

单词 会让

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以补偿历史上的不公为前提的该条款 在政治上和经济上都引来了争议,人们担忧 会 只 会让 少数人受益。
Premised on redressing historical
injustices, it is politically and economically controversial, with
[...] concerns that it will only benefit a small minority.
这些人可会让您获 得一种认同感,也比当地人更容易沟通与交流,尤其是当您刚刚抵澳之时。
These people can make you feel accepted and you may be able to communicate much more easily with them than you can with the locals, particularly when you have just arrived.
各方代表发言之前的小组介绍为所有利益相关方提供了一个 会 , 让 它 们分享在推 动多方利益相关方参与国家和区域两级各种粮食安全和营养体制及机制方面的最 佳做法和经验教训。
The panel presentation, followed by contributions from the floor, provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to share their best practices and lessons learned in promoting multi-stakeholder participation in institutions and mechanisms for food security and nutrition at the national and regional level.
注意 未将泵停在其行程底会让活塞柱上的流体干涸,当 重新起动泵时,这会损坏喉管填料以及 TSL 泵活塞的 密封。
Failure to stop the pump at the bottom of its stroke allows fluid to dry on the piston rod, which can damage the throat packings and the TSL pump piston seal when the pump is restarted.
在万通遍布全球的强大业务以及万通致力于制药和化学行业的情况下,加上万通对近红外光谱技术的投资,这一战略联盟 会让 我 们的业务在这些领域获得进一步的成长,并为我们的客户稳定地提供革新性的近红外光谱产品以及高水平的技术支持“,福斯-近红外系统公司董事长Philip Irving博士说到。
With Metrohm’s strong worldwide presence, commitment to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and with this investment in NIR the alliance allows us to further grow our business within these sectors and provide our customers with a steady stream of new innovative NIR products and the highest level of support”, said Dr. Philip Irving, President of FOSS NIRSystems.
处理程会让人联 想到 Servlet 过滤程序,因为它是一种能够在 Web 服务组件处理请求之前检查并可能修改请求的业务逻辑。
A Handler can be likened to a Servlet Filter in that it is business logic that can examine and potentially modify a request before it is processed by a Web Service component.
为此,委员会建议,委员会应继续定期审查决 议的执行情况,并继续通过以对话和分享信息为特点的透明与合作方式同各国及 国际、区域和次区域组织合作;委员会还应经常提供 会 , 让 非 委员会成员国家 和其他实体应委员会的要求向其表达意见。
To this end the Committee recommends that it continue to review regularly the status of implementation of the resolution, work with States and international, regional and subregional organizations in a transparent and cooperative manner characterized by dialogue and information sharing and offer regular opportunities for States which are not members of the Committee and other entities to express their views to the Committee, upon its request.
当决定 只批准正式供应商进入先前由一些小型供应商提供服务的区域时,政府尤其要确 保运营服务网络的实际上是贫困人民负担得起的另一组备选设施,而且在正式供 应商准备好接手之前,会让人面 临服务供应青黄不接的局面。
In particular when granting exclusivity to formal providers extending into areas that have previously been served by small-scale providers, States have to ensure that the network actually constitutes an affordable alternative for poor people and that they are not lacking service provision until the formal provider is ready to fill the gap.
常设论坛建议大会主席在第六十七届和第六十八届会议上举行专题互动听会,让会员国 和土著人民代表以及土著人民权利专家机制、土著人民权利问题 特别报告员和常设论坛参加,以便为拟订一份以联合行动为导向的简明成果文件 提供便利。
The Permanent Forum recommends that the President of the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh and sixty-eighth sessions convene thematic interactive hearings with the participation of Member States, representatives of indigenous peoples and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, and the Permanent Forum, in order to facilitate the development of a concise and joint action-oriented outcome document.
吉尔吉斯斯坦代表感谢儿童基金会在 2010 年冲突期间给予人道主义援助, 并指出,2012-2016 年拟议方案将支持政府和民间社会的努力让贫困儿童、需要 保护的儿童和可能遭受种族暴力的儿童获得更公平待遇,让他们能融入 会 ,让 儿童可以行使自己的权利。
The representative of Kyrgyzstan thanked UNICEF for its humanitarian assistance during the conflict of 2010 and noted that the proposed programme for 2012-2016 would support government and civil society efforts to increase equity and social inclusion for children who live in poverty, need protection and are at risk of ethnic violence, so that children can exercise their rights.
我们希望今天的会议是一次良好的 会 , 让我 们 能够就进一步采取措施提高联合国维持和平行动 的效力问题达成共识。
We hope that today’s meeting is a good chance for all of us to reach a common understanding when it comes to further steps to enhance the effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping operations.
伦敦德里从曾经获奖的塔楼博物馆(Tower Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里的辉煌历史,到众多一流餐厅、热闹酒吧和高档商店,再到让人震撼的古城墙和弗欧河(River Foyle)的美丽风景,这座城市是一个永远 会让 你 失望的非凡旅游地。
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a wonderful insight into the city’s history, to the astonishing array of excellent restaurants, lively pubs and great shops, to the haunting ancient city walls and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
我再次感谢安会让我有 机会提出科索沃共和国的 看法。
Once again, I wish to thank the Council for the opportunity to present the views of the Republic of Kosovo.
所有这些措施使以下工作取得进展,即 援助受害社区、恢复生产用地、使弱势农民等流离
[...] 失所者返回家乡、重建该国的公共服务网络并使受 害者重返会,让他们 能再次活跃于社会。
All these measures had made it possible to make progress in assisting affected communities recovering productive land, enabling displaced populations of vulnerable peasants to return, reconstructing
