

单词 伪冒



cheap quality counterfeit (goods)
low-quality commodities

See also:



false adj

give off
send out (or up, forth)
surname Mao
act under false pretences

External sources (not reviewed)

客 户 」 同 意 会 适 时 地 查 核
所 有 「 e-Advice 」 及 「 e-Statement 」 , 并 就 任 何 原
[...] 因 ( 包 括 但 不 限伪 冒 丶 欺 诈 丶 未 有 授 权 [...]
或 「 客 户 」 或 任 何 其 他 人 士 之 疏 忽 ) 而 引 致
之 任 何 错 漏 丶 差 异 丶 未 经 授 权 交 易 或 账 项 ( 统 称 「 错 失 」 ) 立 即 通 知 「 本 行 」 。
The Customer agrees to examine all the e-Advices and e-Statements in a timely manner, and advise the Bank immediately of any errors, discrepancies,
unauthorized transactions or entries arising
[...] from whatever cause, including without [...]
limitation, forgery, fraud, lack of authority
or negligence of the Customer or any other person (the "Errors").
很多国家担心冒伪劣和 没有许可证的药品泛滥,联合国儿童基金会关注于控制药品供应的源头,只允许国家政府通过供应司来获取药品。
The expanding use of counterfeit and unlicensed [...]
medicines is a concern in many countries, and UNICEF focuses on controlling
the origin of the medicines it supplies and only allows country offices to purchase medicines through Supply Division.
APDN销售专利的DNA安全解决方案,保护产品、品牌和知识产权不受 冒伪 劣 影 响。
APDN sells patented DNA security solutions to protect products, brands and intellectual
[...] property from counterfeiting and diversion.
[...] 际民航组织关于处理和签发机器可读护照和其他旅行证件的最低安全标准;增强 各种能力,并改善跨境合作以查出和防止使用 仿 冒 和 伪 造 旅 行证件的行为;减少 出现此类损失和被盗护照被用于恐怖主义和其他犯罪目的的可能性,方法是履行 [...]
The objectives of the programme are to: upgrade technological security features of travel documents; implement the ICAO Minimum Security Standards for Handling and Issuance of Machine-Readable Passports and other Travel Documents; enhance capacities and improve cross-border cooperation in detecting and
preventing the use of
[...] fraudulent and counterfeit travel documents; and reduce the possibility of such loss and [...]
stolen passports being
used for terrorist and other criminal purposes by implementing the commitment to report lost and stolen travel documents to INTERPOL and facilitating real-time use of INTERPOL databases by first-line border control and other law enforcement officers.
[...] [...] 200多万份工作将受到潜在的威胁,”他补充说,“因此,所有利益有关者都必须再次为找到新的、富有创造性的解决方案作出承诺;国际商会已通过其商业活动制止假冒和盗版倡议这样做了,我们将在本次大会上提出新的倡议和新的数据,继续支持知识产权发挥作用,以推动创新,创建新的计划,教育消费者为什么不要购买 冒伪 劣 产 品。
Mr. Carrier said “New research to be reported at the Congress will show that the total impact of this illicit trade in fakes is staggering, with more than US$1-trillion in annual losses to global economies, governments and consumers and potentially more than 2 million jobs at risk,” adding “It is essential that all stakeholders renew their commitment to find new and creative solutions, and ICC, through its BASCAP program is doing that, and we will introduce new initiatives at this Congress providing new data, new
support for the role of IP in driving innovation and new programs to educate consumers on
[...] why they should stop buying fakes.
如果您需要在当地购买药物,小心不要购买 冒伪 劣 的药物和处方药,并且始终向医生确认药物的强度。
If you need to buy medication locally, be careful not to buy
[...] imitation or counterfeit medications [...]
and prescription drugs, and always check the
strength of a medication with a doctor.
通过电子政务系统的建设,促进各级质检机关向管理服务型转变,提高质量监督检验检疫执法的透明度,形成全国统一的质检大网络,促进质检系统执法电子化、信息化,为生产企业和外经贸企业带来更大的方便与效益,加大打击 冒伪 劣 的 力度,更有效地规范市场经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展。
The construction of an e-government system will facilitate the transformation of quality inspection authorities at all levels into management-oriented service institutions, make quality supervision, inspection and quarantine enforcement more transparent, build a nationwide unified quality inspection network, enable electronic and IT-based enforcement in quality inspection authorities, provide more convenience and benefits for producers and enterprises engaged in foreign trade and economic cooperation, intensify the fight against fake and forged commodities, better regulate the order of market economy and boost the development of socialist market economy.
冒伪劣产 品横行,以次充好,摧毁了真品的市场和口碑。
Counterfeiters and diverters have moved [...]
