

单词 休耕地

See also:


arable land
plow land

耕地 n

cropland n
farmland n
wetland n


plow v

External sources (not reviewed)

石灰石地区,林缘,山坡休耕地, 在 山谷的灌丛; 500-2000米。
Limestone areas, forest margins,
[...] mountain slopes, fallow land, scrub in [...]
valleys; 500-2000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong,
Guangxi, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, India, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].
(7) 根據大綱圖的《註釋》,「農業」地帶的規劃意向,亦是「要 保存在復耕及作其他農業用途方面具有良好潛力 休耕農 地。
(7) According to the Notes to the OZP, the
planning intention of AGR zone is
[...] also “to retain fallow arable land with good [...]
potential for rehabilitation for cultivation
and other agricultural purposes.
[...] 地或鄉村地帶結合,以發展作休閒農業及文化康樂旅遊,鼓 勵復休耕農地。
Together with the adjacent agricultural land or village area, this area can
be used for promoting leisure farming and cultural/recreational tourism to encourage
[...] rehabilitation of fallow farmland.
[...] 詳細的規劃及工程研究,範圍覆蓋東涌及其毗鄰地區, 包休耕地、前 濱及海床,預計於2014年完成。
Remaining development in Tung Chung New Town: The CEDD and the PlanD are conducting a detailed
planning and engineering study, which covers Tung Chung and its adjacent
[...] areas including fallow land, foreshore [...]
and sea-bed.
(1) 從劉先生提供的圖 AP-2 可見,上訴地點位於八仙嶺山麓上 的一個林木區,毗鄰八仙嶺郊野公園(近至 25 米 ),周圍是 山丘、林地及雜草叢生休耕農地。
(1) The Site is situated in a woodland area on the upper foothills of Pat Sin Leng and in close proximity (as close as 25 metres) to Pat Sin Leng Country Park,
and surrounded by hills,
[...] woodland and fallow agricultural land covered with grass as shown in Plan AP-2 produced by Mr. Lau.
張學明議員: 主席,局長在主體答覆第(一 )部分第二段提到,約140公 頃的土地建議作康樂用途,與毗鄰的農業用地或鄉村地帶結合,以發展 作休閒農業及文化康樂旅遊,鼓勵復 休耕 農 地。
MR CHEUNG HOK-MING (in Cantonese): President, in the second paragraph of part (a) of the Secretary's main reply, it is mentioned that an area of about 140 hectares is proposed for recreational use, and together with the adjacent agricultural land or village area, this area can be
used for promoting
[...] leisure farming and cultural recreational tourism to encourage the rehabilitation of fallow farmland.
目前該土地是 包括了一些已經用於活躍耕種的地 , 亦 有一些 休耕 了 的 農 地。
At present, the area in question covers certain lands that have already been used
[...] actively for agriculture and also some fallow farmlands.
沙,粘沙土,或粘土土地,潮湿的森林空旷地,路旁,灌丛 休 闲 的 耕地; 7 00-2500米安徽,广东,广西,江西,云南 [...]
[E缅甸,泰国北部 ].
Sandy, silty, or clay soils, damp forest clearings,
[...] roadsides, thickets, fallow cultivated land; 700-2500 [...]
m. Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi,
Jiangxi, Yunnan [E Myanmar, N Thailand].
因 此,如何休耕了的農地恢復耕種呢?
In view of this, how can we promote the rehabilitation [...]
of farmlands?
休耕期间,塑地膜覆 盖还可以减少土壤的水分蒸发,使作物的根部区域充分吸收降水并保持土壤水分。
Plastic mulching also reduces soil evaporation, focuses rainfall in the root zone and conserves soil water in the fallow season.
还为在犹太人休耕年份修建蔬菜种地以供当地 市 场 消费提供了财政援助。
Financial assistance is further provided for the creation of
[...] vegetable growing habitats in the Jewish fallow year, for local marketing.
然而,有耕地的確 實位置將會保密,以保護農戶 耕地 不 會被反對基因改造生 物的抗議者破壞。
The precise location of the cultivation sites, nevertheless, will remain confidential in order to protect farmers from having their fields damaged by protesters opposing GMOs.
5 同样,在吉大 港山区的高原土著人民,如Bawm人和Panghkhua人,实行生态友好和可持续的种 植模式,而低海拔山区人较面向市场 休耕 期 短,更多使用加工肥料和农药,因 此收成较低,地退化加剧。
Some of the more sustainable forms of rotational agriculture are practised by the indigenous Karen peoples in northern Thailand.5 Similarly, in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the highland indigenous peoples, such as the Bawm and Panghkhua, practise ecologically friendly and sustainable modes of cultivation, in contrast to the lower altitude hill peoples, who tend to
