单词 | 传入 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 传入 adjective —incoming adj传入 —import • transmitted inwards Examples:传入神经—afferent nerve (transmitting in the brain) • afferent neuron
扫描站不会接受任何传入的电子邮件,因此,它不会 通过此方式受到感染。 graphics.kodak.com | The Scan Station does [...] not receive any incoming emails, therefore, [...]it cannot be infected in this manner. graphics.kodak.com |
伊斯兰教于公元 1153 年 由阿拉伯旅行者 Abul Barakat Al-Bar Bari 传入马尔代夫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Islam was introduced to the Maldives in 1153 AD with the Arabian traveller Abul Barakat Al-Bar Bari. daccess-ods.un.org |
利用该功能,传入 SONET/SDH 和 OTN 测试 信号中的所有高阶 [...] (STS/AU) 和低阶 (VT/TU) 混合映射便一目了然。 exfo.com | This provides [...] users with full visibility of all highorder [...](STS/AU) and low-order (VT/TU) mixed mappings within the incoming [...]SONET/SDH and OTN test signal. exfo.com |
如果功率 消耗值增加,它可能是由于材料漏入分流板系统所引起的,材料正把热量传递 至模板或传入热电偶。 synventive.com | If the wattage consumption rises it may be caused by material that [...] has leaked into the manifold system [...] which is now transferring the heat to the mold steel or is encasing the thermocouple. synventive.com |
一般来讲,部署工具生成 servlet 来处理解析传入的 S OAP 请求的过程,并创建一个远程无状态会话 [...] EJB 对象,然后将请求分派到无状态会话 EJB。 huihoo.org | In general, the deployment tool generates a servlet to [...] handle parsing the incoming SOAP request, [...]create a remote stateless session EJBObject [...]and dispatch the request to the stateless session EJB. huihoo.org |
1615年,这种高大的树从君士坦丁堡 传入 法 国。 clarinsusa.com | It was brought from Constantinople and introduced into France in 1615. clarinsusa.com |
近几年,中国和西非爆发的数次脊髓灰质炎疫情,分别自巴基斯坦和尼日利 亚 传入 , 凸 显了该传染性疾病死灰复燃的威胁。 unicef.org | The plan incorporates the lessons learned from India’s success becoming polio free in early 2012 and cutting-edge knowledge about the risk of circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses. unicef.org |
由于只有一个对象存储空间,你可以避 免 传入 一 个 在你的事务中需要的对象存储空间的列表,而只是作为一个字符串把名 字 传入 即 可。 developer.mozilla.org | Since there's only one object store, you can avoid passing a list of object stores you need in your transaction and just pass the name as [...] a string. developer.mozilla.org |
如果实现为 JAX-RPC [...] 服务端点,那么将生成一个 servlet 以处理解析传入的 SOAP 请求并将其分派至 JAX-RPC [...]服务组件的实例上的过程。 huihoo.org | If the implementation is a JAX-RPC [...] Service Endpoint, a servlet is generated to [...] handle parsing the incoming SOAP request [...]and dispatch it to an instance of the JAX-RPC service component. huihoo.org |
通过苹果电视可以从 iDevice 或电脑将音乐或视频无线传入 BeoVision 10。 bang-olufsen.com | Stream your music or [...] video wirelessly to your BeoVision 10 from [...]your iDevice or computer via Apple TV. bang-olufsen.com |
确保将“传 入传真设 置”画面上的其中一个选项配置为允 许 传 送 传入 的 传真 (传入传 真文件夹和 / 或传入传真打 印机),以及确保扫描站可访问所配置的位置。 graphics.kodak.com | Be sure that one of the options on the Incoming Fax Settings screen is configured to allow delivery of incoming faxes (Incoming Fax Folder and/or Incoming Fax [...] Printer) and be sure [...]that the Scan Station has access to the configured destinations. graphics.kodak.com |
我们的系统采用标准 HTTP 或 HTTPS(80 或 443 端口)工作,不使用任何传入连接。 providesupport.cn | Our system works over standard HTTP or HTTPS (80 or 443 ports) [...] and does not use any incoming connections. providesupport.com |
4.自带分页组件,完全可以直接传入 一 条 sql即可完成困难的分页逻辑,可以由客户自定义。 javakaiyuan.com | 4. Own page components can directly pass a sql difficult to complete the paging logic , can be customized by the customer . javakaiyuan.com |
