

单词 伤别

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External sources (not reviewed)

正如我昨天 在通报利比亚局势时向安理会报告的那样(见 S/PV.6530),政府与反对派部队之间的战斗导致继续 有平民被打死伤,特别是在米苏拉塔和西纳福萨山 区。
As I reported to the Council yesterday in my briefing on Libya (see
S/PV.6530), civilians continue
[...] to be killed and injured by fighting between Government and opposition forces, especially in Misrata [...]
and the Western Nafusa mountains.
PRECISE 经过设计,包括大量投资于观察和监测工作,以评
[...] 价各个组成部分的效果和彼此之间的相互作用,并查明预防工作在按照年龄、 别、 受伤类别和干 预措施的强烈程度划分的不同群体之中的效率。
PRECISE was designed to include a significant investment in surveillance and monitoring to evaluate the effects of components and interactions between them, and to shed light on the efficacy
of prevention in different groups,
[...] according to age, gender, type of injury and intensity [...]
of the intervention schedule.
使用本技术可以回避清洗程序中由于等离子照射而产生的配线 伤 , 特 别 是 对 易受氧自由基影响而受损的设备非常有效,作为环境调和型环保清洗技术备受瞩目。
Since this technique can prevent damage to the wiring from plasma irradiation in the cleaning process and it is available for cleaning devices susceptible to oxygen radicals, this technology is focused as eco-friendly semiconductor cleaning technology.
这笔钱只发给伤残人士家属――后者至少为 50%的终身医伤 残级别,和老年残障人士家属。
This sum was paid only to the dependants of a disabled person who had a permanent medical disability of at least 50%, and to the dependants of an elderly disabled person.
这些事件使冲突结束以来的死亡和 伤 总数 分别达到 30 人和 252 人,使 2006 年 8 月以来排雷人员的伤亡人数达到 60 人, 其中 14 人死亡,46 人受伤。
The incidents bring the total number of
[...] fatalities and injuries among civilians since the end of the conflict to 30 and 252, respectively, and among [...]
demining personnel resulting
from clearance activities since August 2006 to 60, with 14 fatalities and 46 injuries.
[...] 在做他不愿意做的事情时会有同样的反应吗······日常生活中处于积极心理状态的儿童不 会为自己伤而指责别人。
I wondered, however, whether he would have the same response if he had been injured doing what he did
not really feel like doing ... A child in a positive mind in daily life would not
[...] accuse others of his/her own injuries.
新加坡将继续支持一切倡议,反 对滥用伤人员地雷,别是对手无寸铁的无辜平民 使用此类地雷。
Singapore will continue to support all initiatives against the indiscriminate use of anti-personnel landmines, especially when they are directed against innocent and defenceless civilians.
他表示关切的是,妇女维护者特别易受基于 别 的 暴力 的伤 害,特别是在 不鼓励妇女的言论自由的环境中;他提醒各国,它们有义务提供保 护,使其免遭此种暴力。
He expresses concern at the particular vulnerability of women defenders to gender-based violence, particularly in environments that do not encourage the freedom of expression of women, and reminds States of their obligation to protect against such violence.
[...] 有组织犯罪最常用的武器,因此,它们被称为大规模 杀伤性武器,因为它们造成大伤亡 , 特 别 是 妇 女和 儿童的伤亡。
Small arms are the most commonly used weapons in civil conflict, in acts of terrorism and in ordinary and organized crimes, so much so that they have been described
as weapons of mass destruction because of the huge number
[...] of casualties they cause, especially among women and [...]
国家法规、战略、政策和计划应规定出机制和机构,切实分析经济、社 会、文化权利领域的歧视所造伤害 的 个 别 和 结 构性质。
National legislation, strategies, policies and plans should provide for mechanisms and institutions that
effectively address the individual and
[...] structural nature of the harm caused by discrimination [...]
in the field of economic, social and cultural rights.
[...] 及常规武器转入非法市场是武装冲突、严重违反国际人权法和国际人道主义法行 为、人民受到严伤害、性别暴力 、人民境内和境外流离失所、跨国有组织犯罪、 [...]
