

单词 低落


使...低落 v

sink sth. v

See also:

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
be missing
decline or sink
(of the sun) set
leave behind or forget to bring
get or receive
lag or fall behind
(of a tide) go out

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管政策有了明显的改进,但是,由于人事管理规定得不到执行,故而结果令人不 快,而且人员的士气低落。
In spite of a clear improvement in policy,
the non-application of staff management regulations has had disastrous results and
[...] led to the demoralization of the staff.
每位咨询师都受过专业的训练,可在求助者发生危机时、情 低落 或 需 要建议时提供情感上的支持。
They are trained to offer emotional support in times of crisis or when
[...] callers may be feeling low or in need of advice.
体育锻炼有助于您缓解压力、调 低落 的 情 绪,而且能够赋予您更多活力(尽管在开始锻炼之前可能没有这种感觉)。
This activity will help you manage stress, pick up your mood when you're feeling down, and give you more energy (although it might not feel that way right before an exercise session).
應 法案委員會要求 ,政府當局同意,民政事務局局長於條例 草案恢復二讀辯論時,在演辭內 回應有關足球博彩規範化可能導致社 會的道德標低落的 憂慮,並解釋 政府將如何 處理因為足球博彩規範 化而引起的社會問題。
At the request of the Bills Committee, the Administration agrees that in his speech to be delivered during resumption of the Second Reading debate on the Bill, SHA will address the concern that authorization of football betting would lead to deteriorating moral standards in the community and explain how the Government would address the social problems arising from authorizing football betting.
(a) 回應有關足球博彩規範化可能導致社會的道德標 低落 的 憂慮,並解釋 政府將如何 處理因為足球博彩規範化而 引起的社會問題(參 閱 上文第17段 )
(a) address the concern that authorization of football betting would lead to deteriorating moral standards in the community and explain how the Government would address the social problems arising from authorizing football betting (paragraph 17 above refers)
当我们为下半场进行准备的时候,队伍士 低落。
The team huddles up as we prepare for the second half.
[...] 本是:旷工、消极怠工(即来上班却不工作)、请病假、 调动频繁,以及士低落和生 产力低下。
The indirect costs of conflict, which were often overlooked, were
absenteeism, presenteeism (which meant coming to work but not working), sick leave,
[...] high turnover, and low morale and productivity.
这些志愿者训练有素,在来电者遇到危机或情 低落 或 需 要建议时能够提供情绪支持。
They are trained to offer emotional support in times of crisis or when
[...] callers may be feeling low or in need of advice.
目 前面临着如下的六 项大挑战: (a) 由于长期的冲突, 造 成和平文化、 容忍和尊重他人和对人权的一般尊重等方面的价值观 低落 ; (b) 政府工作人员的 知识和 技术能力 落 后不足 ; (c) 人民因自卫而武装起来; (d) 赤贫; (e) 土 地不足 造成激烈的暴力冲突;(f) 人权领域的法律有漏洞。
Six major challenges should be noted: (a) the decline of values relating to the culture of peace, tolerance and respect for others, and respect for human rights in general, because of the long conflict; (b) State officials’ lack of technological awareness and resources; (c) the possession of weapons by the general population for self-defence; (d) extreme poverty; (e) the scarcity of land, which was a deep-rooted cause of violence; and (f) gaps in domestic legislation with regard to human rights.
因此,目前的案件量可看作是 对需要内部司法系统审议的问题的真实数量的一个准确反映,从积极的一面看,
[...] 这一程序将不满暴露出来,使管理层有机会采取补救措施,以减轻工作人员与管 理层之间的未决纠纷所导致的郁积的不满,重 低落 的 士 气。
As such, the current caseload might be seen as an accurate reflection of the true number of issues requiring consideration by the internal justice system and, on the positive side, the process is getting grievances out into the open, giving management an opportunity to take
remedial action and alleviating the
[...] simmering discontent and low morale that arises [...]
from unresolved staff-management disputes.
器 材 和
