单词 | 优胜劣汰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 优胜劣汰 —survival of the fittest [idiom.]See also:优胜—superior • winning 优劣—good and bad • merits and drawbacks
获得高等教育的机会,尤其在优胜劣汰 的体 制中,基本取决于接受优质小学和中学教学的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Access to higher education, in particular in merit-based systems, is largely determined by the opportunity to access quality primary and secondary education. daccess-ods.un.org |
土耳其理解对有移民背景的儿童优先 进行挪威语教育,但同时也鼓励挪 威应当强调由胜任的 语言教师开展母语教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turkey, while understanding the priority given to Norwegian language education for children with an immigrant [...] background, encouraged Norway to [...]put an emphasis on mother-tongue education by competent language teachers. daccess-ods.un.org |
卢旺达南部省 Huye 地区参加 2010 [...] 年青年竞赛的所有学校都得到邀请,该展览的高潮是 向 优胜 学 校 颁奖的正式仪 式。 daccess-ods.un.org | All of the schools from Huye district, Southern Province, which participated in the 2010 youth competition were invited [...] to the exhibition, which culminated in an official ceremony during which prizes were [...] handed over to the winning schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
同時,消費者亦應獲得消費權益教育及充 分的資訊,從而成為精明的消費者,透過直接「擇 優 汰劣 」 的 方法去淘汰欺騙消費者的供 應商。 legco.gov.hk | The process of natural selection should be allowed to run its own course such that unscrupulous suppliers who cheat on consumers will be eliminated. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我想说明的是,参加此轮对话,我们对当前中国政府的“本国创新”政策深表担忧 — 政策规定由中国政府来挑选优胜者和 劣汰 者 , 这无疑将损害中国真正创新的价值和前景。 embassyusa.cn | In that regard, I want to note that we come to these talks with real concerns about current Chinese government “indigenous innovation” policies—policies that have the Chinese government picking winners and losers and, in turn, undermining the value and the promise of real innovation in China. eng.embassyusa.cn |
对于每一个泡沫塑料次级行 业,确定淘汰活动的优先次序时,依据的是所选替代方案的可行性,有关次级行业中企业 的技术、财务和管理能力以及能否提供具有成本效益的备选方案。 multilateralfund.org | For each foam [...] sub-sector, phase-out activities are prioritized according [...]to the viability of the selected alternatives; [...]the technical, financial and management capacity of the enterprises in the sub-sector concerned; and the availability of cost-effective options. multilateralfund.org |
根据以上决议并经过对总干事的相关报告(文件 161 EX/41)的审议,执行局在第一六 一届会议上请总干事“继续进行已经开始的对教科文组织各研究机构和中心的审查,并将这 种审查扩大到本组织的所有主管领域,以便根据以下方面的考虑,是否以能为教科文组织的 [...] 活动提供同等或更好的计划支助的变通办法,继续根据以下情况开展并支持每一个研究机构 [...] /中心的活动:(a) 计划执行情况的有关指标,包括关于 优劣 、 影响和针对性以及与重大计划 战略目标的一致性的指标评出的每一个研究机构/中心的工作水平;(b) [...] 教科文组织各研究机 构/中心现行管理制度的效率和成本效益;(c) [...] 执行局第一六二届会议上就此项目进行讨论的 结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Further to these resolutions and after examining the Director-General’s report on the matter (161 EX/41), the Executive Board at its 161st session invited the Director-General “to continue the initiated review of UNESCO institutes and centres, extending it to all the Organization’s fields of competence, so as to consider the continued operation of and support to each institute or centre against alternative modalities of providing equivalent or better programme support for UNESCO activities based on: (a) levels of performance of each institute or centre against appropriate performance [...] indicators of programme delivery, including [...] those covering excellence, impact and relevance, [...]and consistency with the strategic [...]objectives of the major programmes; (b) the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of current systems of governance in UNESCO institutes and centres; (c) the results of the discussions on this item at its 162nd session”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