in with force, selling common foods as the high-value brand, destroying markets
and reputation of the real item.
[...] 网络为求取最大利润进行残忍和非法的活动,走私麻 醉药品、武器、矿物、有害废物、 冒伪 劣 产 品甚至 是人口。
(Norway): Organized groups and networks conduct ruthless, illegal activities in search of the highest
possible profit from smuggling narcotic drugs, arms, minerals,
[...] toxic waste, counterfeit products and [...]
even human beings.
此外,2011 年初启动的 PQM 药品质量数据库 (MQDB) 涵盖了有关拉美/加勒比海地区冒伪 劣 药 品流通情况的数据。
In addition, the PQM Medicines
[...] Quality Database (MQDB), which launched in early 2011, houses data related to substandard and counterfeit medicines [...]
circulating in the Latin American/Caribbean region.
[...] 库,这些有组织犯罪的表现形式包括:人口贩运、偷运移民、枪支贩运、洗 钱、参与有组织犯罪集团、毒品贩运、文化财产贩运、网络犯罪、 冒伪 造、 妨害司法和其他严重犯罪。
The portal will also host a case law database containing jurisprudence on organized crime in its different manifestations, including trafficking in persons, the smuggling of migrants, trafficking in firearms, money-laundering, participation in an organized criminal group, drug
trafficking, trafficking in cultural
[...] property, cybercrime, counterfeiting, obstruction of justice and [...]
other serious crimes.
[...] GLP 和正确使用药典方法(可用来检测 冒伪 劣 药 品的工具)的实操培训。
Network labs participated in an inter-laboratory testing scheme and in hands-on training on GLP and
the proper use of compendial analytical methods— tools that can be used to detect
[...] substandard and counterfeit medicines.
冒/ 伪造处 方药 未经适当授权以产品名称销售的药物,即故意或有意贴错标签,使人无法确认药物来源,误以为 是通过了权威验证的产品。
Drugs sold under a product name without proper authorization, where the identity of the source of the drug is knowingly and intentionally mislabelled in a way that suggests that it is the authentic approved product.
[...] 要求零风险,其实零风险的食品是不存在的;二是过于重视化学污染而忽视食源性疾病;三 是笼统地把冒伪劣与 食品安全划等号,例如安徽阜阳假奶粉事件就不是一个食品安全事件 [...]
Third, poor quality counterfeit products are [...]
often taken as proof of a lack of food safety, an example of this being the
“fake milk powder” incident in Fuyang, Anhui province, which was not really a food safety problem.
2012年5月25日,对上海宏源来说,是一个值得永载史册的日子,在这一天,宏源在江苏盐城立德生产基地的码头处,将历次在打假活动中收缴的 冒伪 劣 产 品、采购的不合格材料以及生产过程中产生的不合格产品集中碾压销毁,盐城经济技术开发区领导以及盐城主流电视台和报纸,上海宏源总监团队出席并见证此次活动。
Leaders of Yancheng Economic and Technical Development Zone and mainstream TV and newspapers and Shanghai Hongyuan chief inspection team witnessed the campaign, in which the destroyed products is accumulatively reached 7,450,000 million RMB.
雖然我們並不預期通訊環節在短期 冒 升 成 為主要的增長動力,但長遠而言此行業 的重要性將會穩步上升。
While we do not expect the telecommunications sector to emerge as a leading driver of growth in the short term, the sector will steadily grow in importance over the longer term.
鼓励各会员国根据其国内法律和惯例与私营部门分享其国家数据库中 与冒、伪造、 被盗和遗失的归本国管辖的身份证件或旅行证件有关的信息,并 [...]
在发现有被列名者使用虚假身份(包括为了取得信贷)或假造旅行证件时,向委员 会提供这方面的信息
Member States to share, in accordance with their domestic laws and practices, with the private sector
information in their national databases
[...] related to fraudulent, counterfeit, stolen and lost [...]
identity or travel documents pertaining
to their own jurisdictions, and, if a listed party is found to be using a false identity including to secure credit or fraudulent travel documents, to provide the Committee with information in this regard
这六年中,由于受到欧司朗专利纠纷的干扰,客观上影响了宏源无极灯的发展进程,阻碍了宏源无极灯的市场推广,造成市场混乱、 冒伪 劣 产 品横行。
Over the 6 years, the OSRAM dispute affected the Hongyuan induction lamp’s development pace and blocked its market promotion which led to a chaotic market order and fake products.
为深入贯彻党的十七届六中全会提出的发展健康向上网络文化的重要战略任务以及国务院关于开展打击侵犯知识产权和制售 冒伪 劣 商 品专项行动,广州市文化市场管理部门于2012年1月20日新春来临之际,发布了“广州文化市场服务平台”手机应用客户端,利用创新、有效的方式,开创网络时代政府与民众互动,打击侵权盗版、维护消费者权益、引导正版消费、传播广州文化信息的新形式。
To thoroughly achieve the abovementioned goals, Guangzhou Cultural Market Management Office, on 20 January 2012, just prior to the arrival of the Chinese New Year, announced and published application clients for mobiles for the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform”.  Through innovative effective means, these new forms of spreading Guangzhou Culture information create ways for the public to interact with government amid the network era so as to combat IPR infringement, safeguarding consumers’ rights and guide them towards spending on legitimate genuine goods.
