单词 | 伏特加 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 伏特加noun—vodkan伏特加—vodka (loanword)See also:伏特n—vodkan voltn amperen 伏—overcome conceal oneself subdue lie low concede defeat lean over fall (go down) surname Fu submit hide (in ambush) hottest days of summer
再者,西式蒸馏烈酒(如 拔 蘭 地、威 士 忌、蘭 酒、伏 特 加、琴 酒 )和其他酒精饮品(如日本清酒、苹果酒和强化酒), 亦没有个别消费量數据。 cfs.gov.hk | Lastly, individual consumptiondata for Western distilled spirits, such as brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, gin, and other alcoholic beverages, such as sake, cider, fortified wine, were not available. cfs.gov.hk |
梅艳芳显示,柯南,她是缩减他的毒药,,4869 APTX的发明者,是集团的杜松子酒和 伏特加酒, 黑组织的一部分。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Anita reveals to Conan that she is the [...] inventor of the poison that shrank him, APTX 4869, and is part of the [...] syndicate Gin and Vodka work for, the Black [...]Organization. en.seekcartoon.com |
在这里您能品尝到名贵的威士忌、白兰地、格拉帕蒸馏酒、最好的伏特加、杜松子酒,以及龙舌兰。 msccruises.com.cn | The drinks list of the Manhattan Bar is inspired by jazz music: rare whiskies, cognac, aged grappa, the [...] best brandsof vodkaandgin, and aged [...]tequila. msccruises.com.eg |
在寻找哥哥和逮捕罪犯,柯南认识的女人是没有同伴的杜松子酒和伏特加酒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After finding the brother and apprehending the criminals, Conan realizes the woman is not [...] a companion of Gin and Vodka. en.seekcartoon.com |
事实上,着名的“Zubrowka”伏特加酒也添加了茅香。 clarinsusa.com | In fact it is used to flavour the famous vodka ‘Zubrowka’, whose Polish name means ‘bison grass vodka’. clarinsusa.com |
波兰人喜欢将“野牛草”放入伏特加酒以增添香味。 clarinsusa.com | The Polish use « bison grass [...] » in their vodka togive it a delicious flavour. clarinsusa.com |
金爵士吧中的饮品灵感来源于爵士音乐:珍藏的威士忌,法国白兰地,陈年意大利白兰地,最好的伏特加和陈年龙舌兰。 msccruises.com.cn | The drinks list of The Golden Jazz Bar is inspired by jazz music: rare whiskies, cognac, aged grappa, the [...] best brandsof vodkaandgin, and aged [...]tequila. msccruises.com.eg |
用混入香料的红酒,加入一点儿杏仁和葡萄干,可以的话再洒点伏特加烈酒,做出来的圣诞热酒 (glögi),是这冬季佳节的传统饮料。 visitfinland.com | Glögi is a traditional Christmas drink, made from spiced wine with a sprinkling of almonds and raisins [...] and, whenever possible, a dash of vodka. visitfinland.com |
这款由Rolf Sachs设计的“Frisson”艺术限量版的灵感来冰镇伏特加酒瓶刚从冰箱里拿出来时凝结水雾的样子。 iontime.ch | The Limited Art Edition “Frisson” by Rolf Sachs was inspired by the condensation of an iced vodka glass just out of the freezer. iontime.ch |
柯南接受,相信她是在联赛杜松子酒和伏特加酒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Conan accepts, believing she is [...] in league with Ginand Vodka. en.seekcartoon.com |
那些虚称可以提供同样伏特加产品的品牌,不仅误导了消费者而且伤害了真正的伏特加品牌。 labbrand.com | Having brands which claim to [...] offer the same product,vodka,can mislead consumers and harm the brands who aretruly offeringthe real thing. labbrand.com |
