

单词 伸出手

See also:


extend v
stretch v


hold out a hand
ask for sth.


put one's hand to sth.

External sources (not reviewed)

在这个论坛,我们向哥斯达黎加及其人民和政伸出手,敞 开心扉,给予兄弟般的拥抱。
In this forum, we extend our hand and open our hearts [...]
in fraternal embrace to Costa Rica, its people and its Government.
我们向所有本着诚意,谋求实现世界各国人民 福祉和尊严的伸出手。
We extend a hand to all those who in good faith strive to achieve the welfare and dignity of human beings around the world.
有人會問,中央是否為了短期內即將在 9 月 12 日舉行選舉,然後伸出手來?
Some people wonder whether or not the Central
[...] Authorities extend the hands only because the [...]
elections scheduled for 12 September will soon take place.
只有在得到更大的国际支持的情况 下,这种向所有温和伸出手的做 法才能成功。
Such outreach to all moderates can succeed only with much greater international support.
[...] Menon也演示了几种自我催眠的运动,例如幻想吃着柠檬以 伸出手 臂 拿 书。
Besides giving a whole picture on what self hypnosis is all about, Ms Menon
also demonstrated a few self hypnosis exercises such as imagining eating a lemon and
[...] holding a book on an outstretched arm.
是否如果中伸出手而能令民主派取得 23 或 24 席,這樣伸手出來, 屆時如果不能取得該等席位數目便縮回?
Is it that the Central Authorities have extended the hands because by so doing the pro-democracy camp [...]
can get 23 or 24 seats?
阿富汗的任何可行和解进程 都必须由阿富汗人主导,而且必须向那些摒弃恐怖主 义和宣布尊重《阿富汗宪法》的 伸出手。
Any viable reconciliation process in Afghanistan must be Afghan-led, and it must reach out to those who renounce terrorism and who declare their respect for the Afghan Constitution.
與此同 時 , 海 洋 公 園 亦 成 功 以 正 面 獎 勵 方 法,訓 練 大 熊貓在
[...] 無 須 麻醉的 情況下,自伸 出 手 臂 ( 或 是 “ 熊貓手 臂 ”)讓 [...]
工 作 人員替 其 抽 取 血 液 樣 本化驗,成為 全 球 首 項 創
舉,對 於研究瀕 危 動 物( 如 大 熊貓)的 行為及生態 學 有 莫 大 幫 助 。
At the same time, the Ocean Park has also succeeded in training
pandas, by way of positive
[...] encouragement, to voluntarily extend their arms (or panda [...]
arms) to allow researchers to draw
blood samples for laboratory tests without resorting to anaesthetics.
我們是否願意主動蹲下身伸出手, 用力扶起瘸腿的人, 一起走進人羣呢?
Are we willing to take the initiative to bend forward, reach out, help a lame man rise and walk into the crowd?
很可惜,當她們在家庭工作時, 伸出手 問 家人,包括她 的丈夫或子女要錢,但到了她們晚年的時候,同樣也要這樣做,因為目前沒 有任何一個制度可以幫助她們,這令她們覺得這真是一個很大的枷鎖。
Regrettably, when they work at home, they have to ask for money from their family members, including their husbands or children, but they still have to do the same in their old age because there is not any system in place to help them.
這對於我們,以及我們在中國投入的事工而言,是一個多麼棒的比喻啊──面對神子,向 伸出手 , 在 我們的生活中尋求祂的面和祂的工作。
What a parable and a challenge for us and for the work in China in which we are engaged - face the Son, stretch out to Him, to seek His face and His work in our lives.
當要倚靠綜援的時 候,社會又會歧視他們,認為他們是懶惰,不做工,只 伸出手 向 人 要錢。
When they have to live on CSSA, they are discriminated against by the community and considered as lazy people who refuse to work and know only to ask for money from other people.
主席,彼得和約翰的行動是重要的,因為他們不單有協助殘疾人士的 心,也不是放低數個銅板便走開,而是主動蹲下身 伸出手 , 用 力扶起瘸腿 的人,一起走進人羣。
They instead bent forward and reached out to help the lame man rise and walk into the crowd.
因此,我们必须希 望伊朗重新评估其所作所为,停止阻挠机构的努力, 握住再次向伸出的手,并最终采取人们期望它采取 的行动,以恢复信任。
We must therefore hope that Iran will reassess its behaviour, stop
obstructing the Agency’s
[...] efforts, take the hand that has again been extended to it and finally [...]
take the actions expected
from it to restore confidence.
叙利亚历来向求援伸出援手,其他国 家却出于懦弱而袖手旁观,只顾及有限的政治谋算。
