

单词 会场

会场 ()

meeting place
place where people gather


主会场 n

main venue n




on-the-spot meeting

External sources (not reviewed)

对于那些供电系统不稳定和/或电力不足以供与会者使用其便携式电 脑会场,建议应配备发电机。
In venues where power supply is erratic or installed capacity insufficient to run the laptops, a generator is recommended.
经认可的代表和 观察员可以在会场会议室 通过闭路电视观看圆桌 会议的议事情况。
Accredited delegates and observers will be able to follow the proceedings of the round-table sessions via a closed-circuit television in the overflow room.
在不违反本议事规则的前提下,会议主席应全面掌握会议的进 行,并维会场秩序
The President, subject to these rules, shall have complete control of the proceedings and over the maintenance of order thereat.
此外,还应考虑在会场进 行 无纸系统操作的简单示范,最好是能在会议举行前提前一天进行 此种示范。
In addition, consideration should be given to conducting a brief demonstration of the paperless system in the main meeting room, preferably the day before the meeting begins.
此外,这趟旅程的精采焦点包含了免费进入全球最大型钟表珠宝 会场 , 更 有机会与优秀的Oris团队见面,并观赏全新的Oris高精密机械腕表。
Highlights of the trip include free entry to the world’s largest watch and jewellery fair, the chance to meet the whole Oris team and to see the highlights from the new collection.
那些希望作书面发言的代表,应带发言稿副本 会场 分 发
Those representatives wishing to make available a written statement should bring copies for distribution.
这项工作的重要性以及更广泛的国际反恐努力 的重要性不幸在最近几个星期受到再次强调——去 年圣诞节发生试图炸毁飞往底特律的航班的事件、今 年三月在莫斯科发生地铁爆炸、就在几天前在离我们会会场不足 一哩之外的时报广场发生的蠢事和在 昨天在伊拉克发生的伤亡惨重的爆炸。
The importance of this work and of the broader international efforts to combat terrorism has been underscored tragically and repeatedly in recent weeks by the attempted bombing of a flight bound for Detroit last Christmas Day, by the March bombings in the Moscow subway, by the very troubling events in Times Square just days ago, less than a mile from where we meet, and by the deadly bombings in Iraq just yesterday.
会场会议室 将电视直播圆桌会议的进展情况, 会场会 议 室 将对媒体和所 有其他经认可的与会者开放。
The proceedings of the round tables will be telecast in an “overflow room” which will be open to the media and all other accredited participants.
公众宣传局将在这些建议的基础上为大会第三十五届会议拟定一项具体的传播战略, 主要内容有:各部门在会前准备媒体说明;会议期间每天发布有关重大问题的“每日新
[...] 闻”;总干事与到访的国家领导人以及其他要人一起举行新闻发布会;在便利的新闻发会 会场为部长们提供媒体方面的协助。
Based on these recommendations, a specific communication strategy will be elaborated by the Bureau of Public Information for the 35th session of the General Conference including, inter alia, the preparation by each Sector of media-friendly notes before the session, the issuing of a daily in-session “News of the day” on key issues, the holding of Press Conferences by the Director-General with visiting Heads of State
and other personalities and the provision of media assistance to Ministers within
[...] convenient Press-conference premises.
经核证的代表和观察员凭本人的联合国出入 证,可在北草坪大楼的第 3 会议室(分会场)通过闭路电视观看圆桌会议的议事情 况。
Accredited delegates and observers will be able to follow the proceedings of the round-table sessions via a closed-circuit television in Conference Room 3 in the North Lawn Building (the overflow room), by presenting their primary United Nations grounds passes.
他解释说,由于指示灯很快将变颜色,他只能部 分宣读会场分发的发言稿,但请求将其归入会议记 录。
Noting that the colours on the bulbs were changing quickly, he said that he would not read the entire statement that had been circulated, but he requested that it should be made a part of the record.
主席指出,专家组在 2002
[...] 年与统一码联盟建立联系,现在介绍两位来自该 联盟的人士,一位会场(Ken Whistler 先生),另一位以电视会议方式参加(Mark [...]
Davis 先生)。
After noting that the Group of Experts had formally established a liaison with the Unicode Consortium in 2002, the Chair
introduced two people from that consortium, one
[...] present at the session (Ken Whistler) [...]
and the other participating by videoconference (Mark Davis).
会场都与 巴 林、印度、南非和美利坚合众国新泽西的学校进行电子连接,这些学校参加了这 [...]
Both sites were electronically [...]
linked to schools in Bahrain, India, and South Africa and New Jersey, United States of America,
who participated in the conference via videoconference.
在两位共同主席的简短发言后,会议将开放 会场上 的会员国 代表发言,发言将按照发言名单进行。
After brief statements from the two co-chairs, the session will be opened to statements delivered by representatives of Member States from the floor, who will follow a speakers’ list.
降落伞经回收做成毯子或顶盖,在婚礼或其他 会场 合 遮挡阳光和雨水。
Found parachutes were recycled to be blankets or covers  from rain and sun at weddings and other gatherings.
(2)任何人如非法将炸药和易燃材料带入作为大批人 会场 所 的 房舍 或任何其他建筑物,或将这类材料带入大批人集会或即将 会 的 场 地 , 也将 受到本条第 1 款所述有期徒刑的处罚。
(2) Sentence referred to in
[...] paragraph 1 of this Article shall also be imposed upon anyone who unlawfully brings explosive or easily inflammable material into a premise or some other building which is the venue of gathering [...]
of a larger number
of people or brings such material into a place where a large number of people gathers or where such gathering is forthcoming.
按照惯例,秘书长已举行抽签,选出坐在 会会场 第 一 个桌位的会员国,从 该桌位开始按字母顺序安排席次。
