

单词 伊莱克斯

See also:


Clay (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

LG 集团、戴尔、夏 普、福耐、东芝、博世伊莱克斯、 因 代西特和惠而浦等许 多跨国企业都决定在波兰设立生产基地。
Many international companies, such as LG group, Dell, Sharp, Funai, Toshiba, Bosch, Electrolux, Indesit and Whirlpool, have decided to establish their manufacturing bases in Poland.
欧洲家庭所使用的洗碗 机、干衣机和冰箱等有很多都是在这里生产,比如 伊莱克 斯和惠尔普品牌。
Many of the dishwashers, dryers and refrigerators found in homes across Europe are also manufactured in factories in the region, such as those of Electrolux and Whirlpool.
为提升公众对此问题的认识 伊莱克斯 打 算从易受伤害的海洋栖息地收集可能对生态环境造成损害的塑料碎片 – 并用这些碎片制造少量吸尘器。
To raise public awareness of this issue, Electrolux aims to gather plastic debris from vulnerable marine habitats – and produce a limited number of vacs out of it.
在克拉科夫进行投资的其它公司包括:谷歌 伊莱克斯 、瑞 银集团和三菱电机欧洲公司。
Other firms
[...] present in Kraków include Electrolux, Google, Mitsubishi Electric Europe [...]
and UBS.
2009埃科菲中国青年希望杯厨师大赛,于4月18日星期六 伊莱克斯 厨 房 如期举行,我们非常荣幸的向您宣布此次大赛的冠军。
On Saturday 18th April was hold the ESCOFFIER CHINA YOUTH HOPE CONTEST SELECTION 2009, in electrolux Kitchen, we have the pleasure to announce officialy the winner.
常见品牌:法美巴西 泰康,法 美优乐,美
[...] 谷轮﹑ 布里斯托,丹麦 丹佛斯,意大利 恩布拉克伊莱克斯,日本 日立﹑ 松下﹑ 东芝﹑ 三洋, 三菱﹑DAKIN大金,韩LG,中国春兰等。
Brand: the common method of Brazil, France and the us beauty taikang superior happy,
beautiful valley wheel,
[...] Bristol, Denmark danfoss, Italy grace, electrolux, braque Japan's Hitachi, [...]
panasonic, Toshiba, sanyo,
mitsubishi, DAKIN, Korea's LG, China daikin chunlan, etc.
家用电器:所有世界领先的制造商在波兰 都有工厂,包括惠而浦(弗罗茨瓦夫)伊莱克斯(有 几个工厂在西里西亚和下西 里西亚)、博士和西门子(罗兹)和意黛 喜(罗兹)。
have plants in Poland, including Whirlpool (Wrocław), Electrolux (several plants in Silesia and Lower Silesia), Bosch and Siemens (Łódź) and Indesit (Łódź).
作为数家全球设备制造商(包括博世-西门子公司 伊莱克斯 、 通 用电气和惠尔浦)的主要供应商,爱普科斯深知必须在更小的封装内成功维持M2020产品的可靠性。
A major supplier to several global appliance makers that include
BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte,
[...] Electrolux, GE and Whirlpool, EPCOS knew it needed [...]
to maintain the reliability of the M2020, but in a smaller package.
李梓熙毕业于法国凡尔赛美术学院,硕士学位. 曾任职于法国BUSINESS LAB网络信息服务公司,参与过多项国际项目,在法国五年的学习和工作经验,也曾在国际大公司 伊莱克斯 等 工 作.曾荣 伊莱克斯 年 度 技术创新奖等多项奖项.流利的法语和英语。
Irene holds a master degree from French Paris Ecole Des Beaux-Arts de Versailles, used to work for French BUSINESS LAB internet Information Service Company, involved with many international projects.
