

单词 会议时间

See also:

会议 n

session n
meetings pl
conference n
convention n

议会 n

council n
legislature n
parliaments pl

时间 n

times pl
timing n

External sources (not reviewed)

食典委赞同会议时间表,谅解是在进一步确认食典会议的日期和地点之后 将其作为一份参考文件分发,并将在食典委万维网站上不断更新。
The Commission endorsed
[...] the schedule of meetings with the understanding [...]
that it would be distributed as an information document
after further confirmation of the date and place of Codex sessions and would be updated on the Codex website on an ongoing basis.
他认为,特别委员会希望批准今年提出的经口头 修正的工作安排,认为特别委员会随后可视需要修 改会议时间表。
He took it that the Special Committee wished to approve its proposed organization of work for the current year, as orally
revised, on the understanding that the Special Committee might
[...] subsequently revise its meeting schedule as and when required.
同 样,某些附属机构会议时间安排 不当,会议报告不可能在截止期内提交给要审 议这些报告的理事会届会。
Likewise, the timing of meetings of certain subsidiary [...]
bodies renders it impossible for the reports thereon to be submitted
within deadlines for the Council session at which they are to be considered.
第五委员会秘书处的职责包括:(a) 向第五委员会主席和主席团主动提供
[...] 协助,以加强和便利他们的工作,包括提供有关其会议程序的分析性和历史性资 料;(b) 主动协助会员国代表处理有效安 会议时间 和 举 行会议的所有相关事 项,包括预先提供工作方案并及时印发各种报告和来文。
The responsibilities of the secretariat of the Fifth Committee include: (a) provision of proactive assistance to the Chair and Bureau of the Fifth Committee, strengthening and facilitating their work, including provision of analytical and historical information on the proceedings of the Committee; and (b) provision of proactive assistance to representatives of Member States on
all matters relating to the effective
[...] scheduling and conduct of meetings, including the [...]
provision of an advance programme
of work and the timely issuance of reports and communications.
因此,可以会议时间从法 律小组委员会划拨给委员会,但有一项 谅解,即必要时可以将该时间拨还给小组委员会。
The reallocation of meeting time from the Legal Subcommittee [...]
to the Committee could therefore be done with the understanding
that the time could be reallocated back to the Subcommittee, when necessary.
委员会在审议国际人口与发展会议各项建议的后续行动时,回顾大会关于会 议 2014
年以后的后续行动的第 65/234 号决议,其中大会强调各国政府必须在最
[...] 高政治级别再次做出承诺,以实现人发会议《行动纲领》的各项目标和宗旨,通 过一项决定,建议大会在其第六十九届会议期间举行评估《行动纲领》实施情况 的特别会议会议时间就安 排在第六十九届大会一般性辩论之前。
In considering actions to follow up the recommendations of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Commission, recalling General Assembly resolution 65/234 on the follow-up to the Conference beyond 2014, in which the Assembly emphasized the need for Governments to recommit themselves at the highest political level to achieving the goals and objectives of the Programme of Action of the Conference, adopted a decision recommending to the Assembly that the special session to be held during the sixty-ninth session of the Assembly
to carry out an
[...] assessment of the status of implementation of the Programme of Action should take place immediately preceding [...]
the general
debate of the sixty-ninth session.
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,在过去 10 年间,人权高专办提供 服务的条约机构数量从 5 个增加到了 10 个;各条约机构年度会议的次数从 11
[...] 次 增加到 24 次;条约机构每会议时间从 44 周增加到 73 周;条约机构的专家人 [...]
数也从 74 人增加到 172 人。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that, in the past 10-year period, the number of treaty bodies serviced by OHCHR had increased from 5 to 10; the number of the sessions held annually by treaty bodies from 11
to 24; the number of weeks in which
[...] treaty bodies hold sessions annually from 44 [...]
to 73; and the number of treaty body experts from 74 to 172.
因此,专家机制将收到秘书处编写的供其审议和核准的一份时间表 草案,其中列明第四届会议工作方案的每个议程项目的先后次序 会议时间 的分 配情况。
Accordingly, the Expert Mechanism will have before it for consideration and approval a draft timetable prepared by the secretariat
showing the order and
[...] distribution of meeting times for each agenda item of its programme of work for the fourth session.
显示屏的使用:由于所有会议厅现在都装有双屏或相当于双屏的屏幕,只有在需要额 外打字人员时,执行局上述决定第 6 段中的建议才会产生额外支出,但条件是该系统的引入 (秘书处对此有保留意见)不会导致在有 193 个会员国的委员会大型全体会议上,通过决议 所会议时间更多 了(这反而又会造成加班、临时人员等方面的超时费用)。
