单词 | 低谷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低谷preposition—troughprep低谷noun—valleyn bottomn 低谷—lowest ebb trough (as opposed peaks) nadir of one's fortunes fig. low point Examples:(商业活动等的)低谷n—troughn 最低谷—nadir lowest point See also:谷n—valleyn grainn cornn sorghumn 谷—paper mulberry tree surname Gu
在「低谷会」完结後,我们发现若从失业工㆟的角度来看,根本没有任何讯息告诉他们可以在将来 [...] 再找到工作。 legco.gov.hk | Afterthe "valley"meeting wasconcluded, [...] we realized that, in respect of the unemployment problem, we could not tell the [...]unemployed that they would be able to find a job in the future at all. legco.gov.hk |
我们已走出世界金融和经 济危机的低谷,这为我们提供了一个短暂的喘息机 会,进行反思并为振兴大会采取必要的步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our emergence from the trough of the world financial and economic crisis provides us with a brief window of respite to reflect and take the necessary steps to revitalize the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,DVAC 和很多农业化学品一样,会出现季节性的高峰和低谷,有可能为其他产品所替代,并有可能把出口市场丢失给竞争对手。 multilateralfund.org | However, like all agrochemicals, there are seasonal peaks and troughs, the potential for not-in-kind replacement, and the potential for loss of export markets to competitors. multilateralfund.org |
抽水蓄能电站在全世界广泛应用,在用电高峰和低谷间平衡调节。 voith.com | Pumped storage power plants are ideally suited worldwide in helping to even out these frequent changes between electricity shortages and surpluses. voith.com |
额 外的成本优化还包括只在电价低谷时运行机器以减少电费。 iba-sterilization.com | Additional cost optimization is possible by working off peak hours and thus [...] benefiting from lower electricity costs. iba-sterilization.com |
我忽略了宏观经济的大部分照片;我忽略了电视上的名嘴,我忽略了情绪的波峰和低谷。 danpacplus.hk | I ignore the macro-economic picture for the most part; I ignore the talking heads on television; and I ignore the crests and troughs of sentiment. danpacplus.hk |
事务委员会通过议案,促请政府当局采取下述措施:预计 短期内本港经济仍会陷於低谷,应容许毕业生未来两年可免息暂 缓偿还免入息审查的贷款;永久取消1.5%的风险调整系数;利息 计算期由修毕课程後开始计算;以及检讨并放宽低息贷款计划下 学生开支的计算方式。 legco.gov.hk | The Panel passed a motion urging the Administration to; allow graduates to defer the repayment of non-means-tested loans for two years at no interest, in anticipation that Hong Kong would continue to experience an economic downturn in the near future; permanently remove the risk-adjusted factor of 1.5% from the interest rate; accrue interest on the loans after the students had completed their studies; and review and relax the method of calculating the level of expenses of students under the low-interest loan schemes. legco.gov.hk |
根 据 「 优 良 务 农 规 范 」 和 「 优 良 制 造 规 范 [...] 」 制 定 , 防 止 和减低 谷物受赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A [...]污 染 的 机 会 的 详 细 措 施 和 方 法 , 可 参 考 食 品 法 典 委 员 会 [...]于 二 零 零 三 年 制 定 的 操 作 规 程 第 51 条 「 预 防 和 减 少 谷 类 受 霉 菌 毒 素 污 染 的 作 业 守 则 , 包 括 有 关 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 、 玉 米 赤 霉 烯 酮 、 伏 马 镰 孢 毒 素 和 单 端 孢 霉 烯 的 附 件 ” 。 cfs.gov.hk | Detailed measures and practices based on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and [...] Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for the [...] preventionand reduction ofcontamination [...]by ochratoxin A in cereal grains may be [...]obtained in the “Code of practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Mycotoxin Contamination in Cereals, including Annexes on Ochratoxin A, Zearalenone, Fumonisins and Tricothecenes” laid out by Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2003. cfs.gov.hk |
促成这一趋势的主要原因是,高收入者有资金进入和投资股票市场,股票 2009 年初陷入低谷,现在已大幅攀升。 china.blackstone.com | A key contributing factor to this trend has been access to and investment in the equity markets, which have appreciated meaningfully since their nadir in early 2009. blackstone.com |