His country had never withheld assistance to those seeking it, while others had shied away from doing so out of cowardice, only heeding limited political calculations.
我们每个人都很 棒,而且有很多人支持我们,在我们需要的时 伸出援 手。
Every one of us is excellent and there are so many people backing us, who will give us support when we need it.
我们著名的东帝汶精神生存了下来并茁壮成长, 我们现在再次向他伸出手,请他们作为真正的发展 合作伙伸出援手,以便我们能够共同走上持久和平 的道路,使东帝汶实现更光明的未来。
Our famous Timorese spirit survives and
[...] grows, and I now offer our hand again and ask for theirs as true partners in development, so that [...]
we can walk together
along the road to a lasting peace and a brighter future in TimorLeste.
当汪洋书记得知硕贝德自组建以来,每年都将很大一部份利润持续投放在产业研发中,经过近7年发展和布局后,在惠州、深圳、苏州、北京、西安等地设立了科研中心,公司拥有100多位高端射频研发人员,且研发中心在硬件上都配备了世界一流实验室和测试设备的时候,汪书记主 伸出手 , 紧 握着朱坤华董事长的手说:产业转型,技术创新是关键,你们的战略布局很好,希望你们将技术创新和产业升级持续进行到底,打造技术优势,成就世界级天线企业。
When Secretary Wang Yang knew Speed since set up, each year sustained put a large portion of profits in industry R & D, after nearly 7 years of development and layout, in Huizhou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Beijing, Xi'an, set up research center, the company has more than 100 high-end RF R & D personnel, and research and development center equipped with first-class laboratory and
testing equipment in hardware,
[...] Secretary Wang a ctive hand held President Zhu Kunhua's and [...]
said : industrial transformation,
technological innovation is the key, your strategic layout is very good, I hope you will get technological innovation and industry upgrading continued to the end, makes technical advantage,achieves world-class antenna enterprise.
諾 曼 太 太 的 事 務 律 師 回 應 說 , 他 們 只 是 向 一 名 無 法 負 擔 費 用 但 有 合 法 訴 訟 因 由 的伸 出 援 手 而 已
In reply, Mrs Norman‟s solicitors contended that they were doing no more than assisting a person who was unable to pay a fee but who had a legitimate cause of action.
目前并不明白维持和平行动部和外勤支助部是否 应该以及如何向非洲联盟委员会各部 伸出 援 手 , 包 括在新闻、财务和行政管理 等领域,对支援外勤特派团的能力 伸出 援 手。
It was unclear if and how the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the
Department of Field
[...] Support should reach out to the departments of the African Union Commission, including in the areas of public information, finance and administration, vis-à-vis backstopping capacity for field missions.
乌兹别克斯坦应该履行其国际义务,尤其是停 止对人权维护者的迫害,释放被监禁的人权维护者, 坚定不移地走尊重人权和民主法治的道路,如有必 要,欧洲联盟愿伸出援手。
As for Uzbekistan, it must fulfil all of its international commitments, namely, by putting an end to persecution of human rights defenders, releasing those defenders who remained imprisoned, and persevering on the path of
respect for human rights, democratization and the rule
[...] of law, with the assistance of the European Union where appropriate.
北约——国际安 全援助部队正准备到 2014 年年底削减其在阿富汗的
[...] 作战任务,而此时国际社会的努力正日益侧重于向阿 富伸出援手,以 帮助它开展过渡和之后的工作。
As the NATO International Security Assistance Force prepares to draw down its combat role in Afghanistan by the end of 2014, the efforts of the
international community are increasingly focused on providing
[...] Afghanistan a helping hand to assist it in the [...]
transition and beyond.
[...] 我们对安理会持乐观态度,那是因为我们仍然可以听 到明智的声音响彻安理会会议厅,呼吁向叙利 伸出 援手,以 应对其各种困难,鼓励叙利亚政府推进应有 的改革,并呼吁外部反对派参与全面的全国对话,从 [...]
If we are optimistic about the Council, it is because we continue to hear the
voice of the wise echoing in the
[...] Chamber, calling for a hand to be extended to Syria to address [...]