通过采用搭载了多显示Matrox [...] MuraTM [...] MPX输出/输入显卡的新一代视频墙控制器后,控制室内的显示器系统可以组建为大型、多功能的视频墙,进而显示各 种 传入 视 频 或数据,如来自各种源的VGA或DVI信号数据:需要运行地图的工作站、列车自动监控系统(ATS)、列车自动保护系统(ATP)、列车自动运行系统或乘客信息系统(PIS),平台直播视频CCTV信号、机顶盒HDMI信号等。 advantech.com.cn | Benefiting from a new generation of video wall controllers loaded with multiple Matrox MuraTM MPX output/input graphic cards, display systems used in the control room can create large-scale and highly [...] functional video walls [...] to display any incoming video ordata, such as VGA or DVI feeds from any of a [...]range of sources: operator [...]workstations running maps, Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), Automatic Train Operation (ATO) programs or Passenger Information System (PIS), platform live video CCTV feeds, set-top BOX HDMI feeds, etc. Broad video walls composed of multiple monitors provide the viewers with a large virtual desktop that can be easily manipulated in response to rapidly changing conditions. advantech.com.mx |
乌兹 别克斯坦的伊斯兰教,正如在整个中亚的伊斯兰教一样,融合了正统的伊斯兰教 派、苏菲神秘主义派和伊斯兰教传入 之 前 的宗教。 daccess-ods.un.org | Typical of Islam in Uzbekistan, and indeed throughout Central Asia, [...] is the merging of orthodox Islam and Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, as well as [...] the presence of some pre-Islamic beliefs. daccess-ods.un.org |
传入 Inte rnet 连接将遵守网关设备上实施的任何政策,如 [...] DataGuard 设 备 LAN 连接与 WAN 连接之间的路由器或防火墙。 support2.imation.com | Incoming Internet connections [...] will be subject to any policies being implemented on a gateway device, such as a router or [...]firewall, between the DataGuard Appliance LAN connection and the WAN connection. support2.imation.com |
在不同的时间当您的计算机正在运行时,信息可能会显示在屏幕上,例如当病毒数据库已经更新, 当 传入 的 电子邮件被扫描等等。 这可能会导致全屏幕应用程序(如游戏)被中断,当信息出现时当作 [...] Windows 从全屏幕模式切换到正常模式。 support.avast.com | At various times while your computer is running, messages may be displayed on your screen [...] e.g. when the virus definitions have been [...] updated, when an incoming e-mail is being [...]scanned etc. This can result in full-screen [...]applications (e.g. games) being interrupted as Windows switches from full-screen mode to normal mode when the message appears. support.avast.com |
如果一个tasklet希望将其输出展示给其它的tasklets,它可以通过定义一个简单的JavaBean来实现,并且它还能选择性地定义其它的tasklets中哪些可作为其 输 入传入 ( 使用一个输出JavaBean)。 evget.com | If a tasklet wishes to expose its outputs to other tasklets, it can do so by defining a [...] simple JavaBean and it can optionally [...] define what inputs can be passed to it from other tasklets (using an [...]output JavaBean). evget.com |
听力丧失,听力减退,分为两大类:传导性聋,这是由于外耳、中耳传音结构发生病变,声 波 传入 内 耳发生障碍;感音神经性聋,耳蜗螺旋器病变不能将音波变为神经兴奋或神经及其中枢途径发生障碍不能将神经兴 奋 传入 ; 或 大脑皮质中枢病变不能分辩语言,统称感音神经性聋。 cn.iherb.com | Hearing loss, a decreased ability to hear, is divided into two main categories: Conductive, which is hearing loss due to something interfering with the sound passing to the inner ear; and sensorineural [...] -- due to nerve or organ damage within the ear. iherb.com |
可在PULSE传感器数据库中输入传感器最大输出水平。 bksv.cn | Transducer maximum [...] output level can be entered in the PULSE Transducer [...]Database. bksv.ru |