Recognizing that the absence of commonly agreed universal, legally binding international standards and guidelines for the transfer of conventional arms and their diversion to the illicit market are contributory factors to armed conflict, serious violations of international human rights law and
international humanitarian law, severe
[...] human suffering, gender-based violence, the internal [...]
and cross-border displacement
of people, transnational organized crimes, terrorism and the illicit trade in narcotics and other goods, thereby undermining peace, reconciliation, safety, security, stability, human rights and sustainable development in all its dimensions
/ 战争遗留爆炸伤亡这一类别纳入国 家 伤 亡 监 测机制;克罗地亚正在其国家 公共卫生研究院之下建立一个新的数据库;萨尔瓦多正在清理其数据,以查明武 [...]
装冲突受害者的伤亡原因;几内亚比绍准备在人口普查之后对残疾人开展全面的 调查;塞内加尔进行了幸存者需求评估。
Examples of progress include: Angola launched a
[...] project to collect mine/ERW casualty data and establish a database; [...]
Colombia launched a pilot
project to include the category of mine/ERW casualty in the national injury surveillance mechanism; in Croatia, a new database is being developed under the Croatian National Institute of Public Health; El Salvador is undergoing a process of data cleaning to identify the cause of injury among victims of the armed conflict; Guinea-Bissau is developing a comprehensive survey of persons with disabilities after the population census; and, Senegal conducted a needs assessment of survivors.
为使注射麻醉品者逐步 实现尽可能高水平的身心健康权利,确保这一群体能受益于科学进步及其应用 (第15条第1款(b)项) ,缔约国应充分落实世界卫生组织2009 年提出的旨在提高 减伤害服务,别是针 和针管的交换及美沙酮替代类罂粟碱疗法的备有量、可 靠性和质量的建议。
In order to achieve the progressive realization of the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health for people who inject drugs and to ensure that this group may benefit from scientific progress and its applications (art. 15, para. 1(b)), the State party should implement in full the recommendations made by the World Health Organization in 2009 designed to improve the availability, accessibility and quality of harm reduction services, in particular needle and syringe exchange and opioid substitution therapy with methadone.
相反,悲伤能让人更有活力,让人更真切的感受到失去的疼痛、 别 的 伤 感 , 以及身边人的痛楚。
Sadness on the other hand is about being more alive, about really feeling the human pain of loss, the sweet sorrow of a goodbye, or the privileged sharing of another’s struggles.
委员会建议缔约国采取一切必要措施防 伤 害 和 事故, 别 是 加强育儿政 策,在家庭、护理员、学校和广大公民中间开展有关儿童安全措施的提高意识活 动。
The Committee recommends that the State
party take all necessary
[...] measures to prevent injuries and accidents, in particular by strengthening [...]
policies on child care,
and raising awareness on child safety measures, in families, among caregivers, in schools and the general public.
必须指出,在 2000 年联合国千年首脑会议上通
[...] 过的《千年宣言》中,各国国家元首和政府首脑也表 示决心力求消除大规模伤性武器, 别 是 核 武器, 并对实现这一目标的所有备选办法持开放态度,包括 [...]
It is important to recall that in the Millennium Declaration, adopted at the 2000 Millennium Summit, heads of States and Government also resolved to
strive for the elimination of weapons of
[...] mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons, and [...]
to keep all options for achieving
that goal open, including the possibility of convening an international conference to identify ways to eliminate nuclear threats.
按此法律,因患有精神紊乱而无 法律行为能力的难民地位申请人,又或者是那些因任何原因而被视为 别 易 受伤 害的申请人获提供特别看顾。
Under this law, special protection is ensured for persons who request the status of refugee and who are legally incapable by reasons of mental impairment or, by any other reason, considered as especially vulnerable.
Children in the criminal
[...] justice system are especially vulnerable.
此外,妇 女、青年和儿童别容易受到伤害。
In addition, women, young people and
[...] children were particularly vulnerable.
增强与主要合作伙伴在反对歧视和种族主义方面的合作的行动如下: 按照联合国艾滋
[...] 病毒/艾滋病专题组(UNTG)在俄罗斯联邦确定的 2004 年联合国共同行动的优先事项,别是实现减伤痕和歧视的目标,教科文组织/联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署于 [...]
