单词 | 众多 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:人多势众—There is safety in numbers. many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength See also:多adj—manyadj multi-adj oftenadj 多adv—moreadv muchadv 多—numerous a lot of in excess how (what extent)
即使在预期加费後,香港的排污费与众多经济发达城市的相比,仍然处於最低廉的水平。 legco.gov.hk | Even after the projected increase, Hong Kong’s sewage charge will remain amongst the lowest [...] when compared withmany major cities in [...]developed economies. legco.gov.hk |
事实上,我们为女性成员提供的保费计划,是国内众多退休基金之中最具竞争力 的。 aia.com | In fact, we’ll offer women some of the most competitive insurance premiums of any super fund in the country. aia.com |
由於本集团之客户数目众多,且分布於全球各地,在贸易应收账项方面并无集中的信贷 风险。 asiasat.com | There isno concentration of credit risk with respect to trade receivables, as the Group has a large number of customers that are internationally dispersed. asiasat.com |
众多国家中,土耳 其、菲律宾及比利时领先,大部份国家均录得理想回报。 aia.com.hk | From a country perspective, Turkey, the Philippines, and Belgium led the performance, with most countries posting positive returns. aia.com.hk |
这项修订旨在回应议员的关注;议员认为㆒旦发生 意外而涉及为数众多的受害㆟,雇员应该得到合理及足够的补偿。 legco.gov.hk | This amendment is intended to address Members' concern that reasonable and adequate compensation should be provided to employees in case of an accident involving a large number of victims. legco.gov.hk |
尽管行为仅为可影响血压之众多因素之一,但其可有助於理解研究内容中之 BP 读数。 suntechmed.com | While activity [...] is onlyone ofthe many factors that can [...]affect blood pressure, it can be helpful in understanding a BP reading [...]within the context of the study. cn.suntechmed.com |
由於本公司是多伦多证交所和香港联合交易所的上市公司,其 普通股价格也受众多因素影响,包括股市的整体趋势及个别公司或行业的股价。 southgobi.com | As the Company is a listed company on the TSX and [...] the HKEX, its common share price will also [...] be subject tonumerous influences including [...]broad trends in the stock market and [...]the share prices of individual companies or sectors. southgobi.com |
香港的经 济缺乏多元性,令众多行业缺乏有深度的支援,对香港的长远发展造成极坏的影 响。 procommons.org.hk | It is also [...] disappointing to see that the lack ofdiversity inour economy is reducing the depth of support among various industries [...]and is adversely affecting [...]the long-term development of Hong Kong. procommons.org.hk |
在您清洁 时,Rainbow [...] 将快速回圈并令整个区域的空气变得清新, 从而减轻家中众多令人讨厌的异味。 rainbowsystem.com | The Rainbow will quickly circulate and refresh the air in the entire area while you [...] clean, alleviating many objectionable [...]household odors. rainbowsystem.com |
中信集团是一间企业集团,其业务涉及众多行业,包括但不 限於金融、投资、工程及承包、资源、基建设施、地区及房地产发展、制造、资讯 科技、贸易及服务。 asiasat.com | The CITIC Group is a business conglomerate with extensive lines of business, including but not limited to, finance, investments, engineering and contracting, resources, infrastructure, regional and real estate development, manufacturing, information technology, trading and services. asiasat.com |
De Beers 1994年才开始在中国行销钻石,人口众多、中产阶级快速发展的中国亦迅速采行西方以钻戒作为订婚信物的习俗,因此不难理解钻石业何以认为该国市场的成长潜力相当可观。 ravenelart.com | Considering that De Beers only started marketing diamonds in China in 1994, and that China’s large population with a fast growing middle class is also fast adopting the western practice of giving diamond rings for engagements, it is easy to understand why the diamond industry sees the huge growth potential in this market. ravenelart.com |
5.2.23 另一方面,有意见认为在顾问所考虑的众多方案/构想 中,主干道隧道方案构想一最符合《保护海港条例》。 devb.gov.hk | 5.2.23 On the other hand, there was a view that out of the options/variations considered by the Consultants, Trunk Road Tunnel Variation 1 serves best in complying with the PHO. devb.gov.hk |
