

单词 传销

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继续传销售出版物,特别是为目标群体编制、分发促销的小册子,如《教科文组织 出版新闻》和《读者俱乐部》等。
The promotion of publications for sale continued with the production and distribution to target groups of marketing brochures, such as the Lettre des Éditions UNESCO and Readers’ Club.
这些公司从事高度投机的投资活动,一些人认为他 们进行的是一种非传销。
These companies were involved in highly speculative investments, and some have suggested they were a type of pyramid scheme.
我们的使命是建立一间世界顶级的网 传销 公 司,基于爱与关怀的理念,通过我们的事业和产品帮助他人有一个更美好的人生。
Our mission is to establish a
[...] world-class network marketing company based on [...]
the philosophy of Love and Care while helping
people achieve a better quality of live through our business and products.
答 : HDI Network 是 HDI国际集团一间经营多层传销的附 属公司。
A: HDI Network is
[...] the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) subsidiary [...]
of HDI Group of companies.
经过很多时间听各MLM行业师傅分享他们成功的真实经验,培训的内容非常专业:从产品知识,客户咨询技巧,理论和游戏看 传销 的 发 展,销售技巧和客户保留,Yoga的方法,认识和发展个人的能力等到集体消遣游戏,游戏中有教育知识让每个参加课堂者留着难忘的回忆,尤其在头顿的讲座。
After hours of sharing the experience of “Masters of MLM”, the training period with professional training content: from products knowledge, customers advising skill, MLM’s theory and development vision, skill of products selling and customer retaining, Yoga practicing methods, skill of personal capacity identification and development, etc. to team games, educational games, have created unforgettable memories for those who have participated the special training course in Vung Tau.
关于顾客的个人信息: ・业务上的联系
[...] ・为与顾客协商及履行合同 ・提供我公司产品,服务信息及传 ・销售及服务窗口的介绍 ・关于研究会及展览会的介绍 [...]
・为更好的产品及服务的调研 ・为提供保修及技术支持 ■关于对本公司的采用应募的个人信息 •为采用选拔
•为公司说明会,面试等的导向 •为选拔结果的联络 •为进公司过程的导向 •为有关进公司前的教育的联络 *另外,我公司为顺利的进行业务,对委托方委托一些业务时,委托方可能使用必要范围内的个人信息。
Information of passing status -Information [...]
of employement procedure -Information of training before employment *In addition,
Micros Software may entrust a part of work to other companies to accomplish our work smoothly with the entrustment of handling personal information within the scope necessary.
英国影传销商协会 (BADA) 协助想要购买高保真音响及家庭影院器材的公众人士寻找达到特定标准及拥有特定设备的专业零售商,让公众人士可以购买到物有所值的系统器材。
The British Audio Visual Dealer Association (BADA) [...]
helps members of the Hi Fi & Home Cinema buying public find expert retailers,
who have benchmarked standards and facilities, so that they can get the best possible system for their money.
(b) 您不得使用文件来:(i)冒充 他人,不论是活着的抑或已故的;(ii)发布虚假、不准确或误导的 信息,意见或通知(商业或其它的)或连锁信件; (iii)发布广告或招揽的业务(包括但不 限于电子邮件处理器、任传销计划 或“俱乐部的会员资格”); 尽管凯业必达可能允许发布某些商机信息, 但是这需要支付一次性或定期支付服务费或支付佣金; 在此种情况下,凯业必达有权自行决定 将该信息放置在人才网的指定位置或 如果它认为信息的描述具有欺骗性或不利于保护用户的利益, 它有权将其删除。
(b) You may not use a Document(s) to: (i) impersonate another person, living or dead; (ii) post false, inaccurate or misleading information, opinions or notices (commercial or otherwise) or chain letters; (iii) post advertisements, or solicitations of business (including, but not limited to, email processors, any pyramid scheme or “club membership”); provided, however that CareerBuilder may allow posting of certain business opportunities which require an upfront or periodic payment or pay commission only in which case CareerBuilder reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to place such posting in a designated location on its Talent Network or to remove the posting altogether if it deems such description deceptive or unsatisfactory to protect its Users.
2010 年 5 月 2 日,在北达尔富尔法希尔举行了数场和平示威,以抗议一个失败的金字塔 传销 计划 ,该计划使大批公民失去了可观的钱财。
The heavy-handed nature of the response of Government security institutions was evident during the peaceful demonstrations held in El Fasher, Northern Darfur, on 2 May 2010 in response to a failed pyramid scheme that saw large numbers of citizens lose significant amounts of money.
第3种人传媒(Market Builder Media)是一家专注于销传播领 域,集新闻报道、信息研究和数据分析为一体的媒体集团。
Focused on market communication, Market Builder Media [...]
is a media corporation integrated with news release, information research
and data analysis, specialized in publication, networks, events as well as other relevant media operations.
最后,欧尚购物袋和销传单均 包含欧洲年的标识以及该 年暗示的阶段。
Finally the Auchan
[...] bags and the leaflets for the promotions contained [...]
the logo of European year and the allusive phrase of the year.
尝试与其他销传播方 式相结合来印刷版材,例如网络、短信、电视,使您的客户能够创建更有效、更广泛的宣传活动。
Tying print media
[...] in with other marketing communications—web, [...]
text messaging, television—enables your customers to create
more effective, broader reaching campaigns.
当我们这样做的时候,你可以在我们第一次与你联系时选择退出,拒绝接受我们任何进一步的 销传 播。
