

单词 伤筋动骨

See also:

筋骨 n

strength n
courage n

External sources (not reviewed)

然后,这些受到人们欢迎的改革显然力度 不够大,而且没伤及筋骨,因 而目前正处于对监狱机构及思想方式进行改革的 关键时期。
Although welcome, however, the reforms have been seriously insufficient and have not gone to the root of the problem, which requires a thorough overhaul of both institutions and attitudes.
主席团主席极力鼓励特设小组动脑 筋 , 在 制定国际 水文计划今后的工作计划时不局限于只是延续第七阶段的活动,这一点得到了主席团 的认同。
The Chairperson of the Bureau strongly encouraged the Task Force to exercise visioning and to envisage IHP beyond the mere continuation of IHP-VII, to which the Bureau agreed.
有关的动(例 如讲座、展览和手工实验)将经过认真的选定,目的是使青年人和一 般公众进一步意识到,化学在解决粮食、水、健康、能源、交通等方面那些我们 伤 脑 筋的 全球性问题中具有重要的意义。
Activities (such as lectures, exhibits, and hands-on experiments) are being carefully selected and designed to raise awareness among young people and the public in general of the importance of chemistry for solving our most vexing global problems [...]
involving food,
water, health, energy, transportation, etc.
所有这些经历都对卡米拉造成伤害 ; 她真的 筋 疲 力 尽了。
All these events took a toll on Camilla; she is really exhausted,” says Reem al-Qatawy, a midwife visiting her at home.
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產: 筋 / 鹿 尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚 骨。
Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no
other ingredient had been
[...] added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone.
此外,我们准备治疗各种疾病:包括其他阶段的外 动 脉 疾 病(如间歇性跛行 ) 、 骨 骼 肌 损 伤 、 肺 高血压、自体免疫性疾病(如发炎性肠道疾病和多发性硬化症;以及影响神经系统的疾病,如神经性疼痛和缺血性中风),另外还有其它。
Additionally, our pipeline includes products for the treatment of various diseases, including other stages of Peripheral Artery
Disease (such as
[...] Intermittent Claudication), skeletal muscle injuries, pulmonary hypertension, autoimmune [...]
diseases, such
as inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as for diseases that affect the nervous system, such as neuropathic pain and ischemic stroke, in addition to others.
[...] 产生还是人为造成的,都需要确保所采取的努力是有效的,并涵盖可 伤 害人动物、植物或环境的疾病和毒素。
The Conference notes the importance of ensuring that efforts undertaken are effective irrespective of whether a disease outbreak is naturally
occurring or deliberately caused, and cover diseases and
[...] toxins that could harm humans, animals, plants or the [...]
现代城市人经常埋首于办公室的繁琐工作或过于久坐,而忘了活动放松,以致腰酸背痛,久而久之就会引起颈椎等疾病,而有了这个简单小巧的按摩器,只需把两块传动贴片轻轻一贴在要按摩的部位,选择自己喜欢的揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,针灸,指压等方式,再加以力度选择(10段不同的力度),就可以达到如同真人的按摩感觉,边工作边按摩,充分利用时间,使你精力更充沛,工作更持久,是不可多得的贴身帮手,两片贴片可同时按压穴位道,有效消除疲劳;可模拟8种真人按摩运动---揉捏,捶打, 动 按 摩, 舒 筋 , 指压......利用高频率刺激穴位,加快体内气血循环,有助于快速消除疲劳。
The modern city people often hammered away at the office work or too trival sedentary, and forgot about the activities that waist sour backache, relax, as time passes can cause cervical vertebra disease such as, and have this simple small massage device, only to the two pieces of transmission patch a stick to massage gently in the site, choose your favorite kneading, knock, automatic massage, acupuncture, finger pressure, again to choose way efforts (10 section different strength), can achieve human like massage feel, and work at massage, make full use of our time, make you more energetic energy more lasting, is rare and personal assistant, two pieces of patch can also press the point way, effectively eliminate fatigue; Can simulate the 8 kinds of
real massage
[...] exercise--kneading, knock, automatic massage, relaxes the muscles, refers to [...]
the pressure... By using high frequency
stimuli, speed up the points in the body blood circulation, help to fast eliminate fatigue.
Trapped air can cause the pump to cycle unexpectedly, which could
[...] result in serious injury from splashing or moving parts.
在诊断和治疗骨、关节及肌肉等方面有超过20年的临床经验(如退行性关节炎、肩关节疼痛、关节韧带、半月板及软骨损伤、下腰痛、颈痛、骨质疏松症、软组织疼痛、 动 损 伤 、 骨 肿 瘤
