

单词 伟士牌

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这使得该地区的市场重新牌”, 瓦克董事伟汉(Wilhelm Sittenthaler)博士在其祝词中如是说。
That has changed the rules of the game in this market,” remarked WACKER Executive Board member Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler in his congratulatory speech.
雖然我個㆟不是要迫政府盡快發 出這批士牌,但我希望運輸科了解到所積聚的需求數量已經很多。
Although I personally do not wish to compel the Government
[...] to issue more licences, I do hope that [...]
the Transport Branch will realize that
that the cumulative demand is indeed great.
在 Hirista,两名武装人员抢走了两辆政府公车,其中一辆属于军方,另外 一辆属于财产登记局,牌号为 538936(大士革)。
In Hirista, two armed persons stole two government
vehicles, one of which was assigned to the army and the other to the
[...] Property Registry, licence plate No. 538936 (Damascus).
2009年4月15日,纽约 – “强烈的目标感是所伟大组织的 牌 基 础” 全球领先的品牌战略咨询公司-思睿高联席总裁兼首席战略官尚达伟说。
NEW YORK, APRIL 15, 2009 – “The
foundation of any great
[...] organization’s brand is a strong sense of purpose,” says David B. Srere, Co-President [...]
and Chief Strategy
Officer of leading global strategic branding firm Siegel+Gale .
在现场和全球服务中心伟尔矿业品 牌 部 件 提供服务、维修和整修。
Providing services, repair and
[...] refurbishment for Weir Minerals branded components [...]
in the field and at service centres around the world.
Santa Clara, California (2011年09月27日) –
[...] 全球整合式芯片解决方案的领导者美满电子科技(Marvell)的联合创始人 伟 立 (W eili Dai)女士荣幸地与美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿、美国全球妇女问题特使Melanne [...]
Santa Clara, California (September 27, 2011) – Marvell (NASDAQ:
MRVL), a worldwide leader in
[...] integrated silicon solutions and Weili Dai, the company’s co-founder, [...]
are honored to have joined
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for the Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer and leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region at last week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women and the Economy Summit (WES) and are proud to pledge their commitment to the resulting San Francisco Declaration.
我們提出這建議,初時 的想法是如果㆒段短暫的限制的士轉讓時間足以冷卻炒賣活動,這段時間便算適 當,但假若發牌的數量增加,再加㆖㆒年限制仍然不可以令 士牌 的 價 格出現調整, 我們會要求運輸科進㆒步考慮,㆒如我們所建議,對 士牌 的 轉售作出更嚴謹的時 間限制。
However, if there is no adjustment to the
[...] price of taxi licence even after an increase in the number of new licences and the imposition of a oneyear restriction period, we shall then [...]
urge the Transport
Branch to further consider our proposal, that is, to impose stricter time restriction on the transfer of ownership.
这是一个伟的目标,”Wetzel博士总 结说,“但是我们的试验表明,我们极有希望实现。
It is an ambitious goal,” concludes Dr. Wetzel, “but our trials are looking extremely promising.
2009年,瓦克董事会成员伟汉博士( Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler; 中)从德国化工业经理人协会( VAA)主席 托马斯·菲舍尔博士(Dr. Thomas Fischer;左)手中接过 德国科隆化学奖,右为莱茵兰化工雇主协会会长弗里德 里希·于贝阿克(Friedrich Überacker)先生。
WACKER Executive Board member Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler (center) was presented with the 2009 Cologne Chemical-Industry Prize by Dr. Thomas Fischer (at left), chairman of Germany’s Association of Chemical Industry Executives (VAA).
举例来说,圣上自由阿尔勒Caesarius提请圣奥古斯丁的说教,体现在他自己的藏书;圣高利大在很大程度上建立在圣奥古斯丁自己;圣伊西多尔呼吁所有他的前任责任;街约翰大 士 革 的 伟 大 工 作是教父神学的合成。
For instance, St. Caesarius of Arles drew freely on St. Augustine's sermons, and embodied them in collections of his own; St. Gregory the Great has largely founded himself on St. Augustine; St. Isidore rests upon all his predecessors; St. John Damascene's great work is a synthesis of patristic theology.
(f) 有成員提議增設臨時酒牌類別,供沒有持有 牌 的 人 士申 請作舉辦短期活動之用。
(f) There was a suggestion to introduce a type of temporary liquor licences for non-licensees to apply for in organising short-term events.
