单词 | 众口皆碑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 众口皆碑 —be praised by everyoneSee also:口碑—public praise • public reputation • current idiom • commonly held opinions 口碑 n—reputation n
负责教科文组织的传播与公众宣传 战略。他/她应具有团队精神,而且其忠诚应 有口皆碑,这 使其能在教科文组织内外赢得人们的信任。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This individual must be a team player and at the same time have an established reputation of integrity to be trusted both inside and outside UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Basturk 称赞,沃尔沃的设备不但是有口皆碑 的 运 载工具, 也是其主人地位的象征。 volvospiritmagazine.com | Volvo machines, says Basturk, are regarded not only as a prestige vehicle, but as an indication of the owner’s status as well. volvospiritmagazine.com |
瑞士的这些显著特征在工业和服务业 有 口皆碑的 质量与服务特性中得到体现。 gza.ch | These typical Swiss characteristics are responsible for the quality and service ethos in both the industry and the service sector. gza.ch |
由于国家的分散特性,人口分散在为 数 众 多 的 小岛屿 上,要以有效和可持续的方式向少量人口提供基础设施,需要在规划上有新思 维。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to the fragmented nature of [...] the country, with the population distributed over a [...]large number of small islands, the provision [...]of infrastructure to small pockets of population, on an effective and sustainable manner, required new thinking in planning. daccess-ods.un.org |
用户对仪器和Mosaic软件的卓越性能有 口皆碑。 foss.cn | Users report a satisfactory performance of the both the instruments and the Mosaic software. foss.dk |
艾默生网络能源产品的高能效特性在业内 有 口皆碑 , 在 世博园区机房应用中更是受到了建设方的高度评价。 emerson.com | The high energy efficiency of Emerson Network Power products win universal praises and their utilization in equipment rooms in Shanghai World Expo Park is spoken highly of by construction units. emerson.com |
究其原因,中国国家博物馆在民众中 的 口碑 极 高 ,馆内藏品在中国乃至世界都是顶级珍品,其中部分藏品甚至影响了中国文化的变迁。 labbrand.com | The National Museum of China is highly regarded by Chinese citizens to be one of the best museums which display top tier art pieces that contributed to culture changes in China. labbrand.com |
大多数的监测和评价工作人员,因为忙于处理其他职务,只能抽 出有限的时间进行评价,这也是众人 皆 知 的 事。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also known that most monitoring and evaluation staff are able to devote only limited time to evaluation due to competing duties. daccess-ods.un.org |
協橋商務中心創辦人暨董事總經理孫麗潔小姐日前接受南華早報專訪,談及於2003年創辦協橋商務中心之種種,及過去數年如何使企業穏步發展,成為市場上 有 口皆碑 的 優 質商務中心。 bridges.hk | Co-founder and Managing Director of BRIDGES, Ms. Fion Sen was interviewed by South China Morning Post in July, talking about how she set up BRIDGES in 2003 and developed the company into a continually growing platform that provides the clients with upmarket office services and also quality advisory services such as business startup solutions. bridges.hk |
有口皆碑的性能和行业领导地位 作为当今无线通信系统射频微波元件的世界级供应商,Skyworks 多年来一直在提供最佳性能的硅和砷化镓分立产品。 skyworksinc.com | As a world-class supplier of RF microwave components for today’s wireless communication systems, Skyworks continues to deliver the highest performance silicon and GaAs discrete products. skyworksinc.com |
分计划 I.1.2 是有关支持国家政 策、全民教育计划和教科文组织在全民教育运动的全球协作的领导角色,特别关注那些最需 要帮助的国家,尤其是撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲国家和 9 个人口众多的国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Subprogramme I.1.2 concerns support to national policies and plans for EFA and UNESCO’s mandated role regarding the global coordination of the EFA movement, with special attention to those countries where the need is greatest, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and among the E-9 countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
