单词 | 休憩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 休憩noun—open spacen休憩noun—leisuren休憩verb—restvsleepvSee also:休—cease surname Xiu stop doing sth.for a period of time (imperative) don't 憩v—restv 休v—restv
(iv) 多用途的广场:广场应可容纳从享受綠色空间的静态休憩活动以至举行充满活 力的不同活动。 forum.gov.hk | (iv) Multi-purpose uses: The piazza should be able to accommodate activities ranging from passive enjoyment of green open space to vibrant events. forum.gov.hk |
根据初步设计概念,合并後的土地将重新发展为商业 用地,当中包括一个新的公共运输交汇处和一幅休憩用地。 devb.gov.hk | Under the preliminary design concept, the [...] amalgamated site is to be redeveloped for commercial use incorporating a new public transport [...] interchange and anopen space. devb.gov.hk |
西九也应设立一个园林綠化公园,让 15 公顷的公共休憩用地主要用來建设公园及附属设施,供广大市民享用。 procommons.org.hk | A larger green park can also be provided through exclusively allocating the 15-hectare of public open space to the Park and its supplementary facilities for public enjoyment. procommons.org.hk |
该「其他指定用 [...] 途」地带的规划意向,是保存中环街市大樓的外墙和建筑特色,以及把大樓活化 作商业、文化及社区用途,并提供公众休憩用地。 devb.gov.hk | The planning intention of the “OU” zone is to preserve the facade and special architectural features of the Central [...] Market building, and to revitalise it for commercial, cultural and community uses with the [...] provision of public open space. devb.gov.hk |
各区邻舍休憩用地和地区休憩用地,应设法在短期内达到每人每种用地各有最少一平方米的官方标准。 procommons.org.hk | In short-term, both the per capita local open public space and the district public open space should reach the minimum standard of at least 1 square metre respectively. procommons.org.hk |
然 而 ,有市民就 一 些 事宜表示关 注 ,包括受影响设施( 例 如 戴麟趾康复中 心 、 [...] 坚尼地城游泳池、 正 街街市西座和休憩用地) 的 重 置 ;通 风井对山道的 [...]居 民 、 般咸道 的学生和居 民可能 造成的不良影响; 拟议车 站入口 位 置 [...];以及科士街 树墙的 保 育事宜。 legco.gov.hk | However, there are concerns over the reprovisioning of the affected facilities (such as David Trench Rehabilitation Centre, [...] Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Centre Street Market [...] West Blockandopen spaces); the possible [...]adverse effect of ventilation shafts [...]to the residents at Hill Road and to students and residents at Bonham Road; the proposed locations of station entrances and the preservation of tree walls at Forbes Street etc. legco.gov.hk |
轩内展示了医院的歷史图片 和简介,并设图书馆、电脑室、体育设施和休 闲室,供同工学习交流、小组活动、健身和休 憩用。 hohcs.org.hk | The historic development of the hospital is also exhibited. Library, sports facilities, computer centre, leisure rooms are also available for staff. hohcs.org.hk |
(c) 调整西九管理局与政府之间就建造及保养共用设 施及基础设施的拨款责任 ⎯⎯ 政府负责建造及 保养运输及共用设施(例如道路、渠务设施、消防 局、公众码头等及工务工程),因为这些设施都是 为配合整个西九文化区(包括住宅、商业和酒店发 展项目)而设;西九管理局负责建造及保养公众休 憩用地、穿梭列车系统和停车场,因这些设施与 西九文化区的运作有直接关系。 legco.gov.hk | (c) adjusting the funding responsibility between WKCDA and the Government in the communal and infrastructural facilities - the Government to build and maintain the transport and communal facilities such as roads, drainage, fire station, public pier, etc. and engineering works which are designed to support the whole of the WKCD area (including residential, commercial and hotel developments), and WKCDA to be responsible for the Open Space,Automated People Mover and Car Parks, which have a direct bearing on WKCD's operation. legco.gov.hk |
