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External sources (not reviewed)

阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
国家尤其应该让牵头执行机构及合作机构有了解为核查本协定的遵守情 况所必需的信息的途径。
In particular, it will provide the Lead IA and the cooperating agencies with access to information necessary to verify compliance with this Agreement.
大会第六十四届会议请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务授权范围内 加大努力,继续有系统地发展反恐领域以及与该办公室任务相关的专题领域的专 门法律知识,并应请求为建设会员国的能力提供技术援助,以批准和执行各项恐 怖主义问题国际公约和议定书,特别是通过编制技术工具和出版物以及对刑事司 法官员进行培训等途径,此外请该办公室向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第十九届 会议报告其在这方面的活动;并请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十五届会议 提交报告(第 64/177 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, within its mandate, to intensify its efforts to continue to systematically develop specialized legal knowledge in the area of counter-terrorism and pertinent thematic areas of relevance to the mandates of the Office and to provide, upon request, technical assistance for building the capacity of Member States to ratify and implement the international conventions and protocols related to terrorism, especially through the preparation of technical tools and publications and the training of criminal justice officials, and requested the Office to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its nineteenth session on the activities of the Office in that regard; and also requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/177).
在表示赞赏亚太经社会/气象组织台风委员会所开展的工作时, 大韩民国代表向委员会通报说,大韩民国政府正在开展一个题为“台 风委员会灾害信息系统”的项目,这是一个在该委员会的减少灾害风 险工作组下设立的基于网络的灾害信息系统,其目的是利用地理信息 系统根据预测的台风路径和历史上的损害数据预测台风损害情况。
Expressing appreciation for the work of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, the representative of the Republic of Korea informed the Committee that his Government had been conducting a project called the “Typhoon Committee Disaster Information System”, which was a web-based disaster information system under that Committee’s Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction meant to predict typhoon damage on the basis of the projected path of a typhoon and historical damage data using the Geographic Information System.
为了确保切换开关油室 (内部)和切换开 关芯子得到充分的干燥,有必要使用内径为 50 mm 的连通管将至少两个直接通 往切换开关内部的分接开关头接头连接到煤油蒸汽管上。
To ensure sufficient drying of the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment and of the diverter switch insert, it is necessary to connect a common tube of at least 50 mm nominal width between the kerosene vapor lead and at least two pipe connections of the on-load tap-changer head leading into the diverter switch compartment.
大会讨论中提出了如下重点领域/专题,供编制 35 C/5 时考虑:继续重视促进言论自由 和新闻自由,包括利用国际传播发展计划(IPDC)的途径;进一步重视信息与传播技术的社会、法 律和伦理问题,特别是知识在社会发展中的作用;文化多样性与倡导使用多种语言;信息与传播技 术在扩大信息的普及利用以及建设知识社会中的作用,在这个领域,全民信息计划(IFAP)通过其 修订的战略计划,可以发挥积极作用;媒体对对话及和平文化的贡献。
The following priority areas/themes were mentioned during the General Conference debates for consideration in preparing document 35 C/5: continued focus on the promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of the press, including through the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC); increased emphasis on social, legal and ethical dimensions of ICTs, in particular the role of knowledge in societal development; cultural diversity and the promotion of multilingualism; role of ICTs in widening access to information and building knowledge societies, an area in which the Information for All Programme (IFAP), through its revised strategic plan could play an active role; and the contribution of media to dialogue and a culture of peace.
她持学化学工程 理学士学位,并为香港会计师公会之资深会员。
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical
[...] Engineering from London University [...]
and is a fellow member of Hong Kong Institute
of Certified Public Accountants.
这归功于自东向西经大西洋吹到美洲大陆的季风,以及从赤道流向挪威海的暖流, 挪威海岸线的角度以及北冰洋的开阔路径将温和的气流和水流引向更高纬度。
This is due to the trade winds that blow east-west across the Atlantic to the American continent and the warm currents flowing from the Equator to the Norwegian Sea, where the angle of the Norwegian coastline and the open path to the Arctic Ocean guides the temperate air and waters to more northerly latitudes.
