



优化 n

optimisationBE n

优美 adj

beautiful adj

优雅的 adj

elegant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管采取了这些全球性举措,但本区域许多国家 的道路安全问题仍未能在国家规划或政策中得 优 先 注 重。
Despite these global initiatives, road safety in many countries of the region is still
[...] not receiving priority in national [...]
planning or policies.
[...] 执行支助股已适当考虑了削减费用的必要及缔约国期待支助股对其任务的某些方 面相对更优先处理的愿望。
In establishing a budget for this work plan, the ISU has given due regard for the need to reduce
costs and the desire of States Parties that the ISU place a
[...] relatively higher priority on certain aspects [...]
of its mandate.
[...] 能力建设和认识活动结合起来,密切协调,以确保政 优 先 事 项的一致性。
The implementation of the phase out plan will need to be aligned and closely coordinate with the different general instructions, regulatory, fiscal actions, of capacity
creation and awareness that the government of Guatemala executes, to ensure the consistency
[...] of the governmental priorities.
其他与会者建议关注优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 [...]
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: [...]
climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity
loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国优先工 作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关优质教 育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in [...]
the status of
teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
Women and young women need to have access to safe abortion services, and need to have access to family planning information and services and high-quality post-abortion care.
给予最不发达国家的特别优惠待遇及政策灵活性 需要根据具体国家所处的发展阶段,按照世界贸易组织及区域和双边协定具体推 行(而不是用时间加以限制),以便最不发达国家采取能够反映他们特定需求和机 会的发展战略。
Special and differential treatment and policy flexibility for LDCs need to be made operational according to a given country’s stage of development (rather than limiting it by time) within the World Trade Organization and regional and bilateral agreements, so that LDCs can adopt development strategies that reflect their specific needs and opportunities.
这需要将部队兵 力增至 17 731 名军警人员,还需要一系列增强能力和战斗力的手段,在行动需 要和切合实际的资源数量之间取得良好平衡,途径是:(a) 确定行动区优先次 序;(b) 分阶段安排行动而不使预期目标产生重大变动;(c) 保持原有兵力,以 增强能力和战斗力的手段弥补兵力的不足;(d) 请埃塞俄比亚继续支持过渡联邦 政府/非索特派团在海湾州、巴科勒州和希兰州的行动;(e) 为过渡联邦政府安 全部队提供直接行动的后勤支援。
It entails raising the troop level to 17,731 uniformed personnel and a set of enablers and force multipliers aimed at achieving a fine balance between the operational requirements and a realistic level of resources through (a) the prioritization of areas of operation; (b) the phasing of the operation without significantly altering the desired objectives; (c) trading force multipliers and enablers for troop levels by maintaining capability; (d) requesting Ethiopia to continue to provide support to Transitional Federal Government/AMISOM operations in the Bay, Bakool and Hiraan regions; and (e) the provision of immediate operational logistics support to the Transitional Federal Government security forces.
实际上,这些 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言,
为数百万的人们重新点燃了希望,这些人梦想着将 产品运到海之尽头,并予以安全存放;希望其货物
[...] 能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞优势的 部门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的 [...]
机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的
Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action, they had given renewed hope to the millions of people who dreamed of being able to transport their products as far as the sea and store them securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to
exploit fully those sectors where they had a
[...] competitive advantage; to benefit [...]
from the opportunities offered by their full
participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层 优 先 纳 入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, [...]