[...] 專 門 人 材 短 缺 ﹑ 士低 落 ﹑ 協 調 不 足 ﹑ 鐵 路 系 [...]
統 故 障 ﹕ 所 有 這 些 因 素 使 俄 國 遭 受 重 創 。
Shortage of equipment and
[...] trained personnel, low morale, poor coordination, [...]
and the breakdown of railway system resulted
in serious defeats of the Russian Army.
[...] 萬在現行制度下無足輕重的選民,振作 我國投票低落的缺乏生氣的民主制 度。
Such an election will
[...] revitalize our lethargic low-turnout democracy [...]
by energizing tens of millions of currently superfluous voters.
當然,建築物效低落的衝 擊,在文獻裡亦鉅細靡遺,「環境暨能源研究院」提到,建築物占美國三分之一碳排放量,IBM公司類似研究顯示,商業建築使用全球42%電力,亦浪費其中半數,相當於數千億美元。
According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, buildings are responsible for one-third of carbon emissions in the United States; a similar study by IBM reveals that commercial buildings utilize roughly 42% of the electricity produced worldwide – and still manage to waste half of it.
基督教会的发展需要大量资格符合的全职传道人......在无数的草根教会当中,普遍的问题是传道人数量不足,且素 低落。
The development of the Christian church requires a large number of qualified full-time
clergy... Among the numerous grass-roots churches, there is a common problem of
[...] insufficient number and low quality of clergy.
根据一种理论,缺少阳光照射可能会改变人体内的某些化学物质的水平,比如大脑中的血清素,由此导致一些人在冬季变得情 低落。
According to one theory, lack of exposure to sunlight may change the levels of certain chemicals, such as serotonin, in the brain and therefore lead to depression for some people during the winter season.
这类做法除了造成职 员个人情低落外, 工作人员的非职业化也日益严重,还使工作场所的各种矛盾加剧,这就 是秘书处反复出现不得力的两个原因。
Such practices not only add to the personal frustration of staff members but also exacerbate the deprofessionalization of staff and result in more disputes in the workplace, which are two ongoing causes of the Secretariat’s inefficiency.
今企業必須積極解決由此所造成的知識斷層、效率下降和士 低落 等 各 種問題。
Little time is spared to take care of the trivial operation-related issues in the companies. It is high time
for corporate to deal with the consequences, including loss of
[...] knowledge capital, low efficiency and low working morale.
甘肃省临夏公路总段自接养S2线康临高速公路以来,片面加强该公路的素日放哨、养护规划力度,片面保证公路平安流畅,十分是针对高速公路波形梁护栏板撞损严重且维修资本远弘大于路政赔补标准的状况,购买了维修波形梁护栏板的常用装备,技术人员精心研讨,火速操作把持了装备的应用及护卫要领,维修后的波形护栏基本抵达了专业步队维修水准,同时大 低落 维 修 资本,由正本专业步队维修每米重要近600元下降到那时的400多元,基本濒临了路政赔补标准。
Gansu province Linxia highway paragraph from the feed line S2Kanglin highway since, one-sided strengthen the road am sentry, conservation planning efforts, fully guarantee smooth highway safety, especially for highway guardrail collision damage and repair capital far greater than road offer the standard condition, purchase of repair guardrail the commonly used equipment, technical personnel carefully study, fast operation control equipment application and security essentials, repair after the waveform guardrail basic reached the
professional team of repair level, at the
[...] same time greatly depressed by the original [...]
capital repair, repair professional team
of nearly 600 yuan per meter of important decline at that time400 multivariate, basic on the verge of road compensation standard.
粮食安全、冲突和缺乏机会这些不断升级的问题容易造成土著妇女自尊低 落。
The escalating problems of food security, conflict and lack of opportunities predispose
[...] indigenous women to low self-esteem.
他们认为,洛矶声称姜的诚实,士 低落 的 鸡 ,姜拒绝说谎的其他母鸡。
The two of them argue, Rocky claiming that Ginger’s honesty will demoralize the chickens, and Ginger refusing to lie to the other hens.
員工的士氣從來沒有這低落,但 對市民來說,我們還是盡力做好工作。
According to Saggau, that amounts to the city walking away from a contract it made with employees.