However, when we do this, we will provide an express
opportunity when we first contact you to decline
[...] receiving any further marketing communications from us, via [...]
an opt-out mechanism.
博雅沟通力学院的合作伙伴包括全球领先的公共关系与传播咨询公司博雅公关、企业战略传播咨询公司海狼集团亚洲有限公司、全球领先的 销传 播 公 司Y&R、市场研究与咨询公司Penn [...]
Schoen Berland(PSB)、全球品牌顾问与设计巨头朗涛品牌咨询公司以及创意传播&领导力培训公司艺朗森。
Partners include leading public relations and communications firm Burson-Marsteller, strategic corporate
communications advisory firm Wolf Group Asia,
[...] world-leading marketing and communications [...]
company Y&R, research firm Penn Schoen
Berland (PSB), global branding giant Landor Associates, and creative communications and leadership training company Acewood.
Marketwire是一家社交化传播公司,服务于从初创企业到财富500强企业等形形色色的企业,为客户提供简单而强大的解决方案:全球新闻发布、行业领先的社交媒体监控与分析,以及包括内容创作、优化、发布和评估的全套整合 销传 播 平台。OMERS私募基金(www.omerspe.com)拥有Marketwire的多数股权,OMERS私募基金负责OMERS管理公司的私募基金活动,目前管理着64亿美元的投资。OMERS私募基金总部位于加拿大多伦多,在纽约和伦敦设有办事处。
Marketwire is majority-owned by OMERS Private [...]
Equity (www.omerspe.com), which manages the private equity activities of OMERS
Administration Corporation and today has $6.4 billion of investments under management.
销传播及客户运营团队隶属 BAAM 投资者解决方案部门,跨 BAAM 全球平台提供必要的基础设施支持,担任内部顾问。
The Marketing Communications & Client Operations [...]
Team sits within BAAM’s Investor Solutions Group, providing essential infrastructure
support across BAAM’s global platform and working as internal consultants.
路易威登集团兼大中华区首席执行官 Andrew Wu、威汉销传播集团首席执行官 兼董事会主席 [...]
Viveca Chan、克丽丝蒂中国的 Simon Tam 和董志毅、北京首都国际机 场执行主席等均在本次会议中国发言嘉宾之列。
The CEO of LVMH Group, Greater
[...] China Andrew Wu, WE Marketing Group’s CEO & [...]
Chair Viveca Chan, Christies China’s Simon Tam
and Dong Zhiyi; the Executive Chairman of Beijing Capital International Airport are among the personalities from China speaking at the conference.
CIC通过自主研发并正在申请专利的中文文本挖掘和分析技术及专业的服务引导诸如欧莱雅、百事、耐克等知名品牌意识到聆听和研究大量纷杂的中文网络口碑对于公司市场 销传 播 、 客户关系管理、产品研发运作,以及战略规划的独特价值。
CIC utilizes patent pending technology to help businesses like L'Oreal, Pepsi and Nike leverage Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) from the world's largest, most active, complex and fragmented digital market for superior business performance.
合法方式包括检验 竞争对手的产品和利用已经公开的信息源,如 销传 单 、 年度 报告、竞争对手在商业展览中的展示以及不泄露特定公司信息 的总体行业数据。
Such means include examining our competitors’ products and using publicly available sources, such as promotional leaflets, annual reports, competitors’ displays at trade shows, and aggregated industry data that does not disclose companyspecific information.
现在,他致力于把CIC打造成为解读中国网络文化,探索网络社区发展的先行者,引导诸如欧莱雅、百事、耐克等知名品牌意识到聆听和研究大量纷杂的中文网络口碑对于公司市场 销传 播 、 客户关系管理、产品研发运作,以及战略规划的独特价值。
CIC is at the forefront of exploring Chinese digital culture, helping leading brands in China such as L’Oreal, Pepsi and Nike understand how the Internet
Word of Mouth is impacting and can be
[...] used to impact marketing communications, product [...]
research and development, reputation and public relations.
研究咨询团队与多家财富500强公司和尖端 销传 媒 机构建立长期稳定的合作关系,通过分析关于其品牌、产品和服务的网络口碑,为其提供量身定制的网络口碑报告。
Research and Consulting Business Unit
works with a stable of Fortune 500
[...] clients and leading marketing communications [...]
agencies, by analyzing IWOM around brands,
products and services and providing clients with customized IWOM reports.
自2004年创建CIC,至近日被WPP集团收购,Sam始终致力于将CIC塑造为解读中国网络文化,探索网络社区发展的先行者-通过自主研发并正在申请专利的中文文本挖掘和分析技术及专业的服务引导诸如欧莱雅、百事、耐克等知名品牌意识到聆听和研究大量纷杂的中文网络口碑对于公司市场 销传 播 、 客户关系管理、产品研发运作,以及战略规划的独特价值。
Founding CIC in 2004, he has since steered the company into position as both thought and market leader and recent acquisition by WPP’s Kantar Media.
在儿童的解除武装、复员和重返社会,女兵的复员,培训前儿童兵, 加强和平和销辅助 警力等领域也采取了其他积极措施。
Other positive measures had been taken in the areas of disarmament, demobilization and the reintegration of children, the demobilization of women soldiers, the training of former child-soldiers, the strengthening of peace and the elimination of supplementary police forces.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频
会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460
[...] 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手 传 播 出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 [...]
781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services,
primarily owing to increased utilization of
[...] electronic means of disseminating publications; [...]
$111,000 under furniture and equipment,
reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.




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