单词 | 低眉顺眼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低眉顺眼 —submissivedocileSee also:眉眼—looks • brows and eyes • countenance 顺眼—nice look at • pleasing the eye 眼眉 pl—eyebrows pl 眉眼 n—appearance n
同时,发展中 [...] 国家在建设本国的技术能力方面需要支持,以便确保他们 能 顺 利 过渡 到 低 排 放 经 济,并在开放的全球经济中保持竞争力。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, developing countries will need support in building their own technological capacity [...] in order to ensure that they [...] undergo a smooth transition to a low-emissions economy [...]and maintain competitiveness in an open global economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
有時候,坦白說,專業做帳目的人,真的是“挑 通 眼眉 ” 的 ,要看管他 們,管理他們,別以為會很容易。 legco.gov.hk | People whose profession is working with accounts are smart people and it is no easy task to oversee them and manage them. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,发达国家增长无力与新兴国家的蓬勃增长正在造成一系列失衡: 贸易逆差与贸易顺差,币值低估与币值高估,以及破坏稳定的利差。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, weak growth in developed countries coupled with dynamic growth in emerging countries is causing a series of imbalances: trade deficits [...] contrasting with trade [...] surpluses, undervalued currencies contrasting with overvalued ones and destabilizing interest rate differentials. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了巴塞尔三所载降 低顺周期 性的一些政策之外,这方面的主要工作是设计和推出各种能够逆周期运 [...] 转并遏制外溢效应的缓冲及保护措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to some [...] policies to reduce pro-cyclicality [...]that are contained in Basel III, the main strand here is the design [...]and the introduction of various buffers and protections that can act counter-cyclically and contain spillover effects. daccess-ods.un.org |
其實,做成今日新界交 通運輸㆒團糟,歸根究柢,就是當年設計屯門衛星城市時候計劃錯誤,高估了衛星城 市可以提供的就業機會,完全無準確㆞預計到衛星城市不夠工做,居民便得長途跋涉 往返市區來謀生會帶來嚴重的問題,這個問題在今日來說,已經「水 浸 眼眉 」 , 未來的 大型基本建設,尤其是新機場及海港西移,青衣、大嶼山又多建新的貨櫃碼頭、屯門 又將會發展內河碼頭 等,全部都使客運及貨運的樞紐,尤其㆗港陸路過境交通,重重㆞壓在新界方面,由 荃灣、葵青,以至大埔、元朗以至屯門。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, the large infrastructure projects that are going to be built, particularly the new airport, the relocation of the port westward, the new container terminals at Tsing Yi and Lantau Island and the river port at Tuen Mun, will all put heavy pressure on the part of the New Territories stretching from Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun, as the New Territories become the pivot of passenger and cargo transport, especially in the case of the cross-border land traffic between China and Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
为顺应因利率降低导致 的基金资金下降产生的影响,为维持最低限度的人员聘用,国际促进 文化基金理事会多次选择削减国际促进文化基金的资金,降低储备金率。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In order to mitigate the effects of a sharp drop in resources as a result of plummeting interest rates, and to maintain a minimum base of commitments, the Administrative Council of IFPC decided, on several occasions, to draw on the Fund’s capital and lower the level of the reserve. unesdoc.unesco.org |
综眼的设计已经拥有专利,这种优化设计确保穿 过综眼的经纱均能顺畅通 过,并且,包括相邻经纱在内, 所有纱线都被严密监控。 groz-beckert.pl | The patented design [...] of the OPTIFIL® thread eye has been optimized to ensure [...]smooth and controlled passage of the drawn warp end as well as adjacent ends. groz-beckert.pl |
我 覺 得 很 奇 怪 , 為 甚麼教育界 的 人士會對 教育這 樣沒有信心 , 我剛才聽了十多位 同 事發言 , 其 中 兩 位 來 自 教 育 界 的 同 事 都認為 教育是 10 年 、 20 年的事,可能他們聽慣 了 “十年 樹木, 百 年 樹 人 ” 的 說 法,因此, 認 為用這方法 來 應 付現時“水 浸 眼眉” 的 情況是 不 妥 的 。 legco.gov.hk | Maybe they have grown used to the saying "it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to rear a person" that they think that this is not the right method to handle the current urgent situation. legco.gov.hk |
采购开始时就 提供单一套最低限要求和按顺序排 列的评审标准,程序进行过程中对其作出更 改。 daccess-ods.un.org | A single set of minimum requirements and an ordered [...] list of evaluation criteria are made available at the outset of the [...]procurement, which cannot be varied during the proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過, 可惜得很, 生福利及食 物局局長楊永強作為這 場戰役的 總 司 令 , 似乎仍本 去 年 SARS 期間,一派 好官我自為之的 傲慢態度, 對禽流感的 威脅不放在 眼內, 只 是一味唱好, 向 大眾說:“本港爆發 禽流感的 機 會 不大”,完 全 罔顧火燒前門, 水浸眼眉, “ 疫 ” 臨城下的事實 。 legco.gov.hk | But it is a pity that the commander in chief of this battle, the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr YEOH Eng-kiong, who is so arrogant, behaves as if he had fulfilled all his duties, just like what he did during the SARS outbreak last year. legco.gov.hk |