度假交換行業全球領先企業Group RCI以及度假所有權行業最具創新力且發展最快的 牌 迪 士 尼 度假俱樂部今天宣布結成為期多年的新型聯營關系。
Group RCI, the global leader in vacation
[...] exchange, and Disney Vacation Club, one of the world's most innovative and fastest-growing brands in the vacation-ownership [...]
announced today a new multi-year affiliation relationship.
经营iKANOO卡农牌是一项伟大而 富有使命感的事业,如果您与我们有同样的梦想与目标,如果您认同iKANOO卡农的文化与理念,如果您有信心把iKANOO卡农作为企业核心项目来经营,那么iKANOO卡农所有同仁热情邀请您的加入,加入iKANOO卡农热线:+86-0769-82691921  [...] [...]
Operating iKANOO Canon brand is a great and rich [...]
sense of mission cause, if you we have the same dreams and goals, and if
you agree with iKANOO card farming the culture and philosophy, if you have the confidence to iKANOO card farming as enterprise core project to run then iKANOO Canon colleagues enthusiasm to invite you to join to adding iKANOO Canon hotline: +86-0769-82691921 or send e-mail to: info@tdepc.com, we will get back to you within 24 working.
我们会不断补充牌新款 Colibri 男士配件 的库存,请继续访问我们的网站查看最新单品。
We are constantly
[...] replenishing our stock of brand new Colibri men’s accessories [...]
so keep revisiting our website to see our latest offers.
当中国企业对可用性测试有了更多的认识的时候,曾出任西门子中国用户界面设计部负责人的袁 伟 博 士 于 2002年凭借他的专业技能及经验在北京成立了中国第一个专业的可用性测试公司 [...]
– ISAR用户界面设计有限公司。
When the Chinese industries were increasing their understanding of usability
testing, with professional technology and
[...] experience, Prof. Dr. Yuan, who was the [...]
leader of User Interface Design of Siemens
China, established the first Chinese professional usability testing company in Beijing, ISAR User Interface Design Co.
伟尔矿业中国公司总部,对所伟尔 矿业 品 牌 负 责
The head office for Weir Minerals China,
[...] responsible for all Weir Minerals brands.
ORIS以独特的限量表,纪念这伟大的 爵 士 大 师 ,该腕表的造型灵感撷取自ORIS 1970年Junior方形腕表,斜格纹表盘搭配耀动的荧光数字,全球限量1917支,每只并有独立的流水编号。
Based on the Oris Junior of 1970, and with a plaid patterned dial and ‘improvised’ numerals, the Dizzy Gillespie watch is limited, according to his year of birth, to 1917 watches, all individually numbered.
伟汉博士在德 国博格豪森举行的集团年度研究与发展研讨会上为获奖者颁奖。
Dr. Sittenthaler presented the award as part of WACKER’s annual R&D symposium held in Burghausen (Germany).
3.4.1 你和你父母(若你已婚,則你和配偶)須申報所有(無論是部份擁有或完全擁有)
[...] 的市值(扣除未償還的按揭數額)、土地包括租約及甲或乙類換地證明書、股票的 市值、私人及商業車輛、可轉售的車 牌 照 例如 的 士 及 公 共小 牌 照 、 銀行存 款、有現金及紅利的儲蓄或與投資連繫的保險計劃、基金、遺產及經營業務者 [...]
3.4.1 You and your parents (or you and your spouse, if you are married) are required to declare the total assets whether in Hong Kong, the Mainland or overseas, in your / their possession (partly or wholly) in the form of landed properties including both residential and non-residential properties at current market value (after deducting outstanding mortgage amount, if any), land including lease agreements and Letters A or B entitlements, stocks and shares at current value, vehicles including private and
commercial vehicles,
[...] transferable vehicle licences including taxi and public light bus licences, bank deposits, [...]
insurance policy(ies)
(savings / investment linked insurance policy(ies) with cash value and dividends), unit trust funds, estate, and for those engaged in business, all categories of assets owned by the companies operating such business and other assets owned, etc..
9.2.6 擬開辦按摩院的擁有人/合夥人/股東,應委派一名能夠充分並親自監管該按 摩院的合適士擔任持牌人。
9.2.6 Owners/partners/shareholders of any proposed massage establishment should appoint a licensee who is considered as a fit and proper person and who can adequately and personally supervise their proposed massage establishment.
