

单词 低筋面粉

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

3、接着筛入30克低筋面粉(图 3),低速打1-2分钟成为面糊。
3: Sift in
[...] 3 tbsp flour (Picture 3) and beat for another 1-2 minutes at low speed.
2: Sift pastry
[...] flour and corn starch. Divide into 3 portions and fold into the cream cheese mixture one at a time (Picture [...]
6), mix well each time.
最后放入1料拌匀面粉(图 3),用打蛋 低 速 打1分钟,再高速打1分钟至均匀。
3: Add flour and baking powder mixture in Ingredient 4) (Picture 3), beat at low speed for 1 minute, [...]
then switch to high speed for another minute.
以往調查顯 示,本港製造商已致力低醬油及雞 粉 中 的氯丙醇水平,並研發新的醬油配 方,以其他配料替代加酸水解植物蛋白。
Previous surveys indicated that the local manufacturers had
[...] made much effort in reducing the levels of chloropropanols [...]
in sauces and condiments
and had reformulated their sauces by replacing acid-hydrolysed vegetable protein with other alternative ingredients.
適當和適量的運動可以促進血液循環、增強活動 機能,低筋肌勞損和受傷的機會。
Suitable and an appropriate amount of physical activity can promote blood circulation, enhance mobility and reduce the chances of repetitive strain injury or other injuries.
I. 桌面文具例如紙張、筆、筆芯、記事簿、印章、墨、日曆、擦膠、塗改液、 尺、筋圈、 萬字夾、剪刀、膠水、膠紙、圖釘、釘書機、書釘、 打孔機、計算機等。
I. Desktop Stationery e.g. paper, pens, pen refills, notebooks, stamps, inks, calendars, erasers, correction fluid, rulers, rubber bands, clips, scissors, [...]
glues, adhesive
tapes, drawing pins, staplers, staples, punches, calculators, etc.
(c) 將股份或任何股份分拆面額低於本 公司組織章程大綱所釐定者 (惟仍須符合公司法條文的規定),而拆細股份的決議案可決定在 [...]
分拆所產生的股份的持有人之間,其中一股或多股股份可較其他股 份擁有本公司有權附加於未發行或新股份的任何有關優先權或其他
(c) sub-divide its shares or any of them into
[...] shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandum [...]
of Association of the Company,
subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Law, and so that the resolution whereby any share is sub-divided may determine that, as between the holders of the shares resulting from such sub-division, one or more of the shares may have any such preferred or other special rights, over, or may have such deferred rights or be subject to any such restrictions as compared with the others as the Company has power to attach to unissued or new shares.
通过可靠的水分、蛋白质、灰分 面筋 、 吸 水率和其它关键参数,您可以提高整个加工过程和产成品的稳定性。
With reliable information about moisture,
[...] protein, ash, gluten, water absorption [...]
and other key parameters, you can improve
the consistency of end products and the entire milling process.
在加沙外地办事处,一名工作人员让商人而不是受益者优先获得更优质面 粉,将市场价值比本地研面粉更高 的土耳其 面粉 转 让
In the Gaza field office, a staff member had transferred Turkish white flour, which has a higher market value than locally milled flour, by giving the merchants a higher priority on the better quality flour than beneficiaries.
2)选材:建筑设计应尽可能采用钢筋、玻璃、木材、石膏等可循环材料,可循环材料的 用量宜大于建筑材料总重量的 10%;室内隔墙宜选择以建筑废弃物为原料生产的再生产品, 其用量宜超过同类建筑材料用量的 30%;对于 7 层及以上建筑,钢筋混凝土主体结构使用 HRB400 级(或抗拉强度低于 360MPa 的筋)的钢筋作为主筋占主筋总量的 70%以上。
(2) Materials: the construction design shall adopt such recyclable materials as reinforcement, glass, wood and plaster, etc. The usage of the recyclable materials shall be more than 10% of the total weight of construction materials; rooms partition shall select the recycled products made of construction waste and its usage shall exceed 30% of the same kind building materials; for the building more than 7 floors, main structure of reinforced concrete shall make use of HRB400 steel (or the steel that the tensile strength is more than 360MPa), which is more than 70% of the total steel.
我們近日從電視和報章很多報道看到一些失修樓宇,它們的 內部石屎爆裂、批盪剝落,吃飯時也無須撒胡 粉 , 而且 鋼 筋 外 露 、天 花漏水、牆壁滿布裂痕,這些問題非常嚴重。
Recently, we have seen on television and read in newspapers many reports about some dilapidated buildings with concrete cracks and plaster spalling off. The
residents do not need to
[...] sprinkle pepper when they eat, and their buildings have very serious problems like exposed steel reinforcements, leaking ceilings [...]
and cracks all over the walls.
