单词 | 位元 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 位元 —bit (computing)Examples:十六位元—16-bit (computing) 八位元—8-bit (computing) 三十二位元—32-bit (computing)
說明內容中包括硬碟磁區的寫入次數以及寫入 每個磁區位元組的數字。 seagate.com | Each description features the number of hard disc sector passes along with the number(s) written to each sector byte. seagate.com |
更高的位元深度 ,可以让每一个色彩频道的获得和编码有更 大范围。 motion.kodak.com | The higher the bit depth, the larger [...] the range of values that are captured and encoded for each color channel. motion.kodak.com |
使用「色彩切換修補碼」模式以確定掃 瞄 位元 深 度 時,無法設定「黑白」 模式。 graphics.kodak.com | Black and White mode cannot be set when using Color Toggle Patch [...] mode to determine scanning bit depth. graphics.kodak.com |
(A) 下列的電訊裝備和配件(具備或不具備密碼功能,而該密 碼功能使用密碼匙長度不超過56位元 的 對 稱演算法 stc.tid.gov.hk | (A) Telecommunications equipment and accessories [...] (equipped with, or without cryptographic function employing symmetric algorithm with [...] key length of 56 bits or less) as follows stc.tid.gov.hk |
現有的學生軟體的完全同位元計畫用於未來的版本中。 lanschool.com.hk | Full parity with existing Student software is planned for a future release. lanschool.com.hk |
(7) 傳送 CRC 值時,低位元先傳送,再傳高位元值。 liyanplc.com | (7) When sending [...] CRC value, send lower bit first and then send high bit. liyanplc.com |
在打開十六進位轉儲功能時,印表機會以十六 進 位元 格 式 列印全部的命令及其它資 料,並列印指南部分幫助您查找專用命令。 bixolon.com | When you turn on the hexadecimal dump function, the printer prints all commands and data in hexadecimal format along with a guide section to help you find specific commands. bixolon.com |
此外,這些溫度感應器能直接連接 Microchip大部分8位元PIC 微控制器,和16位元dsPIC 數碼訊號控制器。 ipress.com.hk | In addition, the temperature sensors [...] can directly interface with most of Microchip's [...] 8-bit PIC microcontrollers and 16-bit dsPIC digital signal controllers. ipress.com.hk |
房委會在出售租置計劃屋邨單位時,已一次過將一筆數額相等於每 個住宅單位 14,000 元的款 項,注入各租置計劃屋邨的維修基金內,以應付 屋邨售後的維修工程開支,例如在大廈走廊、天台和外牆等公共地方進行的 維修及更換水管工程等。 legco.gov.hk | When the HA sold the TPS flats, it made a one-off contribution equivalent to $14,000 per residential unit to a Maintenance Fund for each TPS estate to meet the expenses of post-sale maintenance works such as those in common areas including corridors, roofs and external walls of buildings, and replacement of water pipes, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
您必須決定目標 電腦的物理 MAC 位元址。 lanschool.com.hk | You will have to determine the [...] Physical MAC Address of the target [...]computer. lanschool.com.hk |
硬碟機產業目前正從現行的 512 位元組磁 區標準,轉換至較新的先進格式 4K (4096 位元組) 磁區大小,以便在較高的儲存密度與容量下,協助維持資料完整性。 seagate.com | The hard drive industry is transitioning from the current 512-byte sector standard to a newer Advanced Format 4K (4096-byte) sector size that helps maintain data integrity at higher storage densities and capacities. seagate.com |
2) 在傳輸前使用 256 位元進階加密標準 (AES) 對文件和簡報進行端到端加 密。 webex.com.hk | Documents and presentations are encrypted [...] end-to-end using 256-bit Advanced Encryption [...]Standard (AES) prior to transport. webex.com.hk |
至於那些居於原先批准作商業 用途及其後未經批准改建作住宅用途的單位( 改建單位) 內的長者自住 業主,他們只會從更新行動獲取最高為維修費用 80% 的津貼( 上限為 每單位 16,000 元 ) , 即與樓宇其他單位的非長者業主一樣。 legco.gov.hk | For EOOs who reside in units originally approved for commercial use and subsequently converted to domestic units without approval (converted units), they will only obtain a grant through the Operation up to 80% of the repair cost (capped at $16,000 per unit), similar to other non-elderly owners of other units of the building. legco.gov.hk |
(3) RSA 1024位元或安全強度相當之其他種類的公開金鑰對(例 如ECC 161位元):私密金鑰使用期限至多為5年;公鑰憑證有 效期限至多為10年。 epki.com.tw | (3) RSA 1024 bit or other type of public key pair with equivalent security strength (such as ECC 161 bit): the maximum private key [...] usage period is 5 years; [...]and the maximum public key valid period is 10 years. epki.com.tw |
當在位元單位中處理時,元件的指定號碼,從指定的 首 位元 件 開 始,依一增加次序,從左方開始連續表示, 當 ON 時,為“1”(31H),且當 OFF 時,為“0”(30H)。 liyanplc.com | When handling bit device memory in bit units, the specified number of devices, in an increasing [...] order from the specified [...]head device, are represented sequentially from the left, as “1”(31H) when ON, and as “0”(30H) when OFF. liyanplc.com |
廣州文華東方酒店秉承一個簡單的理念:透過提供獨特的住宿體驗及細心的貼身服務,令每 一 位元 賓 客都感到稱心滿意。 yp.mo | The mission of Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou is simple: to delight and satisfy each and every guest, by providing unique experiences and personal, attentive service. yp.mo |
