

单词 但愿如此

See also:


I wish (that)
if only (sth were possible)


in this way


have one's wishes fulfilled

但如 adv

unless conj

External sources (not reviewed)

如此,他 仍倾向于保留该 款,因为该款与第 5 条草案附件中的类别清单一致,确认了尽管爆发武装冲但 此类义务仍然存续的可能性。
Nonetheless, he remained disposed to retaining it, because it would be in keeping with the list of categories in the annex linked to draft article 5, which confirmed [...]
the likelihood of
the survival of such obligations despite the outbreak of an armed conflict.
关于非第 5 条国家进口问题,第
19/36 号决定使执行委员会“核准采集进口的各类氟氯化
[...] 碳数量”,执行委员会第十九次会议报告附件六第 2 页项目 3.3 呼吁愿意提供此类数据的国家 进行采集但是如果国 家认为报告数据应该保密则不坚持执行此种采集工作(第 19/36 [...]
号决定, (c)段)。
With respect to exports to non-Article 5 countries, decision 19/36 enables the Executive Committee “to approve the collection of quantities of exported CFCs” called for in item 3.3 on page 2 of Annex VI to the Report of the 19th Meeting of the Executive
[...] [...] Committee, where countries were willing to provide such data, but not to insist on such collection [...]
if countries regarded the export
data as confidential (decision 19/36, paragraph (c)).
翻译工作需如此长的 时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能 此 解 释 , 但 可 以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that [...]
efforts are under
way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
在本报告所述期间,双方举行了三轮非正式会谈、两次关于自然资源和建立 信任措施的会议,我的个人特使与它们举行了多次双边磋商,这些活动证实,有 关各方继续拥有举行会谈的政治愿 , 但 尚 无 意进行实质性谈判以实现历次安理 会决议所提出的目标,即“达成公正、持久和 此 均 接 受的政治解决,规定西撒 哈拉人民……使西撒哈拉人民实行自决”。
During the reporting period, the three rounds of informal talks between the parties, their two meetings on natural resources and confidence-building measures, and the numerous bilateral consultations that my
Personal Envoy held with
[...] them, confirmed that the parties continue to have the political will to meet, but not as yet to engage in substantive negotiations towards the objective set [...]
forth by the Security
Council in successive resolutions, namely, “a just, lasting, and mutually acceptable political solution, which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara”.
但愿我们 大家 都能承担起责任,因为我们不愿让更多的屠杀,如 以色列今天袭击贾巴利亚的近东救济工程处学校,使 我们自己的良心更加沉重。
May we all live up to that responsibility, because we would not wish to burden our conscience with more massacres, such as that perpetrated [...]
by Israel
today by targeting the UNRWA school in Jabaliya.
在现代化主义意识形态的推动下,不少人把第三产业看作最先进的产业 (Fourastié 1949;亦见黄宗智 2009,2008b 的讨论),并希望把中国表达得比其 实际更高度现代化。兴许是出如此 的 意 愿 , 统计局最近采用了一些听来十分现代 化的统计指标,诸如“信息传输”、“文化体育和娱乐业”、“科学研究”、“金 融和保险业”、 “租赁和商务服务业”、“计算机服务和软件业”等等,或有意 或无意地促使人们忽视占服务业人数最多的小贩、摊贩、保姆、服务员、街道清洁 员、社区保安等等农民工。
Driven by the ideology of modernizationism, the notion that the tertiary sector represents the most advanced economic development (Fourastié, 1949; cf. the discussion in Huang, 2009, and Huang Zongzhi, 2008b), and the wish to represent China as a more modern economy than it really is, the NSB has been fronting the most modernsounding groups of the service sector, such as “Information Transmissions,” “Computer Service and Software,” “Finance and Insurance,” “Leasing and Business Services,” “Scientific Research,” “Culture, Sports, and Entertainment,” and so on, downplaying in effect the much larger numbers of migrant peddlers, domestics, restaurant help, street cleaners, residential community guards, and other such migrant workers (nongmingong) who are also grouped under the service sector.
专家组已试图确定技术人员的姓名和国籍 但 一 直未 能 如愿。
The Group has attempted to establish the names and nationalities of
[...] the technicians, but has been unable to do so.
她补充说,关于指标的问题,一个国家集团认为指标应由工作组处理,而另 一个指出,工作组没有这样的任务授权 但如 果 认为适当的话, 愿 意 研 究修订 措辞的可能性,以便在次级标准这类标准中纳入某些指标。
She added that, on the issue of indicators, one group of States had felt that the indicators should be addressed by the Working Group, while another had pointed
out that the Working Group
[...] had no mandate to do so, although it would be open to examining [...]
the possibility of adapting
the language in such a manner as to subsume certain indicators under the category sub-criteria, if that was considered appropriate.