自1997年以来已完成各类开发项目1500项,主要产品有空调,中央空调,变频空调,电冰箱,洗衣机,热水器,微波炉,油烟机,太阳能仪表,汽车电子等控制器,以及遥控器等产品,主要配套的厂商有:三星,三洋 伊莱克斯 , LG 、樱花,阿里斯顿,A.O. Smith,松下、特灵、皇明、海尔,远大、新飞、力诺、桑乐、惠而浦、南汽、康佳、美大、SEB、林内、长虹等。
Since 1997 has completed all kinds of development projects 1500 items, the main products are air conditioning, central air conditioning, frequency conversion air conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines, water heater, microwave ovens, lampblack machine, the solar energy meter, car electronic controller, and the remote control and other products, the main
supporting the manufacturer has:
[...] samsung, sanyo, electrolux, LG, Oriental cherry, ALiSiDu, A.O. Smith, panasonic, [...]
ase, the emperor
bright, haier, ambitious, new-fly, SangLe, from linuo, whirlpool, nac, konka, beauty, SEB, monitoring.throughfall, changhong etc. In 2006 allowed to municipal r&d center, the company obtained in 2008 national high and new technology enterprise term.
在科斯的事务的干克莱门特和伊 格 在 罗马教会了他的发言说,罗马人书信绪论必须理解的语言,在基督的圣彼得充电灯。
The intervention of Clement in the affairs of Corinth and the language of Ignatius in speaking [...]
of the Church of Rome in
the exordium of his Epistle to the Romans must be understood in the light of Christ's charge to St. Peter.
截止 2010 年 3 月 1 日,有 46 个管理局成 员欠款两年或两年以上:白俄罗斯、伯利兹、贝宁、玻利维亚、布基纳法索、佛
[...] 克、赤道几内亚、斐济、冈比亚、格林纳达、几内亚、几内亚比绍、洪都 斯、 伊拉克、莱索托 、马达加斯加、马尔代夫、马里、毛里塔尼亚、密克罗尼西亚联 [...]
卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、圣多美和普林西比、塞舌尔、塞拉利昂、所罗 门群岛、索马里、苏丹、多哥、汤加、瓦努阿图、赞比亚和津巴布韦。
As at 1 March 2010, 46 members of the Authority were in arrears for a period of two years or more: Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Comoros, Cook Islands, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea,
Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea,
[...] Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Iraq, Lesotho, Madagascar, Maldives, [...]
Mali, Mauritania, Micronesia (Federated
States of), Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Tonga, Vanuatu, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
下列成员和准成员的代表在会上作了发言:亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟 加拉国、莱达鲁 萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐济、 中国香港、印度、印度尼西亚、伊 伊斯 兰 共和国、日本、哈 克斯 坦 、 老 挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 斯里兰卡、泰国、汤加、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图和越南。
Representatives of the following members and associate members made
statements: Armenia;
[...] Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Lao People’s Democratic [...]
Republic; Malaysia;
Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、 莱 达 鲁 萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚 伊 拉 克 、 哈 萨 克斯 坦 、科威 特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
[...] Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, [...]
Malawi, Malaysia,
Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
在 2011 年 7 月 7 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/419)中,秘书长宣布他 任命科特迪瓦问题专家组四名成员如下:伊尔汗·贝尔科尔(土耳其,海关-运输 专家)、奥伊拉·贝斯-卢戈 (美利坚合众国,钻石专家)、若埃尔 · 沙 莱克 (哥伦比亚,金融专家)和曼努埃尔·巴 斯克斯 - 布 瓦 达尔(西班牙,区域专家)。
In a letter addressed to the President of the Security Council dated 7 July 2011 (S/2011/419), the Secretary-General announced his appointment of four members of the Group of Experts as follows: Ilhan Berkol (Turkey, customs/transport expert), Omayra Bermúdez-Lugo (United States of America, diamond expert), Joel Salek (Colombia, finance expert) and Manuel Vazquez-Boidard (Spain, regional expert).
从地理上看,罗马为代克莱门特 和黑马;波利卡普写道士麦那,那里还派了七 伊 格 书信,他说,从安提阿途中经过小亚细亚,四名;帕皮亚是希拉波 斯 主 教 在phrygia;在埃及的十二使徒遗训书面或叙利亚,在亚历山德里亚的巴拿巴信。
Geographically, Rome is represented by Clement and Hermas; Polycarp wrote from Smyrna, whence also Ignatius sent four of the seven epistles which he wrote on his way from Antioch through Asia Minor; [...]
Papias was Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia;
the Didache was written in Egypt or Syria; the letter of Barnabas in Alexandria.
