

单词 住宅

住宅 noun, plural ()

speculative activities pl

See also:

(suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming a halt)


live v
stay v

sum up
put together
heddle (device form warp in weaving textiles)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 時,不應考慮任何個人因素,李議員表示理解 其背後理據,但仍然認為應先恢復《一 住宅 物業 銷售條例草案》的二讀辯論,然後才恢復 [...]
While appreciating the rationale behind Mr Ronny TONG's view that personal considerations should not be taken into account in determining the order of Council business, he
remained of the view that the Second Reading
[...] debate on the Residential Properties (First-hand [...]
Sales) Bill should be resumed before that on the Companies Bill.
的宏觀及微觀審慎監管審查、金管局出版的《貨幣與金融穩定 情況半年度報告》、對銀行體系承受次按危機等衝擊的能力進 行宏觀壓力測試,以及運用經濟研究部轄下的市場研究處開發
[...] 的宏觀經濟信用風險模型以改進對銀行 住宅 按 揭 貸款及其他 貸款組合的壓力測試。
The HKMA has made commendable efforts to improve this aspect of its work in recent years, including production of the macro- and micro-prudential reviews by the Banking Policy Department (BPD), the half-yearly Monetary and Financial Stability Report published by the HKMA, macro stress testing of the banking sector’s vulnerability to shocks such as the sub-prime crisis and the use of the macroeconomic credit risk models developed by the Market Research Division (MRD) of
the Research Department (RD) to improve the stress testing
[...] of banks’ residential mortgage loans [...]
and other loan portfolios.
有關措施旨在防住宅物業 市場繼 續升溫,以免為宏觀經濟及金融體系的穩定帶來重大風險; [...]
確保樓市健康平穩發展,以促進本港的可持續發展;並於當 前的市場情況下,優先滿足香港永久性居民( 相對於非香港永 久性居民而言) 的置居需要。
The objectives of these measures are to prevent even further
[...] exuberance in the housing market which [...]
may pose significant risks to our macro economic
and financial sector stability; to ensure the healthy and stable development of the residential property market which is crucial to the sustainable development of Hong Kong as a whole; and to accord priority to HKPR buyers over non-HKPR buyers under the current market situation.
所有名列本申請書第一部分的人士(包括其配偶在內),從未獲得「自置居所貸款計劃」或「置業資助貸款計劃」貸款/按揭還 款補助金或購得「居者有其屋計劃」或「私人機構參建居屋計劃」或「中等入息家庭屋邨」美樂花園或「重建置業計劃」或 「居屋第二市場計劃」或「租者置其屋計劃」或「可租可買計劃」或房屋協會轄下任何房屋資助計劃 住宅 樓 宇 單位。
None of the persons listed in Part I of this application form (including their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance Loan Scheme (HALS), or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
為增加使用率及提升計劃的環保效益,委員曾於二零 一零年七月的會議中建議應規定區內所有私人 住宅 項目 使用區域供冷系統服務。
With a view to increasing the subscription rate and maximizing environmental benefit of the project, Members suggested at the meetings in July 2010 that all private non-domestic projects in the KTD should be obliged to subscribe to the DCS service.
(3) 根據香港特別行政區荃灣葵青地政處於 2007 年 3 月 21 日簽發的不反對通知書(註冊摘要號碼﹕07032802020015), A 座地下 G01 號單位可於現有大廈存在期間用於 住宅 用 途(酒店、加油站及安老院除外)。
(3) According to the No Objection Letter dated 21 March 2007 issued by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the District Lands Office / Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing registered vide Memorial No.07032802020015, Unit G01 on Ground
Floor of Tower A may be
[...] used for non-residential purposes (excluding hotel, petrol filling station and residential care home) [...]
for the lifetime of the existing building.
因是次申請而購得住宅單位 ,將由所有名列申請書第一部分的人士共住。
The flat purchased as a result of this application shall be for co-occupation by all persons listed in Part I of this application form.