利用IT优势:尽管很多矿业公司表示出创新的 愿 , 但 它 们 在利 如 数 据 分析法等后端技术、或并购结束之后有效整合不同技术平台方面却未能成功。为了在降低成本的同时改善运营,它们应当重新审视其IT策略,并且考虑投资可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、检测控制和数据采集(SCADA)系统、制造执行系统(MES)、商业智能系统、数据分析法以及高级制造系统。
At the IT edge:
[...] Despite demonstrated willingness to innovate, many mining [...]
companies fail to leverage back-end technology,
such as data analytics or properly integrating disparate technology platforms following an M&A. To improve operations while reducing costs, they should revisit their IT strategies and consider investing in programmable logic controllers (PLCs), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, manufacturing execution systems (MES), business intelligence systems, data analytics and advanced manufacturing systems.
(B) 於發行任何新股份前,本公司可以普通決議案作出任何有關發行及配發該等 股份的規定,包括(但在不 影響前述條文的一般性的原則下)規定新股份(或其 任何部分)須先行按當時任何類別股份的所有持有人各自持有的股份數目所 佔的持股比例發行予彼等,惟倘未 如此 釐 訂,則有關股份可視作於有關股 份發行前本公司現有股本中的部分般處置。
(B) The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, make any provisions as to the issue
and allotment of such
[...] shares including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a provision that the new shares or any of them shall be offered in the first instance to all the holders for the time being of shares of any class in proportion to the number of the shares held by them respectively but in default of any such determination, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part [...]
of the capital of the
Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
(e) 本公司可任意將股東名冊中名列首位之人士視為任何股份之聯名持有人之 一,彼可單獨享有就該等股份寄發股票,或從本公司接收通知,或出席本公 司股東大會或在會上投票,向該人士發出之任何通知應被視為向所有聯名持 有人發出之通知;但任何一名聯名持有人均可委任有權代表該等聯名持有人 投票之人士作為代理,代表出席本公司股東大會並在會上投票 但 倘 超 過一 名該等聯名持有人親自或通過代理出席任何大會,則就該等股份在股東名冊 中名列首位如此出席 大會之該名人士將單獨有權就此投票。
(e) the Company shall be at liberty to treat the person whose name stands first in the register as one of the joint holders of any shares as solely entitled to delivery of the certificate relating to such share, or to receive notices from the Company, or to attend or vote at general meeting of the Company, and any notice given to such person shall be deemed notice to all the joint holders; but any one of such joint holders may be appointed the proxy of the persons entitled to vote on behalf of such joint holders, and as such proxy to attend and
vote at general meetings
[...] of the Company, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting personally or by proxy that one so present whose name stands first in the register in respect of such shares shall alone [...]
be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
实际上,更仔细的分析表 明,它看来更符合同意原则,而不是反向推定,因为它比反向推定更进一步,维 护缔约国和组织的意愿,同时完全尊重保留国的 愿 , 但 有 一 项谅解,即保留国 随时可表示无意在无法从保留中受益的情况下同意受条约约束, 如 准则 4.5.3 第3 段所明确规定。
In fact, on closer inspection, it seems to be more in keeping with the principle of consent than the reverse presumption, because, more than the negative presumption, it preserves the will of the other contracting States and organizations while fully respecting that of the author of the reservation,
on the understanding
[...] that the latter can express at any time its intention not to be bound by the treaty without the benefit of the reservation, as expressly stated in paragraph 3 of guideline 4.5.3.
此过程中,战略制定虽然复杂但 是 可以通过一系列有序步骤进行实施 如愿 景 和核心价值的制定、商业模式设计、协同效应的挖掘和核心竞争力的设定及强化。
Strategy formation is complicated, but can be structured in multiple dimensions, e.g. vision/value proposition, business [...]
model, synergy creation, core competence, etc.
它很受鼓舞的是,智愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童, 如 难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee [...]
children and children
whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
尽管挑战巨大但我们认为如果有 政治 愿如 果采 取以下措施,就能够应对这些挑战。
As weighty as the challenges are, we believe that they can be addressed if the political will exists and if the following measures are put in place.
不过,由于秘书处已经对它进行了审议,作为例外情况,可以加以核准 但有 一 项了解,即未来秘书处不得对未列入业务计划的项目加以审议或提交执行委员会,除非 由于某些紧急和不得已的理由而 如此 做。
As it had already been reviewed by