拉扎博士是国内外众多委员会的评审专家和顾问,同时也获得了诸多奖项,其中包括北美巴基斯坦内科医生协会(APPNA)颁发的首个终身成就奖,两次获得学术成就奖(2007和2010),巴 斯 坦 年 度杰出女性,2012癌症研究希望奖(与诺贝尔.劳伦 特 . 伊 丽 莎 白• 莱克 本 分 享)。
Dr. Raza serves on numerous national and international panels as a reviewer, consultant and advisor and is the recipient of a number of awards including The
First Lifetime Achievement
[...] Award from APPNA, Award in Academic Excellence twice (2007 and 2010) from Dogana, Woman of the Year Award from Safeer e Pakistan, CA and The Hope Award in Cancer Research 2012 (shared with the Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn).
发言的还有:多民族玻利维亚国总统埃沃·莫 莱斯 ·艾 玛;洪都斯副总统维克托·乌 戈·巴尼卡;阿富汗禁毒部长;巴西司法部长伊 朗伊斯兰 共和国内政部长兼药物管制总部秘书长;老挝人民民主共和国总理办 公厅主任兼国家药物管制与监督委员会主席;俄罗斯联邦药物管制局局长;美 利坚合众国国家药物管制政策办公室主任;西班牙卫生、社会服务和平等部主 管社会服务和平等事务的国务秘书。
Statements were also made by
[...] Evo Morales Ayma, President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia; Victor Hugo Barnica, Vice-President of Honduras; the Minister of Counter-Narcotics of Afghanistan; the Minister of Justice of Brazil; the Minister of the Interior and Secretary-General of the Drug Control Headquarters of the Islamic Republic [...]
of Iran; the Minister
to the Prime Minister’s Office and Chairman of the Lao National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic; the Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation; the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy of the United States; and the Secretary of State for Social Services and Equality of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain.
21. 在似乎履约的国家中,32
国与执行委员会订立有国家 ODS 或 CFC
[...] 淘汰协定:阿根 廷、巴哈马、孟加拉国、巴西、哥伦比亚、刚果民主共和国、克罗地亚、厄瓜多尔、克 罗尼西亚联邦、印度伊朗、牙买加、约旦、基里 斯 、 莱 索 托 、马来西亚、马绍尔群 岛、毛里求斯、墨西哥、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、菲律宾、所罗门 [...]
21. 32 of the countries that appear to be in compliance have national ODS or CFC phase-out agreements with the Executive Committee: Argentina, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Congo DR,
Croatia, Ecuador,
[...] Federated States of Micronesia, India, Iran, Jamaica, Jordan, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, [...]
Mexico, Namibia,
Nigeria, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Venezuela.
可以提到的是谁给了我们,我们最早新台币外(例如,罗马,安提阿 伊 格 克莱 门 特和波利卡普)基督教文学立即postapostolic父亲。
Mention may be made of the immediate postapostolic fathers who
have given us our earliest Christian literature outside
[...] the NT (eg, Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, [...]
and Polycarp).
以下国家和观察员也参加了工作组的会议,阿尔及利亚、亚美尼亚、澳大利 亚、奥地利、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、哥斯达黎加、 克 共 和 国、丹麦、埃 及、芬兰、德国、希腊、海地、教廷、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚 伊 朗 伊斯兰 共 和国、爱尔兰、意大利、列支敦士登、立陶宛、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥、荷兰、 新西兰、巴拉圭、秘鲁、葡萄牙、卢旺达、圣马力诺、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛 [...]
The following States and observers also participated in the meetings of the Working Group: Algeria, Armenia, Australia,
Austria, Bulgaria,
[...] Canada, Chad, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Haiti, the Holy See, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), [...]
Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, the Syrian Arab Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Zimbabwe.
委员会下列 56 个成员国的代表出席了会议:阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、澳大利
[...] 拿大、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、捷克共和国、厄瓜多尔、法国、德国、 匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、伊 伊斯 兰 共 和国 伊 拉 克 、 意大利、日本、哈克斯坦、 肯尼亚、黎巴嫩、利比亚、马来西亚、墨西哥、摩洛哥、尼日利 亚、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯 [...] [...]
联邦、沙特阿拉伯、斯洛伐克、南非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共 和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众 国、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南。
Representatives of the following 56 member States of the Committee attended the session: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic,
Ecuador, France,
[...] Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, [...]
Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia,
Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam.
[...] 黎加、刚果民主共和国、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、芬兰、德 国、希腊、危地马拉、海地、冰岛、以色列、伊 伊斯 兰 共 和国、哈 克斯 坦、 科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、立陶宛、马来西亚、马尔 代夫、摩洛哥、新西兰、阿曼、巴拿马、巴拉圭、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、摩尔多 [...]
士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 共和国、越南和津巴布韦。
The following non-member States of the Human Rights Council also participated in the working group’s meetings: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Democratic
Republic of the
[...] Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Israel, Iran (Islamic Republic [...]
of), Kazakhstan,
Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
[...] 哥维那、保加利亚、吉布提、埃及、格鲁吉亚、印度、伊 伊斯 兰 共 和国伊 拉克、约 旦、黎巴嫩、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马尔代夫、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、巴 [...]
共和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰和也门,以及巴勒斯坦被占领土当局和科索 沃。
Basic resources for establishing the systems were provided to Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Djibouti, Egypt, Georgia,
[...] India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the [...]
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemen, as well as to the authorities of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and to Kosovo.
阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴巴 多斯、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、古巴、塞浦 斯 、 捷 克 共 和 国、埃 及、芬兰、加蓬、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度 伊 朗 伊斯 兰 共和国、爱尔 兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马拉维、马来西亚、 马耳他、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、 [...]
亚共和国、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合 酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭和南斯拉夫。
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados,
Brazil, Bulgaria,
[...] Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, [...]
Israel, Italy,
Jamaica, Japan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay and Yugoslavia.
以下亚太经社会成员派代表出席了本届会议:阿富汗、澳大利 亚、孟加拉国、不丹、莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、印度、印度 尼西亚伊朗伊斯兰共 和国、日本、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西 亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、帕劳、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄 [...]
罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、美利坚合众国和 越南。
The Committee session was attended by representatives of the following members of ESCAP:
[...] Australia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; [...]
Lao People’s Democratic
Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; United States of America; and Viet Nam.
安托瓦内特耕(弗朗西丝·康伊) , Despereaux的母亲试图向运行通过到停止的鼠标委员会发送Despereaux进地牢, 莱斯 特 (威廉H.梅西),安托瓦内特的丈夫,抓住她的胳膊,因为他关心更多关于鼠标会比他约Despereaux。
[...] Tilling (Frances Conroy), Despereaux’s mother tries to run through to stop the Mouse Council from sending Despereaux into the dungeon, but Lester (William H. Macy), [...]
Antoinette’s husband, grabs her
by the arm, because he cares more about the Mouse Council than he does about Despereaux.
这些发言者包 括儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克 先 生 、暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代表玛 尔塔·桑斯·派斯女士 、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪 卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士(通过录像发言)以及联合国儿童权利委员会主席 Yanghee Lee 教授(由联合国人权事务高级专员办事处副主任 Maggie Nicholson 女士宣读 其发言稿)。
These included Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, Ms. Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (whose remarks were delivered through a video recording), and Professor Yanghee Lee, Chairperson, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (whose remarks were delivered by Ms. Maggie Nicholson, Deputy Director, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights).
我要 感谢秘书长提交有关该问题的报告(S/2011/250),感 谢拉迪卡·库马斯瓦米 女士以负责儿童与武装冲突 问题的秘书长特别代表的身份介绍情况,还要感谢儿 童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生
I should like to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2011/250) on this issue, as well as Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy for the information she provided in her capacity as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF.
在史瑞克读取Fiona的日记和页面包含一句“夫人后 菲奥娜魅力“,哈罗德安排莱克和 驴子和他一起在一个虚构的狩猎之旅,这确实是一个陷阱,引诱两成手中的刺客,穿靴子的猫(安东尼奥·班德 斯 配 音 )。
After Shrek reads Fiona’s diary and pages containing the single phrase “Mrs.
Fiona Charming”,
[...] Harold arranges for Shrek and Donkey to join him on a fictitious hunting trip, which really is a trap to lure the two into the hands of an assassin, Puss in Boots (voiced by Antonio Banderas).




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