专业工具品牌 RIDGID 在全球施工及管道行业有口皆碑。 emerson.com | The RIDGID brand of tools is used extensively in the construction and plumbing industries around the world. emerson.com |
公司很少收到客户投诉,R.J. Stern 的产 品的卓越质量在行业内有口皆碑。 glenraven.com | Customer issues are rare, and R.J. Stern products are regarded as high quality within the industry. glenraven.com |
無論在 身體保健 、 預 防疾病 和 治 療 長 期 性 頑 疾 的 工作上,一直 扮演重要角色, 特 別 是 遇 上 筋 骨 扭 傷 , 很 多 中 國人都 會 選擇“ 睇 跌 打 ” , 因為效 果 顯 著 ,有口皆 碑 。 legco.gov.hk | Be it for strengthening the physical conditions, for the prevention of diseases, or even for treating long-term medical problems, Chinese medicine has always played a very significant role. legco.gov.hk |
众所皆知, 新加坡是开放的外向经济体,经济走势与欧美国家和亚洲市场的前景息息相关。 sccci.org.sg | Singapore is an open and export-oriented economy, and our economic outlook is inextricably linked to the economic health of the European, American and Asian markets. english.sccci.org.sg |
尽管中国人 口众多、 生态环境脆弱、地区发展不平衡,但将加 快转变经济发展方式,建设资源节约型、环境友好 [...] 型社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite its huge population, fragile ecological [...] environment and the uneven development of its various regions, it was determined [...]to transform its mode of development and build a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际教育规划研究所尤其在 9 个 人口众多的 国家中的八个国家制定了一项加强体制能力的战略:在印度(支持了国家教育规 划和行政管理研究所(NIEPA)并与其开展了合作),在墨西哥(与人民学院开展了协作、 与公共教育秘书处开展了合作,与拉丁美洲社会科学院在举办教育政策和管理第三期培训方 面开展了合作),在尼日利亚(援助创建了教育规划培训研究所--NIEPA)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | IIEP has, in particular, put an institutional capacity-building strategy in place in eight of the E-9 countries: in India (support for and cooperation with the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)), in Mexico (collaboration with the Colegio de Puebla, cooperation with the Secretariat of Public Education, collaboration with the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) on the development of postgraduate training in educational policy and management) and in Nigeria (support for the establishment of a training institute in educational planning – NIEPA). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这 25 个国家中,大多数国家都高度城市化,但有 7 个国家的城市化水平 在 27%至刚刚超过 50%之间,其中包括人口众多的 国家,如孟加拉国、中国、印 度、印度尼西亚、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of those 25 countries are highly urbanized, but 7 have urbanization levels ranging from 27 per cent to just over 50 per cent, including the populous countries of Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
封锁的多方面影响众人皆知。 daccess-ods.un.org | The multifaceted fallout from the blockade is well known. daccess-ods.un.org |
自生產5ml小型中空容器的 PBA 系列機型,至生產 1,500 公升大型中空容器的PBI-X系列機型, 皆 有 良 好 口碑。 kaimeiplastic.com | Different types of machines are designed to produce containers of various raw materials such as PE, PVC, PP, PETG, PU, etc. Kai Mei can produce 5-ml containers of PBA Series Machines to 1,500-liter containers of PBI-X Series Machines. kaimeiplastic.com |
罗兰贝格策略顾问公司执行长Martin C. Wittig 博士指出:“越来越多企业设法进入或拓展新兴市场,尤其是像亚洲这样具有多元特色的区域市场,因此企业选择的市场拓展服务公司不但应当具备 有 口皆碑 的 专业能力与知识、提供完善的服务与拥有广大的网络,亦应能够透过互信、资源与效率创造价值。 rolandberger.com.cn | As more companies are looking to enter and/or expand in emerging markets, particular a region marked by diversity like Asia, it is advisable to choose an MES provider who not only has proven expertise and know-how, a comprehensive range of services, and an extensive network, but is also capable of creating value through trust, resources, and efficiency," says Dr. Martin C. Wittig, CEO of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. rolandberger.com.cn |