除了获得普遍意义上的福利 及服务之外,同时还有具体针对有残疾人家庭的措施,如对于有残疾人家庭的住 [...] 房进行改造以适应残疾人需求;监护住房或家庭共用住房;日间照顾或夜间照顾 中心;家庭休憩及支持计划等。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the body of benefits and services of a general nature there are measures designed specifically for families with disabled members, such as rehabilitation and adaptation of [...] their dwellings, protected or communal dwellings, day and night care [...] centres, familyrespite andsupport programmes, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家公园、生物圈保护区、世界 遗产森林、拉姆萨尔湿地和休憩公园等重要的保护区也位于示范森林内部或周围。 daccess-ods.un.org | Significant conservation areas, such as national parks, biosphere reserves, World Heritage Forests, Ramsar sites andrecreational parks, are also contained within or around model forests. daccess-ods.un.org |
专业配方SPF15,方便的喷雾乳液为户外运动迷提供温和防护——无论去海滩、打球还是在泳池边徜徉休憩。 clarinsusa.com | Formulated with SPF 15, this convenient spray lotion offers [...] moderate protection for skin worshipers who like to play outdoors - whether at the beach, playing [...] sports or lounging poolside. clarinsusa.com |
在科克郡(County Cork)的开普可利岛(Cape Clear Island)位于爱尔兰的最南端,包围着那里的大西洋海水不仅是海狮的休憩场所,也是各种候鸟、鲸鱼、鲨鱼和海豚的天堂。 discoverireland.com | The Atlantic waters around Cape Clear Island, County Cork, the most southerly tip of Ireland, is a popular service station not only for seals, but for migrating birds, whales, sharks and dolphins. discoverireland.com |
三亚将为从阿布扎比经过4,600海里鏖战的船队提供一个舒适的休憩地。 iwc.com | Sanya will provide a welcome break for the fleet at the end of their 4,600 nautical mile journey from Abu Dhabi. iwc.com |
这些建议与 2007 年 5 月的工作坊所得的意見相若,即依受欢迎程度为休憩座位设施、草木花卉及 树荫、露天茶座、户外表演场地及喷水池 (请參考附錄四有关工作坊意見的清 单 ) ;除了「喷水池」在这次意見收集中的受欢迎度较低,而「港铁站出入通 道」则在工作坊中未被提及。 forum.gov.hk | These suggestions are similar to those popular ideas collected at the brainstorming workshop of May 2007, i.e. seating, green environment with shade, alfresco café, outdoor performance venue and fountain in order of popularity (see Appendix D for a full list of ideas generated from the workshop) except that “fountain” is less popular in this views collection exercise. forum.gov.hk |
一条竹材铺成的小路顺着坡度从地面爬上屋顶,将人引入城市中难能可贵的一片绿化休憩广场。 chinese-architects.com | A winding path paved by bamboo boards leads people up from the ground to a small public park surrounded by greenery on the roof top, a rare oasis in the [...] hectic city. 5 courtyards of different sizes puncture the roof, bringing greenery from the [...] outside into the interiorspace. chinese-architects.com |
主要统计资料:动态设施(露天剧场、射箭场、泳滩数目、球场、户外大球场、天然及人造草地球场、硬地足球场、曲棍球场、榄球场、体育馆、滚轴溜冰场、运动场、游泳池场馆、水上活动中心、高尔夫球练习场、障碍高尔夫球场及草地滚球场)数目及静态设施(大型公园、公园/花园/休憩处、儿童游乐场、度假营及露营地点)数目。 censtatd.gov.hk | Major statistics available: No. of active facilities (open air theatres, archery fields, beaches, courts , outdoor stadia, natural & artificial turf pitches, hard surfaced soccer pitches, hockey pitches, rugby pitches, indoor games halls/indoor recreation centres/leisure centres, roller skating rinks, sportsgrounds, swimming pool complexes, water sports centres, golf driving ranges, obstacle golf course and bowling greens) and no. of passive [...] facilities (major parks, small parks/ [...] gardens/ sitting-out areas, children's playgrounds, holidaycamps and [...]camps sites). censtatd.gov.hk |
