

单词 伺机

See also:

wait on

External sources (not reviewed)

在此背景下,我们邀请位于封 闭海或半封闭海的其它国家根据《公约》第 123 条的 规定伺机采取类似的合作计划。
In that context, we invite other States with enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, when the occasion arises, to adopt similar cooperation plans, in line with article 123 of the Convention.
使用抗逆录酶病毒或其它治疗相关伺机感染 病毒的药品来治疗艾滋病指出了支付能力这一尖锐问题。
The treatment of HIV with antiretrovirals (ARVs), or drugs to treat opportunistic infections associated with the disease, raises the affordability issue acutely.
只有这样,我 们非洲才能够摆伺机而动的混乱。
This alone will allow our continent to avoid the chaos that lies in wait.
过去几年来,BAAM 伺机从银 行和对冲基金中聘请了不少投资人才。
Over the past
[...] few years, BAAM has opportunistically [...]
hired investment talent from banks and hedge funds.
这些犯罪网络与青年伺机建立 了一种互利的“商业和平”。
An opportunistic and mutually beneficial kind of “pax commerciale” has been established between those criminal networks and Al-Shabaab.
但是更加精简、更具创新性的中小企业将 伺机 而 起 、越来越多地占据市场,尤其是在零售和消费品行业。
Instead, leaner and more innovative SMEs will increasingly rise up to take their place, especially in the retail and consumer goods industries.
French giants Paris Saint-German are said to be waiting in the wings, ready to dangle a £24-million deal for Rooney.
按照经济合 作与发展组织的定义,发展政策的协调就是要努力确保政府的发展政策的目标和 结果不会受到该政府影响到发展中国家的其他各项政策的妨碍,而且这些其他政 策也伺机推动各项发展目标。
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development definition, policy coherence for development means working to ensure that the objectives and results of a Government’s development policies are not undermined by other policies of the Government that have an impact on developing countries, and that these other policies support development objectives, where feasible.
南朝鲜在包括延坪岛在内的朝鲜西海五岛纠集了大量攻击力量之后 伺机挑 衅 ,同时制订火炮发射计划和傀儡军队飞行队发射计划,以保卫“北方界限”。
After amassing huge strike means on five islands in the West Sea of Korea,
including Yonphyong Island, south Korea watched for
[...] an opportunity of provocation while [...]
working out a firing plan of artillery pieces
and flying corps of the puppet army for the defence of the “northern limit line”.
此外,此合作伙伴关系通过参与联邦租赁销售 伺机 租入(farm-in) 以及并购活动,将扩展 LLOG 在墨西哥湾的资产基本值,进一步巩固其作为此盆地中最大私营公司之一的地位。
In addition, the partnership will expand LLOG’s asset base in the Gulf of Mexico through federal lease sale participation, farm-ins and M&A activities, further building upon its position as one of the largest private companies in the basin.
感谢会员国的积极参与以及在智力和财务方面所做的贡献, 深信截至目前已想尽一切办法在政府间专家会议上达成协商一致, 请会员伺机酌情 利用迄今已取得的工作成果; 决定注意到《关于第二次世界大战流失文物的原则宣言草案》。
Decides to take note of the draft of the declaration of principles relating to cultural objects displaced in connection with the Second World War.
注意到 注意到 注意到 注意到跨国有组织犯罪活动形式多样,有时可能相互关联,犯罪组伺机行事 ,并利用各国,尤其是沿途地区的沿海国和小岛屿发展中国家的弱点, 吁请各国和相关政府间组织在各级加强合作与协调,根据国际法查明和取缔偷渡 移徙者和贩卖人口的行为; 105.
Notes the approval by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization of the user guide to chapter XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and to the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code;50 101.
Bulletin MPAR 和
[...] TLAR 电动缸可为您的应用带来灵活伺服 电 机 控 制 ,最适合需要快速形 成力并实现精确定位的解决方案。
With Bulletin MPAR and TLAR electric cylinders, your applications will
[...] experience flexible servo motor control ideal [...]
for solutions requiring forces to be
built up quickly and positions that need to be approached accurately.
