

单词 伸展台

See also:



伸展 n

extension n

展台 n

stand n

External sources (not reviewed)

在此次發表會中,時尚迷不僅能一睹她 伸展台 上 的 迷人風采,更能一睹她化身F1賽車手的英姿煥發。
This time her fans were able to see her on the catwalk, and also in a different role – at the wheel of an F1 car!
另一位是穆斯絲(Aimee Mullins),這位截肢運動員兼模特兒極為天賦,於1999年登上英國倫 伸展台 , 為 時尚設計師麥昆(Alexander McQueen)走秀,穿著結合靴子的手雕木製義肢。
And then there’s the stunning Aimee
[...] Mullins, a gifted athlete and model (oh, and double amputee) who walked the London runway in 1999 for [...]
fashion designer Alexander
McQueen wearing hand-carved wooden prosthetic legs with integrated boots.
暴力正伸展其触 角,并威胁破坏道德价值 观以及宽容和融合文化的结构,而宽容和融合文化推 [...]
Violence is spreading its tentacles and [...]
threatening to destroy the moral values and the fabric of tolerance and composite
culture that has propelled progress for humankind.
當日由新城電台(財經台和知訊台)名主持人劉婉芬和陳心怡擔任主持,並由Terence Chau擔任講師,向在場近300多名觀眾講解各種關節痛症,更以生動簡易的形式示範不同 伸展 運 動, 讓 台 下 的 觀眾齊齊做運動,氣氛熱烈!
The MC were famous Metro Radio DJ Liza Lau and Catherine Chan, and the speaker was Terence Chau who presented to almosts 300 audiences about different joint pain conditions.
hybris通过一个灵活的销售平台支持这些举措,该 台 专 为 延 伸 、 扩 展 和 创 新而设计,”hybris首席技术执行官莫瑞滋•齐莫曼(Moritz Zimmerman)说,“通过这些新功能,出版商对客户、专业人士、学者或行业的销售将得到更快的创新,所有权的总成本也会大大降低。
With these new capabilities publishers selling to consumers, professionals, academics or industry will get much faster time to innovation and a much better total cost of ownership.
(a) 新界東南堆填區的位伸展至清 水灣郊野公園範圍內,原因是這樣做可以將堆 [...]
填區的容量增加約 20%,大幅度延長堆填區可供使用的時間,也可令堆填區的 設計更加自然,在完成後更易與㆕週環境融合,亦可減低處理廢物的單位成本。
(a) The South East New Territories
[...] (SENT) landfill encroaches onto the Clear [...]
Water Bay Country Park for the following reasons:
it increases the capacity of the landfill by about 20% and substantially extends its potential life; it permits a more natural landfill design which, upon completion, will blend more readily with the surrounding landscape; and it will reduce the unit cost of disposal.
森林主要是伸展长长 的沙滩,占据一半以上的开发形成的主要产业Les Landes的松树。
Forests are
[...] chiefly composed of pines which stretch to the long sandy beaches [...]
and occupy more than half of Les Landes of
which their exploitation forms the chief industry here.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员展战略 性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和台, 使 会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at
the domestic and
[...] international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue [...]
and peer learning
among Member States at the regional and international levels.
座椅設計旨在提供旅程中高度的舒適感和更好的橫向支撐,所有座椅 伸展 度 都 可以電動調節,不僅是前排座椅,後排座椅都可傾斜調節。
The seats in the new M-Class have been designed to offer high long-distance comfort and optimum lateral support.
(三 ) 是否知悉,港鐵公司會否取消為加裝月台幕門而收取使用八 達通卡每程1毫的額外收費;若會,詳情及時間表為何;若 否,原因為何;港鐵公司整理及分析有關自 伸 縮 月 台 踏板 試驗計劃的測試數據的工作進度及預計完成日期為何;港鐵 公司有何方法防止在還未安裝月台幕門或自動月台閘門的 車站再發生乘客墮軌意外;港鐵公司有否進一步計劃在各車 站設置洗手間;若有,詳情及時間表為何;若否,原因為何?
(c) whether it knows if the MTRCL will cancel the extra charge of 10 cents for each Octopus journey for the retrofitting of platform screen doors (PSDs); if it will, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that; of the MTRCL's progress and expected completion date of collating and analysing the test data of the trial of the mechanical gap fillers (MGFs) system; what method the MTRCL has to prevent the recurrence of accidents of passengers falling onto rail tracks at those stations which have not yet installed PSDs or automatic platform gates (APGs); whether the MTRCL has further plans to provide toilets at the various stations; if so, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that?