然而,不能肯定一切的信中是有 口皆碑 的 , 而且学者问如果没有历史的传奇details基础下方。 mb-soft.com | Yet it is not certain that everything contained in the letter is legendary, and scholars ask if there is not a historic foundation underneath the legendary details. mb-soft.com |
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国已多次表明其致力于实现 公平和公正的和平,但以色列对其倡议和表态的回应 是一味的搪塞,并且继续在阿拉伯被占领土实 施 众人 皆知的做法,其中包括继续羁押数千名巴勒斯坦人, 以及保持对加沙的封锁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Syrian Arab Republic had frequently expressed its commitment to a fair and just peace, but the Israeli response to its initiatives and overtures had been to prevaricate and continue with its well-known practices in the occupied Arab territories, including the continued detention of thousands of Palestinians and the maintenance of the blockade on Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,该区域内各 国特点是人口众多、 收入水平各异,并面临粮食危机和燃料危机以及包括城市化、 [...] 人口、老龄化和家庭支助结构的迅速改变等在内的社会问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, countries of the region were [...] characterized by large populations and varying levels [...]of income and were facing the food [...]and fuel crises and social problems, including urbanization, ageing populations and fast-changing family support structures. daccess-ods.un.org |
28. 2007 年对于中国能否履行对《蒙特利尔议定书》的承诺来说是一个重要的里 程 碑, 有众多政 策需要执行,以确保彻底淘汰各类氟氯化碳和哈龙 1211 的生产和消费。 multilateralfund.org | 28. 2007 was an important milestone for China to comply with its commitments to the Montreal Protocol when a number of policies needed to be enforced to ensure the complete phase-out of the production and consumption of CFCs and halon 1211. multilateralfund.org |
这些结果表明,在非洲大 多数人口众多的 国家和亚洲的几个国家,特别是不变式假设中那些人口到 2100 年至少将增长三倍的国家,目前的生育率水平是不可能长久维持下去的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such results suggest that current levels of fertility are unlikely to be sustainable over the long run in most of the populous countries of Africa and in several of those in Asia, particularly those whose population would at least triple by 2100 under the no-change scenario. daccess-ods.un.org |
新增的第2A條規定如某 產品的生產商或進口商作 出任何申述指出該產品可用作2 種或多 於 2 種受規管產品上,則適用於每種該等受規管產品的條 文 皆適 用於該產品。 legco.gov.hk | The new section 2A provides that [...] if any [...] representation is made by the manufacturer or importer of a product that the product may be used as two or more regulated products, the provisions applicable to each of those regulated [...]products apply to the product. legco.gov.hk |
由於這是一項新 [...] 猷,我相信假以時日,當越來越多市民知道這數個街市內設有這類服 務行業的攤檔後,借助口碑及我們繼續進行的宣傳工作,他們的生意 [...]會有不錯的發展。 legco.gov.hk | As this is a new initiative, I think as more and more people know about the existence of these service [...] trade stalls in the market over time, [...] coupled with word of mouth and our ongoing [...]publicity efforts, their businesses will be pretty good. legco.gov.hk |
注意到执行局主席 A. 本纳尼女士的任期将于大会第三十二届会议结束时届满, 忆及她在整个任期中以有口皆碑的奉 献精神和聪明才智履行了其职责, 承认她始终坚定不移地忠于教科文组织的理想并为完成本组织的使命作出了不懈的努力, 赞赏她的很高的个人素质、智慧和文化涵养,这一切使她能够在执行局内部,以及与大会 主席和总干事,进行卓有成效的对话, [...] [...] 强调她将开放精神与领导能力结合起来,在指导执行局的工作中表现出很大的决心和严谨 的态度, 承认她在为执行局服务方面具有创新精神,从而使执行局能够充分发挥其智力作用和改进 其工作方法 unesdoc.unesco.org | Recognizing her firm and constant attachment to the ideals of UNESCO and her indefatigable efforts to contribute to the accomplishment of the Organization’s mission unesdoc.unesco.org |