单词 | 优劣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 优劣 —good and badless common: merits and drawbacks Examples:优胜劣汰—survival of the fittest [idiom.] See also:劣 n—inferior n 优—excellent • superior
该国代表团期待在对秘书长报告(A/65/373)所列出 的四项选择的优劣进行 分析的基础上来讨论对编外 [...] 人员的争议解决机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation looked forward to discussing a dispute resolution mechanism for [...] non-staff personnel on the basis of an [...] analysis of the advantages and disadvantages [...]of the four options set out in the Secretary-General’s report (A/65/373). daccess-ods.un.org |
外部因素,取决 于它们的优劣、形状和规模,左右了全世界的动荡和 冲突危险的程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | External factors, depending on their health, shape and size, influence the level of instability and conflicts risk throughout the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据以上决议并经过对总干事的相关报告(文件 161 EX/41)的审议,执行局在第一六 一届会议上请总干事“继续进行已经开始的对教科文组织各研究机构和中心的审查,并将这 种审查扩大到本组织的所有主管领域,以便根据以下方面的考虑,是否以能为教科文组织的 [...] 活动提供同等或更好的计划支助的变通办法,继续根据以下情况开展并支持每一个研究机构 [...] /中心的活动:(a) 计划执行情况的有关指标,包括关于 优劣 、 影响和针对性以及与重大计划 战略目标的一致性的指标评出的每一个研究机构/中心的工作水平;(b) [...] 教科文组织各研究机 构/中心现行管理制度的效率和成本效益;(c) [...] 执行局第一六二届会议上就此项目进行讨论的 结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Further to these resolutions and after examining the Director-General’s report on the matter (161 EX/41), the Executive Board at its 161st session invited the Director-General “to continue the initiated review of UNESCO institutes and centres, extending it to all the Organization’s fields of competence, so as to consider the continued operation of and support to each institute or centre against alternative modalities of providing equivalent or better programme support for UNESCO activities based on: (a) levels of performance of each institute or centre against appropriate performance [...] indicators of programme delivery, including [...] those covering excellence, impact and relevance, [...]and consistency with the strategic [...]objectives of the major programmes; (b) the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of current systems of governance in UNESCO institutes and centres; (c) the results of the discussions on this item at its 162nd session”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
秘书长应大会第 61/264 号决议第 15(a)段的要求,在报告第五节中 解释了离职后健康保险负债的“现收现付”选择办法与为这些负债供资 的选择办法对成员国而言两者优劣如 何。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General explains, in section V of his report, the advantages and disadvantages for Member States of the “pay-as-you-go” option of after-service health insurance liabilities versus the option of funding those liabilities, as requested by the General Assembly in paragraph 15 (a) of its resolution 61/264. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 《指南》建议在法律中处理该问题,并且列举了各种可能的处理方式 及其优劣之处 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The Guide recommended that the issue [...] should be addressed in the law and listed the possible ways to address it with [...] their comparative advantages and disadvantages daccess-ods.un.org |
1.131 行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其 2010-2011 [...] 两年期拟议方案预算报告(A/64/7,第一.37 段)中, 对内部自行审查的优劣问题 进行分析的工作被推迟感到失望。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1.131 The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, in its report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/64/7, para. I.37), expressed its [...] disappointment about the fact that the analysis of [...] the relative advantages and disadvantages [...]of conducting a review in house had been delayed. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外, 为了避免通过一锤定音的的终结性评价去评估教师和学校所带来的负 面影响, 这里特别强调衡量学校优劣的标 准不能单纯地依赖于从学生终结性评价 中得到的数据,考察学生成绩的标准应该来自方方面面所收集的证据而不是每个学 生的考试结果。 aaia.org.uk | Further, to avoid the negative consequences of using high stakes summative assessment to evaluate teachers and schools it is argued that systems of school accountability should not rely solely on the data derived from summative assessment of pupils and that the monitoring of standards of pupils’ achievement should be derived from a wider base of evidence than test results from individual pupils. aaia.org.uk |