KLCC公园是吉隆坡一处美丽、优雅、静谧之所,是远离喧嚣都市的绝佳休憩之地。 shangri-la.com | Beautiful, majestic and serene, KLCC Park is a refreshing break from the urbanized city of Kuala Lumpur. shangri-la.com |
因为多数区域为住商混合,让阿姆斯特丹更适合骑乘单车,住家、工作、休闲空间大多距离相近,居民只需步行或骑单车,即可抵达零售、休憩、医疗及教育设施,这些都是建立永续社区的要素。 thisbigcity.net | With home, work, and leisure opportunities typically located within shorter distance of each other, residents have walkable and cyclable access to retail, leisure, health and education facilities, critical in establishing sustainable communities. thisbigcity.net |
此外,在 1960 年代,任何大企业的雇员都可以享用由摇篮到坟墓的福利:例如企业 经营的医院、健康中心及商店;单身或已婚工人宿舍;企业属下各个渡假休憩场所; 企业资助的旅游、运动队及音乐节等等。 hkahe.com | Besides, in the 1960s, the employees of any big enterprises could enjoy welfare from birth to death, such as enterprise-operated hospitals, health centers and shops; dormitories for single and married workers; enterprise-owned resort facilities; enterprise-subsidized tours, sports teams and music festivals, etc. These welfares helped to reduced the number of disputes between employers and employees. hkahe.com |
例如:维修大厦的设备和设施、改善大厦指示标志、在长者租户聚集的地方装设扶手、在休憩地方设置座椅、改善大厦黑暗角落的照明设施,以及改善行人路设施等。 housingauthority.gov.hk | For example: repairing building facilities and utilities, improving building signages, installing handrails at meeting places of elderly tenants, providing seats in open areas, improving illumination at dark corners within housing blocks, improving pedestrian passages. housingauthority.gov.hk |
2010夏天,我们受业主之邀,在昆山的一处有机农场里设计一组小型公共建筑,包括会所,采摘亭,植物展房,和入口信息凉亭,目的是为未来在这里活动的人群提供休憩和餐饮的空间。 chinese-architects.com | Sited in an Eco-farm alongside the Yang Cheng Lake, Kunshan,the project consists of 4 small scale public buildings: a club house, a harvest pavilion, a botanical showroom, and an information center. chinese-architects.com |
建造、维修、改建、翻新及拆卸属必须的或对其目的方便的任何楼宇或工程; [...] 以租约或租赁协议之方式取得百慕达之土地,年期不可超过二十一年,而取得之土地必须 「真正」为了公司业务需要,并获财政部长酌情授出有关藉租约或租赁协议方式按类似年 [...] 期取得百慕达土地用作提供高级人员及雇员住宿或休憩设施之同意,待再无需要土地作任 何上述用途时,终止或转让租约或租赁协议 cre8ir.com | 12. to take land in Bermuda by way of lease or letting agreement for a term not exceeding twenty-one years, being land “bonafide” required for the purposes of the business of the company and with the consent of the Minister granted in his discretion to take land in Bermuda by way of lease or letting agreement for [...] a similar period in order to provide [...] accommodation orrecreational facilities for [...]its officers and employees and when no [...]longer necessary for any of the above purposes to terminate or transfer the lease or letting agreement cre8ir.com |
在科克郡(County Cork)的开普可利岛(Cape Clear Island)位于爱尔兰的最南端,包围着那里的大西洋海水不仅是海狮的休憩场所,也是各种候鸟、鲸鱼、鲨鱼和海豚的天堂。 discoverireland.com | Die atlantischen Gewässer am südlichsten Zipfel Irlands rings um Cape Clear Island im County Cork sind nicht nur ein bekannter Tummelplatz für Robben, sondern auch für Zugvögel, Wale, Haie und Delphine. discoverireland.com |