鸡尾酒在饭店内的销售日渐疲软,法国灰雁(Grey Goose)伏特加为此 发布了新的网站,消费者可根据网站的指导,自己在家调制完美饮品。 labbrand.com | Due to sluggish cocktail sales in restaurants Grey Goose is launching a new website to give consumers tips on how to make perfect drinks at home. labbrand.com |
你或者还可以尝试W酒廊,其Switch鸡尾酒,部分名单由调酒师Joseph Boroski使用清爽的香槟,伏特加酒,藏红花覆盆子酱和新鲜的橙汁混合组成。 luxe-immo.com | Or you could try the W Lounge with its Switch cocktail, part of an extensive list, created [...] by mixologist Joseph Boroski using a refreshing [...] mix of champagne,vodka,raspberry puree [...]and fresh orange with saffron. luxe-immo.com |
衣服散落在地上,工作办公桌淹没脏杯子,那麽它代表的空啤酒瓶和一对夫妇的伏特加酒。 povilas.panavas.lt | Clothes scattered on the floor, working desk swamped with dirty cups, then it stands empty beer [...] bottles and a coupleof vodka. povilas.panavas.lt |
混合伏特加酒或啤酒的能量饮品,已成为酒吧和会所中受欢迎的饮品,各国年青人饮用这些饮品亦已成为一种风气。 cfs.gov.hk | Energy drinks [...] mixedwith vodka or beers have [...]become popular at bars and clubs and consuming these drinks is a trend among [...]young people in various countries. cfs.gov.hk |
责任义务自由: 马特尔卡DÛTI [...] 炸薯条长已成为酒商店高标准的服务和品质,酒、伏特加、白兰地、 威士卡,所有对制造商的价格。 dyuti-free.g-sochi.ru | DUTY free-Duty-free: Matrka DÛTI FRIES has long established [...] itself as a liquor store-HIGH STANDARDS of SERVICE and [...] QUALITY, wine, vodka, cognac, whisky, [...]ALL on the MANUFACTURER'S PRICE. g-sochi.ru |
百加得有限公司的品牌组合由200多个品牌和商标组成,其中包括一些全球最受欢迎和最知名的产品:全球最受欢迎和获奖最多的优质郎姆酒--BACARDI®(百加得)郎姆酒;世界顶级的超尊贵伏特加GREY GOOSE®(灰雁);美国最畅销的混合型苏格兰威士忌酒DEWAR'S®(帝王);全球最珍贵和发展最快的优质杜松子酒BOMBAY SAPPHIRE®(孟买蓝宝石);世界顶级的苦艾酒和汽酒MARTINI®(马天尼);全球最畅销的优质龙舌兰酒--CAZADORES®蓝色龙舌兰酒;以及其他领先品牌。 businesswirechina.com | The Bacardi Limited brand portfolio consists of more than 200 brands and labels, including some of the world's favorite and best-known products: BACARDI® rum, the world's favorite premium rum and world's most awarded rum; GREY GOOSE®vodka,the world-leader in super premium vodka; DEWAR'S® Scotch whisky, the top-selling blended Scotch whisky in the United States; BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® gin, the top-valued and fastest-growing premium gin in the world; MARTINI® vermouth and sparkling wines, the world-leader in vermouth; CAZADORES® blue agave tequila, the top-selling premium tequila in the world; and other leading brands. businesswirechina.com |
许多生产商使用了和俄罗斯伏特加相似的品牌名,实际上他们的产品并非真正意义上的俄罗斯伏特加。 labbrand.com | Many producers use Russian-vodka-sounding names, but their products are not necessarily ‘real’ Russian vodka. labbrand.com |
在案件中,Diageo称,伏特加应该是一种被依法保护的产品,这也符合欧盟法律的规定。 labbrand.com | A British court recently ruled in favor of [...] Russia-based vodka brand Diageo who claimed that vodka must be “a [...]legally protected product which [...]should conform to EU content regulations”. labbrand.com |
俄罗斯国有伏特加公司Soyuzplodoimport的女发言人表示,这个意义非凡的判决将有助于区分伏特加的品牌概念并且使其免受不实厂商的造假或曲解。 labbrand.com | Spokeswoman of [...] state-runRussian vodka maker Soyuzplodoimport said, “This meaningful decision will help differentiate the brand conceptof 'vodka' andprotect [...]it from fakes or misinterpretations by dishonest producers. labbrand.com |
