

单词 会客




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因此,中国希望国际会客观地评估该国的人权状况,支持朝 鲜为实现经济发展和改进生活水准所作的努力。
China therefore hoped that the international
[...] community would objectively assess the human [...]
rights situation in the country and
support it in its efforts to achieve economic development and improve living standards.
所有套房提供额外空间供您放松,包括一 会客 厅 、 一个私用阳台以及互动电视和迷你酒吧。
All suites offer additional space to relax and be yourself including a sitting area, a private balcony, together with Interactive TV, and mini bar.
套房宽敞、优雅,且多数配有私人阳台 会客 厅 内 饰精美。
suites onboard MSC Poesia are spacious [...]
and elegant and most have private balconies.
在总部楼房维修和正常运作范围内完成的其它紧急工程主要有:VI 号楼变压器漏机油 修理工程,紧急修理电话继电器(自动交换机)出现的渗漏现象,更换厨房的油槽,更换 V 号和 VI 号大楼雨水管,改善丰特努瓦大楼内银行分理处 会客 室 )的空间和环境。
Other urgent work relating to the maintenance and smooth functioning of the Headquarters buildings was carried out, including the repair of pyralene leaks from the transformers in Building VI, emergency repairs of leaks in the telephone system (automatic switchboard), replacement of the grease traps in the kitchens, replacement of the drainpipes in Buildings V and VI, improvement and adaptation to the available space and surroundings of the reception area at the Fontenoy site.
品牌亦特意设置艺 术收藏会客厅( Art Collectors Lounge),呈献精心策划的腕表展览,让访客沉浸于品牌发 [...]
The brand will host visitors in the exclusive Art [...]
Collectors Lounge where it will feature a specially curated exhibition
of timepieces that will immerse visitors into the métiers and the world of its place of origin, Le Brassus.
现已成为吉隆坡举行国家会议及展览的主要场地,除了具备引以为傲的无线设备, 3G 通讯及数码影视设备外,也包括能容纳 3000 人的大礼堂、拥有 500 座位的剧场、 9710 平方米的展览场地、豪华大厅、容纳
[...] 1800 人的会议室、优雅的宴会厅、 20 个共 1922 平方米的宽会客室及其他设施。
Apart from various wireless facilities, 3G telecommunication system and digital visual-audio equipment which it boasts of, KLCC has an auditorium that can host a total of 3000 people, a 500-seat theater, a9710-sqm exhibition area, a luxurious lobby, a
conference room that can host 1800 people, an elegant banquet
[...] hall, 20 spacious meeting rooms with a total area [...]
of 1922 sq m.
他吁请国际会客观审 议缅甸的人权状况,并力争 与缅甸政府加强对话和互信。
He called on the international community to consider the human rights
[...] situation in Myanmar objectively and seek to strengthen [...]
dialogue and trust with the Government.
它有一间舞会大厅,一间电影院大小的放映厅,一个有三位大厨的厨房,多间镀金 会客 室 , 以及一个能容纳120座的国宴大厅。
It features a ballroom, a cinema-sized screening room, a kitchen with three chefs, gilded salons, and a state dining room that seats 120.
在 越 南 人 的 精 神 生 活 中,吃 槟 榔 不 只 是 一 种 习 俗,也 是 传 统 文 化 价 值 的 构 成 元 素,是 婚 嫁、待会 客 不 可 或 缺 的 物 品。
In the spiritual life of the Vietnamese people, chewing betel is not only a habit and a custom but also an element of the traditional cultural values.
该基金会旨在协助复兴精神遗产,乌兹别克人的民族传统,巩固知名社会 文化活动家的创造潜能,支持创意朝代的青年才俊,并让世界 会客 观 地 了解乌 兹别克斯坦的独特民族文化、丰富的历史文化遗产和多样化的当代艺术。
The Forum’s goal is to revive the spiritual heritage and national traditions of Uzbekistan, to consolidate the creative potential of prominent public and cultural figures, to support fresh talent, gifted young people and artistic dynasties and to provide the international community with objective information on the unique national culture, rich heritage and diverse artistic scene in modern Uzbekistan.
即使对比2010年世会客流高 峰期间2011年客流数据也强烈的显示出其增长优势,而这也说明中国成为主要的旅行目的地。
Even in comparison to the Shanghai World Expo of
[...] 2010 which saw passenger figures rise, the [...]
2011 figures were stronger and are
indicative of China’s increasing popularity as a major travel destination.
使用可降解OPP材料包装,产品套印精确色彩亮丽逼真,适用于家居、餐厅 会客 、 产 品远销欧美等发达国家,深受用户喜爱.
The use of biodegradable OPP packaging materials, product overprinter accurate color fidelity, suitable for home furnishing, dining room, parlor, the products are exported to Europe and the United States and other countries, users love it very much
置身于这个舒会客厅中 的Omega(欧米茄)总裁不但提到了中国和美国市场,更谈及数十年来Omega(欧米茄)所秉持的合作伙伴策略。
Comfortably ensconced in his pleasant salon, the president of Omega talked about China and the United States, but also about the partnership strategy that Omega has pursued for decades.
这个网上管理系统可让您在线上传呼管理业务;预定董事局会议室 会客 室 ;存储、共享及发送您的电子文件;通过WebEx主持网络会议;将您的电脑变成网络电话(VoIP);预约通晓多种语言的行政助理等等。
With this powerful system you can have
total call management online, book
[...] boardrooms and meeting rooms instantly, store, [...]
share and distribute your electronic files,
host a web conference via WebEx, convert your computer into a VoIP phone, reserve multilingual administrative assistance and much more.
它们对安全理事 会的作用与授权、安会客观讨 论此类问题的能力 以及众所周知的它未能在审议了几十年的问题上取 得结果的情况提出了疑问。