its difficulties, to encourage
the Syrian Government to push ahead with the desired reforms, and to call on the external opposition to enter into a comprehensive national dialogue in order to build a Syria for all our citizens without exception.
新的发展框架,正如其 所定义和制订的那样,将为关注持续存在的差距和不平等问题(其中性别问题是 一个关键因素)以及考虑不同程度的差距以向处境最不利和弱势人 伸出 援 手提 供重要机遇。
The new development framework, as it is defined and developed, will provide important opportunities to focus on persistent disparities and inequalities, of which gender is a critical element, and on reaching the most disadvantaged and vulnerable, taking into account multiple levels of disparities.
确认社区组织,包括由艾滋病毒感染者管理的社区组织在以下方面发挥的作 用:维持国家和地方的防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病工作;向所有艾滋病毒感染 伸出 援手;提 供预防、治疗、护理和支持服务以及加强卫生系统,尤其是初级保健方 法
Recognize the role that community organizations play, including those run by people living with HIV, in sustaining national and local HIV and AIDS responses, reaching all people living with HIV, delivering prevention, treatment, care and support services and strengthening health systems, in particular the primary healthcare approach
重申承诺履行义务,按照《宪章》、《世界人权宣言》6 以及与人权有关的其
他文书和国际法,促进普遍尊重、遵守和保护所有人的所有人权和基本自由;强 调文化、道德和宗教价值观的重要性以及家庭和社区,特别是艾滋病毒感染者和
[...] 受艾滋病毒影响者,包括其家人的重要作用,并强调,在维持国家艾滋病毒和艾 滋病防治行动,向所有艾滋病毒感染 伸出 援 手 , 提供艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护 理和支持以及加强卫生系统,尤其是初级保健等方面,必须考虑各国的特殊性
Reaffirm the commitment to fulfil obligations to promote universal respect for and the observance and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all in accordance with the Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights6and other instruments relating to human rights and international law; and emphasize the importance of cultural, ethical and religious values, the vital role of the family and the community and, in particular, of people living with and affected by HIV, including their families, and the need to take into
account the
[...] particularities of each country in sustaining national HIV and AIDS responses, reaching all people living with HIV, [...]
delivering HIV prevention,
treatment, care and support and strengthening health systems, in particular primary health care
斐济感谢所有代表团的发言,表示其见证了各代表团 伸出 援 助 之 手 ,提 供了有益的意见和建议。
Fiji thanked all delegations that had made interventions and noted that it had
[...] witnessed the extending of helping hands to assist and provide [...]
helpful advice and recommendations.
这也意味着向更加广泛的民间社 会组织,尤其是私营部伸出友谊之 手 , 建立新的伙伴关系。
It will also mean reaching out to a wider range of civil society organizations and especially the private sector to form new partnerships.
所罗门群岛代表团在开幕发言中指出,人权是《宪法》所确立的一项基本原 则,承认其他国家政府、各发展伙伴和民间社会向所罗门群 伸出 了 援 手 , 协助 其在促进和保护人权方面取得了进展。
During the opening statement, the delegation of Solomon Islands noted that human rights was a fundamental principle entrenched in the Constitution,
and acknowledged the
[...] assistance of other Governments, development partners and the civil society for progress made in promoting [...]
and protecting human rights in Solomon Islands.
再看好开关头盖下方上齿轮伸出的 被动轴的位置,手转动主动轴直到被动轴能啮合到和齿轮机构耦合销 内。
Check the
[...] position of the output shaft on the driven side of the gear unit under the on-load tap-changer cover and turn the drive shaft manually until the driven [...]
shaft engages with the coupling of the gearing.




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