过量饮酒(特别是啤酒、威士忌、杜松子酒、伏特加酒和 朗姆酒 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Excessive alcohol(particularlybeer, whiskey, gin,vodka and rum) shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
斯米诺夜生活交流项目的获胜者将参加麦当娜普利司通超级碗中场秀演出,斯米诺伏特加酒将成为麦当娜单曲“Give Me All Your Luvin”视频中的明星。 tipschina.gov.cn | Winner of Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project Appears in Madonna Bridgestone Super Bowl Halftime Show and Smirnoff Stars Alongside Madonna in Video for "Give Me All YourLuvin tipschina.gov.cn |
饮用啤酒和烈酒(如杜松子酒、伏特加)可能会增加痛风发作的风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Beer and hard liquor [...] (e.g., gin, vodka) are associated withincreased gouty attacks. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
崇光超市酒窖现以全新面貌与大家见面,特意搜罗来自世界各地的美酒佳酿、香槟、烈酒,并有多款珍藏干邑及威士忌、高级烈酒、伏特加及龙舌兰酒等等。 sogo.com.hk | We are proud to announce our grand re-opening of SOGO Wine Cellar, featuring an impressive variety of fine wines, champagne, spirits, as well as a rare and exotic selection of cognac, whiskey, high spirits, vodka andtequila from all over the globe. sogo.com.hk |
酒店内的 Axis Bar 有全国最多品牌、最齐全的伏特加酒。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The largest selection of vodkain Poland is said to line the hotels's stylish Axis Bar. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
策托尔是个轻松的夜宵好去处,最简单就是来一盘土豆伴肉,再来一杯用咸味甘草调和斯肯可洼 (Koskenkorva)伏特加所造成的 “萨尔马里” (salmari) 。 visitfinland.com | This late-night comfort food spot serves great meat-and-potatoes dishes (anything with lingonberries is a win), and it is also the best place to try out the local tipple, salmari, made with Koskenkorvavodka and salty liquorice. visitfinland.com |
芬兰新派菜令人刮目相看,如上菜前才点火的火焰猪排 (Aquavit-flambéed pork chops) 伴烤茴香和芥菜泥、烤伏特加腌制牛脊里肉配干胡椒和新鲜百里香,都叫人垂涎三尺。 visitfinland.com | New Finnish Cuisine includes delectable [...] dishes such as Aquavit-flambéed pork chops with baked fennel and mashed rutabaga, and vodka-marinated [...]sirloin roast with peppercorns and fresh thyme. visitfinland.com |
对于将“伏特加”一词信奉为历史及文化之维系的俄罗斯人来说,最高法院的判决意味着,他们在保护那些在国外市场火热畅销的俄罗斯伏特加品牌上,又向前迈进了一步。 labbrand.com | For the Russians who believe that [...] the Russian word ‘vodka’ is associated with their history and culture, this High Court ruling representsfurther progress in protecting the brand equity of all of the Russianvodka brands in lucrative foreign [...]markets. labbrand.com |
以血腥玛莉为例(芥末再馏伏特加、自制血腥玛莉混料、柠檬蕃茄汁,港币$130),运用了角落里由管子与小瓶组成的炫目迷宫(又称作"蒸馏器"),将芥末注入伏特加。 mehongkong.com | Take the Bloody Mary [...] (wasabi-redistilledvodka,homemade bloody mary mix, lemon and tomato juice, HK$130), for example, which utilizes a fancy maze of tubes and flasks in the corner (aka, a distillation machine) to wasabi-infuse the vodka. mehongkong.com |