Mr. Araud (France) ( spoke in French ): I thank the Secretary-General for introducing his report (S/2012/376), as well as the various speakers for their briefings.
江诗丹顿网站不断改进,并于2007年推出了众多全新特色服务,其中包括开设“时 会客 室 ” ,这是第一个面向公众开放的钟表论坛,尤其是钟爱江诗丹顿品牌和高级钟表的表迷;推出Métiers d’Art Les Masques面具系列腕表上市的推广网站;以及推出北美市场在线护理服务。
Its website is constantly evolving and among the many new features included in 2007 were the inauguration of “The Hour Lounge”, the first watch discussion forum open to the general public for those who love the brand in particular and Haute Horlogerie in general, the introduction of a mini-site for the launching of the exclusive Métiers d’Art Les Masques collection, and the launching of an on-line caretaker service for the North-American market.
为了满足当代婚礼需求,宴会层在靠近小教堂 会客 厅 的地方配备了“花浴”区,并在附近设有酒吧间。
To meet the various contemporary wedding needs, the banquet floor now planed with a "flower shower" corner next to the chapel and a lobby with bar adjacent.
线会客室使 你知道怎样实现任务安全系统。
The online meeting room example shows you how to implement a role-based security system.
繁华市景壮美湖景尽收眼底;套房空间宽敞大气,有独立休 会客 区 域;现代化装修风格;配有“锦江酒店”特别制定的“东方之梦King Dream” 床 (2m x 2m);床头设羽绒被、枕头菜单可供选择;室内电子温控;卫星平板液晶电视(接收CNN, HBO, CCTV);DVD播放器以及I-pod扩展坞;直线电话配有语音信箱;高速上网;迷你吧;熨斗及熨衣板;以及客房保险箱;免费享受行政酒廊每日早点以及“快乐时光”鸡尾酒会。
With magnificent views of the city and lakes this spacious suite offers a separate lounge area. Contemporary style decor with Jin Jiang "King Dream" Bed (2m x 2m) with Duvet, Pillow Menu available, Climate control, Flat screen TV with satellite (CNN, HBO, CCTV), DVD Player and I-pod Docking station, Coffee maker, Direct dial telephone with Voice mail, High speed internet, Mini-bar, Iron & ironing board and In-room safe.
Suitable for home furnishing, dining room, parlor, the products are exported to Europe and the United States and other countries, by a user favorite .
作为上海服务式办公室的标准开创者,位于上海国际金融中心的德事商务中心以顶尖的进口办公室家具、高度稳定的IT基础设施、多元化 会 议 会客 设 施 、精致的茶水间和小组讨论室,配合专业的商务支持服务,打造出现代化的理想办公空间。
Raising the bar in the Shanghai serviced office market, The Executive Centre Shanghai IFC Level 36 features contemporary office suites with top quality imported office furniture, highly secure I.T. infrastructure, comprehensive meeting and conference facilities, pantry and breakout areas, and professional office supporting services.
一张宽敞超大双人床 (200 X 200CM) 卧室、一派休闲安逸的餐厅布置、高效能CD音响 会客 室 、 令欧华套房拥有家一般的温馨舒适。
The spacious bedroom with a king-sized bed (200 X 200CM), a comfortable dining room, and an inviting living room featuring a high performance CD stereo system, makes the Riviera Suite a real home away from home.
当食客走进这家营业面积2000多平方米,拥有散客大厅和11间高档VIP包房,可容纳130位客人同时就餐的川江海河鲜馆时,注意力便被它传统与现代的精妙所席卷:典雅的卡座、波浪形的吊顶以及归而合一、餐 会客 两 相宜的包房,体现出主人的周到与细腻,把商务宴请所需的华贵、尊享与现代味较浓的简约及写意结合得浑然天成。
When consumers enter into Chuan Jiang Seafood Restaurant with an area of more than 2000 square meters (it possesses individual customers hall and 11 high-end VIP chartered room, which can contain 130 guests to have dinner at the same time), they will be attracted by its exquisite and delicate tradition and modern feature; elegant deck, waved suspended ceiling and chartered room both for catering and meeting, all of them reflect consideration and tender of the host.
一旦到了肯尼 亚,偷客会被安 排在一个安全房屋等待新的证件,通常是肯尼亚国民的身份 证,以便前往索马里。
Once in Kenya, the individual is accommodated in a safe house while awaiting new documentation — usually Kenyan national identification cards — in order to travel to Somalia.
我们有超过一半的客会选择 “岩石号”过夜巡游(The Rock’s Overnight [...]
Over half our guests travel north to do [...]
The Rock’s Overnight Cruise and many arrive here and realise that this region is
a very special part of New Zealand that they haven’t allocated enough time for.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基 会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile
Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和 各特派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理 客 户 关 系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统和口粮管理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment
and staffing), Lean
[...] Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer relationship management, as well as a fuel management system and a rations management [...]
system for peacekeeping functions.
在简单而温暖的欧亚空间中,客会 品 赏 到从欧洲到亚洲的菜肴,如 Pho Xua 牛肉(从澳大利亚进口的牛肉)、意大利面条、绿面、卷子猪肉、泰国饭、西班牙饭等。
In a simple and
[...] cozy Euroasian space, customers will enjoy dishes from [...]
Europe and Asia right in Vietnam such as Pho Xua
Beef (beef imported from Australia), Italian noodles, pork roll, Thai rice and Spanish rice.




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