谷物和油料种子可以直接进行分析而不需要任何研磨过程 面粉 可 以 用一个简单 面粉 杯 进 行分析。
Grains or oilseeds can be analyzed directly
[...] without any milling procedure and Flours can be analyzed using a simple [...]
flour cup procedure.
我很高兴能够在汗尤尼斯宣布,在经过三年的封 锁之后,以色列政府现在核准所需材料进入,以便在 汗尤尼斯完成 151
[...] 套住房的建设,在 Tel El-Sultan 实施饮水和环境卫生项目,并且修复埃尔贝德 面粉 厂。
I was pleased to be able to announce in Khan Younis that, after three years of closure, the Israeli Government has now approved the entry of material required to complete 151
housing units in Khan Younis, carry out a water and sanitation project in Tel
[...] El-Sultan and repair the El-Bader flour mill.
利用资金满足自己的私欲,他还是政府对国内其他地区 低 发 放 面粉资 金数量的原因之一。
According to the State party, D. had thus used the funds for his own interest, and he had contributed to the decreasing of the amount of flour funds distributed by the Government among other regions of the country.
可能是陆地动 物产业的费用问题,特别是养猪和家禽产业持续 低 了 使用 鱼 粉。
This has been possible at the expense
of the land-animal sector, particularly the pig and poultry sector, which is
[...] continuously reducing its use of fishmeal.
如 果 本 集 團 的 持 續 參 與 形 式 為
對 被 轉 讓 資 產 提 供 擔 保,則 本 集 團 的 持 續 參 與 程 度
[...] 的 計 量 是 下 述 兩 者 中 的低 者:資 產 的面 金 額 和 本 集 團 可 以 被 要 求 [...]
償 還 的 對 價 的 最 大 金 額。
Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee
over the transferred asset is
[...] measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the [...]
asset and the maximum amount
of consideration that the Group could be required to repay.
补充维生素 A 和锌、食盐加碘面粉强 化 工作均得到加强,纯母乳喂养率也有所提高。
Vitamin A and zinc supplementation, salt iodization and flour fortification have all been scaled up, and rates of exclusive breastfeeding have improved.
此项目的目的是研究用于新建造的增强混凝土安全结构的钒微合金化高强 低 合 金 钢 筋 ( HS LA-V)和高强度混凝土。
The project objective is to investigate vanadium
[...] microalloyed high-strength low-alloy steel (HSLA-V) reinforcement bar and high-strength concrete for newly constructed reinforced concrete [...]
protective structures.
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產: 筋 / 鹿 尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚翅骨。
Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone.
将面团部份的所有原料(黄奶油除外)一起搅拌均匀,先高速搅拌4分钟,加入黄奶油用慢速拌匀,然后用高速搅拌2分钟上,直 面筋 充 分 扩展。
Mix all the ingredients (except Aristo) together, 4
minutes in high speed
[...] then add the Aristo and mix in low speed, later mix in high speed for 2 minutes until well development.
有醫 生透露,醫院現時處方的舊藥 ⎯⎯ 指的是第一代和第二代的精神科藥 物 ⎯⎯ 只能抑制妄想、幻覺、暴力傾向等陽性病徵,不能根治肌肉筋、情緒低落等陰性反應。
Some doctors revealed that the old drugs currently administered by hospitals ― they were referring to the first-generation and second-generation psychiatric drugs ― can only curb positive symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations and propensity to violence, but cannot radically cure negative reactions such as muscle spasms, emotional depression, and so on.
此外, 瓦克
[...] 还将展出新型VINNAPAS®威耐实5111 L, 这低VOC粉末可用于配制符合严格生态标签要求(如EMICODE® [...]
EC1+ 或蓝色天使)的自流平地坪砂浆。
WACKER is also presenting the new VINNAPAS®
[...] 5111 L, a VOC-reduced powder for the formulation [...]
of self-leveling flooring com-pounds
that conform to strict eco-labeling requirements, such as EMICODE® EC1+ or Blue Angel.
展出产品包括供外墙干抹灰和外墙外保温系统使用的憎水性可再分散乳 粉, 低嗅味、 低排放内墙涂料用VAE乳液, 以及用于可使高品质地板自流平砂浆达到严格环保标准的粘结剂等,种类非常丰富。
The portfolio ranges from water-repellent
[...] dispersible polymer powders for dry renders and external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS), through vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer (VAE) dispersions for low-emission, [...]
low-odor interior paints, to binders
for high-quality self-leveling flooring compounds that meet even stringent environmental regulations.