Over 20 years of clinical experience in diagnosis and treatment of bone & joint and muscular problem (degenerative arthritis, shoulder pain, ligament, meniscus
and cartilage injury of joint, lumbar backache, cervical pain, osteoporosis, soft
[...] tissue pain, sports injury, bone tumor, etc.)
委员会注意到,申诉人提交的两份医学证明提到身体不同部位的一 伤 痕以骨和腓骨的断 裂,但却没有任何证据来确认或者否认此系所受酷刑所致。
The Committee notes that the two medical certificates produced by the complainant refer to a number of scars on various parts of the body and fractures to the tibia and fibula, but do not contain any evidence confirming or refuting that they are the result of torture inflicted in the past.
在实践中提高创新能力:实习中,学生出点子 动 脑 筋 , 把 在课堂上离散的、肤浅 的理论知识和工程实践知识紧密结合,创造性地提出了一个个的“金点子”,如用对称 的方法进行参数测量,使工作时间缩短了 1/3;把繁杂的数据设计为有序的组合;即使 在一些不起眼的地方,如文件夹的摆放,同学们也想了好办法,极大的提高了文件存放 的效率。
Advance innovative capacity in practice: in the course of practice, students tried to combine the separated and shallow theoretical knowledge from classroom and practical knowledge in practice for creation; for example, students can shorten working time of one-third by using symmetrical methods to measurement of parameters; they can put a tedious data design by systemitic method.
该委员会的任务是通过有约束力的仲裁,决定一国政府对另一国政 府以及一方的国民(包括自然人和法人)对另一方的政府或者另一方拥有或控制 的实体提出的下列两类所有损失、损害 伤 害 索偿要求:(a) 与作为《框架协 定及其执行方式》和《停止敌对动 协 定 》主体的冲突有关;(b) 因为违反包 括 1949 年日内瓦四公约在内的国际人道主义法,或者其他违反国际法的行为。
The mandate of the Commission is to decide through binding arbitration all claims for loss, damage or injury by one Government against the other, and by nationals (including both natural and juridical persons) of one party against the Government of the other party
or entities owned or
[...] controlled by the other party that are (a) related to the conflict that was the subject of the Framework Agreement, the Modalities for its Implementation and the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, [...]
and (b) result from violations
of international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, or other violations of international law.
We had completed a report last year to seek advice from the Government if repetitive strain injury caused by long working hours would be listed as an occupational disease.
政府十分鼓勵市民參 與這些有益身心的活動,多到戶外舒 筋骨 , 減 輕繁重的工作壓力。
The Government highly encourages the public to participate in these activities that are good for body and mind and allow people to stretch themselves in an outdoor environment to relieve their heavy work pressure.
[...] 坐在局長隔鄰的官員見面,那些涉及腰部肌肉 筋骨 的 損 傷,其實反映 了服務業很多方面的情況,例如工友的慣性勞動、慣性動作,往往會造 [...]
Those cases that involved lumbar muscles strain
[...] and musculo-skeletal injury actually [...]
reflected numerous aspects of the service
industry, such as routine labouring and actions of workers as they often cause a lot of strain, but they are not classified as occupational diseases at present.
这些缺 损可能为手术造成的骨性缺损或者由于 伤 对 骨 骼 造 成损害所致的骨性缺损。
These defects may be surgically created osseous defects or osseous defects
[...] created from traumatic injury to the bone.
尤为严重关切加沙地带出现的危机,造成危机的原因是以色列实行实际上等 同于封锁的长期持续关闭做法和严厉的经济和出入限制措施,并于 2008 年 12 月 至 2009 年 1 月在加沙地带开展军事动,造成大 伤 亡 ,尤其是包括妇女和儿 童在内的巴勒斯坦平民的伤亡,大规模损毁巴勒斯坦人的家园、财产、重要基础 设施、公共机构(包括医院、学校)和联合国设施,并造成平民境内流离失所
Expressing grave concern, in particular, over the crisis in the Gaza Strip as a result of the continuing prolonged Israeli closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect
amount to a blockade and
[...] the military operations in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 and January 2009, which caused extensive loss of life and injury, particularly [...]
among Palestinian civilians,
including children and women, widespread damage and destruction to Palestinian homes, properties, vital infrastructure, public institutions, including hospitals and schools, and United Nations facilities, and internal displacement of civilians
