单词 | 伴奏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 伴奏 noun —accompaniment nless common: accompanist n 伴奏 —accompany (musically)Examples:无伴奏合唱—a cappella (music) See also:伴 v—accompany v 伴—associate • comrade 奏—achieve • play music • present a memorial to the emperor (old)
最 后,就爵士乐以及爵士乐展现哲学精神的问题组织了辩论,随后是 Thelonious Monk 爵士大使伴 奏的 Herbie Hancock 音乐会演出。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Finally, a philosophical debate on jazz and its ability to open people’s minds to philosophy was followed by a concert by Herbie Hancock and the Theolonius Monk Jazz Ambassadors. unesdoc.unesco.org |
節奏或自動伴奏不錄製於音軌 1 時:您在鍵盤上彈奏時, 錄音便會馬上開始。 casio.com.tw | When recording to Track 1 without rhythm or Auto Accompaniment: Recording will start as soon as you play anything on the keyboard. support.casio.com |
目前正在建制全世界最高的声音雕塑,而他的第二张 无 伴奏 录 音 也即将完成。 audemarspiguet.com | Currently building the world tallest sound sculpture, he is also [...] finishing his second solo record. audemarspiguet.com |
在Black Marlin酒吧晚间举行舞会,可任您尽情舞动 , D J 伴奏 将 为 您带来劲爆锐舞旋律,更有驻场乐队现场演奏至深夜。 shangri-la.com | Dance the night away at the bar where a DJ playing upbeat dance music alternates with a live entertainment on selected days of the week. shangri-la.com |
在鍵盤開始低音伴奏,而分割點會向上移動,因此當你處於較高音調時,低音不會忽然變成其他聲音。 mammals.org | Start walking a bass line up the keyboard, [...] and the split point moves up so the bass doesn’t suddenly become some other sound [...]when you get into the higher notes. mammals.org |
自動伴奏會讓 您感覺好像身後總是有一個自己 的伴 奏樂團一樣。 casio.com.tw | Auto Accompaniment makes it feel like you have your own private backup group with you [...] all the time. support.casio.com |
其中包括:以艺术形式展示私刑这一令人憎恶的做法,在美国不少地方, 许多前奴隶及其初期的后代曾遭受私刑;朗读前奴隶奥卢达·艾季阿诺(人称非 洲人古斯塔夫·瓦萨)的自传摘录,11 岁的他经历了奴隶制以及中间航程的恐怖; 以及著名的喀麦隆歌唱家卡伊萨扣人心弦的 无 伴奏 表 演 ,她提请大家注意纪念的 主题,唱了一首内省的歌曲,主张对涉及非洲某些社会妇女的传统惯例和文化惯 例作出积极变革,以保障能更多地表达集体自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | They included an artistic interpretation of the abominable practice of lynching, to which many former slaves and their early descendants were subjected in parts of the United States; a reading of excerpts from the autobiography of the ex-slave Olaudah Equiano, also known as Gustavus Vassa the African, who experienced slavery and the horrors of the middle passage as an 11-year-old; and a riveting a cappella performance by Kaïssa, a celebrated Cameroonian singer, who drew attention to this year’s theme with an introspective song advocating positive change in aspects of traditional and cultural practices pertaining to women in some African societies, in order to guarantee an even greater expression of collective freedom. daccess-ods.un.org |
民政 事務局由 2007-08 [...] 年度開始,撥款支持演藝學院的 全日制及晚間兼讀粵劇課程,課程包括表演、音樂 伴奏、創作及研究。 legco.gov.hk | Starting from 2007-08, the HAB has allocated funds to the HKAPA to support its full-time and [...] part-time evening programmes on Cantonese Opera including [...] performance, music accompaniment, creative work [...]and research. legco.gov.hk |
揭幕典禮由兩位視障青少年李顯癸及張偉德與一班視障小天使,在展能藝術天使李軒先生的鋼 琴 伴奏 下 , 一起唱出大會主題曲-「記住驗眼睛」,希望藉著小朋友熟悉的歌曲,生動的歌詞,令大眾緊記定期驗眼的重要性。 hksb.org.hk | At the Kick-off Ceremony, two visually impaired teenagers and eight visually [...] impaired little angels sang the theme [...] song with piano accompaniment by Mr. Lee Hin, [...]Angel of The Arts with the Disabled Association [...]to bring out the important message of eye care for children and youth. hksb.org.hk |
在这次活动期间有一个特别节目,一个日本青年合 唱团在一名钢琴家伴奏下表 演了一个节目,钢琴家使用的钢琴是一架在广岛遭轰 炸过程中受损的 Hibaku 钢琴。 daccess-ods.un.org | A special feature of the event included performances by a Japanese youth choir accompanied by a pianist playing a Hibaku piano that had been damaged during the bombing of Hiroshima. daccess-ods.un.org |
