

单词 但尼生

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

尼生罗纳1560–74 年在威尼斯时才是其创作高峰期。
Forlani was born inVerona butflourishedin Venice in 1560–74.
The same day, the couple were arrested,
and a false case was
[...] registered against them,but theywere subsequently released on bail by the Negombo Magistrate Court.
[...] 机会,主要与北海国家(丹麦-爱沙尼亚联合项目“把有特殊需要的学生融入主流 学校”,北海和波罗的海国家联合项目“人人可读的学校”, 挪威-爱训 项目“主流学校中有特殊需要的)大不列颠、荷兰等国家,开展了 成功合作。
To create equal opportunities for pupils with special educational needs, there has been successful cooperation primarily with the Nordic countries (Danish-Estonian joint project “Integration of pupils with special needs in mainstream schools”, joint project of Nordic and Baltic
countries “School for
[...] all”, Norwegian-Estonian training project “Pupils with special needs in mainstream schools), butalso with Great Britain, [...]
the Netherlands, and others.
尽管存在各种挑战,而马丁提到了其中 一些挑战但尼的和平进程自 2006 年启动以来 已取得了长足进步,并且树立了若干重要的里程碑, 如制宪会议选举和宣布尼泊尔成为一个联邦制民主 [...]
Despite thevarious challenges, some of which Mr. Martin just mentioned,Nepal’s peace process [...]
has come a long way since
its inception in 2006 and has completed several important milestones, such as the election of the Constituent Assembly and the declaration of Nepal as a federal democratic republic.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突国亚和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the
earliest resolution of
[...] the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republicof Armenia, the occupying [...]
Power, implemented
inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
按照千年发展目标基金的规定,本办事处是同样涉及联合国系统其他机构的两个项目 的执行机构,即(i) 保护亚尼生自然和文化遗产方案(与粮农组织、世贸组织、开发 计划署、人居署和妇发基金);以及(ii) 关于“厄瓜多尔发展和文化多样性促进减少贫困和 社会融合”项目(与粮农组织、世贸组织、开发计划署、人口基金、儿童基金会和妇发基 金)。
Within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund, the Office is the executing agency for two projects in which other United Nations agencies also participate: (i) the Programme for the Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (with FAO, UNWTO, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNIFEM); and (ii) the project on “Development and Cultural Diversity for Poverty Reduction and Social Cohesion in Ecuador” (with FAO, UNWTO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNIFEM).
At a barbecue Neera’s family is having, Lem
[...] tries to ask Neeraon a date; but her hippie friend, [...]
Glar, keeps interrupting with his protest songs.
我们接纳法案委员会的建议,加入第 22A 条,指明若银行的清盘令被法 院作废;或金融管理专员启动赔款的决定被行政长官会同行政会议或法院撤
[...] 销,则因该事故而启动的存保计划赔款机制将会当作从未发放 的赔款仍然合法。
We have accepted the recommendation of the Bills Committee and now propose to add a new clause 22A, providing that if the trigger decision of the Monetary Authority is revoked by the Chief Executive in Council or set aside by a court, it is deemed that the
specified event triggering off payment from the
[...] DPS neveroccurred butthat the legality [...]
of the compensation already paid will not be affected.
一些地区差距虽有所缩小但尼的地理情况对实现医疗保健全民普及提 出了严峻的挑战。
Disparities have decreased
[...] in someareas, butthe geographyof Nepalpresents serious [...]
challenges to deliver health services to all.
即使对本集团不 利的行动并未真正述政治或社区动荡相关的不确定因素或会对本集团资产及 行业投资的认知价值产生负面影响,从而对本集团的财务状况造成重大不利影响。
Even in cases where no action adverse to the Group is actually taken, the uncertainty associated with such political or community instability could negatively impact the perceived value of the Group’s assets and industrial investments and, consequently, have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial condition.
目标 1B 的进展情况表明,尽管经济业绩有所 改善业人数仍在增加。
Progress regarding target 1B shows that the number
[...] of unemployed Kenyans has continued [...]
to increase despite improved economic performance.
委员会还注意到,缔约国断言,虽然在 这一时期政治反对者受到暴力镇压局眼中,不会仅仅因为提交 人拒绝接受金钱为萨尔基相投票就将其视为政治活动分子;因此,提交人未能证 [...]
The Committee also notes the State party’s assertion that although political opponents were violently suppressed during this period, the author cannot be
considered to be a political activist
[...] in the eyes ofthe Armenian authorities, simply [...]
because he refused to take money to
vote for Sarkisian; and that the author has therefore not substantiated that he would be of special interest to the authorities for this reason.
