

单词 会说



can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab


information meeting

External sources (not reviewed)

一成员通知委会说,用于载列多边基金气候影响 指标范围之外有用信息的概况介绍模块的讨论文件已经上载到在线论坛。
One member informed the Committee that a discussion paper on the template for a fact sheet covering useful information beyond the scope of the MCII had been uploaded onto the online forum.
大会第五十一届会议邀请安全理事会通过适当的程序或机制,就它已采取的 或正在考虑采取的旨在改进其向大会提出报告的步骤,定期向 会说 明 最 新情况 (第 51/193 号决议)。
At its fifty-first session, the General Assembly invited the Security Council, through an appropriate procedure or mechanism, to update the Assembly on a regular basis on the steps it had taken or was contemplating with respect to improving its reporting to the Assembly (resolution 51/193).
独立调查委会说明, 它从以色列或事实上的加 沙当局那里均未得到积极回应,因此,无法进一步提供任何最新信息,来证实从 加沙对以色列发动的火箭弹袭击。
The Commission indicated that it had not received a positive response either from Israel or from the de facto authorities in Gaza and therefore was not in a position to provide any further update with respect to the rocket attacks on Israel launched from Gaza.
请缔约国向委会说明《 刑事诉讼法》第26 条是否仍然有效,若仍然有效,此 规定在实践中是如何适用的。
The State party is requested to clarify to the Committee whether article 26 of the code of criminal procedure is still in force and, if so, how the provision is applied in practice.
执行委员会在对项目建议书进行审议后,除其他外,决定核准 1 977 454 美元用于逐 步淘汰 213 ODP 吨甲基溴,以实现 2005 年前减少甲基溴基准消费量 25%的目标,这其中 不包括机构支助费用;执行委会说 明 , 洪都拉斯政府承诺通过执行这一项目并采取进口 限制措施和其认为必要的其他政策,不断减少甲基溴的消费量(第 37/50 号决定)。
The Executive Committee, after considering the project proposal, decided, inter alia, to approve US $1,977,454, excluding agency support costs, for the phase-out of 213 ODP tonnes of MB, to achieve a 25 per cent reduction in the MB baseline consumption by 2005 and to note that the Government of Honduras undertook to permanently sustain this reduction in the consumption of MB through implementation of the project and the use of import restrictions and other policies that it might deem necessary (Decision 37/50).
据在回答拉比Modi'im埃莱亚萨,到了七十二个国家的王子的抗议,上 会说 , “ 让每一个国家经火其守护神,一起”当以色列单独将被保存(斜面。
According to Rabbi Eleazar of Modi'im, in answer to the
protests of the princes of the seventy-two
[...] nations, God will say, "Let each nation [...]
go through the fire together with its guardian
deity," when Israel alone will be saved (Cant. R. ii. 1).
关于生产能力,秘书长提醒委会说 : 贸 发 会 议 长 期以 来的立场是,生产能力是发展战略的关键。
With regard to productive capacity, the Secretary-General reminded the Commission of the long-held position of UNCTAD that productive capacity was key to development strategy.
委员会期望秘书长在大会审议秘书长的第 1 款拟议预算时,向会说明他 打算如何在 2012-2013 两年期为主管政策规划事务 [...]
助理秘书长职位和其办公厅任何其他未经政府间机构核准且已存在 12 月以上的 高级职位提供经费。
The Committee expects that the
[...] Secretary-General will clarify to the Assembly, [...]
at the time of its consideration of his proposals
under section 1, how he intends to fund the position of Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Planning and any other senior-level positions in his Executive Office that have existed for more than 12 months without intergovernmental approval, during the biennium 2012-2013.
日内瓦婴儿喂养会说,阿联酋尚未通过一项关于母乳替代品销售问题 的国家法律。
Geneva Infant Feeding
[...] Association (GIFA) said that the UAE has [...]
not yet adopted a national law on the marketing of breast-milk substitutes.
卡塔尔代表表示,关于立即采取行动的要求过于突然和匆忙,使该组织没有会说服委 员会的许多成员其各项目标符合《联合国宪章》第十条和经社理事会 [...]
第 1996/31 号决议规定的标准。
The representative of Qatar said that the request to take immediate action was sudden and
hasty, and deprived the organization of the
[...] opportunity to persuade many members [...]
of the Committee that its aims and objectives
are in conformity with Article 10 of the Charter of the United Nations and the criteria set out by Council resolution 1996/31.
但是,缔约国关切 的是,尽管在有关援助受害者的工作方面投入了大量资金,但据国际残疾人会 说,对 许多幸存者而言,自内罗毕首脑会议以来,其日常生活质量毫无改善。