调节音量: 逆时针旋转主控旋钮降低音量,顺时 针 旋转主控旋钮增加音量,通过LED光环的亮度表示调节的音量大小。 tuact.com | The luminance of the LED light ring indicates the volume level. tuact.com |
从积极方面来看,从各行政首长那里得到的资料显示,按照从高 到 低 的 顺 序,开发署、近东救济工程处、教科文组织、原子能机构、粮农组织、粮食计划署、 工发组织和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的接受率最高,而教科文组织、开发署 和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的执行率最高。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the positive side and based on information received from executive heads, it appears that, in descending order, UNDP, UNRWA, UNESCO, IAEA, FAO, WFP, UNIDO and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have the highest rate of acceptance, while UNESCO, UNDP and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have the highest rate of implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在确定降低风险的优先顺序和 活动时,利益相关者的偏好一定会起到一些作 用。 wrdmap.org | Stakeholder preferences must play a role in establishing risk mitigation priorities and practices. wrdmap.org |
黃毓民議員批評向強積金注資240億元以 [...] 向擁有強積金戶口的每名僱員提供6,000元的建議 未能解決低收入人士燃眉之急 ,因為他們不能即時 運用該筆款項。 legco.gov.hk | Mr WONG Yuk-man criticized that the proposed injection of $24 billion into the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) to provide $6,000 to each [...] employee with MPF account could not address [...] the immediate needs of low-income groups as they [...]could not readily use the money. legco.gov.hk |
可是,中小企現時面對租金高昂、經營成本上漲、 資金流轉困難、定單減少等問題,很多中小企均已抱怨“水 浸 眼眉 ”,你如果在很久以後才因應形勢拯救他們,他們可能已經溺斃,屆時可 能已經太遲。 legco.gov.hk | And if you will come to their rescue only after a long time and after taking into account the situation, they may have already collapsed and that will be too late then. legco.gov.hk |
普 通 市民不 知 道自己 的權益 , 正 所 謂 “ 水 不 浸 到 眼 眉 便 不出聲 ” , 所以直 至 4 月 1 日後才 懂 得 發 聲 , 於 是 發生了上次這般嚴 重 的公眾恐 慌 。 legco.gov.hk | Members of the public are not aware of their rights, and as the saying goes, "one does not speak out until he is at death's door"; the public spoke out only after 1 April and eventually gave rise to the serious public panic. legco.gov.hk |
張超雄議員剛才說現在已不是水浸 眼眉 了, 已是水浸至頭頂,快要浸死了,但還不肯放水,如果再不放水的話,真的會 浸死整個政府。 legco.gov.hk | As Dr Fernando CHEUNG has said just now, the Government is on the verge of getting drowned in a sea of funds, because the "body of water" in the form of money has reached not just their eyebrows, but is almost drowning them. legco.gov.hk |
最近,我跟政府官員 傾談,他們也真的說差不多是“水浸 眼眉 ” , 這並不是災難,而是真的有太 多錢。 legco.gov.hk | In my recent talks with government officials, they actually said they were literally "drowned in a sea of funds", not because there was a calamity, but because there was too much money. legco.gov.hk |
局長剛才回答李柱銘議員的 補充質詢時,我覺得她是有點自滿,不知道是否要到了“水 浸 眼眉 ” 的 地 步,即出現大規模撤資時,政府才會多做一點事? legco.gov.hk | I do not know whether the Government will do something only when the worst has become imminent, that is when a large exodus of investment is actually taking place. legco.gov.hk |
主席团中,副议长职位按照百分比从高 到 低 的 顺 序 分 配给相关政党党团,其中两个副议长职位属于在大国民议会中占绝对多数席位的政党党团。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | The positions for the Vice-Speakers in the Bureau are allocated among the political parties, starting with the party having the highest percentage, provided that two of the positions should be designated to the political party having the absolute majority of the total number. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
正如我在施政報告辯論時亦有提過目前的情況已 是「水浸眼眉」。 legco.gov.hk | As I have pointed out during the debate on the policy address, the situation now is a pressing one. legco.gov.hk |
和以往的1系相比,可見中控台上的扭鈕減少了,而錶板上方,則出現了一道類似 雙 眼眉 的 設 計。 hkcarworld.com | Compared to the current 1 Series, this new coupe will have [...] cleaner cabin design including fewer buttons on the center stack and an instrument panel [...] with more of a dual-brow design. hkcarworld.com |