阅读本指引,并思考改善公司运营的方法,您还可以使用本指引最后提供的自 我评估表,自测公司现在表现的优劣。 bencham.org | Read through this guide and think about ways you can improve your operations. bencham.org |
为了选择一种效率最 高,又能对政治、法律、科学各界及公众产生最大影响的文件形式,起草小组对各种可能采 用的文件形式的优劣进行 了分析比较,最后得出的明确结论是制定一份非约束性的文件,甚 至是一份宣言,它应能更好地适应这一不断发展变化的领域,并能较快地取得会员国的共 识。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to its form, IBC-DRAGR, after considering the merits of various possible forms in order to identify the one that would be most effective and have the greatest impact on political, legal, scientific and public spheres, came out clearly in favour of a non-binding instrument, possibly a declaration, which would be best suited to a context that was constantly evolving and would enable the broadest consensus to be reached among Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
环境规划署/美国加热、制冷和空调工程师学会指南将探讨所有市场上有售的制冷剂 备用品,评论其各自的优劣及中 小企业的适用性。 multilateralfund.org | The UNEP/ASHRAE Guide will address the entire range of [...] commercially-available alternative refrigerant [...] options and assess advantages and disadvantages [...]of each, and small and medium enterprises’ (SME) applicability. multilateralfund.org |
首先,在东道国缺乏有力的司法机制的情况下, [...] 报告对各项方案作出了一般性的分析,指明每种方案 的优劣之处,并提供了资料,说明达成和维持各项实 [...]质性成果所需的时间和资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, in the absence of a host State for a potential judicial mechanism, the report [...] analyses the options in a general way, [...] setting out the advantages and disadvantages [...]of each, as well as information related [...]to the time and resources necessary to achieve and sustain substantive results. daccess-ods.un.org |
采取措施防止传播关于种族优劣的思 想或关于力图说明对非洲人后裔的暴 力、仇视或歧视有理的思想。 daccess-ods.un.org | Take measures to prevent any dissemination [...] of ideas of racial superiority and inferiority or [...]ideas which attempt to justify violence, [...]hatred or discrimination against people of African descent. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 制 定 我 们 的 20:20 愿 景 的 过 程 中, 内 部 利益相关方评估了我们目前实现 EHS 目标 的 现 行 方 法, 我 们 也 衡 量 了 面 对 一 系 列 机 遇 和 威 胁 的 优 劣 势。 huntsman.com | In developing our 20:20 Vision, internal stakeholders assessed the scope of our current approach to EHS and we benchmarked our strengths and weaknesses against a series of opportunities and threats. huntsman.com |
15(1993) 号一般性建议,其中表示意识 到,第四 [...] 条具有预防性质,也具有强制性质;因此, 重申其建议 (CERD/C/304/Add.78,第14段) [...] ,即缔约国在其《刑法》条款中就此做出规定, 同时充分执行《公约》第四条,将传播种 族 优劣 论 的 行为定为犯罪,并禁止提倡 和煽动种族歧视的组织和参与其活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling its general recommendations No. 1(1972), 7(1985) and 15(1993), which recognize that article 4 is of a preventive and mandatory nature, the Committee reiterates its recommendation (CERD/C/304/Add. 78, para. 14) that the State party provide for this in its Criminal Code provisions and give full effect to article 4 of the [...] Convention by criminalizing dissemination of [...] theories of racial superiority or inferiority and [...]prohibiting organizations which promote [...]and incite racial discrimination and participation in their activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
防水功能依旧是测量质量优劣的主 要项目。 oris.ch | Water resistance is and remains an important quality measure. oris.ch |