However, it is of concern to the States Parties that, despite the significant amount of funding invested in victim assistance-related efforts, for many survivors, according to Handicap International, there has been no improvement in the quality of their daily lives since the Nairobi Summit.
代理主管还告知理会说,已 通过新设立的专门网站为技术委员会和 理事会的成员加强专家网络建设,并且通过有效的通信战略以及与其他利益攸 关方建立伙伴关系来提高该中心的知名度。
The Officer-in-Charge also informed the Governing Council that efforts had been made to enhance expert networking through the new dedicated website for members of the Technical Committee and the Governing Council, as well as to promote the visibility of the Centre through an effective communication strategy and by building partnerships with other stakeholders.
印度代表团对经会说,该 次区域办事处是一个外联机构,可在协助成员和秘书处执行亚太经社会工作 方面发挥有益作用。
The delegation informed the Commission that the Subregional Office could play a useful role in assisting both members and the secretariat in implementation of the ESCAP programme of work by acting as an outreach arm.
秘书长预计需要费用的任何提案,需待行政和预算委员会 (第五委员会)有会说明该 提案对联合国预算的影响后,大会才能予以表 决。
No resolution in respect of which expenditures are anticipated by the Secretary-General shall be voted by the General Assembly until the Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee) has had an opportunity of stating the effect of the proposal upon the budget estimates of the United Nations.
我做商务部长的时候,总是告诉人们,有一些年轻人到这里工作, 会说 不 要 在这个工作停留时间过长。
What I used to tell people at the Commerce Department when I was minister or Secretary
of Commerce and I’d have these young
[...] people coming in, I’d say don’t stay in this [...]
job at the Commerce Department too long.
我要重申,这或许是我对 安会说的最后的话——虽然也不一定是,就象我在 [...]
开头所说的那样——我的基本看法是,目前,原则与 实践之间、规范与实地现状之间、安理会发言与很多 国家在安理会之外的行为之间的差距太大了,大得令 人不能接受。
Let me repeat, as this is probably my
last word to the Council — although not
[...] necessarily, as I said at the beginning [...]
— my basic point that the gap between principle
and practice, between norms and the reality on the ground, and between statements in the Council and how many States behave outside it is simply too wide at present to be acceptable.
关于人权理事会设立的调查委员会,过渡全国委会说,它欢迎调查委员会的设立,并准备与委员会 [...]
With respect to the Commission of
Inquiry established by the Human Rights
[...] Council, the TNC said that it welcomed [...]
its establishment and that they were prepared
to work closely with the Commission.
据国际锡研究会说,在 政府 2010 年 9 月下令禁止采矿 前生产的介于 1 000 至 1 500 吨之间的锡矿没有在 2011 年 3 月 10 日解除采矿 禁令至 2011 年 4 月 1 日“不涉及冲突”出口期限这一短暂时间内出口。
According to ITRI, between 1,000 and 1,500 tons of tin ore produced before the Government’s mining ban of September 2010 were not exported within the short time frame between the lifting of the suspension on 10 March 2011 and the export deadline of the conflict-free smelter programme on 1 April 2011.
会说,有 机食品的国际贸易很重要,但这种贸易受到严苛标 [...]
The Committee noted that international [...]
trade in organic food was important but that it was constrained by stringent standards
and a lack of certification capacity in many developing countries.
安理会第 1649(2005)号决议规定,从 2006 年 1 月 15 日开始, 扩大旅行限制和资产冻结的范围,使其适用于在刚果民主共和国境内活动的外国 武装团体政治和军事领导人,以及那些妨碍其战斗人员参与解除武装、复员和重 返社会进程、接受境外支持的刚果民兵,除非秘书长通知安 会说 , 这 些在刚果 民主共和国境内活动的外国武装团体和刚果民兵即将完成解除武装进程。
By its resolution 1649 (2005), the Council extended the scope of the travel restrictions and assets freeze to political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or Congolese militias receiving support from abroad that impede the participation of their combatants in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes, to take effect on 15 January 2006, unless the Secretary-General informed the Council that the process of disarmament of those foreign armed groups and Congolese militias operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was being completed.
审计委会说,马来西亚的情况与此相似,尽管在那里 这种做法规模较小。
The Board observed that the situation in Malaysia was similar, but smaller in scope.
