单词 | 伪君子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 君子n—gentlemann gentlemenpl 君子—nobleman person of noble character 君n—monarchn gentlemann rulern
及日期等之真伪,电子档则验证归档资料的數位签章。 epki.com.tw | In the case of paper documentation, the authenticity of the dates [...] and signatures shall be verified, whereas the digital [...] signature of theelectronic archive information [...]will be verified. epki.com.tw |
我的双亲是游荡街头的瘾君子,他们根本不配做父母,我只能搬来与奶奶同住。 unicef.org | My parentswerein the street on drugs [...] and they weren’t fit to be parents, so I had to come and live with my grandmother,” he says. unicef.org |
虽然在两批受害人之间分配这笔赔偿金遇到 [...] 一些困难,但该案已得到最高法院审理,受害人就这笔资金的分享达成了一项君 子协议,因此受害人获得了适当的赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although there had been difficulties in sharing the money between two groups of [...] victims and this case was heard by the Supreme Court, the victims [...] had reached agentleman’s agreement [...]to share this money. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于以往口头停火协议屡屡遭到 破坏,目前由双方前线指挥官达成的君子协定远远 不够。 crisisgroup.org | With a history of broken verbal ceasefires, the existinggentlemen’s agreements between frontline commanders is insufficient. crisisgroup.org |
然 而 , 没 有 人 能 够 保 证 该 结 果 会 一 致 地 应 用 到 不 同 的 实 况 中 , 因 为 即 使 同 属 仁人君 子的人亦 会 各 自 有 不 同 的 想 法 , 所 以 我 们 总 结 认 为 , 在 Maytex 案 中 所 达 致 的 合 乎 常 理 [...][...] 的 结 果 , 应 透 过 立 法 加 予 确 认 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Since the noblest of minds may differ, we have concluded that the common sense result reached in Maytex should be accorded statutory recognition. hkreform.gov.hk |
我们不知道程荣章是这一批青铜鼻烟壶的伪造者的名子还是虚拟的,所以我们归功於虚拟的顺治青铜烟壶伪造师。 e-yaji.com | If the bottles themselves are fakes, we have no way of knowing whether the name Cheng Rongzhang is that of the maker or simply an invented name, so we have coined for him the name ‘Shunzhi Bronze Forger. e-yaji.com |
该物业包括的原则19世纪Aixoise MAISON DE贝耶(君子楼),由当地石材建成一个美丽完全恢复的农舍,和一个额外的附属建筑。 zh-cn.aylesford.com | The property comprises a principle 19th century Aixoise Maison de Maître(Gentleman'sHouse), a beautiful fully restored farmhouse built from local stone, and a range of additional outbuildings. aylesford.com |
LONG BEACH, CA (PRWeb) August 9, 2007 以云端科技提供电子邮件行销服务享有盛名的Benchmark Email,启用发送方策略框架(SPF)功能以保护客户免於假冒或伪造电子邮件的侵害。 benchmarkemail.com | LONG BEACH, CA (PRWeb) August 9, 2007 - Benchmark Email, a leading Web and permission-based email marketing service, now features SPF email domain addresses to protect customers from sender fraud. benchmarkemail.com |
发送方策略框架(SPF)能认证电子邮件来源,防止伪造电子邮件或诈骗。 benchmarkemail.com | Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records protect against fraud and boost delivery rates by authenticating the origin of email. benchmarkemail.com |
事实上,虽然 巴勒斯坦仍正式要求以色列撤出 1967 年占领的所有领土,但路线图和巴勒斯坦 方面的一个不成文的君子条款是,以色列可以在任何和平计划中保留定居区,将 大约 385 000 名非法定居者纳入 80 个定居点,并给予他们合法身份。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, it has been an implicit article of faith in the road map and on the Palestinian side as well, although the latter formally still demands withdrawal from all territory occupied in 1967, that Israel would retain the settlement blocs in any peace plan, which would incorporate and legitimize approximately 385,000 illegal settlers in 80 settlements. daccess-ods.un.org |
恶意使用者可利用此欺诈的电子证书来伪冒内容,进行网络钓鱼攻击,或对几个 Google [...] 网页内容进行中间人攻击。 hkcert.org | This fraudulent certificate could be [...] used to spoof content, perform phishing [...] attacks, or perform man-in-the-middle attacks [...]against several Google web properties. hkcert.org |
透过纪律、自制与互相尊重, 橄榄球的精神才会蓬勃; 而且针对橄榄球这种充满身体挑战的运动游戏, 这些内 涵是促进友谊与君子之争意识, 驱使橄榄球进步成功与 永生的重要因素。 irblaws.com | It is through discipline, control and mutual respect that the Spirit of the Game flourishes and, in the context of a Game as physically challenging as Rugby, these are the qualities which forge the fellowship and sense of fair play so essential to the Game’s ongoing success and survival. irblaws.com |
亚美尼亚既不尊重《联合国宪章》和国际法赋予 它的义务,也不尊重在其它会员国协调下达成的君子协定,这已不是第一次了。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is not the first time that Armenia has not taken the trouble to respect not only its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law, but alsogentlemen’s agreements achieved with the facilitation of other Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
宗旨、目标和主要行动方案:瘾君子治疗中心是希腊国内专门致力于毒瘾治疗、 预防、研究和教育的规模最大的非营利性非政府组织,下属 [...] 90 多个分支机构, 遍布希腊各地,每年为超过 9 000 人免费提供服务,其中包括吸毒者及其家人(同 上一份四年期报告相比,增加了 40%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Therapy Center for Dependent [...] Individuals is the largestGreeknon-profit, [...]non-governmental organization to specialize [...]in drug-addiction treatment, prevention, research and education. It comprises a nationwide network of more than 90 units throughout Greece, which provide their services free of charge to more than 9,000 people annually, including drug users and their families (an increase of 40 per cent compared with its previous quadrennial report). daccess-ods.un.org |
但巴博总统和执政党争辩说,先前“君子协定” 上建立的信任被 2 月发生的暴力所粉碎,因此,有必要全面执行瓦加杜古第四项 [...] 协议,以便在北部创造安全的选举气氛。 daccess-ods.un.org | President Gbagbo and the ruling [...] party, however, contended that the trust on [...] which that “gentleman’s agreement” [...]had been based was shattered by the violence [...]in February and that therefore the full implementation of Ouagadougou IV was essential to create a secure climate in the north for the election. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有就此寄发的支票或付款单应 [...] 以只付予抬头人方式付予有关股份的持有人,或如为联名持有人,则为有关 股份联名持有人在股东名册排名首位者,邮误风险概由彼等承担,而当付款 银行支付任何该等支票或付款单後,即表示本公司已经就该等支票或付款单 [...] 代表的股息及/或红利妥为付款,不论其後该等支票或付款单遭盗窃或其中 的任何加签似为伪造。cre8ir.com | Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the holder or, in the case of joint holders, to the order of the holder whose name stands first on the register in respect of such shares and shall be sent at his or their risk, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant by the bank on which it is drawn shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, [...] notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement [...] thereonhas beenforged. cre8ir.com |