最后,正如科威特国代表阿拉伯集团在 2010 年 4 月 14
日安全理事会关于中 东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题的辩论中发言所述,我要重申,以色列在巴勒斯坦被
[...] 占领土上的非法行径揭示了占领国不受惩罚和 伪 程 度已达极致,如最近的军事 命令和其他殖民化做法所示,以色列显然是设法把更多的巴勒斯坦平民赶出自己 [...]
移送越来越多的以色列定居者,这些做法明目张胆地在国际社会眼前严重违反国 际人道主义法和公然无视国际社会在无数决议和声明中表述的意愿。
In closing, as noted during the statement delivered by the State of Kuwait on behalf of the Arab Group during the recent Security Council debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, which was held on 14 April 2010, I wish to reiterate that Israel’s illegal practices in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory reveal the
[...] height of impunity and hypocrisy by the occupying [...]
Power, which, as illustrated by the recent
military order and other colonization practices, is clearly seeking to displace and expel more Palestinian civilians from their own homeland, while at the same time transferring more and more Israeli settlers to the West Bank, particularly to settlements in and around East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international humanitarian law, all blatantly before the eyes of the international community and in flagrant defiance of the will of the international community, as expressed in countless resolutions and statements.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性冒(H1亞 型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
各支票 或股息單應以祇付予抬頭人的方式支付發送,而待支付有關支票或股息單後,即表示 本公司已妥為解除支付股息及/或紅利的責任,即使其後可能發現該支票或付款單被 盜或其上的任何加簽屬冒。
Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged.
[...] 章,联邦法庭认为,考虑到她出示的这种复印件有可能 伪 造 的 ,而且报纸这一 页上这篇文章的字型与同一页上其它文章的字型不同,因此这份文件不具备证据 [...]
As for the newspaper article submitted by the complainant, the Federal Court found that it had no probative value
considering that a copy like the one
[...] produced could be falsified and that the [...]
type used for the article that appeared on
the page of the newspaper was of a different size from that of the other articles printed on the same page.
最后,他称国内法院对其案件事实 和证据的评估是任意性的,没有涉及关于他是否了解成绩 伪 造 内 容的问题,而 这构成执法不公。
Finally, he claims that the domestic courts evaluated the facts and evidence in his case arbitrarily, and that they did not address the issue of his knowledge of the forged content of his grading card, and that this amounts to a denial of justice.
继以往提交资料后(A/65/185,第 30 段和
[...] A/66/174,第12段),巴拿马表示, 根据其新《刑法》第 18 条,巴拿马的法律适用于危害人类罪(即使在境外犯罪)、 对国家法人犯罪、危害公共健康和破坏国家经济或公共行政罪,并适用于以下罪 行:强迫失踪、贩运人口伪造巴 拿马政府信用票据或公文、邮票和印章 伪造 巴 拿马货币或为本国法定货币的其他货币,如果 伪 造 的 其他货币带入或打算带 入巴拿马境内。
Further to the information it has previously submitted (A/65/185, para. 30, and A/66/174, para. 12), Panama advised that under article 18 of its new Criminal Code, Panamanian law was applicable to crimes against humanity (even if committed abroad), against the legal personality of the State, against public health and against the economy or public
administration of the nation,
[...] as well as to the crimes of enforced disappearance, trafficking in persons, falsification of Panamanian public credit documents or official documents, stamps and seals [...]
and counterfeiting
of Panamanian currency or other currencies that are legal tender in the country if, in the latter case, they were brought into or were intended to be brought into the territory of Panama.
缔约国还 指出,这份逮捕令是彩色的,而这不是例行作法,缔约国还强调,在该国购伪 造文件相当容易。
The State party also pointed out that the arrest warrant has been produced in colour, which is not a regular practice, and stressed that the procurement of false documents is fairly easy in the country.
另 外一种看法认为,在遭受驱逐的情况下,尊严的概念特别重要,因为对于等待驱 逐的外国人来说,其尊严经常受冒 犯 , 但这不一定等同于特定人权受到侵犯。
According to another viewpoint, the concept of dignity was of particular importance in the context of expulsion, for aliens awaiting expulsion were frequently subjected to offences against their dignity that did not necessarily amount to the violation of a specific human right.




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