Use of screens: since all meeting rooms are now equipped with dual screens or equivalent, the Executive Board’s recommendation in paragraph 6 of the above-mentioned decision will only generate extra expenditure to the extent that extra computer typing teams will be needed, on condition that the introduction of this system, about which the Secretariat had expressed
reservations, does not lead to
[...] extended meeting hours spent on the adoption of resolutions in large plenary commissions of 193 Member States (which would in turn generate major over-runs in overtime, [...]
temporary assistance and so forth).
回顾大会第 63/243 号决议决定核准委员会作为一项临时措施,从 2009 年 8 月起至 2011 年每会议时间增加 一个星期,并注意到增加 会议时间 使 委 员会 能够减少积压的待审报告
Recalling its resolution 63/243, in which the General Assembly decided
to authorize the Committee to meet for an additional week per session, as a temporary measure, with effect from August 2009, until 2011, and noting that
[...] the additional meeting time has allowed the Committee to reduce the backlog of reports pending consideration
详细会议时 间安排将张贴在《气候公约》网站上。
A detailed
[...] schedule of the session will be posted [...]
on the UNFCCC website.
[...] 报告的积压情况,咨询委员会获悉,在迄今收到的 24 份报告中只审查了 2 份,按照目前一周会议审查一份 报告的进度,审查另外 22 份报告需要 11 年;如果按 照提议增加一会议时间,审 查时间将减少到 5 年半。
On the status of the backlog of reports from States Parties to the Convention pending review by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Advisory Committee had been informed that only 2 of the 24 reports received to date had been examined and that at the current pace of considering one report in a one-week
session, it would take 11 years to review the 22 remaining
[...] reports; the proposed addition of one week of meeting time would reduce that to five and a half years.
下一次全体会议 将在闭会期后举行,秘书处将适时宣 会议时间。
Our next plenary meeting will take place after the recess and will be announced by
[...] the secretariat in due time.
一般性辩论会议时间为上午 9 时至下午 1 时 和下午 3 时至 9 时。
The meetings of the general debate will [...]
be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
如果你加入了公司分 会,找寻各种途径展示 分会名称会议时间、 联系信息,包括企业公 布栏、休息室、内部网 [...]
If you’re in a company club, look for ways to display the
[...] club’s name, meeting times, and contact information, [...]
including the company’s bulletin
boards, in the break room, on the intranet calendar, etc.
在普遍定期审议的第一和第二周期之间,面临 的主要挑战会议时间从每 个国家三个小时增加到 三个半小时,每届会议增加一天的时候,口译服务 [...]
的总费用约为 27 000 美元。
The main change between the first and second cycle
of the universal periodic review was the
[...] increase in the meeting time from three to [...]
three and a half hours per country and
in the sessions by one day, for a total cost of about $27,000 for interpretation services.
每个日历年的最后一次委员会会议上,主席和副主席应提议下一个日历年 的拟会议时间表, 供技术执行委员会批准。
At the last Committee meeting of each calendar year, the Chair and the
Vice-Chair shall propose, for the approval of
[...] the TEC, a provisional schedule of meetings for the coming [...]
calendar year.
请裁军审议委员会在 2011 年、即 4 月 4 日至 22 日召会议,时间不超过三周,并向大 会第六十六届会议提交实务报告”。
Requests the Disarmament
[...] Commission to meet for a period not exceeding three weeks during 2011, namely from 4 to 22 April, and to submit a substantive report to the General Assembly [...]
at its sixty-sixth session”.
大会关于国际人口与发展会议 2014 年以后的后续行动的特别会议* 经济及社会理事会回顾大会关于国际人口与发展会议 2014 年以后的后续行 动的第 65/234
[...] 诺,以实现人发会议《行动纲领》的各项目标和宗旨并指出《行动纲领》对于实 现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的贡献,建议大会在其第六十九届 会议期间举行评估《行动纲领》实施情况的特别会议 会议时间 就 安 排在第六十 九届大会一般性辩论之前。
The Economic and Social Council, recalling General Assembly resolution 65/234 on the follow-up to the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014, in which the Assembly emphasized the need for Governments to recommit themselves at the highest political level to achieving the goals and objectives of the Programme of Action of the Conference , and noting the contribution of the Programme of Action to the implementation of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, recommends to the Assembly that the special session to be held during the sixty-ninth session of the Assembly
to carry out an