(b) 请载入传送给 联合国条约机构的关于其他国际人权标准批准情况的信息,倘若此 [...] 类信息与教育权直接相关,更应载入。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) Please [...] include information transmitted to the United [...]Nations treaty bodies on the endorsement of other international [...]human rights standards, in particular if such information is directly related to the right to education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,好几位委员表示怀疑应否纳 入传 统 上 适用于武装冲突问题的中立原 则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several members, however, expressed [...] doubts as to the incorporation of the principle of neutrality which was traditionally asserted in the [...]context of armed conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过仪表键盘或PC端的Dinitools进行所有配置,包括标定、参数设置、打印设置等,而且通过 输 入传 感 器 的参数可进行理论标定。 diniargeo.cn | Calibration and Set-Up parameters, configurable from [...] PC with Dinitools or with the keyboard; theoretical [...] calibration with the entry of the characteristics [...]of the load cells. diniargeo.com |
气密性焊接由氦气泄漏测试来确保杂质无法 进 入传 感 器, 从而实现寿命长这一特点。 wilcoxon.com | Hermetic welds are verified by helium leak testing to eliminate [...] contaminants from entering the sensor and ensure [...]a long sensor life. wilcoxon.com |
您还同意您将不会上传、张贴、嵌入 、 传 送 、分享、存储或以其他方式在网站上提供任何为您自己、任何慈善机构或任何其他类型的个人、私营或公共实体、基金会或组织提供、推广、链接至、广告或以其他方式招揽现金、商品或实物捐赠或贡献的内容。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | You further agree [...] you will not upload, post, embed, transmit, share, [...]store or otherwise make available any content on the [...]Site that offers, promotes, links to, advertises, or in any way solicits donations or contributions, whether in cash, goods, or in kind, for you or for any fundraising activity, charity or other type of personal, private or public entity, foundation or organization. beyondtheshock.com |
该方案集成医疗云平台、物联网、传感技术、多样化的医疗终端、3G移动通讯等先进技术,将信息化技术 带 入传 统 医疗行业,提升了医疗服务的效率和专业度,为普通民众提供触手可及的医疗服务。 zte.com.cn | The solution integrates a medical cloud [...] platform, the Internet [...] of Things, sensor technology, diversified medical devices, 3G mobile communications [...]and other advanced technologies. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
它们尽管对 在全民信息计划战略草案中提出的富有成果和想象力的创新框架表示赞赏,但认为该计划的 地位仍不明确,这个问题应予妥善解决,办法是将其中提出的任务和战略 纳 入传 播 和 信息计 划的正常工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While expressing their appreciation for the fruitful, visionary and innovative framework proposed in the IFAP draft strategy they felt that the continued ambiguity of its status would be better resolved by integrating its proposed mission and strategy in the regular work of the CI programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另外,经济和社会事务执行委员会的代表网络 [...] (负责人指定的高级官员)是让各实体参与政策委员会工作的主要平台,同时经常 进行交流,包括提供相关政策进程的实质性 投 入 , 传 达 各 项决定,以及每季度审 查决定的执行情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | In another example, the network of the deputies of the Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs (senior officials designated by the principals) is the major platform for engaging the entities in the work of the [...] Policy Committee, with communication, including the [...] provision of substantive inputs to relevant policy processes, the circulation of decisions [...]and quarterly reviews [...]on the implementation of decisions, taking place frequently. daccess-ods.un.org |
该战略勾画出开发署的供资来源 多样化目标,以纳入传统官 方发展援助伙伴、新兴经济体、方案国、私营和慈善 [...] 部门、全球和纵向基金,以及与多边和区域银行的伙伴关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The strategy delineates the UNDP goal of [...] diversifying its sources of funding so [...] that they include traditional official development [...]assistance (ODA) partners, emerging [...]economies, programme countries, private and philanthropic sectors, global and vertical funds, as well as partnerships with multilateral and regional banks. daccess-ods.un.org |