可是,要把不同城市住宅用戶 的電費作出比較則有相當 困難。這是因為各地電力公司為 住宅 用 戶(包括商業、 工業以至農業等)所提供的收費計劃種類繁多,而這些不 同的收費計劃,又受到個別國家或城市對個別行業的政策 及經濟考慮等因素影響。
It is, however, very
[...] difficult to compare non-residential tariffs in the different cities because of the variety of tariff schemes offered by different power companies to different non-residential customer groups in [...]
the commercial, industrial
and agricultural sectors, which in turn are affected by the policies and economic considerations, etc., of the countries or cities for each economic sector.
在私人物業市場中,一手及二手市場亦會有各種不同市值價 格住宅單位,以滿足有能力負擔私 住宅 單 位的人士的多元化需 要。
In the private property sector, residential flats at various market prices are [...]
also available in both the primary and secondary
markets to satisfy the diverse demands of those who can afford private flats.
這些豁免個案涉及例如近親之 間的提名、轉售或轉讓;賣方出售或轉讓一個從離世者遺 產中繼承住宅物業 ;以及賣方出售其自法院判令或命令 轉讓予或歸屬予他住宅物業
These exemption cases involved, for example, nomination, sale or transfer between close relatives; sale or transfer of the residential property by the vendor whose property was inherited from a
deceased person's estate; and sale of residential property where the property was transferred to or vested in the vendor by or pursuant to a decree or order of a court.
該條例 旨在進一步提高一住宅物業 銷售安排的透明度和公平性,以 及加強對消費者的保障。
The Ordinance seeks to further enhance the
transparency and fairness of the sales
[...] arrangements of first-hand residential properties and enhance [...]
consumer protection.
[...] 自己制定的規則,例如地下鐵路有限公司對在所管理的私住 宅樓宇 內展示選舉廣告有本身的一套規則。
Candidates should note that public corporations may have their own rules for display of election advertisements, eg the Mass
Transit Railway Corporation Limited has its own set of rules for
[...] such display in residential estates under its [...]
[...] 議政府考慮檢討建築設計和樓宇建造的相關規例,以減少 樓宇的能源消耗,同時亦應檢討樓宇總熱傳送值的應用範 圍,以擴展住宅樓宇
The SDC recommends that the Government may consider reviewing the relevant regulations in terms of architectural design and building fabrication for reducing energy consumption in
buildings and the scope of application of OTTV in buildings with a view to extending
[...] its application to residential buildings.
[...] 他不反對內務委員會主席向政務司司長轉達議 員希望《一住宅物業銷售條例草案》能先於 《公司條例草案》恢復二讀辯論的意見,他認為 [...]
應由政府當局決定各項政府法案恢復二讀辯論 的次序。
He further said that while he did not object to the Chairman relaying to
CS Members' view that the Second
[...] Reading debate on the Residential Properties (First-hand [...]
Sales) Bill be resumed ahead of
the Companies Bill, it was for the Administration to decide the order for the resumption of the Second Reading debates on Government bills.
有關當局可考慮的其他有關事宜,包括《基本法》第三 章所保障的權利和自由(例如言論和新聞的自由,集會、遊行和
[...] 示威的自由,得到秘密法律諮詢的權利,保 住宅 和 其他房屋不 受侵犯的權利,以及通訊自由和通訊秘密)。
As regards the other relevant matters that may be taken into consideration by the relevant authority, they include the rights and freedoms guaranteed by Chapter III of the Basic Law (such as freedom of speech and of the press, freedom of assembly, of procession and of demonstration, the
right to confidential legal advice, the right
[...] to protection against intrusion into [...]
a person’s home or other premises, and the
freedom and privacy of communications).
由於這建議旨在鼓勵盡早改建位於非工業區的現有工業大廈,我 們認為,只要有關用途是有關法定規劃圖准許的,或者申請已獲規劃許 可,以及在上述的三年期限內提交,「按實補價」的概念也應擴大至包括 現時位於「商貿」地帶、住宅」地 帶、「商業」地帶或「綜合發展區」 地帶的工業大廈的重新發展計劃。
