单词 | 伢崽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 伢崽—(dialect) childSee also:伢—(dialect) child 崽—young animal
但是,当他们的人力业主的麻烦,小幼崽将停止不惜一切代价来拯救他们 - [...] 因为在顺境和困难的时候,家里总是粘在一起。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | But when their human owners end up in [...] trouble, the tinypups willstop at [...]nothing to save them – because in good times and [...]hard times, the family always sticks together. en.seekcartoon.com |
7月14日:两只娇小的月熊幼崽韦恩(Wayne)和彼得(Peter)在 [...] 六月初被林业部门的工作人员从 山罗省的走私犯手中救了下来。 animalsasia.org | 14 July: Wayne and Peter Robert Baynes, two [...] tiny moonbear cubs, wererescued [...]from smugglers by forestry officials in Son La Province in early June. animalsasia.org |
3月20日:两只幼崽——小公熊 布兰德利(Bradley)和小母熊辛 特隆(Cintron)被边防人员从老 挝、柬埔寨的边界解救回来。 animalsasia.org | 20 March: Two more tiny cubs, Bradley, a male, and Cintron, a female, joined us after being confiscated by border guards near the Laos–Cambodian border. animalsasia.org |
1月7日:6个月大的月熊幼崽波吉特(Birgit)从靠近中国边界的莱 州省的走私犯手中被解救回来。 animalsasia.org | 7 January: Birgit, a six-monthold moon bearcub,was confiscated from smugglers in Lai Chau Province, near the Chinese border. animalsasia.org |
当他们达到8周龄,所有的幼崽采用新的家园,但没有人愿意Aleu。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When they all reach eight weeks old, all [...] of the other pups are adopted to [...]new homes, but no one wants Aleu. seekcartoon.com |
0-1幼崽分别从笼子里取出出生后,到玻璃培养皿预冷至4°C,然后湿冰的地方。 jove.com | Remove postnatal day0-1pups individually from [...] cages, place onto a glass Petri dish pre-chilled to 4 °C, and then place on wet ice. jove.com |
他们一起被发现时,只有时间是母亲幼崽,在交配季节,有时候如果他们的食物来源是浓缩在一个领域。 zh.northrup.org | The only times they are found together is when [...] a mother hascubs,duringmating [...]season, and sometimes if their food source is condensed in one area. northrup.org |
丁满和彭彭能做的也只有这么多保护她,尤其是当她遇到一个有趣的的对手,Kovu,被培养的幼崽导致疤痕的骄傲。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Timon and Pumbaa can do only so much to [...] protect her, especially when she encounters an intriguing [...] rival, Kovu, acub who is being [...]groomed to lead Scar’s pride. seekcartoon.com |
靓职橥观蚊翻译导挲、国桠臻领队(TC)、臻掬办碗职朽国内、国桠亡碗奚、邀页惬务员、桠国LAND碗奚、冼观蚊莼、韩国观蚊碗奚、观蚊哂关协会、观蚊裥锪、伢税锪、观蚊哂关网呔创业(皤完臻汜阌、铒幡停裥锪预订、谂庵盂租怎)、贸娑碗奚、国际会议运营嘘业(PCO)、观蚊区设憧嘘业、动专门嘘业怎引种牦关观蚊嘘业,并螃属橥经呗艇知,熳螽濂师欷靓职橥哂关嘘业既蜒胱硝关证劵碗奚钴硝会。 china.mokpo.ac.kr | The Student can work at diverse tourism-related companies such as tour guide, overseas tour conductor (TC), office work for travel agencies, domestic and foreign airlines male and female flight crews, foreign land companies, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tourism-related associations, Tourism hotels, duty-free shop, tourism-related internet opening (providing travel information, worldwide hotel reservation, introduction of homestay, etc), trading companies, International conference operation company (PCO), tourism resorts complex construction companies, event specialist company, etc and also, since it is classified as category of economy and commerce , qualification to be employed by related companies such as financial institutions or securities companies and students can advance to school as teacher by completing teacher’s courses. eng.mokpo.ac.kr |
Mitchsuiko和艾发现一只熊崽和一具尸体拍摄的一炮。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mitchsuiko and Ai find a bearcub and a corpse shot by a gun. seekcartoon.com |
研究人员报告说,与没有镧系元素金属的鱼线相比,测试鱼线在美国夏威夷捕获的濒危扇形双髻鲨(Sphyrna lewini)幼崽的数量不及前者的一半。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Test lines in Hawaii caught less than half as many endangered scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)pups aslines without the metals, the researchers report. chinese.eurekalert.org |