1960 和 1970 年代所谓的绿色革命,在相当大程度上造就了世界大部分地区 的现有粮食体系,当时推动农业产量增长的途径,一方面是更密集地使用灌溉用 水以及对环境有害的化肥和杀虫剂,另一方面是推出许多新品种种子(图 O.3)。
In large parts of the world, food systems were shaped to a considerable extent by the so-called green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, which pushed agricultural yields as much through much more intensive use of irrigation water and environmentally harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as through the introduction of new seeds varieties (figure O.3).
社 会保障通过如下途径实施:以国家补助金形式向拥有子女的低收入家庭和无劳动 收入的无劳动能力人士提供社会保障金;向特定种类居民提供资金补偿;向需要 特殊住院条件的人和孤寡老人提供社会服务;对临时丧失劳动能力的公民以及怀 孕、生产和安葬亲属之人给予社会保障。
Social services are provided through guaranteed social payments in the form of aid to low-income families with dependants and to incapacitated persons with no working experience, financial support for certain categories of the population and welfare services for persons in need of special nursing care in hospital conditions, elderly persons living alone at home, temporarily incapacitated persons, and pregnant women and newborns, as well as for inhumation.
在巴勒斯坦宣传了这些建议书,途径是:促使与高级决策者就这些建议书进行高级别 讨论,以动员在正在进行的教育改革中支持通过这些文件;组织一次信息研讨会以宣传《建 议书》并证明其对高等教育机构、教育院校和教师工会的有用性;在执行《建议书》方面, 向负责制定国家教师职业标准的国家标准委员会提供建议。
These Recommendations were promoted in Palestine by: leading of a high level discussion on these Recommendations with senior policy-makers in order to mobilize support for the adoption of these instruments in the ongoing education reform; organization of an information seminar to promote the Recommendations and demonstrate their utility for higher education institutions, faculties of education and teachers' unions; advising of the National Standards Committee tasked with developing national professional standards for teachers on applying the Recommendations.
协调委员会还商定,这些实验性会议应该依据以下某 些关键原则:自愿参加,特别是涉及会议侧重讨论的缔约国时;各次会议的总体 目标是寻找支助执行的合作途径;不编写任何报告,说明意见都来自哪些与会者 或表明与会者的立场。
The Coordinating Committee also agreed that these experimental sessions should be based on certain key principles, including: that participation would be on a voluntary basis, particularly as concerns States Parties that would be the subject of a national focus; that the overarching purpose of each session would be to seek cooperative means to support implementation; and, that there would be no report produced attributing views to any participant or revealing participants’ affiliations.
这需要将部队兵 力增至 17 731 名军警人员,还需要一系列增强能力和战斗力的手段,在行动需 要和切合实际的资源数量之间取得良好平衡,途径是:(a) 确定行动区的优先次 序;(b) 分阶段安排行动而不使预期目标产生重大变动;(c) 保持原有兵力,以 增强能力和战斗力的手段弥补兵力的不足;(d) 请埃塞俄比亚继续支持过渡联邦 政府/非索特派团在海湾州、巴科勒州和希兰州的行动;(e) 为过渡联邦政府安 全部队提供直接行动的后勤支援。
It entails raising the troop level to 17,731 uniformed personnel and a set of enablers and force multipliers aimed at achieving a fine balance between the operational requirements and a realistic level of resources through (a) the prioritization of areas of operation; (b) the phasing of the operation without significantly altering the desired objectives; (c) trading force multipliers and enablers for troop levels by maintaining capability; (d) requesting Ethiopia to continue to provide support to Transitional Federal Government/AMISOM operations in the Bay, Bakool and Hiraan regions; and (e) the provision of immediate operational logistics support to the Transitional Federal Government security forces.