be more market
[...] oriented, with shorter fallow periods, greater use of processed fertilizers and pesticides and, consequently, lower harvests and increased land degradation.
实施由人主导的、真正意义上的地 、 耕地 、 牧 地 和 渔 业改革。
Implement a genuine,
[...] people-led land and agrarian, pasture land, and fisheries [...]
此外,不地方的 轮垦方式的演变,也有一些基本、细微的差异, 包休耕期的 长短、种植方法、新种子和引进品种试验、 地 分 配 模式、水土流 失控制和社区活动。
In addition, there are some basic as well as
[...] differences in the way the practice has evolved in different places, including the length of the fallow period, planting methods, experimentation with new and introduced species of seed varieties, [...]
of distribution of lands, soil erosion control and community activities.
(6) 收購、開發、管理、特許使用、租賃、出租、出售、交換及以其他方式利用 任何地及/或 樓宇,尤其為建築目的透過設計及平整而建設、改建、拆卸、 裝飾、管理、維護、裝修、裝置及改善各類樓宇,栽種、鋪平、排污、養殖耕作、 根據樓宇租約或建築協議出租或出售,及就上述任何項目向建築商、 租戶及其他人士墊付款項及與彼等訂立各類合約及安排。
(6) To acquire, develop, manage, license, hire, let, sell, exchange and otherwise howsoever turn to account any land and/or building and, in particular, by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, demolishing, pulling down, decorating, administering, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings of all kinds, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement or for sale, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangement of all kinds with builders, tenants and others in connection with any of the foregoing.
需要对区域和国家一级的农业和渔业研究及农村基础设施提供新投资,推广 良好耕种和 捕捞作业及创新的可持续技术,还需要营销指导、有序和有效的融 资及更大程度的地保有权保障,包括女性农民对 地 的 获 取和控制,不论她们 婚姻状况如何。
New investments are required in regional and national agricultural and fishery research and rural infrastructure, extension of better farming and fishing
practices and innovative and sustainable
[...] technologies, as well as marketing advice, structured and effective finance and greater tenure security, including access to and control over land by female farmers irrespective of their marital status.
在泰国,新的方法是种植长期生长森林,有别于轮垦农业, 因为轮垦农业是要连续长期轮休耕 , 轮 流种植,兼顾水土流失、 地 退 化 、森 林耗减和产量。
In Thailand, there is a difference between pioneering methods involving the cultivation of long-growth forests in contrast to rotational
[...] involving the cultivation of long-rotation fallows that are consecutively and rotationally [...]
cropped, keeping
in mind the dangers of soil erosion, land degradation, forest depletion and yields.
“其他土地”包括裸露的土壤、岩石、冰和不属于 地 、 耕地 、草 场、湿地或住区类别的所有地域。
(g) “Other land” includes bare soil, rock,
ice and all land areas which do not fall under
[...] the forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands [...]
or settlements categories.
(i) 將本公司所獲取或持有權益的任何土地發展和加以利用,尤其是將該等土地整理和準備作建 築用途,建造、改動、清拆、裝飾、保養、布置、裝備和改善建築物,以及進行種植、鋪 路、排水、種植耕作、以租地建築 契或建築協議出租,並向各類建造商、租客及其他人墊 付款項,以及與他們訂立各種合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
同時,地休閒漁 業活動能吸引遊客和本地居民到漁區參觀,帶動 區內的經濟發展,令其他行業人士如餐飲、旅館、旅遊業等受惠。
The local recreational fisheries activities [...]
could also attract tourists and local citizens to visit fishing ports, driving
regional economic development and benefiting other industries such as catering, hospitality and tourism.
根据《工作休息时间法》,下述各类的工作已经缩短了工作时间: 从地下工作、对健康构成危害的工作或特殊性质的工作的雇员――最多每 天七小时既每周三十五个小时;在学校和其他托儿机构工作的教师和教育工 作者,在教育工作的其他人员以及根据与保健服务提供机构订立的雇用合同 [...]
Under the Working and Rest Time Act, the following categories of workers have reduced working time: employees who perform underground [...]
work, work that poses