我只能表示遗憾你可能在听到他们唱 无 伴奏 合 唱 在街上的圣诞小合唱团由天像昔日那样。 zh.cantorion.org | I only regret that you might over hear them sing a cappella in the streets on the day of Christmas by small choirs as it once did. cantorion.org |
無論你在使用簡單的立體聲伴奏音軌 ,還是一套獨立可混音的主體音樂來完成你的聲音,你所需要做的就是踩下踏板開關跳到下個提示、調整拍子、快速地改編、或順暢地淡出。 mammals.org | Whether you’re rounding out your sound with a simple stereo backing track or a set of separate, mixable stems, all you have to do is step on a foot switch to jump to the next cue, adjust the tempo, arrange on the fly, or fade out smoothly. mammals.org |
真 正 的 布 道, 应 该 [...] 象 好 的 乐 器 一 样, 为 自 我 之 歌 提 供 完 美 的 伴 奏。 download.yatharthgeeta.com | Providing, like a good [...] instrument, harmonious accompaniment to the song [...]of the Self is true satsang. download.yatharthgeeta.com |
斯泰纳的沙哑男中音是他那种以吉他 伴奏 为 驱 动的另类摇滚的核心与灵魂。 norway.org.cn | Hjelmbrekke’s rough baritone is at the heart and center of his guitar-driven alt rock. norway.cn |
来自英国的Gordonstoun学校的学生近两小时的音乐演出,演出项目包括 无 伴奏 合 唱 (阿卡佩拉)、Queen的《波希米亚狂想曲》和流行音乐剧的几首曲目。 singaporeflyer.com | Students from Gordonstoun School in UK will be performing almost two hours of music from sacred acapella to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody and several numbers from popular musicals. singaporeflyer.com |
此课程由乐器的说明开始,展示给您如何换弦和如何调音,并了解身体和双手最好的演奏位置,学习简易的和弦及七和弦,演奏基本和弦行进和简单的右手演奏动作,基础音阶和琶音的上下行,开发几种重要 的 伴奏 风 格 如蓝调、摇滚、民谣和爵士。 academy.musiclassroom.com | The course starts by a description of the instrument, shows you how to replace the strings and tune them well, to understand the body and hand positions, to read and perform the tabs and diagrams, to learn the first basic and seventh chords, to play simple chord progressions with basic moves of the right hand, to perform scales and [...] arpeggios up and down, and to discover [...] the essential accompaniments in different styles [...]such as : blues, rock, folk and jazz. academy.musiclassroom.com |
我從來不是唱歌的材料,但我一定會細心聆聽,幫手拍和 、 伴奏。 legco.gov.hk | I am not a good singer, but I am an attentive listener, happy enough to accompany and clap along. legco.gov.hk |
最 著 名 的 是 歌 舞 伎( kabuki) -- [...] 這 種 歌 舞 劇 統 一 了 伴 奏 樂 器 和 使 台 上 的 和 [...]唱 成 為 敍 述 唱 誦 部 份 , 這 亦 反 映 了 能 劇 對 跳 舞 環 節 的 影 響 。 hkahe.com | The most famous one was kabuki---It unitized [...] instrumental accompaniments and an on-stage [...]chorus to chant narrative sections. hkahe.com |
邀请了澳大利亚南十字星大学的无 伴奏式 乐队与美浓加茂市当地的无伴奏式乐 队一起举 办联合音乐会。 gic.or.jp | Isabello a capella, from Southern Cross University, Australia, have invited a local [...] Minokamo City a cappella choir to join them for a concert. gic.or.jp |
楊氏旅居維也納十一年,畢業於奧地利國立維也納音樂及表演藝術大學,取得鋼琴 演 奏 及 伴奏 雙 碩 士學位,是首位榮獲奧地利政府頒發最高級別獎學金的香港鋼琴家,更因個人成就及對音樂藝術所作出的貢獻,獲奧地利政府頒授國籍。 tomleemusic.com.hk | As the first pianist from Hong Kong to be awarded the highest scholarship by the Austrian Government, Mr. Young graduated with [...] the Double Master of Arts degrees in [...] performance and accompaniment, and a Diploma [...]in piano pedagogy from the University [...]for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, where he lived for over a decade. tomleemusic.com.hk |
穆尔女士(以英语发言):我是非裔美国人;我的 吉他伴奏者来自赞比亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am African American; the guitarist who is accompanying me is from Zambia. daccess-ods.un.org |
而M83的Anthony Gonzalez則與他一起創作〈You Won’t Get [...] Out〉及〈Stay Home〉,並作和唱及鋼琴伴奏。 think-silly.com | (Keren co-released an album with him under the name ‘Lady & Bird’ in 2003 previously) Anthony Gonzalez [...] from M83 also co-write ‘You Won’t Get Out’ and ‘Stay Home’ with Jóhannsson and contributes [...] vocal and piano instrumental. think-silly.com |