优胜队将获得本赛季国际足联世界俱乐部杯(FIFA Club World [...] Cup)的出场权、实际上也是决定“亚洲第一”的大会。 city.kashiwa.lg.jp | The team which wins the ACL gains entry [...] to participate in this year’s FIFA Club World Cup, and the right to claim the title of Asia Number One. city.kashiwa.lg.jp |
原議案及修正案就強積金 基金選擇提出了多項建議,包括整合、甚至整頓及 淘 汰劣 質 的 強積金 基金、規定受託人提供年金計劃,亦有建議要求提供與通脹掛的低 風險資本保值基金選擇,以及容許僱員投資於外匯基金。 legco.gov.hk | The original motion and the amendments have made many suggestions on the choices of funds, including work to consolidate or even fix up or eliminate MPF funds of a poor quality, requiring the trustees to offer annuity plans and inflation-linked low-risk capital preservation funds, and allowing employees to invest in the Exchange Fund, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
(五 ) 設立由政府、公共機構或志願機構營運的公共信託人,收 取較低的行政費用,以及提供確保與通脹掛鈎的低風險資 本保值基金讓僱員選擇,以達到增加競爭的目的,使其他 受託人降低收費及改善表現; (六 ) 整頓及裁汰劣質的 強積金基金,以減輕基金總開支,以及 建立強積金基金總收費與表現掛鈎的監察制度 legco.gov.hk | (5) set up a public trustee that operates under the Government, a public body or a voluntary organization which charges lower administration fees, and provide low-risk capital preservation funds which are guaranteed to be inflation-linked for employees to choose, so as to achieve the objective of increasing competition to make other trustees to lower fees and improve performance legco.gov.hk |
雖然業 界 和 消費者 因此要付 出 額外的成本 , 但 長 遠來說 , 這項政 策 可以鼓勵產 品 的 優 勝 劣敗、 汰 弱 留 強,市民可以節省醫 療 開 支 ,業界 用 營養 聲 稱 來 作宣傳推 廣 , 也 會 有 根 有 據,使 消費者 更 有 信 心 。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, members of the public may save their medical expenses, the industry may have a more solid basis to promote their products by making the nutrition claims, and the consumers may have more confidence. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,成员类别的改革仅仅是推动了一种选 举,选举的少数优胜者将 无限期地待在安理会,这不 仅违背了各项民主原则,而且也忽视了我们所处的变 [...] 化中的世界不断演变的动态。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, reform of membership categories [...] that merely promotes one election in which [...] a handful of winners will remain in [...]the Council indefinitely contradicts not [...]only democratic principles, but also disregards the incessantly evolving dynamics of our changing world. daccess-ods.un.org |
五名优胜者被 任命为“公民大使”,开始任期两年,他们在 2009 [...] 年联合国日 与秘书长见面,参加了专门为他们安排的总部游览,并享受音乐会的贵宾座席。 daccess-ods.un.org | The five winners, designated [...] “Citizen Ambassadors” for an initial period of two years, met with the Secretary-General on [...]United Nations Day 2009, undertook a special tour of Headquarters and enjoyed VIP seating at the concert. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国代表团期待在对秘书长报告(A/65/373)所列出 的四项选择的优劣进行 分析的基础上来讨论对编外 [...] 人员的争议解决机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation looked forward to discussing a dispute resolution mechanism for [...] non-staff personnel on the basis of an [...] analysis of the advantages and disadvantages [...]of the four options set out in the Secretary-General’s report (A/65/373). daccess-ods.un.org |
先生Kurtland说:“他们(获奖者)认为他们 的 优胜 者 , 然后,那天晚上,我想,当地的电视台之一的数字,乐透号码是在电视屏幕上的错误,这样就把成一点非常迷惑不解。 zh-cn.playitalianlotto.com | Mr. Kurtland said: "They (the winners) thought they were the winners, and then, that night, I think, one of the local TV stations had the numbers, and the Powerball number was wrong on the TV screen, so that put them into a little bit of a tizzy. playitalianlotto.com |
(六 )(九 ) 整頓及裁汰劣質的 強積金基金,以減輕基金總開支,以 及建立強積金基金總收費與表現掛鈎的監察制度 legco.gov.hk | (6)(9) rationalize and eliminate substandard MPF funds to reduce total fund expenses, and establish a monitoring system under which the total amount of fees charged by MPF funds are linked to performance legco.gov.hk |