由于这个原因,他们很容易受经济震荡例 如商品价格动的伤害, 全球经济变化无常也给他们带来直接和严重的影响。
For this reason, they are vulnerable to economic shocks, such as commodity price fluctuations, and are directly and strongly affected by the vagaries of the global economy.
我行医多年,发现有很多疾病用传统方法治疗有时並未见效,后来发现用NONI果粉有很多帮助,其原因是"Xeronine"是一种非常重要的酵素,对维护健康有著重要的意义,我发现NONI果粉对以下疾病甚有帮助:风湿性关节炎 筋骨 炎 、 腕骨炎及滑囊炎等。
Chinese medicine for many years, found that many diseases with traditional treatment sometimes did not get effective, later found with NONI powder has a lot of help, the reason is that " Xeronine " is a very important enzyme, for the maintenance of health has important significance, I found NONI
powder on the following diseases very helpful: rheumatic arthritis carpal
[...] arthritis, arthritis, tendonitis and bursitis.
讓我們再看回同一年的數字,在2 118宗因職業勞損而到職業健康診所 求診的個案中,女性佔64.4%,其中有90.5%(即九成)是因為肌肉 筋骨、 骨骼勞損而求醫的;從事地盤工作的反而很少;有50%以上是從事社區 個人服務;有23%是從事批發、零售、飲食、酒樓業。
Among 2 118 cases in which workers sought medical consultation at occupational health clinics because of occupational injuries, 64.4% were females.
然而,以色列无视人权和无辜生命,在国 际水域对和平的国际船队实施军事袭击,造成手无寸 铁的无辜国际和平动家伤亡。
However, Israel, with disregard for human rights and innocent lives, carried out a military attack in international
waters against the peaceful international
[...] convoy, killing and injuring innocent, unarmed international peace activists.
在2009年到勞工處職業健康診所求診的人士中,40歲至60歲的有 71.5% ⎯⎯ 這個分界本身其實已經很離譜,以20年的歲數作為一個分 界 ⎯⎯ 但 21歲到40歲的也有26.7%,局長怎可以說他們是因為年老, 身體機能衰退而導筋骨勞損
In 2009, among those people who sought medical consultation at occupational health clinics under the LD, 71.5% were aged between 40 to 60.
代理主席,我很贊成成立工傷復康專門診所,讓受傷的工人,尤其 是腰背筋骨、肌肉受損的工人可以盡快接受治療,亦可以盡快復工, 無須到社署乞求綜援。
Deputy President, I very much agree to setting up a specialized rehabilitation clinic for work injuries, so that injured workers, especially those with back pain and repetitive strain injury, can receive treatment and resume work expeditiously, instead of begging for the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance from the Social Welfare Department.
[...] 杜仲是著名的溫補藥材,味甘而藥性溫,歸入肝、腎經,能補肝腎、 筋骨 、 安胎,傳統用於治療肝腎不足而致的腰膝酸痛、四肢無力、尿頻、性功能下降、胎動不安等,近年發現杜仲有助隱定血壓,常用於有血壓問題而又肝腎不足的情況。
Traditional Use Sweet and warm in nature, duzhong tonifies the liver and kidneys, strengthens
[...] the sinews and bones and lowers blood [...]
(f) 促进对体育运动问题的研究和有关体育运动的科学著作及其它文献资料的收集、 分析与出版,促进改善体育动的 计划 和 骨 干 人员的培训,以及促进专门人员的 交流和必要时举行有关体育运动各个方面的地区会议、研讨会和培训班
(f) promoting research into physical activity education and sport and the collection, analysis and publication of scientific works and other documents relating notably to physical education and sport and the improvement of programmes and staff training in this sphere, as well as promoting the exchange of specialists and the holding, as necessary, of regional meetings, seminars and courses on various aspects of physical education and sport
无意中影响水下文化遗产的活动”系指尽管不以水下文化遗产为主要对象或对象 之一,但可能对其造成伤或破坏的 动。
Activities incidentally affecting underwater cultural heritage” means activities which, despite not having underwater cultural heritage as their primary object or one of their objects, may physically disturb or otherwise damage underwater cultural heritage.
根据该公约清除和销毁杀伤人员地雷的做法将 恢复受影响社区的经济活动,这也是美洲国家组织 (美洲组织)在其 1991 年伤人员地雷动纲领 中 在区域一级促进的目标,该行动纲领同样规定向受 害者提供人道主义援助并对平民进行预防地雷风险 教育。
The clearance and destruction of anti-personnel mines pursuant to the Convention would restore economic activity in the affected communities, a goal also promoted regionally by the Organization of American States (OAS) in its 1991 anti-personnel mine action programme, which provided as well for humanitarian assistance to victims and preventive mine risk education of the civilian population.




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