单词 | 伤心惨目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 伤心惨目 —(idiom) too appalling look atSee also:伤心—grieve • be broken-hearted • feel deeply hurt 心目 n—mind n 心目—view
国际人权机构声称,死刑的公开执行,使其原本就残忍、 不人道和侮辱性的性质更加变本加厉,对受害 人 惨 无 人 道, 令 目 击 者 感到 触 目 惊 心。 daccess-ods.un.org | International human rights mechanisms have stated that executions in public add to the already cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of the [...] death penalty and have a dehumanizing effect on the [...] victim and a brutalizing effect on those who witness the execution. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管到目前为止死伤惨重, 但街头抗议者力争保持和平性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | Street protesters have nonetheless sought to maintain a peaceful character despite the heavy loss [...] of life and severe injuries suffered thus far. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二,我们对阿富汗平民伤亡日益惨 重 感 到非常 忧心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, we are very concerned about the increase in [...] the loss of lives and injuries inflicted upon Afghan [...]civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
协议的总体目标——“使团结更具吸引力”——已 然 惨 遭 失 败,因 此 目 前 看来,绝大多数南苏丹人民独立的 决 心 已 定。 crisisgroup.org | The agreement’s underlying aim of “making unity attractive” has failed, and most Southerners thus appear determined to choose independence. crisisgroup.org |
过去的多起军事对峙和冲突造成了惨 痛 的人 员 伤 亡 和 经济损失,给北南渔民 造成的损失已达天文数字。 daccess-ods.un.org | A lot of cases of military confrontation and clashes in the [...] past caused painful casualties, and the economic [...]losses and damages done to fishermen [...]in the north and the south amounted to astronomical figures. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 一些儿童受到心理或间接影响,包括失去单亲或双亲的儿童、在暴力 中受伤的儿童、亲眼目击事 件或通过媒体等方式获知事件的儿童,以及其生活受 到有关事件影响的儿童和家人。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) A number of [...] children are affected psychologically or indirectly, including children who have lost one or both of their parents; children injured by the violence; children who witnessed the incidents [...]first hand or have [...]been informed of the incidents by, among others, the media, and children and families whose lives have been affected by the incidents. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本会议厅内,我还要回顾,这场地震给联合国 组织造成惨重伤亡, 导致 102 名为建立一个更加美好 的未来同海地人民一道工作的联合国各机构工作人 员和维和人员死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this Chamber, let me also recall the terrible toll that the quake took on the Organization, claiming the lives of 102 United Nations agency staff and peacekeepers, who had been working together with the Haitian people to bring about a brighter future. daccess-ods.un.org |
最悲惨的无疑是中心的一些难民无端死亡,“自 2005 年 1 月以 来,大约有 50 人死亡,大赦国际的萨拉赫·莫撒这样说。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most tragic of all are the unexplained deaths of refugees at the Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 中国政府还与非政府组织积极合作,实施干预 项 目 , 大 力开展宣传、教育和培训 活动,成立报警中心、伤情鉴 定中心和妇女救助站,开通反家庭暴力热线等,为 受害妇女提供咨询、庇护、医疗及心理帮助等多种服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Chinese Government is also actively cooperating with non-governmental [...] organizations to implement [...] intervention programmes, carry out major publicity campaigns and educational and training activities, set up police reporting centres, forensic medical examination centres and rescue shelters [...]for women, and [...]open up anti-domestic-violence hotlines, in order to provide consultation, protection, medical care and psychological assistance services to victimized women. daccess-ods.un.org |
我以为痛会慢慢消失,后来却发现一点也没有! 我 心 里 开始焦急并觉得: “ 惨 了 , 我这下 的 伤 势 肯 定很严重!”我马上求救。 4tern.com | It was so serious and I can’t get up! 4tern.com |