2004 年 6 月前往莫斯科进行了一次联合考察,与艾滋病毒/艾滋病专题组举行了磋商,对发起艾滋病
Action to strengthen cooperation with the main partners in action to combat discrimination and racism included the following: in the spirit of the priorities for joint United Nations action in 2004 set by the United Nations Theme
Group (UNTG) on HIV/AIDS in the
[...] Russian Federation, and particularly the goals to reduce [...]
stigma and discrimination, a joint
UNESCO/UNAIDS mission was sent to Moscow in June 2004 to hold consultations with the Theme Group to explore possibilities for launching the project on HIV/AIDS.
在作出决定时应考虑到 少年女性罪犯因其别而容易受伤 害 这 一因素。
The gender-based vulnerability of juvenile female [...]
offenders shall be taken into account in decision-making.
在 这方面,他们表示支持旨在将加勒比海宣布为“特区”的区域倡议,并承诺支 持协助促进这个别易受伤害国家集团的可持续发展,国际合作对这些国家仍 然是个基本因素,并提请国际社会注意需要采取国际行动,使加勒比海成为可 持续发展方面的特区。
In this regard, they expressed support for the regional initiatives aimed at having the Caribbean Sea declared a “special area”, and they pledged their support to assist in promoting the sustainable development of this group of especially vulnerable countries, for which international cooperation continues to be an essential factor, and drew the attention of the international community to the need for international action for the Caribbean Sea to be considered as a special area within the context of sustainable development.
联合专家小组的成员分析了受到国际相关文书保护的受教育权利 – 这是一项普遍的权 利,不能有任何人受到排斥 – 随后审议了已列入教科文组织相关公约和建议书3 以及联合 国人权条约4
[...] 约》(《国际公约》)第十三条的第十三号一般性意见,其规定“无论在法律上还是在实践 中,教育都必须向所有人开放,别 是 最易 受 伤 害 的 群体,不得以公约禁止的任何理由予以 [...]
歧视”(第 6 段 b)。
The members of the Joint Expert Group analysed the right to education as protected in the international instruments – a right that is universal and does not permit any exclusion – and proceeded to an examination of the inclusive dimensions of this right, as enshrined in relevant UNESCO conventions and recommendations3 as well as in United Nations human rights treaties.4 Reference was also made to General Comment No. 13 on Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (“the Covenant”),
which provides that “education must be
[...] accessible to all, especially the most vulnerable [...]
groups, in law and fact, without discrimination
on any of the prohibited grounds” (para. 6(b)).
[...] 里,以色列所执行的非法政策继续对巴勒斯坦民众生活的各个方面造成不利影 响,在占领国的统治下,巴勒斯坦民众继续忍受着痛苦, 别 是 死 亡、 伤 、财 产被剥夺和流离失所。
This is starkly reflected in the current situation on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, wherein the illegal policies of Israel continue to detrimentally affect every aspect of life for the Palestinian
civilian population, who continue to
[...] endure, inter alia, death, injury, dispossession [...]
and displacement at the hands of the occupying Power.
有报告称,印度的 地雷受害者的人数已经增加,但这种消息是不准确的,因为没有 别 地 雷 造成伤亡和使用简易爆炸装置造成的伤亡。
There had been reports of an increase in the number of mine victims in India, but that information was inaccurate, as no distinction was made between casualties caused by landmines and those resulting from the use of IEDs.
( 第五条(辰)项) 委员会建议缔约国确保在2011 年人口普查中在自愿的自我认同基础上,在
[...] 充分尊重有关个人的隐私和保密权的情况下收集有关各群体、 别 是 易 受 伤 害群 体社会经济状况方面的数据。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that, in the context of the 2011 census, data is collected on the socio-economic situation of all ethnic groups and
especially vulnerable groups on the basis of
[...] voluntary self-identification, with full respect [...]
for the privacy and anonymity of the individuals concerned.
生物免疫治疗是通过采集患者血液,在体外培养对肿瘤细胞具有很好的 别 和 杀 伤 抑 制作用的免疫细胞(DC-CIK),然后回输给患者,以达到提高患者自身免疫力、抑制肿瘤细胞生长的作用。
Bio-immunotherapy is that cultivating immunologic cells (DC-CIK) which have good recognition for tumor cells to kill and inhibit vitro by collecting patient’s blood, and then transfuse back to patient to improve patient’s immunity and inhibit growth of tumor cells.




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