包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global
[...] strategy to prioritise and mainstream [...]
the development dimension into global processes,
and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
[...] 事会和有关国家采取行动,争取实现上述目标,同时 始优先强调联合国应该作出的贡献,深信中东和平 [...]
与稳定的实现将是对话与谈判的结果,而非使用武力 的结果。
In conclusion, I reaffirm my delegation’s commitment to continue to support action by the Security Council and interested States with a
view to attaining those objectives, while
[...] always giving precedence to the contribution [...]
that the United Nations should make,
in the conviction that stability and security in the Middle East will come about as a result of dialogue and negotiation, not the use of force.
该计划考虑到关于儿童权利问题的跨领域性质,以及必须确定充足的资 源,规定优先事 项,拨出了预算,这一切对创造有利条件,使这些权利得到保 [...]
The national initiative took into account the transversal nature of issues relating to children’s
rights and the need to define adequate
[...] resources, establish priorities and allocate [...]
budgets, which were all essential to create
favourable conditions to guarantee these rights.
[...] 略;与信息和通信技术厅共同开展业务影响分析以切 优 先 落 实部门业 务流程、培训管理人员和关键工作人员以确保他们能够继续开展关键业 [...]
务流程;以及测试业务连续性计划和确保其继续运作等方面,还有一些 工作要做(另见本补编 A/64/7/Add.9
号文件,第 42 至 45 段)。
However, work remains to be done in setting up mitigation strategies; carrying out a business impact analysis, together with the Office of
Information and Communications Technology,
[...] to validate the prioritization of business processes [...]
at departmental level, train managers
and critical staff to ensure they are able to continue critical business processes, and testing the business continuity plans and ensuring their maintenance (see also paragraphs 42 to 45 of document A/64/7/Add.9 in the present supplement).
这是因为:(a)在该 国普通担保权登记处登记是按照担保交易法取得第三方效力的一个必要前提 (除非知识产权相关法律允许在有关知识产权登记处登记担保权以实现第三方 效力);(b)为了保护有担保债权人,使其担保权不致因按照知识产权相关法律优先权 规则而受在知识产权登记处登记的相竞受让人或有担保债权人的权利的 影响,在知识产权登记处进行登记仍然是必要的。
This is because: (a) registration in that State’s general security rights registry is a necessary prerequisite to third-party effectiveness under secured transactions law (unless law relating to intellectual property allows registration of a security right in the relevant intellectual property registry to achieve third-party effectiveness); and (b) registration in the intellectual property registry will be necessary to protect the secured creditor against the risk of finding its security right affected by the rights of a competing transferee or secured creditor registered in the intellectual property registry pursuant to the priority rules of law relating to intellectual property.
她指出教育应该是一优先的人道主义应对措施,因 为它也是一种保护手段,儿童的身体、心理和认知能力的发展至关重要。
She noted that education
[...] should be a priority humanitarian [...]
response, because it was also a protection tool, key for the
physical, psychological and cognitive development of the child.
明确那些需要基 于政策导向予以关注的各种新出现的议题;(b) 明确在执行经社会各
[...] 项法定任务方面所取得的进展和需要予 优 先 关注的差距;(c) 各次 重大全球会议的后续跟进行动;(d) [...]
针对那些将在 2011 年期间的各次 重大全球论坛上予以讨论的议题阐明亚洲及太平洋区域的看法和观
点;(e) 核可自经社会第六十六届会议结束以来举行的各下属机构会 议的报告;(f) 明确拟由各下属机构在 2011 年期间举行的会议上加以 处理的各项主要议题。
The expected outcomes under this agenda item include: (a) the identification of emerging issues that merit policy-oriented attention; (b) the
identification of progress achieved and
[...] gaps requiring priority attention with [...]
regard to the implementation of Commission
mandates; (c) follow-up actions to major global conferences; (d) the articulation of Asian and Pacific perspectives on issues that will be addressed in major global forums in 2011; (e) the endorsement of the reports of the subsidiary bodies which have been held since the sixty-sixth session of the Commission; and (f) the identification of key issues to be taken up in meetings of subsidiary bodies in 2011.