据媒体报道,新喀里多尼亚国家统计和经济研究所发布的失业数据显示,虽 然上一年的商品价格有所下降,但该领土看来已走出最低谷,2009 年的招工数上 升 5.4%。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to media reports, unemployment figures released by New Caledonia’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies show that, despite the previous year’s downturn in commodity prices, it appears the Territory has escaped the worst, with thenumber of job offers up 5.4 per cent in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
处于低谷的这青翠的山谷是由一个强大的凹痕布兰奇为主峰的壮丽冠诬陷。 holidays.rentalp.ch | Framed by a superb peak crown, the mighty Dent Blanche towers over it in all its glittering glory. holidays.rentalp.ch |
从表6可以看出,我国煤油净进口量除2003年的低谷外,一直在稳步增长。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Diagram 2: China’s Importation of Coal Oil From Table 6 we can see that China’s net importation of coal oil has been steadily increasing, except for the trough in 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,从经济衰退的低谷,标普 500 指数利润的增长在战后时期第一次快过销售。 china.blackstone.com | As a result, from the recession trough, profits for the S&P 500 improved faster than sales for the first time ever in the post-war period. blackstone.com |
如果中小企业的发展陷入低谷,企业生态链条受牵连,最终会影响新加坡的整体经商环境。 sccci.org.sg | If SMEs’ [...] development fallsintothe doldrums, thewhole enterprise [...]eco-system would be affected, and ultimately this would [...]have an impact on Singapore’s overall business environment. english.sccci.org.sg |
2010 年,亚洲及太平洋各经济体走出 2008/09 年“大萧条”的低谷而实现强 劲复苏,但他们在 2011 年面临诸多新的挑战,其中包括粮食和燃料危机卷土重来, 危及来之不易的发展成果;发达经济体复苏乏力;短期资本流动大量涌现,导致资 本市场动荡不定;资产泡沫积聚;以及汇率升值。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include the return of food and fuel crises that are threatening hard-won development gains, sluggish recovery in the advanced economies and a deluge of short-term capital flows that in turn is leading to volatility in capital markets, the build-up of asset bubbles and the appreciation of exchange rates. daccess-ods.un.org |
中 国 经 济 虽 然 相 对 依 然 保 持 平 稳,但 出 口 市 场 需 求 下 降 及 内 [...] 部 需 求 减 弱 令 中 国 经 济 在 第 二 季 经 历了低 谷。golikmetal.com | Demand weaknesses in both export [...] and domestic markets resulted in the Chinese [...] economy hitting a low pointin the second [...]quarter despite relative stability. golikmetal.com |
2010 年 3 月,根据通货膨胀 调整后的加拿大实际国内生产总值(GDP)增长 0.6%(根据加拿大统计局的资料), [...] 相比之下,2008 年 12 月处于周期低谷时,国内生产总值增幅为-0.9%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Real inflation-adjusted Canadian gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 0.6 per cent, according to [...] Statistics Canada, for the month of March 2010 compared with a negative 0.9 per cent [...] reading atthecyclelow ofDecember 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
景教授认为经济的复苏将会为艺术市场走出低谷提供不竭的动力。 artbeijing.net | Professor Jing believes that the economic recovery will provide an opportunity for the artmarket to bottom out. artbeijing.net |
13.13 2008-2009 年全球贸易崩溃,经济陷入低谷,2010 年世界出口业跌回升了 14.5%,但预计 2011 年的增长速度将放缓至较为适中的 6.5%。 daccess-ods.un.org | 13.13 Following the global trade collapse and economic trough of 2008-2009, the volume of world exports rebounded by 14.5 per cent in 2010, but growth is expected to slow to a more modest 6.5 per cent in 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
在最近 的经济衰退低谷时,按年增长率计算,加拿大经济收缩了近 7%(2009 年 3 月)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the trough of the recent recession, the Canadian economy contracted at a near 7 per cent annual rate (March 2009). daccess-ods.un.org |
典型的UHMW零件包括: 负担块、轴承(轻型),传送带渠道、容器挡板、渠道、爽朗喷口、传动机FLYTES,分流电阻胳膊、升降式闸门胳膊、FLYTES -箱子&板材,勾子、更加无所事事的鼓、链子& FLYTE,线酒吧,把手路辗,把手, MATHEW劳斯,金属探测器低谷,俄勒冈弯,路辗,锯盖子。 professionalplastics.com | Typical UHMW Parts Include: BEARING BLOCKS, BEARINGS (LIGHT DUTY), BELT CHANNEL, BIN BAFFLES, CHANNEL, CHIPPER SPOUTS, CONVEYOR FLYTES, DIVERTER ARMS, DROPGATE ARMS, FLYTES - BOX & PLATE, HOOKS, IDLER DRUM, CHAIN & FLYTE,LINE BAR, LUG ROLLERS, LUG, MATHEW ROLLS, METAL DETECTOR TROUGHS, OREGON BENDS, ROLLERS, SAW COVERS. professionalplastics.com |