其他有趣的城市,缪拉,在那里走来走去的中世纪街道和城墙是非常愉快, 面粉 , 一个中世纪小镇,有一定的重要性,足以媲美欧里亚克部门的资本,但也Chaudes-艾格,温泉镇的温泉用于治疗风湿和地板下的供暖系统的房子和游泳池。
Others interesting cities are; Murat, where walking around its medieval streets
and ramparts is very pleasant, St Flour, a
[...] medieval town of some importance, rivalling [...]
Aurillac as the capital of the department
but also Chaudes–Aigues, a spa town where the hot springs are used to treat rheumatism and provide an under floor heating system for most of the houses and the swimming pool.
据提 交人称,调查和庭审程序存在偏颇,公司的收购是合法的,收购是通过一项贷款 融资交易,而不是通过私有化进行的 面粉 的 采购也是合法的,在获得和使用所 述贷款方面没有违规情况。
According to her, the investigation and the court proceedings were biased, as the company in question was acquired legally, not through privatization but through a transaction financed by a loan, the flour was also procured lawfully, and no irregularities were committed in the obtaining or the use of the loans in question.
由於丙烯酰胺含量 是按食物的單位重量計算,以及丙烯酰胺主要是食物受熱時在 面形 成,所以水份含低而比表面積大 的食品一般含有較多丙烯酰胺。
As the amount of acrylamide was measured per unit weight of food and the acrylamide would be formed mainly on the food
surface during heating,
[...] these two factors of low moisture content and large specific surface area would [...]
contribute to the generally higher acrylamide level.
饮食策略应当包括减少精制碳水化合物(如白糖和 面粉 ) 、 加工食品、胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸的摄入量,同时增加天然食品(水果、蔬菜、豆类、豌豆、种子和坚果)的食用量。
Dietary strategies should include
reducing refined carbohydrate (such as
[...] white sugar and white flour), processed [...]
food, cholesterol and saturated fatty acid
intake, while increasing consumption of whole foods (fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, seeds and nuts).
雞肉副產品粉、釀造米、玉筋質粉 、 纖 維素粉、全穀粒玉米、豬脂肪(以混合維生素E及檸檬酸保存)、雞肝香料、乳酸、硫酸鈣、黃豆油、氯化鉀、氯化膽鹼、維生素(抗壞血酸多聚磷酸酯(維生素C來源)、維生素E添加劑、菸鹼酸、維生素B1、維生素A添加劑、泛酸鈣、核黃素、生物素、維生素B12添加劑、維生素B6、葉酸、維生素D3添加劑)、蛋氨酸、維生素E添加劑、牛磺酸、碳酸鈣、礦物質(硫酸亞鐵、氧化鋅、硫酸銅、氧化錳、碘酸鈣、亞硒酸鈉)、碘鹽、以混合維生素E及檸檬酸保存、磷酸、β-胡蘿蔔素、迷迭香萃取物。
Chicken By-Product Meal,
[...] Brewers Rice, Corn Gluten Meal, Whole Grain Corn, Powdered Cellulose, Pork [...]
Fat (preserved with mixed
tocopherols and citric acid), Chicken Liver Flavor, Calcium Sulfate, Lactic Acid, Soybean Oil, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Vitamin E Supplement, DL-Methionine, vitamins (L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), Taurine, Iodized Salt, Calcium Carbonate, minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), preserved with Mixed Tocopherols and Citric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract.
超過三年的期限對本公司有利,此乃由於(i)任何較許可期限 及第二級商標許可期限為短的期限將增加本集團對樹立飛利浦注入業務的品牌 作出的投資的相關風險,並低在此 方 面 的 回 報;(ii)完成交易後,本集團預計 投入偌大的管理力度,以期拓寬飛利浦注入業務的產品範圍及市場份額,而當 中的裨益將延展至三年以上;及(iii)本公司擬加強飛利浦注入業務,並提升飛利 浦商標及第二級商標在範圍內產品的銷售市場中的地位。
The term in excess of three years is beneficial to the Company because (i) any term shorter than the License Term and the Secondary Trademark License Term would increase the risks associated with, and lower the returns on, the Group’s investment in its brand building of the Philips Contributed Business; (ii) following Completion, the Group is expected to invest substantial management effort to broaden the Philips Contributed Business’ product range and market share, the benefits of which will extend beyond three years; and (iii) it is the intention of the Company to strengthen the Philips Contributed Business and the presence of the Philips Trademarks and the Secondary Trademark in the markets in which the Scope Products are sold.




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