修订歧视妇女的法律和制订对 妇女友好的法律、以及确保妇女能够获得体面的工作和社会保障等领域, 被作优先重 点领域和主要挑战而提出。
The revision of laws discriminatory to women and
enactment of
[...] women-friendly laws as well as ensuring and that women had access to decent jobs and social protection were cited as priority areas and [...]
这个职能内开展的活动将包括:(a) 制定从制止暴力侵害妇女行为直至增加
妇女对和平与安全的贡献,覆盖妇女署各个实务活动领域的国家、区域和全球各 级技术和方案指导意见;(b)
[...] 制定和协调多方利益攸关方综合国家方案,这些方 案涉及符合国家和区域政策优先事 项的机构间参与和国家伙伴,并与妇女署战 [...]
略计划一致;(c) 不断应要求向妇女署核心工作领域的国家合作伙伴和国家工作
队提供技术支助(例如,对全国妇女机构的支助;对妇女组织和网络的支助;对 驻地协调员和两性平等专题小组的支助;对报告和执行《消除对妇女歧视公约》 的支助);(d) 管理和监测全球方案和信托基金。
The activities undertaken within this function will include: (a) producing country, regional and global-level technical and programme guidance covering the substantive areas in which UN-Women works, from ending violence against women to increasing women’s contributions to peace and security; (b) devising and coordinating multi-stakeholder, holistic country programmes that involve inter-agency participation and national
partners in line with national and regional
[...] policies and priorities and that are [...]
consistent with UN-Women’s Strategic Plan;
(c) ongoing, on-demand technical support to national partners and UNCTs in UN-Women’s core areas of work (e.g., support to NWMs; support to women’s organizations and networks; support to the Resident Coordinator and gender thematic groups; and support to reporting on and implementing CEDAW); and (d) the management and monitoring of global programmes and trust funds.
代表团强调指出,有效执行禁止酷刑的法律是赤道 几内亚政府的一项政优先事项。
The delegation emphasized that
the effective implementation of the law against torture
[...] was a political priority for the Government [...]
of Equatorial Guinea.
至于尚未通过的其他相关国际公约,斐济政府承认这些公约的重要性,并原 则上同意其目标,并(比照国内和国际的其 优 先 事 项);斐济打算考虑通过这些 公约。
In respect of other relevant international conventions yet to be adopted, the Government of Fiji recognizes the importance of, and agrees in principle with their objectives and
(relative to other domestic and
[...] international priorities); Fiji intends giving consideration to their adoption as well.
若此类收费高于边境口岸 的一次性固定收费,那么此种担保制度就失去 优 势。
If such charges are higher than the one-time charge of a fixed amount at border crossings, the guarantee
[...] system loses its advantages.
此 外,执行支助股深知,虽然该决定将为其开展额外活动提供机遇,但是绝不应妨 碍其当前优先事 项,且欧盟需为任何额外的人力资源供资。
In addition, it was noted that the ISU was sensitive to the fact that while this is an opportunity for the ISU to take on additional activity, it must not be a drain on existing ISU priorities and that any additional human resource need would need to be funded by the EU.
他们提出的建议包括在分配官方发展援助 优 先 考 虑最不发达国 家;落实新颖和创新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新型金融协作以及特别是非金 融协作;通过补贴最不发达国优先 领 域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 投资,发挥资源的杠杆作用;通过提高协议透明度和推动政府特别是议会审查, 加强最不发达国家的商业订约能力;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。
[...] proposed included prioritizing least developed countries in allocations of official development assistance; implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially, non-financial collaboration; leveraging resources through subsidies for international private sector engagement, especially foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed [...]
country priority; strengthening
least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements and by fostering governmental, especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture.
[...] 利用,将具有长期前景的活动放优 先 位置,为实现千年发展目标(A/56/326, [...]
附件)服务,同时考虑到所有国家平等的条件,而不论其现时的航天能力如 何。
Some delegations expressed the view that, as the geostationary orbit was a limited resource at risk of
becoming saturated, its use should be
[...] streamlined, giving priority to activities [...]
with a long-term perspective, leading to