雖然是這 樣,我知道 ― 部份從今㆝我進入立法局時所接獲的信件㆗知悉 ― 市民是何等關注 多個屋 在這方面的問題,而我亦深信當市場力 伸展 至 超越正常限度時,各位議員會向 私㆟發展商明確表示那是本港市民的看法。
But nevertheless, I know — not least from letters presented to me as I entered the Legislative Council today — the amount of concern there is about this issue on a number of estates, and I am sure that where there is concern that market forces are being stretched beyond normal bounds of elasticity, Honourable Members will make it clear to private developers that that is the view of local residents.
作品由多个可充气的雕塑组成,其灵感都来自生物世界,整座雕塑完 伸展 开 来后,璀璨夺目,象征一个硕大的生物有机体已经进入成熟阶段。
Upon reaching its full height, the work blooms with light, in the form of multiple organically-inspired inflatable sculptures suggesting the final maturation of an enormous biological organism.
基於安全考慮,當列車到站停定後, 月台踏板會從台邊緣伸出, 在系統確定踏板已經伸出後, 列車才會開門;乘客上落完畢後,車門會先穩妥關上,然後 [...]
Due to safety consideration, when a train comes
to a complete stop at a station, MGFs would
[...] extend from the platform edge, and only [...]
after the system verifies that MGFs
are extended would the train doors open.
当监视器画面设为 4:3
[...] 的高宽比时, 图像 将被横向压缩和纵伸展, 从而改变了观 看视角。
Squeeze When the 4:3 aspect ratio has been
set for the monitor screen, the images are squeezed
[...] horizontally and extended vertically changing [...]
the view of the angle.
當中,大部分反對把現時適用於獲發牌電視 台/電台製作與選舉有關節目的指引 伸 至 網 上電台 及電台的建議。
The majority of these representations raised objection
to the proposal to extend the existing guidelines for the production of election-related programmes by licensed
[...] TV/radio to programmes broadcast through Internet TV and radio.
秘书处提到,在论坛的水资源展会上,教科文组织(包括教科文组织的水资源 计划和中心)展台是联 合国展区参观人数最多 展台 之 一 ,吸引了大量的参观者。
The Secretariat noted that the UNESCO stand, comprising UNESCO water-related programmes and
centres, at the Forum Water Fair was one
[...] of the most-visited in the UN Pavilion, attracting a large number of visitors.
九鐵公司即將批出在羅湖站安裝自動 台伸 縮 系統的 合約,並會評估乘客對該設施的接受程度,然後考慮在其他有彎位的 月台安裝同類設施。
KCRC will soon award a contract for an automatic mechanical gap filler system, initially at Lo Wu station, so as to monitor passenger acceptance before installing at other curved platforms.
該守則要求,如單梯樓宇的最高樓面層在地面水平 以上超逾13米,樓梯伸延至天台, 而 天 台 是 作 為住戶的火 警逃生地方。
The Code requires that if the level of the highest floor of a building is more than 13 m above ground level, the staircase should be continued to the roof which acts the fire refuge area for residents in case of fire.
当然,我们也会参 展,届时欢迎您光临我们设在 W3 展 厅的 D 02-06 展台。
Of course, we will be there, and we request you to visit us on our booth D 02-06 in hall W3.
(三 ) 港鐵公司有否計劃進行擴建工程,把該等輕鐵站的上蓋伸 至整個月台,以 改善乘客的候車環境及提升乘客的安全;若 [...]
(c) if the MTRCL has any plan to carry
out extension works to extend the
[...] covers to the entire platforms of such LR stops, [...]
so as to improve the environment for
waiting passengers and enhance passengers' safety; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
本组织的贡献包括:在官方公 开会议上放影一部关于文化多样性的电影;举办五个关于“地球发展村”主题的讲习班,全 部由青年推广工作者讲课;与国际青年旅社联盟(IYHF)合作举办一个大型的交互展 台;与 世界银行合作举办一个会外活动,介绍世界预防艾滋病日青年辩论会的情况;(通过 调查表)开展一场调查,收集青年人对于中等教育及其改革的意见和期望;最后,发行一张 光盘“记忆与奇迹”。