我认为我漂亮弹钢琴伴奏,钢 琴,演奏小提琴学校的一年,所有的圣诞晚会。 zh.cantorion.org | Beautiful [...] play piano accompaniment, I am responsible [...]for the piano, I do and play with everyone on the violin school Christmas party this year. cantorion.org |
除了即時錄製鍵盤和自動伴奏播放 外,歌曲編曲機也支援切入/切出歌曲特定聲軌的現場錄音 (僅限 [...] WK-7500 / CTK-7000),而事件編輯功能可讓您針對逐個音符編輯已錄製的資料。 casio-intl.com | In addition to real-time recording of [...] keyboard and Auto Accompaniment play, the Song [...]Sequencer also supports punch-in and punch-out [...]spot recording of specific parts of a song (WK-7500 / CTK-7000 only), and event editing lets you edit recorded data note-by-note. casio-intl.com |
金色大翅膀放于身后和臂膀两端,伸展开来气势恢弘,耀眼的金色显得更加夺目;响钹是置于手指间用 于 伴奏 的 两个金属乐器,虽然体积不大,但却能营造更美的舞蹈效果;手杖分为各种粗细的不同型号,以艳丽的色彩吸引众人的注意;而大烛台是顶于头部的道具,上面放置点燃的蜡烛,舞者同时起舞,让整个舞蹈拥有了更加的视觉冲击力与新鲜感。 dpw8.com | Gold put in behind the big wings and arm ends, can extend to great momentum, dazzling gold is even more eye-catching; ring finger [...] cymbals are placed between two metal [...] instruments used for accompaniment, although the small [...]size, it is able to create a more [...]America's dance results; cane into a variety of thickness of different models to bright colors to attract everybody's attention; and large candlestick is the top on the head of the props, the top placed lighted candles, dancers dance at the same time, so that the whole dance have a greater visual impact and freshness. dpw8.com |
演奏会将于当日晚8时开始,为演奏会提 供 伴奏 的 是 挪威钢琴家伊瓦尔·安东·华佳德( Ivar Anton Waagaard)。 norway.org.cn | The show will start at 8 PM, accompanied by Ivar Anton Waagaard from Norway on the piano. norway.cn |
接下来的视频内容是“道具”(各种演出曲目中必要道具的介绍)、“扮装”(各演员的装束及穿带技巧)、“奴演奏”(大太鼓、6孔横笛、铙钹 等 伴奏 道 具 )的介绍。 bunkashisan.ne.jp | The video then moves on to an introduction of the performance "tools" (required for each performance), "costumes" (what they look like, and how they are worn), and the "musical instruments used for playing Yakko [...] music" (such as big drums, folk-style flutes with 6 holes, and the instruments used [...] for tunes such as tebiragane, etc.). bunkashisan.ne.jp |
JUNO家族加入了新的成員,JUNO-STAGE,一款為專業舞台演出所特別設計的76鍵合成器鍵盤!配備大型LCD顯示屏, U S B 伴奏 音 軌 ,可送出給鼓手的拍子機輸出端子,專用的演出旋鈕,腳踏切換音色,即時MIDI控制處理,JUNO-STAGE能滿足現場演出的各種需求,絕對是鍵盤手在舞台上的強大武器。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Designed from the ground up for live performers, JUNO-STAGE is a [...] new breed of [...] synthesizer that every gigging keyboardist will love. Decked out with an extra-large display, USB backing-track functionality, [...]a Click output for [...]drummers, dedicated performance knobs, hands-free patch select, instant master MIDI control functionality and much more, JUNO-STAGE sets a new standard for powerful onstage performance at a friendly price. tomleemusic.com.hk |
透過 INST IN 及/或 MIC IN 端子的鍵盤演奏、自動伴奏、歌 曲編曲機播放和音效輸入等,都能以數位音訊資料的形式錄製到已插入卡槽的 [...] SD 記憶卡中,以便日後播放。 casio-intl.com | Keyboard play, Auto Accompaniment, Song Sequencer play, and sound [...] input via the INST IN and / or MIC IN terminals can be [...]recorded as digital audio data to an SD memory card inserted in the card slot for later playback. of course, you can play along on the keyboard during playback from an SD memory card. casio-intl.com |
至於Thong Lor區(BTS高架捷運:Thong Lor站下車)和Ekamai區(BTS高架捷運:Ekamai站下車),則是本地人慣常流連的地方,飲酒之餘,更可在現場樂 隊 伴奏 下 大 展舞姿。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The Thong Lor (Thong Lor BTS) and Ekamai (Ekamai BTS) areas, however, are hip hangouts for locals who enjoy drinking and dancing to live music. homeandaway.hsbc.com |