[...] the Secretariat, however, it could be approved exceptionally on the understanding that, in the future, projects that were not in the business plans would not be reviewed by the Secretariat or placed before the Executive Committee, unless there was some urgent and compelling reason for doing so.
大会第三十四届会议决定,在附属机构的选举中,如候选人数与应填补席位 相等,即不必进行无记名投票,这个惯例应订为标准办法,并应适用于大会主席 的选举但如有代 表团特别要求对某一项选举进行表决,则不 此 限 (第 34/401 号决定,第 16 段)。
At its thirty-fourth session, the General Assembly decided that the practice of dispensing with the secret ballot for elections to subsidiary organs when the number of candidates corresponded to the number of seats to be filled should become standard and that the same practice should apply to
the election of the President of the
[...] Assembly, unless a delegation specifically requested a vote on a given election (decision 34/401, para. 16).
另外,由于有关臭氧 消耗物质过渡的任何资料都应由缔约方 愿 提 供, 因 此 他 认为没有必要在决定 草案中强制规定此类行动。
Furthermore, as any information on
ozone-depleting substance
[...] transition would be provided by parties on a voluntary basis, he [...]
did not see the need for such
action to be prescribed by a draft decision.
即使董事會有任何空缺,繼續留任的各董事或單獨繼續留任的一位董事仍可行 事但如果及 只要董事人數減至少於根據或依 此 等 細則釐定的最少人數,則即使董事 人數少於根據或依照此等細則釐定的法定人數或只有一位董事繼續留任,繼續留任的各 董事或一位董事可就填補董事會空缺或召開本公司股東大會的目的行事,但不得就任何 [...]
The continuing Directors or a sole continuing Director may act
notwithstanding any
[...] vacancy in the Board but, if and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or in accordance with these Bye-laws, the [...]
continuing Directors
or Director, notwithstanding that the number of Directors is below the number fixed by or in accordance with these Bye-laws as the quorum or that there is only one continuing Director, may act for the purpose of filling vacancies in the Board or of summoning general meetings of the Company but not for any other purpose.
董事會可在香港或其他地方設立任何當地委員會或代理機構,管理本公司之任何事務,並 可委任任何人士擔任這種當地委員會成員或為本公司委任經理或代理,及可確定其酬金,而且
[...] 定是否附帶轉授權力),以及授權任何當地委員會成員或任何委員會填補其中任何空缺,而且不 論有無空缺都授權辦事,而任何這種委任或授權可根據董事會認為適當之條件作出﹔董事會可 撤如此委任 之任何人士,亦可撤消或改變任何這種授權 但 著 意 從事業務而未收到撤消或改 變通知之人士則不受其影響。
The Directors may establish any local boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents for the Company, and may fix their remuneration, and may delegate (with or without power to sub-delegate as the Directors shall determine) to any local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Directors, and may authorise the members of any local boards, or any of them, to fill any vacancies therein, and to act notwithstanding vacancies, and any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Directors may think
fit, and the
[...] Directors may remove any person so appointed, and may annul or vary any such delegation, but no person dealing in [...]
good faith and without
notice of any such annulment or variation shall be affected thereby.
如此,但 Huaying、CMM 和 AMR Mugote 2 月份继续从 Bisie 采购,而且未出示任何记录, [...]
表明对间接资助武装团体和刚果(金)武装部队内的犯罪网络的风险进行了评估 (见附件 45)。
Nevertheless, Huaying, CMM and AMR Mugote had continued [...]
their purchases from Bisie in February and thereafter without showing
any documented effort of having assessed the risk of indirectly financing armed groups and criminal networks within FARDC (see annex 45).
联合国志愿人员组织的持续努力促使 33 个国家起草和/或采纳了支持志愿 服务的立法框架或政策,并建立或执行了国家志愿服务法律、计划、方案、网络 或战略,这些国家包括非洲的贝宁、布基纳法索、佛得角、肯尼亚、马里、莫桑 比克、纳米比亚、塞内加尔、坦桑尼亚、多哥、赞比亚,亚洲和太平洋地区的孟 加拉国、柬埔寨、印度、印度尼西亚、尼泊尔、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、
[...] 乌克兰,以及拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的玻利维亚、巴西、哥伦比亚、多米尼加共 和国、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、秘鲁; 此 , 联 合国 愿者 组织的努力为增强国家志愿部门的能力做出了贡献。
Sustained UNV efforts resulted in the drafting and/or the adoption of legislative frameworks or policies in support of volunteerism and the establishment or implementation of national volunteerism laws, schemes, programmes, networks or strategies in 33 countries, including in Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia), Asia and the Pacific (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam), the Commonwealth of Independent States (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine) and Latin America and the Caribbean (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