这项工作的重要性以及更广泛的国际反恐努力 的重要性不幸在最近几个星期受到再次强调——去 年圣诞节发生试图炸毁飞往底特律的航班的事件、今 年三月在莫斯科发生地铁爆炸、就在几天前在离我们 开会会场不足一哩之外的时报广场发生的蠢事和在 昨天在伊拉克发生的伤亡惨重的爆炸。 daccess-ods.un.org | The importance of this work and of the broader international efforts to combat terrorism has been underscored tragically and repeatedly in recent weeks by the attempted bombing of a flight bound for Detroit last Christmas Day, by the March bombings in the Moscow subway, by the very troubling events in Times Square just days ago, less than a mile from where we meet, and by the deadly bombings in Iraq just yesterday. daccess-ods.un.org |
本次辩论是在加沙武装冲突的背景下举行的,这 一冲突造成了非常惨重的平民伤亡,特别是儿童的伤 亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | This debate is taking place against the backdrop of the armed conflict in Gaza, which is causing very high numbers of civilian casualties, in particular among children. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们大力支持德米斯图拉特别代表呼吁加大对 平民的保护力度,特别是因为 2010 年是自塔利班政 权于 2001 年垮台以来平民伤亡最为惨重的一年。 daccess-ods.un.org | We strongly support Special Representative De Mistura’s call for a surge for the protection of civilians, particularly as 2010 was the deadliest year for civilians since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿德南在一次袭击中被烧伤,目前在 黎巴嫩流亡,他只是身处叙利亚危机 中 心 的 儿 童之一 unicef.org | Burned in an [...] attack and now in exile in Lebanon, Adnan is one of the children at the heart of the Syrian crisis unicef.org |
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是 在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address [...] business continuity issues on a broader, [...] Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
恰恰正是国家和市场对热带森林处理不当以及对土著人民 的歧视这类令人伤心的经 历,迫使他们宣称,他们应在如何设计、执行和监测 REDD(降排)+中拥有重大发言权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is precisely these sad experiences of State and market mishandling of tropical forests and discriminating against indigenous peoples that compelled them to assert that they should have a major say in how REDD-plus should be designed, implemented and monitored. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这 种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无 杀 伤 人 员 地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity. daccess-ods.un.org |
该项目的目的是致力于把全民教育国家计划纳入消除贫困的国家战略,同时确保与正 在进行的和平文化和人的安全教育和培训 项 目 之 间 的协同关系;加强人的安全,确保最易受 伤害的 民众,尤其是农村地区的民众享受基本的社会服务,以多学科方法支持当地的试办项 目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The aim of the project is to contribute to the integration of national Education for All plans into national poverty eradication [...] strategies by ensuring [...] synergy with ongoing projects on education and training regarding the culture of peace and human security; to strengthen human security by ensuring access by the most vulnerable sections of the community, in particular in rural areas, to basic social services, by providing multidisciplinary support to pilot projects at the local level. unesdoc.unesco.org |
建議方案的核心目的,是要堅定 和有效地減少濫用購物膠袋的情況。 legco.gov.hk | The core objective of our proposal [...] is to reduce the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags affirmatively and effectively. legco.gov.hk |
如果她抱有這種態度,就更加有須要迫使政府改善現時勞苦大眾所使用的服務,使到 這些服務可以達到周梁淑怡議員心目 之 ㆗ 的服務標準。 legco.gov.hk | If this is how she thinks, she should all the more demand the Government to improve the services now provided to the lower income groups such that these services can meet her standards. legco.gov.hk |
除了阿塞拜疆共和国执法机构掌握的大量信息外,亚美尼亚共和国及其政治 [...] 和军事领导人对在霍贾里犯下的罪行负有的责任也为众多独立信息来源确认和 记录、为该惨剧目击者 证实,并为亚美尼亚共和国高层官员以及该国公共信息来 [...]源承认。 daccess-ods.un.org | Apart from the considerable information in possession of the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the responsibility of the Republic of Armenia and its political and military leadership for the crimes committed in Khojaly is [...] recognized and documented by numerous independent [...] sources, eyewitnesses to the tragedy, as [...]well as admitted by the Republic of Armenia’s [...]highranking officials and this country’s public sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有暴力导致的平民伤亡都是惨痛的 悲剧,我们 采取各种可能步骤避免国际安全援助部队(安援部队) 的行动导致平民伤亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | All civilian deaths resulting from the violence are tragic, and we take every [...] step possible to avoid civilian casualties [...]due to the operations of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). daccess-ods.un.org |
对埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国政府和人民、埃塞俄比亚航空公司以及这 次悲惨空难所有伤亡人员的家属表示深切慰问和同情。 daccess-ods.un.org | CONVEY our heart-felt condolences and sympathy to the Government and people of the [...] Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Airlines and the [...] families of all the victims of that tragic air crash. daccess-ods.un.org |
事件的数量和受害者人数都在上升,至少在世界 某些地方如此;这些事件造成一长串 悲 惨 的 死 伤 者, 他们差不多全是无辜的男女和儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | The number of events and victims is on the rise, at [...] least in some parts of the world, [...] leaving a tragic trail of dead and wounded who are almost always [...]innocent men, women and children. daccess-ods.un.org |
最不发达国家容易受到外部冲击的伤 害 ,极 其 惨 烈 的例 证是海地近来遇到的地震。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vulnerabilities of the LDCs to exogenous shocks were most tragically demonstrated by the recent earthquakes in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
仅在 2009 年,从加沙到斯里兰卡、到刚果民主 [...] 共和国、巴基斯坦、阿富汗和索马里以及其他一些地 方,成千上万的平民死于冲突;此外还有其他一些原 因也造成了无数人的伤亡,其中包括男女老幼所遭受 的身心伤害,他们的社会、经济和文化联系与机构也 遭到破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2009 alone, there were thousands of civilian conflict deaths, from Gaza to Sri Lanka to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia, and [...] elsewhere too; and [...] untold numbers of other casualties, including physical and psychological injury to men, women [...]and children, as [...]well as the destruction of their social, economic and cultural ties and institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人特别强调,闭 [...] 会期间工作方案必须保持其包容性,以便所有感兴趣的行为者都有机会参与实现 《公约》核心目标的 讨论,同时闭会期间工作方案还必须保持其独有的合作性和 [...] 合议性,对该工作方案的任何调整都不应减损这种合作精神。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was highlighted in particular that the Intersessional Work Programme must remain an inclusive process with all interested actors permitted to have the opportunity to take [...] part in discussions on the pursuit of the [...] Convention’s core aims and that the [...]Intersessional Work Programme must remain [...]a uniquely cooperative and collegial process with any adjustments to the work programme not diminishing this cooperative spirit. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会重申,国际社会和所有利益攸 关方在苏丹和南苏丹的核心目标是这两个完全 具有生存能力的国家和平共处,推行民主施政、 [...] 法治、问责、平等、尊重人权、公正和经济发展, 尤其是为受冲突影响社区创造条件,获取牢靠持 久的谋生手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council [...] reiterates that the core objectives of the international [...]community and all stakeholders in the Sudan [...]and South Sudan are the peaceful coexistence of two fully viable States, embracing democratic governance, rule of law, accountability, equality, respect for human rights, justice and economic development, in particular the establishment of the conditions for conflict-affected communities to build strong and sustainable livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
增强与主要合作伙伴在反对歧视和种族主义方面的合作的行动如下: 按照联合国艾滋 病毒/艾滋病专题组(UNTG)在俄罗斯联邦确定的 2004 年联合国共同行动的优先事项,特 别是实现减少伤痕和歧视的目标, 教科文组织/联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署于 2004 年 6 月前往莫斯科进行了一次联合考察,与艾滋病毒/艾滋病专题组举行了磋商,对发起艾滋病 毒/艾滋病项目的可能性进行了探讨。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Action to strengthen cooperation with the main partners in action to combat discrimination and racism included the following: in the spirit of the priorities for joint United Nations action in 2004 set by the United Nations Theme Group (UNTG) on HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation, and particularly the goals to reduce stigma and discrimination, a joint UNESCO/UNAIDS mission was sent to Moscow in June 2004 to hold consultations with the Theme Group to explore possibilities for launching the project on HIV/AIDS. unesdoc.unesco.org |