另一方面,第2 段的目的是,在不判断其优劣的情 况下考虑到保管人可能 采取的主要做法( 而且一定是联合国秘书长的上述做法),25 一旦交存表示同意 承受条约约束的文书,即将保留的提出者视为一缔约国或缔约组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | (3) The purpose of paragraph 2, on the other hand, is to cover — without passing judgment on its merits — what is probably the predominant practice of depositaries (and is, in any case, the practice of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, described above),25 which is to consider the author of the reservation to be a contracting State or contracting organization as soon as the instrument expressing its consent to be bound has been deposited. daccess-ods.un.org |
沙特王国禁 止建立种族主义组织和传播种族优劣 论 的 行为,这 些行为都被定为是犯罪行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had prohibited the establishment of racist organizations and the dissemination of [...] theories claiming the superiority of one race or group. daccess-ods.un.org |
凌云LTRAN-1550-HE/ME/SE系列外调制光发射机是凌云公司在综合多年对中国有线电视市场认识的基础上,通过横向对比国内市场各品牌同类1550nm外调制发射机性能和功能上 的 优劣 并 吸 收各自设计上的长处,由凌云公司提出设计要求,由生产规模和技术水平排全球前三名的1550nm外调制发射机制造商利用多项特殊专利技术OEM生产的,面向中国县乡村市场的现实需要,具有最佳性价比和可靠性的1550nm光纤有线电视发射机。 teraband.com | Lingyun LTRAN-1550-HE/ME/SE series of external modulation optical transmitter is soaring for many years in comprehensive understanding of China's cable TV market, based on the domestic market through horizontal comparison of similar brands 1550nm optical transmitter performance and functionality strengths and weaknesses and to absorb the strengths of their design, by the soaring design companies, production scale and technical level by the row of the top three of the 1550nm optical transmitter manufacturers use a number of OEM production of special patented technology, for county of China the practical needs of rural market with the best cost performance and reliability of the transmitter 1550nm optical fiber cable. teraband.com |
在美利坚合众国,2001 年《关于无落后儿童的法案》判断学 校 优劣 的 依 据是,根据对阅读、 语言、艺术和数学等等一些关键课目的标准化测验结果,学校是否每年都有适当的进步。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the United States of America, under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, schools are judged on whether they make adequate yearly progress (AYP) according to results of standardized tests in key subjects such as reading and language, arts, maths. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是您不需要根据我们自己的评价来判断本产品 的 优劣。 evget.com | We've tried many of these components over the years, but to our mind the best by far is [...] ABCUpload" Paul Ockenden, PC Pro evget.com |
这项研究的目的是实际运用自动照相术和痕迹调查这二种调查方式,同时比较这二种调查方式 的 优劣 , 评 估这二种方法论是否适合麝香鹿研究,同时也是为了对浪都麝香鹿的分布和栖息喜好更深入的了解。 cers.org.hk | The purpose of this study was to apply two methodologies: camera trap and sign survey on the musk deer population study, to compare the two methodologies for musk deer study, to obtain a better understanding of the distribution and habitat preference of musk deer at Langdu, and evaluate the suitability of the two methodologies for musk deer survey. cers.org.hk |
那时,上帝的所有孩子,黑人和白人, 犹太教徒和非犹太教徒,耶稣教徒和天主教徒,将能携手同唱那首古 老的黑人灵歌, 我梦想有一天,我的四个小女儿将生活在一个不是以皮肤的颜 色,而是以品格的优劣作为 评判标准的国家里。 peaceoneday.org | that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. peaceoneday.org |
研究人员比较了用快速血清试管(RST)和血浆分离试管(PST)收集血样进行心肌钙蛋白分析 的 优劣。 china.labmedica.com | Blood samples collected in both Rapid Serum Tubes (RST) and Plasma Separator Tubes (PST) have been compared for cardiac troponin analysis. labmedica.com |
所有的化学基团各有优劣,因 此需要慎重考虑交联剂(请见Thermo Fisher [...] Pierce 实用指南。 labome.cn | The chemistries [...] all have their advantages and disadvantages, [...]so careful consideration of cross-linkers is appropriate (see [...]Thermo Fisher Pierce practical guidelines. labome.com |