(2) 於每次委任或选出董事之後,董事应立即从众多董事中选出一名总裁及一名副 总裁或一名主席及一名副主席;若多於一(1)名董事被建议担任该等职位,则须按董事决 [...] 定的方式选出担任有关职位的人选。 soundwill.com.hk | (2) The Directors shall, as soon [...] as may be after each appointment or [...] election ofDirectors, elect amongst the Directors [...]a president and a vice-president or [...]a chairman and a deputy chairman; and if more than one (1) Director is proposed for either of these offices, the election to such office shall take place in such manner as the Directors may determine. soundwill.com.hk |
天使和小天人被称为Yazatas ( “ [...] Worshipful一” ) ,并且非常众多,但21人更为突出比其他;其中包括神的化身的太阳,月亮,星星,火,土,水和空气,精神的正义(称为“ [...]fravashis ” ) ,和一些抽象的概念也是一样,胜利,宗教,王者的荣耀,并神称为米特拉神,一个化身光与真理。 mb-soft.com | The angels and lesser divine beings are termed Yazatas ("Worshipful Ones") [...] and arevery numerous, although twenty-one [...]of them are more prominent than the [...]rest; these include divine embodiments of the sun, moon, stars, fire, earth, water and air, the spirits of the righteous (called "fravashis"), and also several abstract concepts, like victory, religion, kingly glory, and the divinity known as Mithra, an incarnation of light and truth. mb-soft.com |
尤其重要的是,我们的 共同努力还打造出许多针对不同应用的产品组合,例如, 欧司朗的半导体不仅应用於汽车、白色家电、娱乐和资讯 [...] 娱乐、投影及普通照明的照明解决方案中,还应用於众多红外和激光解决方案中。 osram-os.net | Not least, these joint efforts have also resulted in an application-specific portfolio for a variety of applications: our semiconductors are used, for instance, in light solutions for automotive, white [...] goods, entertainment and infotainment, projection and general [...] lighting aswell as numerous infraredand laser [...]solutions. osram-os.net |
凭藉众多专利技术、对客户需求的深刻了解、密切的客户关系及高度尽责的员工,我们积极参与塑造光之未来。 osram-os.net | Withnumerous patentedtechnologies, [...] a deep understanding of customer needs, close customer relations and highlycommitted employees, we take [...]an active part in shaping the future of light. osram-os.net |
该等前瞻性陈 [...] 述涉及已知及未知风险及不明朗因素,其中众多风险及不明朗因素并非Glencore所能控制,该等风险及不明朗因素乃均基於Glencore董事会目前对日後事件的信念及 [...]预期得出。 glencore.com | These forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks and [...] uncertainties, manyofwhich are beyond [...]Glencore’s control and all of which [...]are based on the Glencore board of director’s current beliefs and expectations about future events. glencore.com |
(e) 如果符合订明入职条件的应徵者人數众多,招聘部门可以订立 筛选准则,甄选条件较佳的应徵者。 devb.gov.hk | (e) Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates. devb.gov.hk |
汇聚出版业各种需求於一地,这个概念听来不错,但能否落实却令人起疑,不过因为愿景明确(再加上丰厚经费),坡州书城过去23年间持续成长,其中有多种特异的建筑设计,显见这项独特概念令众多建筑师无法抗拒。 thisbigcity.net | Consolidating the publishing industry’s needs into one site might seem like an idea that works better in theory than reality, but the clear vision behind the project (as well as the generous subsidies) allowed Paju Book City to successfully grow over the last 23 years, with [...] an abundance of unusual architectural design suggesting this unique concept has [...] proved irresistible to manyarchitects. thisbigcity.net |
此软体相容於Microsoft [...] PowerPoint、Word、Excel,以及教室教学使用的众多其他简报软体套装产品!Q DrawTM互动式软体具备两组好用的工具。 benq.com.hk | Compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint, [...] Word, Exceland many other presentation [...]software packages used in classroom teaching, [...]the Q DrawTM Interactive Software comes with two sets of useful tools. benq.ca |
张教授一直孜孜不倦地工作,从他在1996年起出任城大校长後,便致力於法国和香港间大学与科学发展的交流,在2004年更设立双文凭制度,与 l’université de [...] Paris-Dauphine合作举办硕士经济数学课程,众多优秀的法国高级教授也参与任教。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | His tireless action, since his nomination in 1996 as a president of City University of Hong Kong, in favour of the development of university and scientific relations of the highest level between France and Hong Kong, marked by the creation of the first double-diploma in 2004, a master degree in financial mathematics [...] collaborating with l’Université de Paris-Dauphine, the [...] nomination of several high levelFrench professors [...]within the teaching team consulfrance-hongkong.org |
