

单词 位次

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,正在制定的社会发展部门战略和提高妇女 位次 行 业 战略文件在政 治、经济和社会三个方面对妇女状况进行诊断。
The Social Development Sector Strategy (SDSS)
[...] and the Women's Advancement Subsector Strategy [...]
(SSSPF) paper, which are being drawn
up, assess the situation of women at the political, economic and social levels.
此外,社会发展部门战略和正在制定的提高妇女 位次 部 门战略文件从政 治、经济和社会三个方面对妇女状况做出了不满意的判断。
In addition, SDSS and the SSSPF paper under preparation contain a rigorous assessment of the situation of women at the political, economic and social levels.
這些都很重 要,但是在我看來,其位次於而 非優於形成憧憬和計劃。
These are important but, in my view, will be more effective if we have done some work on developing our vision and plans.
[...] 名单,欧洲联盟代表将获邀依照与会观察员惯例所确定 位次 和 参 与级别,依此 方法参加,根据第 [...]
65/276 号决议,其代表将包括欧洲理事会主席、欧洲联盟外 交与安全政策高级代表、欧洲联盟委员会以及欧洲联盟代表团,他们在行使成员
If the Assembly decides upon a different methodology of establishing the list of speakers for the general debate of a special session or an emergency special session, the representatives of the European Union will be invited to
participate in that methodology, in accordance with
[...] the order of precedence as established [...]
in the practice for participating observers
and the level of representation, which, for the European Union, in accordance with resolution 65/276, includes the President of the European Council, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the European Commission and the European Union delegations, which have assumed the role of acting on behalf of the European Union in the exercise of the competences conferred by its member States.
之所以拟议将新闻和媒体司网站股这 4 个位(次级方 案 2)改划为常设员额,是因为该部致力于确保六个正式语文之间的平等,同时也是 因为这些任职者履行的职能具有连续性(A/66/6(Sect.28),第 28.41 段)。
The positions, which are located in the website units of the News and Media Division (subprogramme 2), are proposed [...]
for conversion
in order to reflect the Department’s commitment to ensuring parity among the six official languages and because the functions performed by their incumbents are of a continuing nature (A/66/6 (Sect. 28), para. 28.41).
因此,土㆞提供多㆒些,甚至政府應將已承 諾的 1 萬個夾心階層的居屋位,㆒次過以 短期及長期的樓花形式推出。
To achieve this end, more land should be provided and the
Government should even put on the market in
[...] one go the 10 000 flats under the sandwich [...]
class housing scheme for short-term and long-term forward sales.
委員會主席須由獲委任為委員會成員及出席委員會會議的教務委員及教師當 位次 最 高 的委員會成員擔 任;但如教務長並無根據第 2(1)(a)段從教務委員會小組中作出任何委任,而教務委員會亦無根據第 [...]
3(3) 段作出任何委任,則校監須委出主席。
The Chairman of the Committee shall be the member of the
[...] Committee who is highest in the order of precedence of those Senate [...]
members and teachers appointed
to and present at the Committee, except that where the Registrar has failed to make any appointment from the Senate panel under paragraph 2(1)(a) and the Senate has failed to make any appointment under paragraph 3(3), the Chancellor shall appoint the Chairman.
b) 教務長從學生小組中委出的學生 2 名,為該小組成員位次最高 而又已接受委任為委員會成員 者。
(b) 2 students appointed by the Registrar out of a student
panel, being 2 members of the panel highest
[...] in order of precedence who have accepted [...]
appointment to serve on the Committee.
作為F1歷史上的第二大贏家,在1980年到1993年的199場比賽中,普羅斯特總共獲得了51場冠軍 、 3 3 次 杆 位 、 4 1 次 最 快 圈數、106次登上領獎臺。
The second most prolific winner in
F1 history, Prost took a total of 51
[...] victories, 33 pole positions, 41 best laps and [...]
106 podiums in 199 races between 1980 and 1993.
贵族的正妻(福晋)都不只一人 位次 按 年龄、嫁入时间、娘家家族地位排列,身份高于妾。
Aristocratic wife (Fujin) have
more than one person, rank by age, married into the arranged time, her
[...] mother's family status, identity than [...]
计及这一变动,分庭法 官位次先后 排列如下:庭长:卡米尼奥斯法官;法官:特雷韦斯法官、帕夫拉 克法官、柳井法官、卡特卡法官、霍夫曼法官、高法官和白法官。
Taking this change into account, the composition of the Chamber, in order of precedence, is as follows: Judge Caminos, President; Judges Treves, Pawlak, Yanai, Kateka, Hoffmann, Gao and Paik, members.
作为F1历史上的第二大赢家,在1980年到1993年的199场比赛中,普罗斯特总共获得了51场冠军 、 3 3 次 杆 位 、 4 1 次 最 快 圈数、106次登上领奖台。
The second most prolific winner
in F1 history, Prost took a total of
[...] 51 victories, 33 pole positions, 41 best laps [...]
and 106 podiums in 199 races between 1980 and 1993.
组成分庭的法官位次先后 排列如下:庭长:特雷韦斯法官;法官:马罗塔·兰热尔法官、纳尔 [...]
逊法官、钱德拉塞卡拉·拉奥法官、沃尔夫鲁姆法官、柳井法官、卡特卡法官、 霍夫曼法官、高法官、布盖泰艾法官和戈利岑法官。
The composition of the Chamber,
[...] in order of precedence, is as follows: [...]
Judge Treves, President; Judges Marotta Rangel, Nelson,
Chandrasekhara Rao, Wolfrum, Yanai, Kateka, Hoffmann, Gao, Bouguetaia and Golitsyn, members.
另一方面,廉价的手机业务供应商Three的排 名下滑了57个位次,位列第100名。
On the flip side, low-cost provider Three fell 57 spots to a 100th place finish.
O2跌落了77位次,在 今年的德国简化指数排 行榜上降至第99位。
O2 drops 77 spots, falling to #99 on this year’s Germany Simplicity Index.
(b) 依照与会观察员惯例所确定位次和 参 与级别,获邀参与大会一般性辩 论;(c) 获准将其与大会届会和工作及在大会主持下召开的各国际会议以及各