the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (A/56/326, annex), while taking into account the conditions of equality of all countries irrespective of their current space capacities.
为了持久解决危机,我国政府制定的其 优 先工作包括:向穷困者和境内流离失所者提供人道主义援 [...]
助;制定全面国家安全战略,使政府能在国际恐怖团 体发动的安全威胁的情况下,更有效地开展工作;在 国家机构巩固善治、问责、透明度和公正;重建能够 确保可持续经济复原的国家基础设施;为沿海社区和
其他地区建立替代性生计项目,使年轻人不参与海盗 和其他犯罪活动——我们认为这项工作非常重要;和 加强区内各国的良好关系、相互了解和合作。
Other priorities laid down by the [...]
Government with a view to finding a lasting solution to the crisis include the delivery
of humanitarian assistance to the needy and the internally displaced; the formulation of a comprehensive national security strategy that would enable the Government to function more effectively in the midst of security threats unleashed by international terrorist groups; the consolidation of good governance, accountability, transparency and justice in the State institutions; the rebuilding of the infrastructure of the country that would ensure a sustainable economic recovery; the creation of alternative livelihood projects for the coastal communities and other areas to dissuade youth from piracy and other criminal activities, which we see as very important; and the strengthening of good relations, mutual understanding and cooperation among countries in the region.
秘书处代表指出,两个项目都符合 55/43(e)号决定,除其他外,两 个项目请双边和执行机构编制和提交数量有限的且有时效要求的项目提案,并让有兴趣的
[...] 系统企业或化学品供应商参与制定 优 化 以及确认那些使用非氟氯烃发泡剂的化学品制度。
The representative of the Secretariat noted that both projects were in line with decision 55/43(e), which, inter alia, invited bilateral and implementing agencies to prepare and submit a limited number of time-specific project proposals involving
interested systems houses or chemical
[...] suppliers for the development, optimization [...]
and validation of chemical systems for use with non-HCFC blowing agents.
合作从确保通过理顺社会保护政策增加国家福利和确保增加获 优 质 服 务的 机会这一目标开始,着重关注社会援助体制改革活动,重点在于建立高效的社会 服务系统、通过促进非机构化原则实现社会服务的发展和多样化、将财政资源从 居住机构转到社区和家庭服务以及其他类型的服务。
Starting from the objective to ensure increase of welfare of the country through rationalisation of policies of social protection and increase of access to high quality services, cooperation will focus on activities of reform of the social assistance system, emphasis being made on an efficient system of social services, development and diversity of social service through promotion of the principle of non-institutionalisation, redirection of financial means from residential institutions to community and family service, as well as other types of services.
为实现健全的化学品管理,政府要承诺开展下列行动:(a) 将化学品管理列 为国家发优先事 项;(b) 制订强有力的国家体制和方案框架;(c) [...]
推动批准和 执行相关国际公约;(d) 鼓励执行关于环境和健康以及化学品防护的国际公认标 准、工具和办法,修订立法并执行现有规章;以及(e)
推动私营部门和非营利民 间社会参与化学品管理。
In order to achieve sound chemical management, Governments needed to commit themselves to the following actions: (a)
integrate chemical management into
[...] national development priorities; (b) develop [...]
strong national institutional and programmatic
frameworks; (c) promote the ratification and implementation of the relevant international conventions; (d) encourage the implementation of internationally recognized standards, tools and approaches relating to the environment, health and protection from chemicals, revise legislation and enforce existing regulations; and (e) promote the participation of the private sector and non-profit civil society in chemical management.
在有关《家庭法》的法律通过前,法官在协议离婚案例中,习惯于以其最 高利益为名,在《儿童权利公约》主要内容的基础上 优 先 采用与儿童社会经济 权利有关的决策规定。
Even before the Family Code Act was adopted, judges dealing with cases of divorce by mutual consent tended, in the name of the best interests of the child, to base their decisions concerning children’s social and economic rights on the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.




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