约旦对安全理事会的真诚与和密集的努力寄予厚 望,并赞赏埃及的倡议。该倡议可推动在结束这一悲 惨局势方面取得进展,为兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民提供援 助,减轻他们的苦难,恢复认真谈判,以实现两国解 决办法——这是确保该地区安全与稳定的唯一途径。
Jordan has great hopes for the sincere and extensive efforts of the Security Council and appreciates the Egyptian initiative, which should serve as an incentive to make progress in ending this tragic situation, by providing humanitarian assistance to the brotherly Palestinian people, alleviating their suffering and returning to serious negotiations in order to achieve the two-State solution, which is the only way to ensure security and stability in the region.
就弹药而言,这种检查表 登记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 括弹壳和包装的详细图片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings on the cartridge and on the packaging, including detailed pictures and descriptions of the cartridge and the packaging.
北京亦将该国视作潜在的能源来源 和转运路径,以备马六甲海峡海运路径受阻的不时 之需。
Beijing also views the country as a potential source of and trans-shipment route for energy in the case of interruption of shipping through the Malacca Strait.
我们认为,这一 援助和鼓励行动对整个社会来说是非常重要的,因为这是确保公民关心这类问 题,并寻求该问题解决方案的重要途径之一。
Support for and promotion of initiatives by society are considered to be of the utmost importance as a way of ensuring the citizen participation which is so necessary in dealing with problems of this kind.
尽管国际社会谴责这种违法行径, 但以色列仍然不顾人道主义和道德标准,并连续数 十年无视诸如大会第 2443(XXIII)号决议等相关的 决议,始终拒绝允许大会第四委员会访问阿拉伯被 占领土,并没有表现出与国际社会合作的意愿,以 在该地区实现公正和全面的和平。
Despite the international community’s condemnation of such abusive practices, Israel remained heedless of humanitarian and moral standards and had persisted for decades in disregarding resolutions such as General Assembly resolution 2443 (XXIII), had consistently refused to allow the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly to visit the occupied Arab territories and had shown no desire to cooperate with the international community to establish a just and comprehensive peace in the region.
图瓦卢尽管没有对全球变暖有过任何规模的推动, 这一分布在广大海域的小幅员岛屿国家只有非常狭窄的经济基础,下定决心 要实施绿色增长举措作为走向可持续发展和实现经济、社会和环境目标的正 确平衡的途径。
Despite not having contributed to global warming on any scale, Tuvalu, a small island State stretched over a vast oceanic area with a very narrow economic base, was committed to implementing green growth initiatives as a way of moving towards sustainable development and finding the right balance between economic, social and environmental objectives.
2009 年,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室)通过以 下途径支助会员国努力减少全世界的犯罪、毒品和恐怖主义:研究工作,以便 为制定政策和业务决定扩大证据库;规范性工作,以协助各国批准和实施各项 国际条约,制订关于毒品、犯罪和恐怖主义的国内立法,并为条约机构和理事 机构提供实质性服务和秘书处服务;外地技术合作以及制定和执行区域方案和 专题方案。
Recommendations In 2009, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supported Member States in their efforts to achieve a world safer from crime, drugs and terrorism through research to expand the evidence base for policy and operational decisions; normative work to assist States in the ratification and implementation of international treaties, the development of domestic legislation on drugs, crime and terrorism and the provision of substantive and secretariat services for treaty bodies and governing bodies; and field-based technical cooperation and the development and implementation of regional and thematic programmes.
(b) 提议负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表参加该委员会的下一 次会议,与索马里问题监察组协调,以期与委员会成员交换信息,查明侵害索马 里儿童,因而对和平、安全或稳定造成威胁的个人和实体,并查明更好保护儿童 的途径。
(b) Proposing that the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict participate in the next meeting of the Committee and coordinate with the Monitoring Group on Somalia with a view to exchanging information with members of the Committee on individuals and entities that threaten the peace, security or stability of Somalia by committing violations against children in Somalia and on ways to better protect children’s rights.
会议重申,确保所有缔约国之间多边合作的现有体制途径和方法需要进一 步发展,以促进在与《公约》相关的领域为和平利用开展国际合作,包括医药、 公共卫生、农业和环境等领域。
The Conference reaffirms that existing institutional ways and means of ensuring multilateral cooperation among all States Parties need to be developed further in order to promote international cooperation for peaceful uses in areas relevant to the Convention, including areas, such as medicine, public health, agriculture and the environment.
