合股人户口」之尚余结欠,以便支付欠款,而利息及财 务费用(如适用)会一直积累至欠款完全清付为止。
(c) Without prejudice to the provisions of Clauses 24 and 25, when a Card has been cancelled or terminated by the Cardmember or Hang Seng or when a Syndicate or a Partnership has been dissolved or when a Syndicate Account or a Partnership Account has been terminated, it is the duty of the Cardmember, the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner to request for updated Account Statement or to inquire with Hang Seng from time to time on the outstanding balance of the Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account for repayment purpose and interest and finance charge (where applicable) shall continue to accrue thereon until full repayment.
(e) 本公司核数师就有关是否需要设立及维持认购权储备及倘若有需要情况下设 立及维持认购权储备的所需金额、有关认购权储备的用途、有关认购权储备用以补偿本公司亏 损的程度、有关须向行使权利的认股权证持有人配发入账列作缴足的新增股份面值、以及有关 认购权储备的任何其他事项的证书或报告,须(在并无明确错误情况下)为不可推翻,并对本 公司及权证持有人及股东具有约束力。
(e) A certificate or report by the Auditors of the Company as to whether or not the Subscription Right Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Right Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Right Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
倘董事全权认为(aa)(1)购股权承授人(不包括合资格雇员)或其 联系人违反本身与本集团或任何所投资公司订立的任何合约;或(2)承 授人经已破产、无力偿债或面临结业、清盘或同类法律程序,或与人订立任何偿债安排或协议;或(3)承授人因终止与本集团的合作 关系或其他任何理由而不再对本集团的增长及发展作出贡献;及(bb)承 授人根据购股权计划获授的购股权失效,则该承授人的购股权将自动 失效,及将在任何情况下於董事所厘订之日期或之後不得再行使。
If the Directors shall at their absolute discretion determine that (aa) (1) the grantee of any option (other than an Eligible Employee) or his associate has committed any breach of any contract entered into between the grantee or his associate on the one part and the Group or any Invested Entity on the other part; or (2) that the grantee has committed any act of bankruptcy or has become insolvent or is subject to any winding-up, liquidation or analogous proceedings or has made any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally; or (3) the grantee could no longer make any contribution to the growth and development of the Group by reason of the cessation of its relations with the Group or by other reason whatsoever; and (bb) the option granted to the grantee under the Share Option scheme shall lapse, his option will lapse automatically and will not in any event be exercisable on or after the date on which the Directors have so determined.
指使用太阳能、风能、生物质能、水能、潮汐能、浪 潮能、地热能及废物能(包括土地堆填和污水港灯与政府日後互相议定的常存在及用之不竭(意 思是无须担心储备耗尽的问题)的其他能源來发电的 系统。
means an electricity generation system employing solar, wind, biomass, hydro, tidal, wave, geothermal, energy from waste (including landfill gas or sewage gas) or such other energy sources that are secure and inexhaustible (in the sense that there is no problem of reserve being depleted) as may be mutually agreed by HEC and the Government in the future.
该阿维斯塔文语言是印度支那日耳曼舌,属於更集团的其他成员被老波斯的楔形文字铭文的巴列维,并Pazend [...]
(或中东伊朗) ,以及後来的方言,新波斯语,库尔德语,阿富汗等阿维斯塔文讲话,是非常密切相关的梵文,事实上,我们能够移调任何词从一种语言到其他的应用特别拼音法。
The Avestan language is an Indo-Germanic tongue and belongs more
[...] specificallyto the Iranian group, [...]
the other members being the Old Persian of
the cuneiform inscriptions, the Pahlavi, and Pazend (or Middle Iranian), and the later dialects, New Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, etc. The Avestan speech is very closely related to Sanskrit; in fact, we are able to transpose any word from one language into the other by the application of special phonetic laws.
其他经经验显示,引入更多电力 市场參与者以提供顾客选择权,也不是完全没有风险,因 为供电可靠性下降和电价波动,都可能会出现。
Lessons from other economies have indicated that introducing more players into the electricity market to provide customer choice is not without risks, and lower supply reliability and price fluctuations could be the outcome.
谨此声明:当不适用於本公司时,本条款内「公司」一词应被视为包括任何合夥或 任何其他論是否注册成立为法团及无論是否以香港或其他地方为本籍), 而不論现有或此後组成,本条款各段内所列之各项宗旨应被视作独立宗旨,因此决 不因提述任何其他段落之条款或本公司名称或因从中推断而受到限制或制约(惟有 关段落於本条款内另有规定者除外),并须被当作独立宗旨(单独或与相同段落或 任何其他段落所订明之任何一项或多项宗旨一起)。
AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that the word “Company” in this clause when not applied to this Company shall be deemed to include any partnership or other bodyof persons whether incorporated or not incorporated and whether domiciled in Hong Kong or elsewhere and whether existing or hereafter to be formed and the intention is that each object specified in each paragraph of this clause shall unless otherwise therein provided be regarded as an independent object and shall be in nowise limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph or the name of the Company and shall be capable of being pursued as an independent object and either alone or in conjunction with any one or more of the objects specified in the same or in any other paragraph or paragraphs.




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