紧急停机输入时,遵从 PRM22(紧急机伺服功 能关闭的迟滞时间),在迟滞时间过去之后,伺服 [...]
状态信号 OFF。
In case of an
[...] emergency stop, the servo state signal is [...]
turned off after a delay specified in PRM22 (emergency stop servo-off delay).
(d) 數據伺服器 會備存工程項目數據庫,當中貯存了與工程項目、 合約和財務有關的最新數據。
(d) The Database Server will store the Project Database that contains upto-date project, contract and financial data.
選取代表伺服器 所在位置的時區,然後設定目前日期和時間。
Select the time zone that represents the location of your server, then set the current date and time.
产品长度、系统参数、运行状态都可以通过人机界面BTV04输入或监控,人机界面(BTV04)具有9个固定功能键和7个用户可编程按钮,用户可自由编写界面程序或引用标准界面程序,通过S485直接与伺服通讯进行操作;DKC21.3智能伺服驱动器可自动获 伺 服 电 机 参 数 进行最优化配置,每个驱动器标配一个外部测量轮接口和一 伺 服 电 机 编 码器接口,同时还具有两路高速中断输入口,16个输入点和12个输出点以及强大的数控指令和高速处理能力。
The length of products, system parameters, running through the man-machine interface can be BTV04 input or monitoring, human-computer interface (BTV04) with nine fixed-function keys and seven user-programmable Button, the user interface procedures are free to prepare or use interface standard procedures, S485 through direct communication with the servo operation; DKC21.3 intelligent servo
drives can automatically
[...] obtain servo The electrical parameters of the most optimal allocation of each drive an external standard interface and a measuring wheel servo motor encoder interface, [...]
and also offers
two-way high-speed interrupt input, 16 Enter points and 12 points output and a strong command of the NC and high-speed processing capability.
另有东北, 华东, 华东,
[...] 华中,及华南五大驱动中心覆盖中国市场。凭借多年来在工业自动化行业领先的驱动技术以及丰富的经验,从通用到高性能的直交流驱动器 伺 服 、 伺 服 电 机 、 PLC 及触摸屏产品,公司为客户提供完整的全方位的配套驱动解决方案。
We have 30 offices throughout the country like Shenzhen, Shanghaiand Beijing etc. We are Drives Specialists with good knowhow and experience in
providing comprehensive range of AC/DC Drives from general purpose and
[...] high-performance, servos, servo motors, PLC and HMI.
GeneSiC 还制造高性价比硅产品,是硅分立器件和模块的领先供应商,支持许许多多的市场:AC、DC 和伺服驱动器(低和中等电压)、 机 ( 电 液致动器,功率发生器)、替代能源(风能、光伏)和分布式电源(飞轮,燃料电池,微型燃气轮机)、电动汽车、感应加热、工业泵控制、医用电源(CT、磁共振、X [...] [...]
光)、发电和配电、脉冲功率、运输(轨道牵引和辅助电源,船上应用),不间断电源 (UPS)、焊接、白色家电和 HVAC。
GeneSiC also manufactures cost-effective silicon products and is a leading supplier of silicon discrete devices, and
modules , supporting many
[...] markets, AC, DC and Servo Drives (Low and Medium Voltage), Aircraft (Electro-Hydrostatic [...]
Actuators, Power
Generators)Alternative Energy (Wind, Photovoltaic) and Distributed Power (Flywheel, Fuel Cell, Micro turbine), Electric Vehicles, Induction Heating, Industrial Pump Controls, Medical Power Supplies (CT, MRI, X-Ray), Power Generation and Distribution, Pulsed Power, Transportation (Propulsion and Auxiliary Power for Rail, Shipboard), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Welding, and White Goods and HVAC.
由於企業工作量的不同,SPC-1C 測試使用綜合、可擴充、 真實環境的工作量,該工作量代表利用主要隨機 I/O 操作特微之企業應用 程式,及需要查詢和更新操作
[...] (例如:OLTP 系統、資料庫系統和郵伺服 器應用程式) 的區塊。
While enterprise workloads vary, the SPC-1C test uses synthesised, scalable, real-world workloads that represent a segment of enterprise applications characterised predominately by random I/O operations
and require both query and update operations (for example: OLTP systems, database
[...] systems and mail server applications).
根據該項研究結果,工貿署需要更換其使用年期即將屆 滿的陳舊資訊科技系統,以確保提供穩定可靠的服務;合併分散伺 服器 室和分布式系統監察,以改善運作效率和管 伺 服 器 的工作;以 及提升網絡容量/數據傳送量,以應付不斷增加的需求,包括對接達 [...]