政坛"铁娘子",前英国首相撒切尔夫人,她在办公室的十年岁月中,手腕上经常戴着她的皇家橡树黄金女表,优越的 士 品 牌 为 此 感到骄傲。
Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, nicknamed the “Iron Lady” during her ten years in office, regularly wore a golden Lady Royal Oak on her wrist.
我是家里最小的儿子,所以当然成了我妈 妈最疼爱的孩子,而且一直跟在她身边……从很
[...] 小的时候我就接受了征战的训练,我每天的功课 就是射击和投掷标枪,我妈妈照着我们 伟 大战 士的样子,用各种徽章来装扮我。
... I was trained up from my earliest years in the art of war; my daily
exercise was shooting and throwing javelins; and my mother adorned me with emblems,
[...] after the manner of our greatest warriors.
北大西洋的外国传士的伟大事 先进行了福音,地球的每个角落,不久以后的多次席卷西方世界的福音复兴的开始发生在非洲,亚洲地区的共同新教国家,拉丁美洲以及。
The Protestant nations of the North Atlantic region shared in the great foreign missionary advance that carried the gospel to every corner of the earth, and before long the evangelical revivals that had repeatedly swept the Western world began to occur in Africa, Asia, and Latin America as well.
因此,巴勒斯坦和全世伟 大的良心士爱德 华说,建立在与美国联盟关系上的任何和平协议,都是巩固而 不是抗争犹太复国主义权力的联盟。
That is why the great Palestinian and universal conscience, Edward Said, stated that any peace agreement built on the alliance with the United States would be an alliance that confirmed Zionist power, rather than confronting it.
公司伟龙”牌产品 有70多个系列500余个品种,并有40多项获得国家专利,其中不锈钢电器产品已通过国家CCC认证和国际CE认证,全部产品由中国人民财产保险股份有限公司承保。
?"Weilong" brand products including [...]
more than 70 series, total over 500 varieties, gained more than 40 national patents,
among them the electric equipment products of stainless steel have already passed China Compulsory Certification (CCC) and international CE Certification.
董事会主席由鲁道夫·施陶迪格博士(Dr. Rudolf Staudigl)担任,其他成员为约阿希姆·劳胡特 士 ( D r. Joachim Rauhut)、伟汉博士(Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler)和奥古斯特·威廉姆斯(Auguste Willems)。
President and CEO Dr. Rudolf Staudigl heads the Board. The other members are Dr. Joachim Rauhut, Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler and Auguste Willems.
伯爵始终致力于推广马球运动,这项高难度的 士 运 动与 品 牌 大 胆 、高品质、和精准的价值观不谋而合,同时伯爵也出资举办同名世界杯马球赛,与棕榈滩马球俱乐部的名声鹊起息息相关,而时至今日,还冠名赞助USPA金杯赛。
Committed to promoting this extreme sport, which mirrors its own values – daring, high standards, and precision – it has been connected with the promotion of polo at Palm Beach since its beginnings, through supporting the World Cup and today sponsoring the famous USPA Gold Cup to which it lends its name.
過去十年間,綠色生活方式相當熱門,在社會上蔚為風潮,突然之間,鞋子改用竹子製成,大學城街上滿是 士牌 機 車 ,路上人手一個帆布包;忽然之間,美國的碳足跡似乎有機會縮水,包括水瓶、T裇等產品均紛紛改變成分。
Suddenly, shrinking America’s Shaq-sized carbon footprint seemed possible, and everything from water bottles to t-shirts changed their ingredients.
为了区别这些符合Disney名字的更多的传统“大众市场”的生产线,他们创造出了新的 牌 : 有 针对 士 的 Di sney Couture designed 以及针对男士的Bloc28,目标市场是那些对时尚流行非常敏感的人们,而且这些服饰只在奢侈品商店或者Bloomingdale’s [...] [...]
和 Neiman Marcus一类的百货商场里有售。
In order to distinguish these lines for the more traditional
“mass market” image that goes with
[...] the Disney name, new brands have been created: Disney [...]
Couture designed for women and Bloc28
targeted to fashion conscious guys are sold only in boutiques and department stores including Bloomingdale’s and Neiman Marcus.




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