普納即面臨如此重要關頭,城市發展完全無規劃,塞車、空氣污染、交通事故屢創新高,卻無穩定與普及的大眾運輸系統,居民常抱怨公車老舊、擁擠、效 低落 、 班次不固定,車站大多殘破,地點也不方便,況且搭公車也無法節省時間,由於欠缺公車專用道,故和其他車輛一同受困在車陣中。
The city is entirely unplanned; traffic congestion, air pollution and automobile accidents are at all time highs; and yet no reliable and broad public transportation system.
虽然我们可以依靠这些治疗手段,但还是有一些方法可以帮助您在抑郁症发生前防止情 低落。
Although we can rely on these treatments there are also ways to prevent depression before it starts.
尽管在倍增阶段,这个小组的士气极 低落 , 但 是靠着圣灵的能力,它幸存下来,而 且一再倍增。
In spite of the advanced deterioration of this group's morale during the multiplication stage, by the power of the Holy Spirit, it survived to multiply again and again.
他們認為,洛磯聲稱姜的誠實,士 低落 的 雞 ,姜拒絕說謊的其他母雞。
The two of them argue, Rocky claiming that Ginger’s honesty will demoralize the chickens, and Ginger refusing to lie to the other hens.
这种做法鼓励了对于法治的政治干预,使得负责此类案件的警察、检察官 以及法官士低落;声 称的罪犯逍遥法外造成了治安问题;并且进一步影响到公 众对于执法机构和政府的信心。
The practice encourages political interference in the rule of law, demoralizing police officials, prosecutors and judges working on such cases, contributing to public insecurity by allowing alleged criminals to escape prosecution, and further eroding public confidence in law and order institutions and the Government.
China Source形容这些地区的“特色是品质低劣的住家 低落 的 安 全和卫生、有限的基本设施,以及社会失序。
China Source has described these areas as "characterized by poor quality housing, poor safety and hygiene, limited infrastructure and social disorder.
2006年我国模具行业规模以上企业销售额约为560亿元,其中压铸模具销售收入约为32亿元,2007年我国模具行业规模以上企业销售额达到790亿元,同比增长了41.1%,其中压铸模具销售收入约为44亿元,同比增长了37.5%;2008年受金融危机影响,我国汽车、摩托车等下游产业生产形 低落 , 影 响了我国模具行业的发展,全年规模以上企业销售额约为940亿元,同比增长了19.0%,其中压铸模具销售额约为53亿元,同比增长20.5%;2009年,我国规模以上模具企业销售额约为1100亿元,同比增长17%,其中压铸模具销售额约为66亿元,同比增长24.5%。
Sales of China's mold industry enterprises above designated size was approximately 56 billion yuan in 2006, including sales revenue of approximately $ 32 billion of the die casting mold, mold industry sales of enterprises above designated size of 79 billion yuan in 2007, an increase of 41.1 percent, including die-castingdie sales revenue of about 4.4 billion yuan, up 37.5 percent; the 2008 financial crisis, China's automobile, motorcycle and
other downstream industries, the situation
[...] of production is low, affecting the development [...]
of China's mold industry, throughout
the year above-scale enterprises sales of approximately94 billion yuan, up 19.0 percent, including die-casting mold sales of approximately $ 53 billion, an increase of 20.5%; 2009, sales of mold enterprises above designated size of about 110 billion yuan, an increase of 17 percent, including die-castingmold sales of approximately $ 66 billion, an increase of 24.5%.
然而,不合规行为、收入管理不善、纳税人士 低落 、 对 金 融机构的利用度较浅、严重依赖多国企业的不稳定收入,以及贸易自由化和国际 [...]
税收竞争加剧对收入产生的压力,所有这些问题都对许多发展中国家构成重大挑 战。
However, non-compliance, weak revenue
[...] administrations, low taxpayer morale, [...]
shallow use of financial institutions and heavy
reliance on volatile receipts from multinational enterprises, as well as pressures on revenue from trade liberalization and from intensifying international tax competition, pose significant challenges for many developing countries.
[...] 力低下,而由于拖欠工资,员工士 低落 、 旷工率高,致使情况更加雪上加霜。
Security at corrections facilities remained a challenge owing to weak infrastructure,
limited staff and poor capacity, which were
[...] exacerbated by low staff morale and [...]
high rates of absenteeism due to salary delays.




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