此外,运营人员还可通过跟踪利用率的高峰和低谷来优化系统利用率,预防过度分配(带来浪费)和分配不足(可能带来灾难性后果)。 opendatacenteralliance.org | Further, operations staff can optimize system utilization by tracking spikes and troughs of utilization, helping to prevent both over-allocation (wasteful) and under-allocation (potentially catastrophic). opendatacenteralliance.org |
在斯堪的纳维亚设计的地位走入低谷时,丹麦、芬兰、瑞典等国仍设法保持了设计能力的声誉,而挪威设计业却一直生活在默默无闻、孤僻内向的境地。 norway.org.cn | While the Danes, Finns and Swedes managed to maintain a reputation as design nations as the status of Scandinavian Design ebbed, Norwegian design has led a quiet, more withdrawn life. norway.or.kr |
事实上,每支球队在赛季中都会有一段时间处于低谷,但是看上去托特纳姆热刺的这个低谷期有点太长了,尤其是这个低谷期是赛季末才来的以至于他们有可能拿不到下赛季进军欧冠的门票。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Actually every team would be in trough for a period in a season, but it seems Tottenhem’s is a bit long especially it comes at the end of season and they may lose the ticket for next champion league. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
山,小山,山谷; 低于2500米湖北西部,广西北部,贵州,甘肃南部,西北部和湖南西部,陕西南部,云南,四川。 flora.ac.cn | Mountains, hills, valleys; below 2500 m. S Gansu, [...] N Guangxi, Guizhou, W Hubei, NW and W Hunan, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
在山坡上的疏林和在山谷; 低于1000米安徽,河南,湖北,江苏,陕西,山西。 flora.ac.cn | Open forests on mountain [...] slopesand invalleys;below 1000 m. Anhui, [...]Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Shanxi. flora.ac.cn |
全球环境基金项目将提供技术援助,以帮助增强有效使用能源并试发展曼谷低碳绿色 城市,以此通过使需求方进行转换为投资项目提供补充。 multilateralfund.org | The GEF project will complement the investment project by transforming the demand side, through [...] technical assistance to help scale up efficient use of energy and pilot the [...] developmentof a low-carbon green city [...]in Bangkok. multilateralfund.org |
16.84 刑事改革干事(P-4)将领导司法科开展以下工作:(a) 制订禁毒办的政策和战略,协助修订、 更新和执行相关联合国标准和规范(特别是关于囚犯待遇的标准最低限度规则、联合国女囚犯 待遇规则和女犯罪者非拘留措施(曼谷规则)和联合国非拘留措施标准最低限度规则(东京规 则);(b) 在刑事改革方面制订禁毒办的工具和手册并提供培训;(c) 为各国提供刑事改革咨 询服务,包括判刑的改革、监禁替代办法和重建公正方案和监狱管理;(d) 支持在冲突后同维 持和平行动部和政治事务部以及计划署和其他机构联合编制方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | 16.84 The Penal Reform Officer (P-4) will lead the efforts of the Justice Section in (a) developing UNODC policies and strategies and supporting revision, updating and implementation of relevant United Nations standards [...] and norms [...] (particularly the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the BangkokRules) and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial [...]Measures (the [...]Tokyo Rules); (b) developing UNODC tools and manuals and providing training in the area of penal reform; (c) providing specialized advisory services to countries in the area of penal reform, including sentencing reform, alternatives to imprisonment and restorative justice programmes and prison management; and (d) supporting joint programming with Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Political Affairs in postconflict settings, UNDP and other agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
举例来说,在「巿民对特区政府满意程度」的半年总结图表之中,满意比率在1997至1998年急速下跌,在2003年跌至谷低後开始回升,在2005年急剧回升,兼且超越不满比率,然後在12个月前开始在高位徘徊,这些都是显而易见的客观数字。 hkupop.hku.hk | For example, under "popularity of the HKSAR government", it should be fairly obvious from the charts [...] that there was a plunge in satisfaction between 1997 and 1998, [...] downto recordlow in 2003,and then [...]a rapid surge in 2005. hkupop.hku.hk |
一位代表认为,教科文组织驻曼谷办事处应在亚洲取 得的经验基础上,继续在这方面作出努力,利用信息与传播技术发展正规与非正规教育以及远程教育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One delegate felt that further efforts should be pursued in this regard, building on the experience carried out in Asia by the UNESCO Office in Bangkok, seeking to harness the contribution of ICTs in both formal and non-formal education as well as in distance learning. unesdoc.unesco.org |