[...] assessment of the status of implementation of the Programme of Action should take place immediately preceding [...]
the general
debate of the sixty-ninth session.
为最大限度地利会议时间,各位主席在征求缔约方的意见之后,可提 出节省时间的措施。
To maximize
[...] the use of meeting time, the Chairs may, in consultation with Parties, propose time-saving measures.
为了避免与粮农组织、农发基金和粮食计划署会议(大多数常驻代表感兴趣的非 领导机会议)时间重叠 ,驻罗马三机构最近发起了网络 “共会议时间表”,使会 议组办方可以在线协会议时间安排
In an effort to avoid overlapping of FAO,
[...] IFAD and WFP meetings other than Governing Body meetings, but which are of interest to the majority of Permanent Representatives, the three Rome-based Agencies have recently launched a Web-based "common calendar" which meeting conveners may consult on-line when scheduling meetings.
Agreement has been reached on a schedule of monthly meetings of stakeholders [...]
and an agenda of funding-related issues raised
by both donors and Government.
注意到秘书长关于对人权条约机构额 会议时间 利 用 情况的评估说明5以及 条约机构工作量不断增加和条约机构日益更多要求增 会议时间 等 问
Taking note of the note by the Secretary-General on
the evaluation of the
[...] use of additional meeting time by the human rights treaty bodies,5 the increasing workload of the treaty bodies and the increasing number of requests from them for more meeting time
特设工作组第九届会议应决定是否需要增 会议时间 , 包 括 会 议 次数和会期长 短,以便及时做出必要安排,与缔约方会议主席团进行磋商。
The AWG-LCA should decide, at its ninth session, on the need
for any additional meeting(s),
[...] including the number and duration of such meeting(s), to allow [...]
the necessary arrangements
to be made in time in consultation with the Bureau of the COP.
建议会议时间为上午 10 时至下午 1 时和下 午 3 时至 6 时。
Suggested meeting times are from 10 [...]
a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m.
明确那些干扰女性和男性定期参加会议、培训和 其他活动的因素,清除这些因素(例如,设立托儿 机构、提供会议日程表、避 会议时间 与 他 们传统 的进餐和祈祷时间相冲突)。
Ensure equal pay for equal work for women and men if incentives/salaries are included as part of shelter programming.
[...] 机构提出的有关国际评估和审查7 以及国际磋商和分析8 的要求会议时间的影 响。
The implications for meeting time of the requests to the SBI relating to
international assessment and review7 and international consultation and analysis8 will
[...] also need to be considered in due course.
虽然委员会正在举行其扩大的成员( 成员从12
[...] 名增加到18名) 全部出席的第 一次会议,会议时间的需 求将会增大( 例如,委员会成员越多,委员会讨论期 [...]
间要求发言的人就越多 ) ,并且由于批准的速度很快和伴随着批准而来的报告义 务而带来的工作量的迅速增加看来是委员会请求大会批准每年举行两次届会每次
Although the Committee is currently meeting for the first time with the full participation of its expanded membership
(increase from 12 to 18 members) and the
[...] demand for meeting time would augment (for [...]
example, the more members on the Committee,
the more speakers will seek to take the floor during the Committee’s deliberations), the rapid increase in its workload due to a high pace of ratifications and reporting obligations that accompany ratification appears to govern the Committee’s decision to request the General Assembly to approve the holding of two sessions each year of two weeks of meeting time each.
考虑到《巴厘岛行动计划》第 3
段和在其第三届会议上达成的关于 2009 年工作方案的结论,10
[...] 特设工作组请其主席与缔约方、缔约方大会主席团和执行秘 书磋商,继续审查 2009 年增会议时间的必 要性,并提议为了确保所有缔约方, [...]
特别是发展中国家缔约方有效参与,长期合作行动特设工作组可能需要及时采取的 任何行动。
Bearing in mind paragraph 3 of the Bali Action Plan and the conclusions on its work programme for 2009 reached at its third session,10 the AWG-LCA
requested its Chair to keep the need
[...] for additional meeting time in 2009 under review [...]
in consultation with Parties, the
Bureau of the COP and the Executive Secretary, and to propose any action that might need to be taken by the AWG-LCA in a manner that would ensure the effective participation of all Parties, in particular developing country Parties.
因此,缔约方可在即将召开的第四次审查会议这个适当论坛上审查《特定常规 武器公约》的正式和非正会议时间 表 , 以期为未来合理举行会议制定一组标准。
Accordingly, the upcoming Fourth Review Conference provides High Contracting Parties with an appropriate forum to undertake a review of the
formal and informal
[...] schedule of CCW meetings, with the goal of establishing a set of criteria against which future meetings should be rationalized.




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