它们是众多设备的“核心”,并广泛应用於能源、化工、石油和天然气、运输和物流等行业领域。 tuv-sud.cn | They are [...] the “brains”ofmany devices and are implemented [...]in a wide range of industry sectors, including energy, chemical, [...]oil and gas, transport and logistics. tuv-sud.cz |
调查显示,在众多造成自己地区经济下滑的因素中,大中华地区民众认为「好大程度」是跟自己地区的经济政策有关的比率有28%,认为是「有些程度」的为56%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Results of the latest survey showed that, among the factors contributed to their regions' economic downturn, 28% of publics in GCR believed that their own economic policies "contributed a lot" while 56% thought "contributed some". hkupop.hku.hk |
当然,这是神初次颁布诫令,连一条他们都不能遵守, 日後何来遵守十诫和众多的律例呢!不过,在这时刻颁布 安息日之诫命,是有特殊的意义的 totalgrowth.org | It is true that God is angry because if they would not even keep one simple commandment, how could they keep the Ten Commandments and other decrees that He would proclaim through Moses later on? totalgrowth.org |
在按 同等权益基准向申索已获核实的客户分配各系列股份方面,法庭的 判决相对上是一贯的,当中威昇个案属於例外,因为法庭发现根本 [...] 不可能确定哪些客户拥有哪些股份,而由於剩余的股份组合并无多 大价值,要将众多小额股份分配和分发给客户的话,成本将会过於 [...]昂贵。 hkicc.org.hk | Court decisions are also relatively consistent in allocating shares in each line of stock pari passu to the clients with verified claims to that stock. An exception is the WS case where the court found that it was virtually impossible to determine which clients owned which stocks and, given the particularly small value [...] of the remaining portfolio, it would be prohibitively expensive to [...] allocate anddistributemany small parcels of shares. hkicc.org.hk |
当开发的系统牵扯业务面广且使用者數众多,我们希望改采用以角色为主的权 限控管(RBAC)方式,设计出比过去传统IT系统使用的管理机制(Access Control List, ACL)更具机动性与弹性的角色权限管控机制,改以角色(Role)为中介者來简化使用 者(User)与作业权限(Authority)之间复杂的相依性,另外系统内可自行定义多元化的 角色得以满足日益复杂的操作需求,再加上具有即时权限更动与控管的功能,更 是可以提升系统的使用满意度和安全性。 chttl.com.tw | It will take roles as an intermediary to simplify the complex dependencies between the system user’s authorization and authority of processing function, and the roles can be defined by users to meet the increasing and complex requirements. chttl.com.tw |
丰业银行在中国、印度、 日本、南韩、香港、马来西亚、新加坡、台湾、泰国、越南、埃及、 [...] 爱尔兰、英国、巴贝多、开曼群岛、牙买加、巴西、智利、巴拿马及众多其他国家均设有分支机构。 scotiabank.com | Scotiabank has presence in China, India, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, [...] Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Egypt, Ireland, [...] United Kingdom, Barbados, Cayman Islands, [...]Jamaica, Brazil, Chile and Panama, besides other countries. scotiabank.com |
P7000卡匣式系列印表机的创新为选择行矩阵印表机提供了众多合理的依据,其中包括成本节省、可靠性、生产率和环保优势,这使其比其他列印方案更具竞争力。 news.printronix.com | The P7000 Cartridge Series Printers’ product innovations offer a number of incentives to choose line matrix printers including cost savings, reliability, productivity and environmental advantages that make it more competitive than alternative printing options. news.printronix.com |
特区政府应针对众多业主不愿意或没有能力復修樓宇的问题,积极介入,从速 [...] 制订一个整全的政策,以持续及即时措施改善樓宇老化问题,为樓宇復修提供 更多支援,从而舒缓市区衰败的情况。 procommons.org.hk | Seeing many owners are reluctant, [...] or without the capability, to undertake the rehabilitation works, the Government [...]should be more proactive and exert a higher degree of intervention as well as to provide further assistance for rehabilitation. procommons.org.hk |
有見市面上「限量选择的小食」选择众多,而且「宜多选择的小食」愈來愈普及,学校 应从小食部和自动售卖机中淘汰「少选为佳的小食」。 chp.gov.hk | Schools should go for elimination of “Snacks to choose less” items from school tuck shops and vending machines when “Snacks to choose in moderation” items are readily available from the market and “Snacks to choose more” items are gaining in popularity. chp.gov.hk |