a health hazard or work of a special nature — up to seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week; teachers and educators working in schools and other child care institutions, and other persons working in the area of education, and psychologists and speech therapists working on the basis of employment contracts entered into with a provider of health care services — up to seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week.
大宗土地所有权主张在任何一个国家 耕地 中 所占比例很 小,但与广泛流行的观点不同的是,却极少有“空闲”土地,因为大多数剩余耕地通常 已经被当地人使用或主张所有权。
Large-scale land claims involve only a small proportion of arable land in any one country, but, contrary to widespread perception, there is very little “empty” land, [...]
as most remaining suitable land is already
under use or claim, often by local people.
有资 格享休养假的工地点清 单修订本和相应的旅行频率在公务员制度委员会发布后,将立即 予以实施。
Revisions to the list of duty stations
[...] qualifying for Rest and Recuperation breaks, and the [...]
corresponding frequencies of travel,
will be implemented as soon as they are promulgated by ICSC.
技术工作组建议建立一个共同制度所有休养旅行框架,其中包括下列要 素:(a) 连休 5 天,不记入年假;(b) 给予旅行时间,其定义是,前往和离开工 作所在地实际花费的时间;(c) 支付指休养地点住宿费用,计算方法是,指定 工作地点每日生活津贴住宿部分平均数(5 天共 700 美元)加 50 美元的终点站费 用,为每次旅行支付的总住宿费用为 750 美元;(d) 支付工作所地至指定休养 地点最便宜和最直接路线的旅行费用。
The technical working group recommended a common system framework for all rest and recuperation travel, with the following elements: (a) five consecutive days off, not charged to annual leave; (b) travel time, defined as the actual time spent travelling to and from the place of duty; (c) a contribution towards
accommodation at the
[...] designated place of rest and recuperation, calculated as the average amount of the accommodation portion of the daily subsistence allowance as applicable to the designated places ($700 for five days) plus $50 towards terminal costs, for a total of $750 per travel; and (d) paid travel by the cheapest and most direct route from the place of duty to the designated place of rest and recuperation.
一向主要從事農耕以 外工作或只是參與假日休閒耕作的人士,不能算是真正務農人士。
Applicants who have non-agricultural occupation or participate in holiday/leisure farming are not considered as genuine farmers.
Nieuwenhuys (2003:105)对南印度一个村庄中儿童生活的研究指出,游戏空间“像小路休耕田、 海边、河岸、井和公共水龙头这样不显着的空间”,与社区行为和空间结构交织在 一起。
Nieuwenhuys’ ( 2003: 105 ) study of children’s lives in a village in South India notes that places for play were interspersed through the very fabric of community space and practices, in ‘unremarkable, liminal places such as paths, fallow lands, the beach, the river bank, the wells and the public taps’.
美投國際林業集團的主要業務是從事林業、山 耕地 、 山林土地所有權、山林土地管理、 林業產品、木材製造、夾板製造、纖維板製造、紙及與紙相關產品的製造、木製漿及其他 與林業相關的業務。
The principal business activity of AIFG is to engage in forestry, forestry land cultivation, forestry land ownership, forestry land management, forestry products, timber manufacturing, plywood manufacturing, fibreboard manufacturing, paper and paper-related products manufacturing, wood pulping and other forestry-related businesses.
並存法例訂明的規定包括基因改造與非基 因改造農作物之間的分隔距離須符合最低標準,以及種植非基因 改造農作物的生產者若認為其農產品受基因改 耕地 帶 來 的遺 傳漂游破壞,可獲得賠償。
The requirements stipulated under the co-existence legislation include maintaining minimum separation distances between farmers of GM crops and farmers of non-GM crops, as well as compensating producers of non-GM crops who believe their production has been damaged by a genetic drift from a GM field.
关于执行休养框架,行预咨委会在提出查询后收到资料,其中说明了目前已 获准提供休养假的维持和平行动的清单、已批准 休 养 地 点 以及联合国是否提供 交通工具或支付差旅费用(见下文表 6)。
With regard to the implementation of the rest and recuperation framework, the Advisory Committee was provided, upon enquiry, with information on the current list of peacekeeping operations for which rest and recuperation is authorized, the approved rest and recuperation location and whether United Nations transport is being provided or travel costs are paid (see table 6 below).




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