环境 规划署当时表示,巴林政府相信,鉴于阿瓦尔海湾制造公司(以下简称“AGM 公司”) 产品在本地区的市场以及淘汰氟氯烃 优 先 事 项方面的区域情况,并确保不使该公司的商业 可持续性面临风险,无法在 2014 年之前实施占本国消费量达 80%的 AGM 公司制造产能 技术转换工作。 multilateralfund.org | At that time, UNEP had advised that the Government believed that the conversion of the manufacturing capacity at Awal Gulf Manufacture Company (AGM), constituting 80 per cent of the country’s consumption, could not be carried out before 2014, given the regional market for its products in combination with the regional situation in terms of priorities for HCFC phase-out, without risking the commercial sustainability of the enterprise. multilateralfund.org |
根据多边基金的现行指南和各项决定,第一阶段氟氯烃 淘 汰 管 理 计划 将 优 先 重 视那些在实 现 2013 年和 2015 年管制目标的可用时限内能够采用替代品的物质、行业和次级行业。 multilateralfund.org | In line with current guidelines and [...] decisions of the Multilateral Fund, [...] stage I of the HPMP prioritizes substances, sectors [...]and sub-sectors where such alternatives [...]can be applied within the timeframe available for complying with the 2013 and 2015 control targets. multilateralfund.org |
1.131 行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其 2010-2011 [...] 两年期拟议方案预算报告(A/64/7,第一.37 段)中, 对内部自行审查的优劣问题 进行分析的工作被推迟感到失望。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1.131 The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, in its report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/64/7, para. I.37), expressed its [...] disappointment about the fact that the analysis of [...] the relative advantages and disadvantages [...]of conducting a review in house had been delayed. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到要优先淘汰臭氧 消耗潜能值高的物质,谨提议 委员会考虑,如果一国属于上述第(a)(i)段所述情形,应能 够 优 先 处 理涉及 淘 汰 臭 氧 消耗潜 能值低的物质的项目,从而逆转缔约方会议在其向执行委员会提出的建议中确立的顺序。 multilateralfund.org | Given the priority for phasing out substances with a high ODP, the Committee might wish to consider if a country being in the situation described under paragraph (a)(i) above should be able to prioritize projects addressing [...] the phase-out of a low ODP substance, thus [...]reversing the order established by the Meeting of the Parries in its advice to the Executive Committee. multilateralfund.org |
另外,多边基金的资金有限,应优先 对 逐步 淘汰一氯二氟甲烷计划供资。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Furthermore, the Multilateral Fund had limited funds [...] available and priority should be given to HCFC-22 phase-out. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
秘书长应大会第 61/264 号决议第 15(a)段的要求,在报告第五节中 解释了离职后健康保险负债的“现收现付”选择办法与为这些负债供资 的选择办法对成员国而言两者优劣如 何。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General explains, in section V of his report, the advantages and disadvantages for Member States of the “pay-as-you-go” option of after-service health insurance liabilities versus the option of funding those liabilities, as requested by the General Assembly in paragraph 15 (a) of its resolution 61/264. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,执行委员会希望马来西亚将继续执行其国家方 案和国家淘汰活动,并取得优异成就。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee is therefore hopeful that Malaysia [...] will continue with the implementation of its country [...] programme and national phase-out activities with outstanding [...]success. multilateralfund.org |
坚固耐用的工程塑料外壳及前薄膜面板IP65F防水等级的设计,使得PV系列产品 战 胜 了 恶 劣 的 环 境,且在实际的应用中可随意的搭配专属客制化面板使其能符合各种行业需求,目前在工厂自动化,机械设备,智能型信息终端机,自动贩卖机及特殊小型专用工具机的应用方面特别突出,并已得到广大消费者的青睐。 awd.com.cn | Durable engineering plastic crust and IP65F waterproof of front-board , made the PV series to conquer the abominable environment and the board can be customized to meet the desire of every industry, especially in the manufactory automation,machine equipment,intelligence message terminal, automatical saler and special mini-machine ,and become popular with the consumers. awd.com.cn |