尽管存在许多挑战但尼和平进 程仍充满希望,要求所有各方再度承诺恪守作为和平协议核心内容的人权原则。
Despite many challenges, the
[...] peace process inNepal continues to hold [...]
promise, provided all parties recommit themselves
to the human rights principles at the centre of the peace agreement.
In addition to these there were formerly included apocryphal writings of some of the above Fathers, the "Constitutions" and "Canons of
the Apostles" and the works
[...] accredited to Dionysiusthe Areopagite, who, thoughhimselfadisciple [...]
of the Apostles, was not
the author of the works bearing his name.
他们着重指出加入《公 约》的不结盟国家保持密切协调的重要意义,并强调虽然可能会对某些方面进 行单独审议毒素武器公约》是一个整体,并且必须要采用平衡而 全面的方式来处理与《公约》相互关联的所有问题。
They underlined the importance to maintain close coordination among the NAM States Parties to the Convention and highlighted that the Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons forms a whole and that, although it is possible to consider certainaspects separately, it is critical to deal with all of the issues interrelated to this Convention in a balanced and comprehensive manner.
奥内莫拉生(尼亚)(以英语发言):主席亚代表团希望表示,我们对你安排本次联 合辩论表示赞赏,辩论的内容是关于向大会提交的安 全理事会 2008 年 8 月 1 日至 2009 年 7 月 31 日期间 活动报告(A/64/2)的议程项目 9 和关于安全理事会改 革问题的议程项目 119。
(Nigeria):The Nigerian delegation wishes to express its appreciation to you, Mr. President, for scheduling this joint debate on agenda item 9, on the report submitted to the General Assembly on the activities of the Security Council for the period 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009 (A/64/2), and on agenda item 119 on the question of Security Council reform.
阿米耶奥弗利生(尼亚)(以英语发言):我 也要感谢帕斯科副秘书长就叙利亚局势作了颇有见 [...]
(Nigeria): I,too, would like to thank [...]
Under-Secretary-General Pascoe for his comprehensive and insightful briefing on the situation in Syria.
法治与杀人犯罪率之间的关系并不一定是一种直接的关系: 尽管高效公平法治制度能够大量制止犯罪活动的执行法治的能力 能够在包括社会和经济发展等一些领域产生广泛的影响,而这些影响又能影响 到暴力犯罪和杀人犯罪的比率。
The relationship between the rule of law and homicide levels is not necessarily of a direct nature: while an effective and fair rule of law regime can heavily deter criminal activities, the capacity of States to enforce the rule of law can have a wide-ranging impact on a number of domains, including social and economic development, and they, in turn, can influence violent crime and homicide rates.
[...] 议缔约国开展公众教育活动,包括运动,对在缔约国领土上已经生但得到 登记的儿童给予出生登记,取消对逾期登记的任何罚款,并采取其他措施保证新 [...]
It also recommends that the State party carry out public education programmes, including campaigns to provide birth registration to those
children already born in the territory
[...] of theStatepartybut remainunregistered, [...]
as well as remove any monetary penalties
for late registrations and take alternative measures to ensure timely registration of new-born children.
In mammals, neurons can last an
entire lifespan in the absence of
[...] neurodegenerative disease,but whether neurons [...]
have a maximum lifespan, similar to replicating cells, remains unclear.
但也能设想到这样的 情况:违背国际义务的情况生但同时发生物质损害。
However, it is conceivable that the [...]
breach of an international obligation occurs in the absence of any material damage.
(b) 与内陆发展中国家特殊需要和问题有关的具体行动:内陆和过境发展中国家与 捐助国及国际金融和发展机构过境运输合作问题国际部长级会议的成果(续) 穆明先生(孟加拉国)缺席,副主席约翰纳(亚)代行主席职务。
(b) Specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries: outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation ( ( continued)
[...] 语言衔接课程的英语学习生;及(2)本身为英语学希望他们就读 一个密集式英语教学课程的学生。
The English Plus Pathway is designed for (1) English Learners from low incidence languages where it is not feasible for the district to
offer either a language pathway; and (2)
[...] English Learners whose parents wish for [...]
their children to be in an intensive English instruction program.
(d) 自由党愿意接受「区议会方案」(即新增的 5 个
[...] 功能界别议席及原来的 1 个区议会议席,全部由 民选区议员互选)可进一步提升方 案的民主成分,向全民开放区议会功能界别的参 [...]