In accordance with established practice, the Secretary-General has drawn lots for the purpose of choosing the Member State to occupy the first desk on the General Assembly floor from which the alphabetical seating order will begin.
此外,即将生效的新《刑法》载有严惩恐怖主义、恐怖行为共谋、 会场合 非 法使用爆炸物品、拥有武器和化学武器用法文字资料、使用化学品、在国家境 内倾弃有毒废物等的规定。
Furthermore, the new penal code, which will enter into force very soon, contains provisions that severely punish, inter alia, terrorism, complicity in a terrorist act, illegal use of explosives in gatherings, possession of weapons and writings indicating how chemical weapons are used, use of chemicals and dumping toxic waste on national territory.
(d) 经核证的代表、观察员以及选定的在种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和 相关不容忍行为领域积极开展活动的非政府组织可在 会场会 议 室 观看圆桌会 议的议事情况
(d) Accredited delegates, observers and selected non-governmental organizations that are active in the field of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance will be able to follow the proceedings of the round-table sessions in the overflow room
该方案意在通过主流媒体并在群众 会场 所 提 供反海盗信 息,并与其他机构联络以便使邦特兰人民有可持续的替代生计。
The programme was designed to deliver anti-piracy messages through the mainstream media and at community gatherings and to liaise with other agencies to establish sustainable alternative livelihoods for people in Puntland.
几内亚比绍政府还采取积极步骤,派 出由几内亚比绍外交部长——他今天也在座——率 领的代表团,包括总统发言人、武装部队总参谋长和 人权联盟代表——该代表今天也 会场 — — 访问若 干欧洲国家首都,与相关利益攸关方举行双边会议, 并为定于 3 月在布鲁塞尔举行的协商做准备。
The Government also took positive steps in sending a delegation headed by its Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is also present, and including the spokesperson of the President, the Chief of Staff of the Chief of General Staff of the armed forces and a representative of the League of Human Rights — also in the room — to several European capitals to meet bilaterally with the relevant stakeholders and prepare the consultations that are scheduled to be held in March in Brussels.
战略规划编制局为有关地区办事处参与许多机构间会议及与 其他专门机构召开的协调场会议提供了支助性资料。
BSP provided back-stopping to relevant field offices, participated in numerous interagency meetings, and in meetings with other specialized agencies to coordinate positions.
世界一流的会议设施包括大型活动 场 , 会 议 室和完善的基础设施,一切都是为了满足您和您的客人工作的需要。
World-class conference
[...] facilities include a theatre for large corporate [...]
events, meeting rooms and complete technical infrastructures
so you and your guests can work just as you need.
(g) 支持多米尼加共和国的倡议,即在《公约》缔约方会议第十六届会议 上举办场会外活 动,介绍拉丁美洲和加勒比区域执行与第六条有关的活动的最 佳做法。
(g) Supporting the initiative of the Dominican Republic to host a side event at COP 16 to share best practices from the Latin American and Caribbean region in the implementation of activities related to Article 6.
经济及社会理事会在其第 1997/232 号决定中决定,除全体会议之外,还应
当为预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会关于提案草案的总共 12 次非正式协商会议和不
[...] 限成员名额工作组会议提供全面的口译服务,各类会议的确切时间分配由委员 会在题为“通过议程和工作安排”的议程项目下确定,但所持理解是,最多只 能同时举行场会议, 目的是确保代表团尽可能充分与会。
In its decision 1997/232, the Economic and Social Council decided that the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, in addition to plenary meetings, should be provided with full interpretation services for a total of 12 meetings for informal consultations on draft proposals and for meetings of openended working groups, with the precise allocation of time for the different types of meetings to be determined by the Commission under the agenda item entitled “Adoption
of the agenda and
[...] organization of work”, on the understanding that no more than two meetings would be held [...]
concurrently, in order
to ensure maximum participation of delegations.
在本届会议期间,妇女署举行了 场会 边 活 动:6 月 28 日举行的关于外地最 佳做法的互动小组讨论以及 6 月 29 日举行的有关妇女署使用社交媒体情况的简 介会。
During the session, two side events were hosted by UN-Women: an interactive panel on best practices from the field, held on 28 June, and a briefing on the use by UN-Women of social media, held on 29 June.
除了谈及安全理事会各委员会和 专家小组的作用越来越大外,第 场会 议 还 审议了安全理事会访问外地特派团的 基本特征、益处和挑战。
In addition to addressing the growing role of Security Council committees and panels of experts, session III considered the basic characteristics, benefits and challenges of Security Council missions to the field.
研讨会包括六节:确定议题范围的 场会 议 ; 气候变化对充分享有人权的不 利影响;在所有涉及气候变化的场合开展国际合作和尊重人权;打造加强人权界 和气候变化界之间的合作;人权和气候变化:今后方向;以及闭幕会议。
The seminar was comprised of six sessions: the introductory session to frame the issue; adverse impacts of climate change on the full enjoyment of human rights, international cooperation and respect for human rights in all climate change-related situations; forging stronger cooperation between the human rights and climate change communities; human rights and climate change: the way forward; and the closing session.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基 会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check
passenger lists at the
[...] international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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