official opening session; five workshops on the major themes of the Global Development Village, all conducted by young facilitators; a large, interactive stand in collaboration with the International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF); a side event, organized in collaboration with the World Bank, to present the World AIDS Day Youth Debate; a survey (by questionnaire) to collect youth views and expectations on secondary education and its reform; and finally, the launching of a CD-ROM Memories and Marvels.
公司的代表将出席在2011年1月27至29日举行的美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市会展中心PGA商 展 ( 展台 1 8 5 3)
Company representatives will be present during the PGA Merchandise Show at the Orlando, FL Convention Center (Booth # 1853), January 27-29, 2011.
恰當運用資訊科技可以照顧不同的學習風格,並把學習 台伸 延 至 課堂 外。
If used appropriately, information technology can be effective in catering for different learning styles and expanding students’ learning beyond the classroom.
我們願意每個人首先讓主耶穌的王權管理我們個人的生 命,以致我們能彼此相愛、接納、饒恕、互相鼓勵、造就、建
[...] 立基督的身體(教會),好使神的國、主耶穌的王權 展、 伸張至 家庭、社會、城市及國家不同的層面。
Each one of us as an individual is willing to let King Jesus to rule over our life and has the first priority to our life, so that King Jesus can help us to love one another, to accept, forgive, encourage each other to build up the Body of Christ (The church); so that the
Kingdom of God and Dominion and Rulership
[...] of King Jesus will extend from individuals, [...]
families, societies, cities, nations
and all over the world through His Body, the Church of Jesus Christ.
每个控制器支持二至四个端口用于SSD或硬盘连接,它将固态硬盘(SSD)的优点 伸 到 消费 者 台 式 计 算机主板或消费者电子产品。
Each controller supports two to four ports for SSD or HDD connectivity to bring the benefits of solid state drive (SSD) to consumer desktop motherboards and consumer electronic products.
此新近开发的创新理念是台机械 布边伸单元集成到DIMENSA的设备概念中。
This newly developed innovation is a
[...] mechanical selvedge streching unit integrated into [...]
the machine concept of the DIMENSA.
除非有潜在的病理学或骨骼问题,否则上述问题几乎总是能够经由针对缺陷部位的简单治疗 伸展 和 巩 固得以修复。
Unless there is an underlying pathology or
skeletal issue, these can almost always be fixed with simple
[...] treatment, stretching and strengthening of the deficient parts.
此外还与里斯本论坛平行举办了一次展览会,为人权组织、教育工作者和执 行人员设展台,展示人 权教育领域的工作,并就工具、方法和项目等交流经验。
In parallel to the Lisbon Forum, a fair with stands was set up for human rights organizations, educators and practitioners to display their work in the field of human rights education and to have an exchange of experiences on tools, methods and projects.
(五 ) 要求港鐵盡快在全線月台加裝幕門、閘門和自 伸 縮 月台 踏板 等設施,以加強月台安全,並改善車站設施以達致 無障礙環境; (六 ) 要求各公共巴士公司盡快更換低地台巴士以照顧殘疾人 士的乘車需要,並且在巴士停站時以廣播方式知會乘客有 關路線安排以方便失明人士,同時在公共巴士服務的新專 營權協議中加入條款,規定巴士公司須設立殘疾人士票價 優惠
(f) to request various public bus companies to expeditiously replace their buses with low floor type buses to cater for the transport needs of people with disabilities, and when a bus makes stops, inform passengers of the routing arrangement through its public address system for the convenience of the blind, and at the same time incorporate provisions in the new franchise agreements on public bus services to require bus companies to offer concessionary fares to people with disabilities




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