the country’s network of public services, and rehabilitating victims so
[...] that they could once again be active [...]
in society.
在行星51蜗牛般的触角,耳朵尖的,绿色的类人型机器人与和平地生活在一个 会让 人 想 起1950s美国的,但外来技术与1950s为主题的空间于家庭和外来。
On Planet 51, green humanoids with snail-like feelers and pointed ears live peacefully in a society reminiscent of 1950s America, but with alien technology and with 1950s themed space-ships and alien homes.
例如,在万圣节后,会让我的 女儿在固定的时间内想吃多少糖果就吃多少糖果,只要她吃后立即刷牙就行。
For example, after Halloween, I will let my daughter eat however much candy she wants in a set amount of time as long as she brushes immediately afterward.
常设论坛建议大会第六十九届会议主席在世界会议之前,在大会高级别会议 结束后立即召开为期两天的专题互动听 会 , 让会 员 国 和土著人民代表以及土著 人民权利专家机制和土著人民权利问题特别报告员参加,以确定会员国、联合国 系统各机构和组织及其他利益攸关方和常设论坛的承诺。
The Permanent Forum recommends that the President of the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly convene, immediately following the high-level meetings of the Assembly and prior to the World Conference, two-day thematic interactive hearings, with the participation of Member States and representatives of indigenous peoples, as well as the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, in order to build commitment from Member States, the bodies and organizations of the United Nations system and other stakeholders, and the Forum.
还可以通过增加训练和比赛会,让 运 动 员能够达到或超过他们的个人最好成绩来实现卓越执教。
It also comes into play as we increase training and competition opportunities so that each athlete can reach -- or exceed -- their personal best.
会议将提供会让与会者讨 论空 基信息对区域性灾害风险管理做法的贡献。
The meeting would be an opportunity to discuss the contribution of space-based information to regional disaster risk management practice.
尤其是封闭 式框架协议,除非能够在框架协议程序开始时确定并公布最终采购的符合实际 的估计数,否则无法鼓励潜在供应商在第一阶段提交最佳价格,这就意味着, 封闭式框架协议不能产生预期收益,或者说,行政效率方面的考虑可 会让位 于 价格和(或)质量方面的考虑,从而影响到资金效益。
In the context of a closed framework agreement in particular, unless realistic estimates for the ultimate procurement are determined and made known at the outset of a framework agreement procedure, potential suppliers will not be encouraged to submit their best prices at the first stage, meaning that a closed framework agreement may not yield the anticipated benefits, or that the administrative efficiency may be outweighed by price and/or quality concerns that compromise value for money.
反之,家长亦可要求学校在适当的情况下提供 会让 学 生 参与宗教 礼仪或组织宗教性质的小组活动。
Conversely, parents may request schools to provide opportunity for their children to observe religious rituals or to form religious base groups as appropriate.
设保人放弃占有权会让潜在 买受人和其他相竞求偿人清 楚地注意到设保人对资产已经不再享有未加设保的权利。
Dispossession of the grantor also alerts potential buyers and other competing claimants that the grantor no longer has unencumbered title to the asset.
1953年,会让联合国儿童基金会变成一个永久性的儿童救援组织,以改善李噢尼斯夫人所说的 “发展中国家的成千上万儿童生活在无法描述的悲惨状况下”。
In 1953, the General Assembly, converted UNICEF into a permanent child-aid organization, to improve “the indescribably miserable conditions in which hundreds of millions of children lived in the developing countries”, as Mrs. Lionaes put it.
NLD 在最近的议 会补选中赢得压倒性胜利,让人几乎可以肯定,民 众对昂山素季极高的支持会让该党在 2015 年的 选举中胜出。
The NLD’s recent by-election landslide suggests that the massive popularity of Aung San Suu Kyi will almost certainly propel the party to victory in 2015.
[...] 与预防腐败相关的双边、区域和国际活动,拟定举措促进和实行公共采购反腐 败措施,特别注意创造会让年轻 人参与进来,并促进灌输廉正观念和原则的 [...]
Member States were requested to promote relevant bilateral, regional and international activities to prevent corruption, to develop initiatives to promote and implement anti-corruption measures
within public procurement, to devote special
[...] attention to the creation of opportunities [...]
to involve young people and to promote
educational programmes that instil concepts and principles of integrity.
修订立法的同时应对司法、警察和监狱官员进 行关于归类并调查酷刑指控的适当途径方面的相关培训,并提供增强意识方案, 从而会让调查过程导致将酷刑罪归类为较轻的罪行。
This revision of the legislation should be accompanied by adequate training and awareness-raising programmes for judicial, police and prison officials on the proper way to classify and investigate allegations of torture so that investigation processes do not lead to the classification of torture as a lesser offence.
专家组在沙本达访谈的父母并不认为这有什么错,其中一人解释说,“让我们的 男孩参会让 RaïaMutomboki 提供更多保护,不让卢民主力量流窜人员抢我们的 牲口。
Parents interviewed in Shabunda saw nothing wrong, as one explained, “offering our boys guaranteed stronger protection by Raïa Mutomboki against the marauding FDLR elements that raid our livestock”.
此外,在一定程度上, 扩大获得计划生育服务的机会会启动有关进程,让家庭规模较小,给每一个孩子 提供更多的会,让人口 增长变缓,使得可以更多地对年轻人进行投资,从而大 大促进经济发展。
In addition, to the extent that expanding access to family planning services sets in motion a process whereby smaller families provide more opportunities for each child and slower population growth allows greater investment in the young, it can make a major contribution to economic development.
人的权利和责任研究社 认 为 , 这 一 调 查 提 供 了一个会,让大家来讨论暴 力 是一种社会祸害,并应作为社会祸害来处理这一事实。
In the view of the Circle for Research on the Rights and Duties of the Human Person, this survey provided an opportunity to discuss the fact that violence is a social scourge and should be dealt with as such.




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