带有大量金色锦缎边饰的绿色锦缎壁衣上,挂着以下画作 [...] :《阿波罗和女祭司》和《阿波罗和亚森特》,作者为路易德布洛涅(Louis de Boulogne);《阿波罗在特提斯》, 作者为让儒弗内(Jean [...] Jouvenet);《得到胜利女神加冕的阿波罗和阿波罗的休憩》,作者为诺埃尔科瓦贝尔(Noël [...]Coypel)。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The green damask wall coverings enriched with a gold brocade border form the backdrop for the following paintings: Apollo and the Sibyl and Apollo and [...] Hyacinth by Louis de Boulogne; Apollo and Thetis by Jean Jouvenet; Apollo Crowned by [...] Victory and Apollo AtRest by NoëlCoypel. en.chateauversailles.fr |
地下及一楼可以展出14款Audi的最新陈列车,更设有贵宾休憩区及「Audi Exclusive」,让顾客轻松选择车身颜色、轮圈大小和款式等不同配搭,预想图更可即时呈现於萤幕上。 think-silly.com | The three-storey showroom is 20,000 square feet in size, modelled on Germany headquarter, and complete with VIP lounge area and ‘Audi Exclusive’ ─aspace for custom made cars, with choices of colour, rim and style available; drafts can be seen on the screen instantly. think-silly.com |
在特里亚侬宫,尤其是玛丽-安托瓦内特的宫苑,所有奇思妙想都是被允许的:为王后及其亲近之人修建一个小剧院;一个供她休憩的观景阁;为了她能够尽情享受乡间生活,还修建了一个像孔代(Condé)亲王在尚蒂伊(Chantilly)那样的农庄,但面积更大。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | At Trianon, the domain of Marie-Antoinette par excellence, all her fantasies were given free rein: construction of a [...] small theatre for the queen and her friends; [...] a belvedere to rest in; a hamlet like [...]that of the Prince de Condé at Chantilly [...]but even larger, for her pastoral activities. en.chateauversailles.fr |
首层的“旅行探索区”充满了各类精致考究的皮具、阳刚优雅的珠宝配饰、充满吸引力的趣致类产品,置身其中仿佛时光的故事在此静静流淌;二层的成衣零售区、量体裁衣定制服区、高级定制室全面定义一名绅士在各种场合的服装造型;三层的会员制KEE [...] Club餐厅和酒吧为绅士的品位生活提供饕餮美食与美酒;顶层的Alfred Dunhill尊属贵宾室让小酌和休憩充溢着怡情的况味,踱步阳台便能领略优雅英式花园之美景。 madeincompany.com | The “Travel and Discovery Room" on the ground floor is filled with all kinds of dedicate and fine leather, masculine and elegant jewelry and accessories, attractive gifts, just like the quiet flowing of time; the first floor is menswear section, custom room, and bespoke tailoring room, defining the clothes and images of a gentleman at various occasions; the membership KEE Club and bar on the third floor provide fine food and wine for tasty gentlemen; the VIP room of Alfred Dunhill on the top [...] floor is a great place to relish a sip of [...] wine and have a rest, and the balcony [...]provides a wonderful view of an elegant English-style garden. madeincompany.com |
茶叶原本是一个意外的产物——相传当一名中国旅行者在茶树下休憩时,一片茶树叶掉进了他盛着热水的杯子里——从此成为了世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | What started out by accident – legend has it that a tea [...] leaf fell into a Chinese traveler’s cup of [...] hot wateras he restedunder a tree [...]– has become one of the world’s most popular beverages. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
但河川较浅也是「西底区」後来没落的部分原因,1903年及1951年水患後,所有住宅区退至周遭崖壁上,多数企业亦迁往东部,建立今日市中心,并修筑多条堤防,避免引发更多灾害,但也阻断各项河岸休憩活动,旧市中心只剩下平房式的仓库和卡车为主的配销中心,许多老旧建筑则荒废无用。 thisbigcity.net | The location of this shallow river basin also became part of the West Bottoms’s decline. thisbigcity.net |