选权,即是由民选区议员提名社会各界有能之 士,参选该
6 席区议会功能界别,包括委任区议 自由党亦建议逐步扩阔「传统」功能界别的选民 基础,把功能界别的「公司/团体票」,转化为每 间公司不超过 6 票的「董事票」,甚或包括「合 伙人票」(非有限公司者),这样选民的数目已可 即时以倍数的增加。
(d) Liberal Party is willing to accept the “District Council proposal” (i.e. five new FC seats and the existing District Council FC seat to be returned through
election by elected District Council
[...] members from among themselves), butproposes that the [...]
democratic elements of the proposal
can be further enhanced by opening up the right to stand for the District Council FC election (i.e. talented people from different sectors of the community, including appointed District Council members, can be nominated by elected District Council members to be candidates for the six District Council FC seats, and the FC Members will be returned through election by elected District Council members).
由于天主教学院现在获得经常性的政府资金资助,《教育法》第 35 条还规定这些学院应向任何宗教信仰的学生开放:虽然这些学院一直录取 非罗马天主教的须规定它们应一视同仁地对任何宗教信仰的 学生开放,《1957 年条例》第 52 条第(1)款(a)项对此作出了明确规定,禁 止以宗教为由拒不录取任何学生。
Since the Catholic colleges now receive a regular grant in aid from public funds, section 35 of the Education Act also requires that they be open to pupils of any religion: while they have always admitted non-Roman Catholic pupils, the section must require that they be equally open to pupils of any religion as was made clear by regulation 52 (1) (a) of the 1957 Regulations, which forbade refusal of admission to any pupil on the grounds of religion.
[...] 个国家灾难性的山泥倾泻、大规模破坏以及数百人成功养护大量森 林植被的邻国却几乎没有受到影响。
Heavy rains hitting deforested areas, for instance, may result in disastrous mud slides,
massive destruction and hundreds of deaths
[...] in one country, whereas a neighbouring [...]
country that managed to preserve much its
forest cover is hardly affected.
埃及代表团代表第 V(b)选 举组支持爱表团的建议据罗表团的建议对规则第 13.2 条进 行修改,即规定如果委员会由 18 个委员国组成,则每个选举组至少分配 [...]
2 个席位,如 果委员会由 24 个委员国组成,则每个选举组至少分配 3 个席位,不过,它同意第
I 选 举组的意见即需要有更多时间进行磋商。
The Delegation of Egypt, on behalf of Group V(b), supported the
proposal made by the
[...] Delegation ofEstonia with the modification introduced by the Delegationof Romania to amend [...]
Rule 13.2 foreseeing a
minimum of 2 seats in an 18-member Committee and 3 in a Committee of 24 members, but agreed with Group I that more time would be needed for consultation.
自 2007 年起,未发工资得到额外补偿,金额多达雇员的三份月工资于爱份全国平均月工资;未发的假日薪酬,金额多达雇员一个 月的假日薪酬于爱一份平均月工资;终止雇用合同未发补助, 金额多达雇员二份平均月工资于爱一份全国平均月工资。
Since 2007, the outstanding wages are additionally compensated in the amount
of up to three monthly
[...] wages ofan employee,but notmore thanthree average national monthly wagesin Estonia; the outstanding holiday pay in the amount of up to one month’s holiday pay of an employee, but not more than one average monthly wage in Estonia; andoutstanding benefit for termination of an employment contract in the amount of up to two average monthly wages ofan employee,but notmore thanone average national monthly wage in Estonia.
尽管所有有关政党都对各自青 年分支的活动负责,并应确保这些活动在法律范围内进行(毛主义) 有特殊责任履行承诺,结束共青团暴力活动,并确保这个姐妹组织充分遵守国家 法律。
While all the concerned political parties are accountable for the activities of their respective youth wings and should ensure that those activities are carried out within the limits of the law, a particular responsibility rests with UCPN-M to fulfil its commitments to end the violent activities of YCL and ensure that its sister organizations fully comply with the laws of the country.
奥卡福尔亚)(以英语发言): 我谨代表尼日利亚代表团,感谢主席召开这次关于 建设和平委员会(建和会)年度报告(A/66/675) [...]
和秘书长关于建设和平基金的报告(A/66/659)的 重要辩论会。
Mr. Okafor (Nigeria): On behalfof the Nigerian delegation, [...]
I would like to thank the President for convening this important
debate on the annual report (A/66/675) of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/659) on the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF).




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