Since the objective of this proposal is to encourage early transformation of existing industrial buildings in non-industrial areas, we believe the “pay for what you build” concept should be extended to redevelopment of industrial buildings currently situated in OU(B), “Residential”, “Commercial” as well as “CDA” zones, so long as the uses are permitted under the relevant statutory town plans or planning permissions have been obtained, and the applications are submitted within the above-mentioned three-year period.
就不獲社署推薦“體恤安置”(包括“有條件租約計劃”)的個 案而言,當中原因包括申請人沒有採取正式行動取消其私住宅物業 或資助自置居所計劃下的業權;沒有足夠的醫 療或社會因素支持其申請;申請人有足夠財政資源解決其 居住問題;以及未能核實申請人的婚姻或子女的管養權安 排等。
The reasons for not recommending CT by the SWD included failure of the applicants to take any formal action to cancel their ownership of private properties or subsidized home ownership flats; insufficient medical or social grounds to support the applications; applicants having sufficient financial means to meet their housing needs; and the marital situation of the applicants or the custody arrangements of the children could not be verified, and so on.
2002 年 5 月底,《荔枝角分區計劃大綱草圖編號 S/K16/10》刊憲,修訂住宅(甲類)」地帶地積比率限 制,在《註釋》內該住宅(甲 類)」地帶的「備註」中 列明地積比率限制(即整幢為住用建築物的為 7.5 倍, 一幢建築物內住用與非住用各佔部分的為 9.0 倍,或現 有建築物的地積比率,兩者中以數目較大者為準。
At the end of May 2002, the draft Lai Chi Kok OZP No. S/K16/10 was gazetted, in which the plot ratio restriction for “R(A)” zone was revised. The plot ratio restriction was specified in the Remarks of the Notes for “R(A)” zone of the OZP (i.e. the plot ratio for the building shall not be in excess of 7.5 for a domestic building or 9.0 for a building that is partly domestic and partly non-domestic, or the plot ratio of the existing building, whichever is the greater.
就輔助 計劃而言,除了與人身傷害、僱員補償及醫療、牙科及法律專業疏忽有關的 申索外,輔助計劃的涵蓋範圍自 2012 年 11 月起已予大幅擴大,以涵蓋更多
[...] 有關專業疏忽的申索、關於保險人或其中介人在銷售個人保險產品時涉及疏 忽的申索,以及就售賣已落成或未落成的一 住宅 物 業 向賣方提出的金錢申 索等法律程序。
As far as the SLAS is concerned, in addition to claims relating to personal injuries, employees compensation and medical, dental and legal professional negligence, the scope of the SLAS was significantly expanded in November 2012 to cover a wider range of professional negligence claims, negligence claims against insurers or their intermediaries in respect of the taking out of personal insurance products, and monetary claims against
the vendors in the sale of completed or
[...] uncompleted first-hand residential properties, amongst [...]
other types of proceedings.
Ÿ 根據第一個三年發展計劃的規劃及開發安排,本公司計劃於 2013
[...] 年推出覆蓋六個 項目、建築面積合計約 606,900 平方米住宅物業以供銷售及預售。
Ÿ With the planning and development in the first Three-Year
Plan, it is expected that approximately
[...] 606,900 sq.m. of residential GFA spanning [...]
six projects will be available for sale and pre-sale in 2013.
應委員要求,政府 當局已提供進一步資料,說明設計、建造及營運的模式、區域
[...] 供冷系統在財政上是否可行,以及啟德發展區內所有 住宅項 目 須均強制使用區域供冷系統服務的事宜。
At members’ request, the Administration had provided further information on
DBO model, financial viability of DCS and mandatory subscription to the DCS
[...] service by all non-domestic projects in KTD.
一般來說住宅用戶的電費開支10 ,佔一般家庭每月 開支少於百分之二(見圖2.3)。
In general, the electricity bill accounts for less than 2% of the general household monthly expenditure (see Figure 2.3) for residential customers10.
永泰的主要附屬公司(不包括南聯及 其附屬公司)從事物業發展、物業投資及管理、服務 住宅 投 資 及管理、成衣製造及投 資活動。
The principal subsidiaries of Wing Tai (excluding Winsor and its subsidiaries) are engaged in property development, property investment and management, hospitality investment and management, garment manufacturing and investing activities.
(a) 政府有否預留資源,用作計劃規管有關土地在批出後,土地要在特定時間內 興建可供買賣的樓宇,以及銷售期限,以解決香港私 住宅 單 位 供應不足的 問題?