那些问题 本身也许很重要,但在优先顺序上要 低 于 核 裁军,因 为它们并不制止由核武器及其不断改进所构成的毁 灭威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many wish to forget that and seek to divert international public attention towards [...] issues that may be important in their own terms but are lower than nuclear disarmament [...]on the scale of [...]priorities, since they do not halt the threat of extermination entailed by nuclear weapons and their ongoing improvement. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) PS 项目活动种植的竹类最低高度能达到 2 米,竹秆最低眉径可达 2 厘米。 pandastandard.org | (d) Bamboo to be forested by the PS project activity has a potential to reach minimum 2 m height in situ and minimum 2 cm culm diameter for defining forests as adopted by the Chinese government. pandastandard.org |
与此不同,一些通过打开快放阀门,使容器内压力迅速降低的减压过程由于没有产生毫秒级冲击波,参与反应物料是依次按前 后 顺 序 从 高压 向 低 压 反 应释放平衡,故不会产生剧烈的独立炸响声,减压过程远未达到毫秒级将全部容器内物料降为常压,均不具备爆破及蒸汽爆碎的必备条件。 gentle-st.com | In contrast, some of the quick release by opening the valve, the pressure inside the container to quickly lower the decompression process did not produce millisecond shock because, in response to the [...] material before and after the order is followed by reaction from the [...] release of high pressure to low pressure equilibrium, [...]it does not produce [...]intense independent fried sound, decompression process is far from milliseconds to all containers of materials reduced to atmospheric pressure, with blasting and steam decrepitation not a prerequisite. gentle-st.com |
這 次水浸眼眉是真正的水浸眼眉,因為有不少島國最高的地方也只不過距 離海面的水平線不足4米,現在他們已經成為氣候難民,包括圖瓦盧、 [...] 基里巴斯、斐濟和東加等這些太平洋羣島;而新西蘭已跟他們簽署了協 議,便是接受這些氣候難民。 legco.gov.hk | This is literally an overwhelming problem because the highest points [...] of many island states are less than 4 m above sea level, [...]and the people of various states, including Pacific islands such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, Fiji and Tonga, have become climate change refugees. legco.gov.hk |
许多竹类植物无 法达到我国政府将竹类植物群落定义为森林的标准(如最低高度、竹杆 最 低眉 径 )。 pandastandard.org | Many bamboo species are unable to reach minimum height in situ and or minimum diameter of bamboo culm for the definition of forests as adopted by the Chinese government. pandastandard.org |
到 SARS 肆 虐 , 港 燈 只 是 叫 用 戶 申 請 電費貸 款 擔 保,對 “水浸 眼 眉 ” 、 陷 於 倒閉邊緣 的 重 災 區 行 業,這些措 施 的 效用接近 “零”。 legco.gov.hk | During the rampant attack of SARS, the HEC had only suggested its customers to apply for loan guarantee for electricity tariffs, but this was virtually useless to the hardest-hit industries which were in deep water and on the verge of folding up. legco.gov.hk |
有報章報道,王征並非亞洲電視有限公司(“亞視”)的董事,亦非 亞視管理層,更沒有申報為亞視股東,但由於他的親戚黃炳均購入了 52.4%亞視表決權股份,王征便可以亞視董事盛品儒“私人顧問”的身 [...] 份,成為亞視幕後的大老闆,成為亞視真正的“話事人”,可以出席亞 視高層會議,對於亞視的人事、行政、節目,甚至新聞,由間接干預 至直接操控,破壞了香港行之有效,用來監管電視的法規,視《廣播 [...] 條例》如無物,蔑視政府和廣播事務管理局(“廣管局”)的監管權力, 其實這已經是公然“剃政府眼眉”。 legco.gov.hk | He attends meetings of senior management of ATV, and wields indirect or direct control over ATV's personnel, administrative and programming matters, even news programmes. He has violated the long-established rules and regulations in Hong Kong on the effective supervision of television broadcasters, [...] ignored the Broadcasting Ordinance, and scorned the monitoring powers of [...] the Government and the Broadcasting [...]Authority (BA). legco.gov.hk |
适应是所有缔约方所面临的一项挑战,迫切要求加强关于适应的行动和国际 [...] 合作,以扶持和支助执行适应行动, 着 眼 于 降 低 发 展 中国家的脆弱性并提高其抗 御力,为此要考虑到特别易受气候变化不利影响的发展中国家缔约方、尤其是最 [...] 不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家的迫切和眼前需要,并进一步考虑到受干旱、荒 [...]漠化和洪水影响的非洲国家的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Adaptation is a challenge faced by all Parties and that enhanced action and international cooperation on adaptation is urgently required to enable and [...] support the implementation of adaptation [...] actions aimed at reducing vulnerability and [...]building resilience in developing countries, [...]taking into account the urgent and immediate needs of developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, especially the least developed countries and small island developing States, and further taking into account the needs of countries in Africa affected by drought, desertification and floods. daccess-ods.un.org |