关于议程草案项目 142(联合国内部司法),秘书长回顾第 64/119 号决议,其 中大会核准了联合国争议法庭和联合国上诉法庭程序规则,并回顾第 64/233 号 决议,其中大会请秘书长就联合国上诉法庭法官的地位和应享权利,包括差旅津 贴和每日生活津贴问题向大会第六十五届会议提出报告;还请秘书长对于为不同 类别非雇员提供的补救措施,分析比较几种备选办法各自 的 优劣 , 包 括所涉经费 问题,同时铭记有关非雇员争议解决机制的现状。 daccess-ods.un.org | of the draft agenda (Administration of justice at the United Nations), the Secretary-General wishes to recall resolution 64/119, by which the General Assembly approved the rules of procedure of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal, and resolution 64/233 in which the Assembly, inter alia, requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the status of the judges of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal and their entitlements, including travel and daily subsistence allowance, as well as to provide information on the respective advantages and disadvantages, including the financial implications, of a number of options with regard to remedies available to the different categories of non-staff personnel, bearing in mind the status quo concerning dispute settlement mechanisms for non-staff personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
33 虽然低碳外国直接投资可为发展中国家应对气候变化作出 宝贵贡献,但是,发展中国家的政策制定者也应认识到可能存在不利因素,包括 将挤掉本国公司、在技术上形成依赖性,以及基本物品和服务费用更高,因此应 对这些好坏优劣进行权衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Elements of this partnership would include establishing clean investment promotion strategies; enabling the dissemination of clean technology; securing the contribution of international investment agreements to climate change mitigation; and setting up an international low-carbon assistance centre to leverage expertise, including from multilateral agencies.33 However, while low-carbon FDI can make a valuable contribution to the response of developing countries to climate change, policymakers in developing countries need to be cognizant of possible disadvantages, including the [...] crowding out of domestic [...] companies, technological dependency and higher costs for essential goods and services, and should weigh these against the benefits. daccess-ods.un.org |
我希望,在届会闭会期间,有关代表团将有充分时间考虑当前工作计划草案 的是非优劣,并 希望裁谈会能够尽快予以通过。 daccess-ods.un.org | I do hope that, during the intersessional period, concerned delegations will have enough time to consider the merits of the current draft programme of work, and that the Conference will be ready to adopt it as soon as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些国家,当权人士的决策往往基于其 个人偏好或关系,而非事情本事的 优劣 , 这 种态度推动政商关系,从而进一步加 剧了这个问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In these countries, a politics–business nexus, fuelled by the attitude of the people in power to make decisions based on their personal preference and connection, rather than on merits, has further exacerbated this problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
实习生在公司实习考察两个月后,公司高层将与Tutor一起,从各个方面对实习生进行面对面的实习评估,包括研究课题、项目实践、团队合作等,帮助实习生更好的总结实习期的得失,了解自身 的 优劣 势 ,明确未来职业发展方向,从而更顺利地完成从学生到职场的转变。 mgcc.com.cn | After two-month internship in MGCC, our senior managers and tutors will assess your performance in terms of your subject research skills, practice skills and teamwork, etc. You will get a better understanding of your potential, discover your personal growth challenges, and find out to bring out the best in you. mgcc.com.cn |
根据目前国内中空玻璃生产现状,双道密封是主流的生产工艺,其他工艺处于补充地位,因此构成双道密封工艺的各种构件质 量 优劣 是 人们讨论的重点,构成双道密封工艺的主要构件有丁基胶(PIB)、聚硫胶、硅酮胶、铝条、干燥剂、连接件等,作为比较成熟的相对可靠的丁基胶+聚硫胶形成的双道密封工艺,由于在节能门窗行业成功地应用了25年以上,因此其作为生产高气密性中空玻璃制品的首选获得行业肯定。 lylkglass.cn | Hollow glass production status, the double sealing is the mainstream of the production process and other processes in the complement position, and therefore constitute a double sealing quality of the merits of the various components of the process is the focus of discussion, constitute the main components of the dual-channel sealing process butyl rubber (PIB), polysulfide rubber, silicone rubber, aluminum, desiccant, connectors, etc., as a more mature and relatively reliable formation of butyl rubber + polysulfide rubber double sealing process, due to energy-saving windows and doors industry successfully applied for more than 25 years, as the first choice for the production of high air tightness and insulating glass products industry, certainly. lylkglass.cn |