According to the study, TID needs to replace its aged IT systems approaching the end of serviceable life span to ensure reliability of service; to consolidate scattered server rooms and decentralised
system monitoring to
[...] improve operational efficiency and management of servers; and to upgrade the network capacity/throughput [...]
to cope with the growing
demands including notably access to multi-media information, etc.
(D) 儘管股東作出任何選擇,倘若本公司獲知,向股東所提供之任 何電子地址寄發任何通知或其他文件會或可能會違反任何有 關司法權區的法律,或倘本公司不能核實股東的電子地址所伺服器 位置,則本公司可將該等內容刊登於本公司之網站,以 代替發送任何通知或其他文件到有關股東提供的電子地址,而 此舉須視作有效送達有關內容予該股東,而有關的通知及文件 須被視作於首次放置該內容在本公司網站當日已送達至股東。
(D) Notwithstanding any election by a member, if the Company is advised that the sending of any notice or other document to any electronic address supplied by a shareholder may or might infringe the law of any relevant jurisdiction, or if the Company cannot verify the location of the server at which the electronic address of the member located, the Company may in lieu of the sending of any notice or other document to the electronic address supplied by the shareholder concerned, place the same on the Company’s website, and any such placement shall be deemed effective service on the shareholder, and the relevant notice and document shall be deemed to be served on the shareholder on which the same is first placed on the Company’s website.
閣下不得將憑證用於以下情況:(i) 提供給或代表任何其他組織使用;(ii) 除閣下在憑證申請上提交之網域名稱和/或組織名稱以外,執行與任何其他網域名稱和/或組織名稱相關之私密金鑰或公開金鑰操作;(iii) 一次在多台實伺服器 或裝置上使用,除非閣下已購買授權憑證選項,或除非閣下已購買 GeoTrust 或 RapidSSL 憑證;(iv) 如果是 WLAN 伺服器憑證,在除 RADIUS 伺服器 以外的任何裝置上使用;(v) 用作危險環境中的控制裝置或用於需要自動防故障性能的用途,例如,操作核設施、飛機導航或通訊系統、空中交通控制系統或武器控制系統,在此等情況下出現故障可能直接導致死亡、人身傷害或嚴重的環境損害。
You are prohibited from using your Certificate: (i) for or on behalf of any other organization; (ii) to perform private or public key operations in connection with any domain and/or organization name other than the one you submitted on your Certificate Application; (iii) on more than one physical server or device at a time, unless you have purchased the Licensed Certificate Option, or unless you have purchased a GeoTrust or RapidSSL Certificate; (iv) if a WLAN Server Certificate, on any device other than a RADIUS server; and (v) for use as control equipment in hazardous circumstances or for uses requiring fail-safe performance such as the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control systems, or weapons control systems, where failure could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe environmental damage.
設備伺服軟 體之憑證主體名稱必須為該設備 伺 服 軟 體之管 理者的名稱,同時其中的通用名稱(Common Name) 應以易於瞭解為 原則,例如是模組的名稱或序號或應用的程序等。
The certificate subject name of the
[...] equipment or server shall be the name of the administrator of equipment or server software [...]
and at the same time use
the Common Name for easy understanding, for instance, the module name or serial number or application procedure, etc.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品
标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框
[...] 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链 机 、 粮 食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early
warning, preparedness and response to food
[...] chain crises caused by transboundary [...]
animal and plant pests and diseases, food
safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就 机 会 不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.




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