鉴于这些组织 可以对该进程增添潜在的价值,不丹建议理事会考虑各种途径,以利于发展中国 家和最不发达国家的非政府组织参加普遍定期审议进程,特别是全体会议阶段。
In the light of the potential value that these organizations could add to the process, Bhutan suggested that the Council consider means to facilitate the participation of non-governmental organizations from developing and least developed countries in the universal periodic review process, particularly during the plenary phase.
内 部因素有:PCT 与其他申请途径相比的收费水平;PCT 服务与其他申请途径相比的吸引力和价 值;专利制度运作的整体可信度;以及各具体公司的专利战略。
Internal factors include: the level of PCT fees as compared to other filing routes; the attractiveness and value of PCT services as compared to other filing routes; the overall credibility of performance of the patent system; and individual corporate patent strategies.
世界资 源学会进行的全球分析显示,全世界目前开工的矿场和勘探地点有四分之一以上 与严格保护区的 10 公里半径覆叠,甚至在其范围之内;现时所有开工的矿场和 勘探地点几乎三分之一是位于具有高度养护价值的完整生态系统地区之内;现时 所有开工的矿场几乎三分之一是位于情况紧张的流域;现时开工的矿场和勘探地 点几乎五分之一是位于地震危险大或极大的地区;三分之一以上位于天生就有水 质问题的地区。
Global analysis undertaken by the World Resources Institute showed that more than one quarter of the world’s active mines and exploration sites overlap with or are within a 10-kilometre radius of a strictly protected area; nearly one third of all active mines and exploration sites are located within areas of intact ecosystems of high conservation value; almost one third of all active mines are located in stressed watersheds; nearly one fifth of active mines and exploration sites are in areas of high or very high seismic hazard; and more than one third are in areas that may be predisposed to water quality problems.
在该决议同一节第 12 段,大会欢迎大会和会议管理部努力征求会员国对所 获会议服务的质量的评价意见,请秘书长继续探讨创新途径,以便系统收集和分 析来自会员国及各委员会主席和秘书关于会议服务质量的反馈,并就此通过会议 委员会向大会报告。
In paragraph 12 of the same section of the resolution, the General Assembly welcomed the efforts made by the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management to seek the evaluation by Member States of the quality of the conference services provided to them, and requested the Secretary-General to continue to explore innovative ways to systematically capture and analyse feedback from Member States and committee Chairs and Secretaries on the quality of conference services and to report thereon to the Assembly through the Committee on Conferences.
这些措施的目的是通过住 所的途径确保住所的提供,确保获得住所的机会,改善目标群体的住房条件,解 决生活在已经退还先前合法房东的所谓被迫房客的住房问题,完美生活补助制 度,改善法律环境,提高行政管理能力。
The aim of the measures is to ensure availability of dwellings through improving access to dwellings, opportunities for acquiring dwellings, improving the dwelling conditions of target groups, solving the problem of dwelling of so-called forced tenants living in dwellings returned to previous lawful owners, improving the system of subsistence benefits, improving the legal environment and raising administrative capacity.
公约》第 8 条规定通过普通机制――国家和公共监控(劳动监察局和工 会) ――执行,确保诉诸司法的途径和确立对违反根据国际条例通过的国内规则的 行为的处罚。
Fulfilment of the provisions of article 8 of the Covenant takes place through the means of the ordinary mechanisms – state and public control (Labour inspection and trade unions), ensuring access to justice and establishment of sanctions for breach of internal rules adopted on the basis of international regulations.
这里,对捕鱼和其收益人的政治经济学需要审慎和敏感地评估, 需要考虑通过不同的路径结合刺激和制裁,以推动变革。
Here, careful and sensitive assessments of the political economy of fishing and its beneficiaries may need to be made, and appropriate mixes of incentives and sanctions through a number of routes may need to be considered, in order to bring about change.




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