[...] Nicaragua, Peru), thus contributing to the strengthening of national voluntary sector capacity.
虽然这一点对所有受害者来说都 如此 , 但 对 妇 女的 意义更为重大,因为她们在与公共领域接触和与国家进行互动时通常遭遇更多 困难。
While this is true for all victims in general, it may be even more so for women, given that they ordinarily face more difficulties reaching the public sphere and interacting with the State.
此外,防范小组委员会如愿会见 了被剥夺自由人 员,并且查阅了相关报告和记录。
The Subcommittee also wishes to place on record that it enjoyed unrestricted access to persons deprived of their liberty whom it wished to interview in private, as well as to the reports and registers it requested.
拟议续设信息系统干事(P-4)职位,就维持和平经费筹措司所有 与预算、部队费用和资金监测相关的系统向该司提供系统支持,指 如 何 制 定将 维持和平预算报告各项要求和支持维持和平经费筹措司的辅助系统纳入“团结” 系统的战略愿景, 包括向“团结”系统小组阐述与维持和平相关的特殊业务要 求,与其协调。
It is proposed that the Information Systems Officer (P-4) position be continued to provide systems support for the Peacekeeping Financing Division for all budget, troop cost and fund monitoring-related systems serving the Division, and to provide guidance for the development of strategies and a vision for integrating the peacekeeping budget submission requirements and the auxiliary systems supporting the Division into Umoja, which includes the articulation of the particular business requirements related to peacekeeping and coordination with the Umoja team.
[...] 虑建立的协助机制的功能,因为从前面一节可以得知,这一机制更多的 是为了一方面向此愿望的国家提供技术援助,另一方面帮助在保留方 [...]
面存有意见分歧的国家(和国际组织)解决这些分歧,拉近彼此观点,并 向有关国家或国际组织提供关于可适用的法律规则的具体资料。
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, whereas the objective of the (European) Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties is to present as united as possible a “front” with respect to reservations formulated by other States, this would obviously not be the function of the assistance mechanism envisaged here; it
will be clear from the preceding section
[...] that its purpose would be rather to provide [...]
technical assistance to States that
wished to receive it; to help States (and international organizations) with differing views concerning reservations to resolve their differences by finding common ground; and to provide those countries or international organizations with specific information on the applicable legal rules.
故 此 , 雖 然 法 律 可 能 有 給 予 某 人 權 利 在 調 查 及 檢 控 過 程 中 的 各
[...] 個 階 段 說 ‘ 別 問 我 問 題 , 我 一 條 也 不 會 答 ’但 此 人 在 依 賴 這 權 利 時 , 先 思 量 一 下 旁 人如 何 理 解 他 的 行 為 方 是 明 智 之 舉 。
Accordingly, although the law may give a person the right to say at all stages of the process
'Ask me no questions,
[...] I shall answer none', in relying upon this right, he would be wise to have regard to how people are likely [...]
to interpret his conduct.
如果作 为一缔约国居民的一公司从另一缔约国获得利润或收入,则该 另一缔约国不得对该公司支付的股息征收任何税 款 ( 但此 种 股息支付给该另 一国的居民或支付股息的持有股份与设在该另一国的常设单位实际有关的 情况除外),也不得对公司的未分配利润征税,即使支付的股息或未分配的 利润包括产生于此另一国的全部或部分利润或收入。
Where a company which is a resident of a Contracting State derives profits or income from the other Contracting State, that other State may not impose any tax on the dividends paid by the company, except insofar as [...]
such dividends are paid
to a resident of that other State or insofar as the holding in respect of which the dividends are paid is effectively connected with a permanent establishment or a fixed base situated in that other State, nor subject the company’s undistributed profits to a tax on the company’s undistributed profits, even if the dividends paid or the undistributed profits consist wholly or partly of profits or income arising in such other State.
如果在推迟期截止时会议仍未达成协商一致意见,即应进行表决,并应以出 席并参加表决的代表的三分之二多数作出决定 但此 一 多 数应至少包括参加会议 的国家的过半数。
If by the end of the period of deferment the Conference has not reached agreement, voting shall take place and decisions shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the representatives present and voting, providing that such majority [...]
shall include at
least a majority of the States participating in the Conference.




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