2008年11月7 日的函件,当局通知小组委会说, “ 在 监狱中未发生体罚,但被拘留者之间的体罚除外,对此监狱当局没有亲眼目睹, 但尽管如此,为了防止这种惩罚,监狱当局设想:提高监狱工作人员的认识;聘 请专职人员负责监督监狱;减少囚犯人数与负责监督他们的人工作员数量的比 例;处罚使用体罚的工作人员和被拘留者;并加强现有机制,允许被拘留者对这 种虐待带进行投诉。
By letter of 7 November 2008, the authorities informed the SPT that “corporal punishment does not occur in prisons except between detainees, to which prison authorities are not witness, but that nonetheless and in order to prevent this type of punishment it is envisaged to: sensitise staff working in prisons; recruit specialised staff to oversee prisons; reduce the number of prisoners pro rata to the number of staff tasked with overseeing them; sanction staff and detainees who use corporal punishment; and reinforce existing mechanisms to allow detainees to bring complaints against such ill-treatment.
关于缅甸人权状况的决议草案 A/C.3/64/L.36 所 涉方案预算问题的说明,咨询委员会建议委员会通知会说,如 果大会通过决议草案 A/C.3/64/L.36,所 需增加经费毛额 1 281 600 美元(净额 1 159 100 美 元)已经列在秘书长关于大会和(或)安全理事会授权 的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措的费用估计数 报告(A/64/349/Add.1)中,并将记作 2010-2011 两年 期拟议方案预算第 3 款项下的开支。
Regarding the statement of programme budget implications of draft resolution A/C.3/64/L.36, concerning the situation of human rights in Myanmar, the Advisory Committee recommended that the Committee should inform the General Assembly that, should it adopt draft resolution A/C.3/64/L.36, additional requirements amounting to $1,281,600 gross ($1,159,100 net) had been included in the SecretaryGeneral’s report on estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council (A/64/349/Add.1) and would be charged under section 3 of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011.
因此,咨询委员会建议委员会通知 会说 , 如果 大会通过决议草案 A/C.2/64/L.64,2010-2011 两年 期拟议方案预算第 16 款和第 28F 款项下,在重计费 用之后,将需要增加资源毛额 1 689 300 美元(净额 1 460 000 美元)。
The Advisory Committee therefore recommended that the Committee should inform the General Assembly that, should it adopt draft resolution A/C.2/64/L.64, additional resources amounting to $1,689,300 gross ($1,460,000 net), after recosting, would be required under section 16 and section 28F of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011.
部长也承认申诉人与瑞典没有联系,会 说瑞典 语,但最终还是决定,他犯罪的严重性和频率比这些考虑因素更加重要。
The Minister also recognized that the author had no ties to Sweden and did not speak Swedish but eventually decided that the seriousness and frequency of his crimes would outweigh these considerations.
2009年5月在南非度假期间,他曾经来到开普敦最大的Khayelitsha镇,并询问一群当时正在踢足球的孩子谁是他们最崇拜的偶像,当时他满以为他 会说 出 一 位顶级球星的名字。
While on vacation in South Africa in May 2009, he visited Khayelitsha, the largest township in Cape Town, and asked a crowd of teenagers playing soccer who their idol was, fully expecting them to name a top-flight player.
哥伦比亚常驻联合国代表团向安全理事会关于苏丹的第 1591(2005)号决议 所设委员会主席致意,谨借此会说 明 哥 伦比亚共和国为执行安全理事会第 1591(2005)号和第 1556(2004)号决议所规定措施而采取的各项步骤。
The Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan and takes this opportunity to provide information on the steps taken by the Republic of Colombia to implement the measures imposed by resolutions 1591 (2005) and 1556 (2004).
2009 年 2
[...] 月,委员会查访了 Maafushi 监狱。据该委会说,监 狱管理 人员和被拘留者的父母向委员会提交了一系列关于监狱状况和所谓的在设施内侵 [...]
As such, in February 2009, the Commission [...]
conducted a visit to the Maafushi Prison, which according to the Commission, was
conducted following a series of complaints filed at the Commission by the management of the Prison and parents of the detainees, regarding the situation of the Prison and alleged violations of human rights at the facility.
会说明,2006 年以色列有 31%的家庭被迫放弃基本食材,才有钱购买其他主要商品和服务,这与 2003 年 的 34%相比略有降低。
According to the committee, in 2006, 31% of families in Israel had to relinquish basic food ingredients in order to finance the purchase of other essential products and services, a slight decline in comparison to 34% in 2003.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五会议提交一份综合报告说明充 分执行 会 有 关 使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).




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