(a) Whether the Government has reserved any resources to regulate the construction of flats within a specific timeframe and the
sale period for sites granted, so as to solve the problem of inadequate
[...] supply of private residential flats in Hong Kong.
政府當局亦會積極研究如何以最妥善的方式落實啟德 發展區內所有住宅項目 均須使用區域供冷系統服務的規定, [...]
包括以何種合適途徑落實此項規定、如何確保相關措施得以有 效落實,以及違反使用條款應受到甚麼懲處等。
The Administration would also actively
explore how best to implement the requirement
[...] for all non-domestic projects in [...]
KTD to subscribe to the DCS service, including
the appropriate avenue, means of enforcement, and sanctions against any breach of the relevant conditions.
對於《公司條例草案》及《一住宅 物業 銷售條例草案》恢復二讀辯論的次序,屬 於民主建港協進聯盟( 下稱" 民建聯")的議員並 無強烈意見,但對於有意見認為政府當局應撤 回有關架構重組的擬議決議案,他們表示反對。
While Members belonging to the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong ("DAB") did not have strong views on the order for resuming the Second Reading debates on the Companies Bill and the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Bill, they objected to the view that the Administration should withdraw the proposed resolution relating to the re-organization proposals.
2.1.2 是次社會參與過程主要的對象是代表 住宅 及 商 業使用的四個主要建築物用戶群組, [...]
包括住戶(例如香港房屋委員會、香港房屋協會、業主立案法團和物業管理公司), 辦公室(例如商會、貿易機構、政府部門、和商廈的物業管理公司),零售業(例如
2.1.2 The main target groups of the exercise
were four core building user groups
[...] representing both the residential and commercial [...]
sectors, including households (e.g. Housing
Authority, Housing Society, owners’ corporations, property management companies), office (e.g. chambers of commerce, trade organisations, government departments, and property management companies in office buildings), retail (e.g. retail shops, service outlets, shopping complexes), and catering (e.g. restaurants, fast-food stores).
要求辦事處 支援的項目須符合既定準則,其中包括發展項目倡議者已擁有可供發
[...] 展項目使用的土地(不過,非政府機構的項目可稍為彈性處理)及有關 發展項目不可單純發住宅,而 應包含有較廣泛社會或經濟效益。
Projects seeking DOO's assistance should meet a set of eligibility criteria, including that the project proponents should possess the land required for the proposed projects (although some flexibility may be allowed for projects proposed by non-governmental organizations)
and that the proposed projects should not
[...] be exclusively residential but should carry [...]
broader social or economic merits.
(5) 於屬於本公司或本公司(無論以擁有人、承租人、承建商或其他身份)擁有權 益之任何土地上興建或促使興建任何類型之樓宇,尤其 住宅 、 商 鋪及倉庫, 以及改建、拆毀、裝修、裝飾、維修及佈置建於任何該等土地上之樓宇。
(5) To construct or procure the construction of buildings of all kinds, upon any lands belonging to or in which the Company
is interested, either
[...] as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise, and in particular dwelling houses, shops, and [...]
warehouses, and to
alter, pull down, improve, decorate, maintain, and furnish building situate on any such lands.
將有關土地∕物業[包括第一間 (不論是租用或自置)由你本人及 你父母(假如你已婚,即指你本人
[...] 及你的配偶)自住的樓宇]∕車位 的用途、種類(包住宅、商廈、 工廠、寫字樓、居者有其屋、夾心 [...]
階層單位或租置計劃單位),土地 面積 (車位不用填寫面積)∕樓宇 實用面積以及地址輸入到適當位 置。
Enter the purpose of use, type (including domestic, shop, factory, office, “Home Ownership Scheme” flats, “Sandwich Class Housing Scheme” flat or
“Tenants Purchase Scheme” flat, area of land (except for parking spaces), saleable area of land and location of the land,
[...] properties [including first home (irrespective [...]
of rented or self-owned)
occupied by you and your parents (or you and your spouse if you are married) and parking spaces].




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