處理拍攝片段時所包含的加速特效、過渡特效、格率轉換及算圖等方面,通通變得更為快速,全因為應用程式可徹底利用 OS X 的 64 位元架構。 mammals.org | Processing the footage, which involved speed effects, transitions, frame-rate converting, and rendering, went much faster because the application fully leverages the 64-bit architecture of OS X. And the keyword engine and skimmer allowed assistants and editors to move through media quickly and tag it with custom range-based keywords. mammals.org |
單一 RAID 0 GPT 資料磁區大於 2TB 時,可作為工廠安裝選項,在 [...] Windows XP64、Windows Vista 32 位元 / 64 位元作業系統下使用整合式控制器。 dell.com | Single RAID 0 GPT DATA volumes greater than 2TB are available as [...] factory installed option with the integrated controller under Windows [...] XP64, Windows Vista 32Bit/64Bit operating systems. dell.com |
在 DPM 識別應用中,以影像為主的工業 ID 讀碼對於製造過程有越來越有吃重的 地 位 : 元 件 製 造、零件層級識別傳統直接零件打標 (DPM) 產業、文件處理與分類、追蹤消費性產品、製藥、食品及飲料,僅此列舉部分。 cognex.com | Image-based industrial ID code reading in DPM identification applications is an increasingly important part of manufacturing processes: components manufacturing, part-level identification in traditional direct part mark (DPM) industries, document handling and sorting, track and trace for consumer products, pharmaceuticals, food, and beverage, to name a few. cognex.cn |
作為全球首項兼容x86架構的32位元和64 位 處 理 器,AMD Opteron處理器以採用直連架構的AMD64技術為基礎。 ipress.com.hk | The world's first 32-bit and 64-bit processor compatible [...] with the x86 architecture, the AMD Opteron processor is based on [...]AMD64 technology with Direct Connect Architecture. ipress.com.hk |
位元堂「 《仙草》靈芝孢子」經香 港通用公証行有限公司化驗測試,主要的成分如腺苷、三 類及靈芝多糖,均比 巿面其他同類產品含量更多,能更有效地提高人體免疫力、抗氧化、護肝排毒、 促進血液循環及新陳代謝,延緩衰老。 waiyuentong.com | The product has been analyzed and tested by SGS Hong Kong Ltd — the finding indicates that the product contains a higher level of major ingredients such as polysaccharides and triterpene than similar products in the market, and is more effective in enhancing human immunity and producing anti-oxidant, detoxification benefits to boost circulation and metabolism and, in maintaining youthfulness. waiyuentong.com |
目前,位元堂控 股在香港共經營四十二 間 位元堂 零售店。 waiyuentong.com | WYT Holdings currently has 42 Wai Yuen Tong retail outlets in Hong Kong. waiyuentong.com |
KN2116提供一套三層式安全標準與多項先進的安全功能,例如密碼保護與各種加密技術 (1 0 2 4 位元 的 RS A 、 5 6 位元 D E S 、 2 5 6 位元 A E S 、 以及 1 2 8 位元 S S L )。 aten.com.tw | The KN2116 provides three-level security standard and advanced security [...] features, such as password protection and [...] advanced encryption technologies (1024-bit RSA, 56-bit DES, 256-bit AES, 128-bit SSL). pl.aten.eu |
該方法端到端加密會議參加者之間的所有會議內容,透過 AES [...] 加密標 準在主持人電腦上使用隨機生成的 256 位元金鑰,並使用基於公鑰的機制 將金鑰分發到出席者。 webex.com.hk | This method encrypts all meeting content, end-to-end, between meeting [...] participants, using the AES encryption [...] standard with a 256-bit key randomly-generated on the [...]Host’s computer and distributed [...]to Attendees with a public key-based mechanism. webex.com.hk |
此機之總體邏輯將由記憶部門之程式控制,這些程式用二 進 位元 數 位 表 示。 wcec-secretariat.org | The overall logical control of the machine will be effected from the memory … by orders formulated in a binary digital code. wcec-secretariat.org |
就本段而言,作為被動或託管信託人的一位董事或其 [...] 聯繫人所持有的任何股份(彼或彼等任何一人於其中並無實際權益)、於一項信託 (當中只要在其他人士有權就此收取收入的情況下,則董事或其任何聯繫人的權益 [...] 將還原或為剩餘)中的任何股份,以及於一項獲授權的單位信託計劃(其中董事或 其聯繫人僅作為一位元單位持有 人擁有權益)中的任何股份將不計算在內。 teleeye.com | For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or any of them has no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director or his associate(s) is/are in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, and any shares [...] comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or his associate(s) [...] is/are interested only as a unit holder. teleeye.com |
配備 Retina 顯示器的 MacBook Pro 具備全快閃架構,當中的處理器、圖像處理和記憶體,能在 Final [...] Cut Pro X 內為你帶來前所未有的流動影片剪輯效能。可直接在你的內置快閃儲存內,流暢地剪輯包含高達九個串流的 1080p ProRes 422 (HQ) [...] 內容或高達四個串流的 1080p 未壓縮 8 位元影片的 Multicam 計畫案。 mammals.org | The processor, graphics, and memory in MacBook Pro with Retina display are built around an all-flash architecture — giving you unprecedented mobile video editing power in Final Cut Pro X. Smoothly edit multicam projects with up to nine streams of 1080p [...] ProRes 422 (HQ) content or up to four streams of [...] 1080p uncompressed 8-bit video, right from your [...]internal flash storage. mammals.org |