(b) Invited to participate in the general debate of the General Assembly, in accordance with the order of precedence as established in the practice for participating observers and the level of participation
这位被誉为史上最伟大的赛车手创下七次世界冠军的纪录,在分站冠军、 位次 数 和 生涯积分方面均超越历代优秀车手。
Winner of a record seven world championship titles, Michael
Schumacher has achieved more race
[...] victories, more pole positions and scored more [...]
points than any other driver in the history of his sport.
也给每项通知分 配序列号或许不失审慎之举,如果在某一特定系统中,对抗相同设保人的各个 相竞有担保债权人所提交的登记有可能被分配到同样的登记日期和时间,这样 做便能理顺担保权的位次序。
It may be prudent to also assign sequential numbers to each notice to sort out priority ranking if the particular system presents any risk of registrations submitted by competing secured creditors against the same grantor being assigned the same date and time of registration.
迈克尔·舒马赫确实当之无愧,这位现年42岁的德国赛车手的战绩辉煌,除七次摘下世界冠军头衔外,也拿下68次首发 位次 数 冠 军、91次分站冠军,站在颁奖台上的次数总计高达154次,缔造体坛令人印象最深刻的亮眼纪录。
That’s to be expected; with seven world champion
[...] titles, 68 pole positions, 91 victories [...]
and 154 podiums, the 42-year-old German driver
has the most impressive record in the sport.
(c) 强调各成员国和阿拉伯卫生部长理事会继续努力改善保健标准的重要 性,办法是发展和提高医疗位档次 , 实 行家庭保健制度,特别是在农村、边缘 [...]
化和贫穷地区,改善提供给妇女、儿童和老龄人的保健服务,并集中力量建设卫 生队的技术能力。
(c) To underline the importance of continued efforts by member States and the Council of Arab Ministers of Health to improve
health care standards by developing and
[...] upgrading health care units and applying a [...]
family health regime, particularly in rural,
marginalized and deprived areas, improving the health services provided to women, children and ageing persons, and focusing on building the technical capacities of health teams.
(c) 请各成员国支持私营部门实施就业方案的举措,并通过给予雇主税务和 保险优惠,降低本国一级及阿拉伯一级的失业水平,要优先考虑合格的阿拉伯劳 工,其位仅次于本国的劳工。
(c) To request States members to support private sector initiatives in implementation of employment programmes and to reduce unemployment at the national and Arab levels by granting
tax and insurance benefits to employers and
[...] giving preference to qualified Arab labour, second only to national labour.
(c) 於該工具類別內的所有可贖回基金 位 獲 償 次 序 後 於具有相同特點的所有其他類別工具。
(c) All redeemable units in the class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments have identical features.
只有将参数“显示 V/kV” (参见 "设置电压显示位 kV/V" 参见次 40)设置为 kV,才会显示一次电压。
The primary voltage is only displayed if parameter "Display V / kV" has been set to kV (see "Setting the voltage display kV/V" on page 40).
如果没有指定任何一次电流,则显示在主屏幕上的 次 电 流 单 位 始 终 为“A”,即 “0 A”。
The primary current is always displayed in "A" on the main screen or as "0" if no primary current is specified.
2012年公司共申报1,854项专利,次位 居 德 国最具创新实力公司第四位。
With 1,854 patent registrations in 2012 the company once again ranked fourth amongst the most innovative companies in Germany.
别忘了本车辆防盗定位报警器含GPS和GSM报警功能啊,GPS车辆防盗定位报警器设防后默认每5秒自动上传 次位 置 信 息到服务平台,您可以使用ID号登录我们提供的平台进行查询,可直观的看到车辆的运动轨迹和目前所在地位置(大城市中精确度可精确到20米以内,您也可发送短信至报警器,即可获得定位当前车辆所在位置链接,和地址信息,强大的防盗功能,从防盗到定位询回,一直都掌握在您的手心
Do not forget this vehicle anti-theft positioning alarm with GPS and GSM alarm, GPS vehicle anti-theft positioning alarm
fortification default
[...] automatically uploaded once every 5 seconds the location information [...]
to the service platform, you can
use the ID number to log platform query visually see the trajectory of the vehicle and the current location of the position accuracy (in large cities can be accurate to within 20 meters, you can also send text messages to the alarm, you can get to locate the current vehicle location link, and the address information, powerful anti-theft features, from the anti-theft to positioning exercise back, has been in all of them in the palm of your hand!
4 个一般临时人员位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办次,每次有 来 自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行 次 ; 高 级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general
[...] temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in [...]
New York; and SMART, an
intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
它为从用代码打开的窗口上获得句柄提供了支持;为在一个部件 次 定 位 部 件提供支持;为在部件中发起事件(例如按一个按钮)以及以线程安全方式处理部件测试提供支持。
It is from the open window with the code you get the handle on
[...] providing support; to locate components in a [...]
component -level support ; initiating event
in the parts (such as pressing a button ) as well as thread-safe approach to component testing to provide support.
現實的情況是,栽培本㆞法官㆟才,我們是需要有終審法院這個高 次 ㆞ 位 的 ㆒ 些㆟ 才,是需 要時間,不能㆒蹴即就。
The fact is that it takes time to train up local judges, and what we need are those who are capable of sitting on the Court of Final Appeal, which is on a higher level in the Judiciary, and the training of these judges cannot be accomplished overnight.




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