主场取胜(1)如果对阵的两名球员,第一名比第二名在晋级赛中走得更远;平局(X)两名对阵的球员都在同一轮被 淘 汰 ; 客 场 取 胜 ( 2) 如果对阵的两名球员,第二位在晋级赛中走得更远。 dafabet.com | Home win (1) if the first stated player in an Event wins or progresses further in the tournament than the second stated player; Draw (X) if both of the stated [...] players in an Event [...] are eliminated in the same round; or Away win (2) if the second stated player in an Event wins or progresses [...]further in the tournament than the first stated player. dafabet.com |
15(1993) 号一般性建议,其中表示意识 到,第四 [...] 条具有预防性质,也具有强制性质;因此, 重申其建议 (CERD/C/304/Add.78,第14段) [...] ,即缔约国在其《刑法》条款中就此做出规定, 同时充分执行《公约》第四条,将传播种 族 优劣 论 的 行为定为犯罪,并禁止提倡 和煽动种族歧视的组织和参与其活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling its general recommendations No. 1(1972), 7(1985) and 15(1993), which recognize that article 4 is of a preventive and mandatory nature, the Committee reiterates its recommendation (CERD/C/304/Add. 78, para. 14) that the State party provide for this in its Criminal Code provisions and give full effect to article 4 of the [...] Convention by criminalizing dissemination of [...] theories of racial superiority or inferiority and [...]prohibiting organizations which promote [...]and incite racial discrimination and participation in their activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
凌云LTRAN-1550-HE/ME/SE系列外调制光发射机是凌云公司在综合多年对中国有线电视市场认识的基础上,通过横向对比国内市场各品牌同类1550nm外调制发射机性能和功能上 的 优劣 并 吸 收各自设计上的长处,由凌云公司提出设计要求,由生产规模和技术水平排全球前三名的1550nm外调制发射机制造商利用多项特殊专利技术OEM生产的,面向中国县乡村市场的现实需要,具有最佳性价比和可靠性的1550nm光纤有线电视发射机。 teraband.com | Lingyun LTRAN-1550-HE/ME/SE series of external modulation optical transmitter is soaring for many years in comprehensive understanding of China's cable TV market, based on the domestic market through horizontal comparison of similar brands 1550nm optical transmitter performance and functionality strengths and weaknesses and to absorb the strengths of their design, by the soaring design companies, production scale and technical level by the row of the top three of the 1550nm optical transmitter manufacturers use a number of OEM production of special patented technology, for county of China the practical needs of rural market with the best cost performance and reliability of the transmitter 1550nm optical fiber cable. teraband.com |
秘书处的代表说,第十九次缔约方会议第 XIX/6 [...] 号决定确定了提请执行委员会核准 的氟氯烃淘汰项目的供资优先次 序,其中之一是在顾及国情的情况下,首先淘汰那些具有 [...]较高臭氧消耗潜能值的氟氯烃。 multilateralfund.org | The representative of the Secretariat said that decision XIX/6 of the [...] Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties [...] established funding priorities for HCFC phase-out projects [...]to be approved by the Executive Committee, [...]one of them being to phase out HCFCs with higher ODP first, taking into account national circumstances. multilateralfund.org |
总体战略的主要目标是:概要介绍淘汰氟氯烃的国家计划;确定短期和长期淘汰战 略和政策;确定淘汰行业的优先次 序;以及制定一项确保中国遵守 2013 年和 [...] 2015 年控制 措施的行动计划。 multilateralfund.org | The main objectives of the overarching strategy are to: articulate an overview of the national plan to phase out HCFCs; define the short-term [...] and long-term phase-out strategies and [...] policies; prioritize sectors for phase-out; and [...]formulate an action plan to ensure [...]China’s compliance with the 2013 and 2015 control measures. multilateralfund.org |
第十九次缔约方大会第 XIX/6 [...] 号决定第 11(b)段指导执行委员会在考虑氟氯烃 淘汰 项目时要优先对 待“将对环境的影响、包括对气候的影响降至最小的代替物和替代技术, [...]并虑及全球变暖可能性、能源利用和其他相关因素”。 multilateralfund.org | Decision XIX/6 paragraph 11(b) of the Nineteenth Meeting of the [...] Parties provided guidance to the [...] Executive Committee to give priority to, inter alia, “substitutes [...]and alternatives that minimize [...]other impacts on the environment, including on the climate, taking into account global warming potential, energy use and other relevant factors”, when looking at HCFC phase-out projects. multilateralfund.org |