

单词 伊莉萨白

See also:


Sally (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

多產藝術家,他的畫在國際廣受歡迎,在白宮和在英國菲力普親王 (伊莉莎白女皇的丈夫) 的收藏中都有他的作品。
Prolific artist. His paintings are in great demand
internationally and can be found
[...] hanging in the White House and in the Prince Phillip's (husband of Queen Elizabeth) collection [...]
in Britain.
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆 白 俄 罗 斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚 伊 拉 克、 哈 萨 克 斯 坦、科威 特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, [...]
Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar,
Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
委员会欢迎新成员,并向六位离任成员帕特里克·杰勒德 · 豪 伊 、 安 德烈·科 瓦连科、朴海延莉萨·斯普 拉特、角茂树和考特尼·威廉斯致谢,感谢他们在 委员会勤奋工作、服务多年。
The Committee welcomed the new members and thanked the six outgoing members, Patrick Gerard Haughey, Andrei Kovalenko, Hae-yun Park, Lisa P. Spratt, Shigeki Sumi and Courtney H. Williams, for their hard work and years of service in the Committee.
应主席邀请,扎义德先生(阿富汗)、别利斯卡娅 女士(白俄罗斯)、卡萨斯先 生(智利)、科科先 生(科特迪瓦)、钱伯斯小姐(牙买加)和 伊 纳 西奥 先生(葡萄牙)担任计票人。
At the invitation of the Acting President, Mr. Zaid (Afghanistan), Ms. Belsk aya (Belar us), Mr. Cabe zas (Chile), Mr. Koko (Côte d’Ivoire), Miss Chambers [...]
(Jamaica) and Mr. Inácio (Portugal) acted as tellers.
就在昨天,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国君伊 莉莎白女皇 二世陛下提醒国际社会注意,自联合国创 立以来,由于人民的愿望,出现了繁荣以及人类和社 会行为的变化,技术也在进步。
Only yesterday, the
[...] sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, reminded [...]
the United Nations
community that since the United Nations was created, prosperity and changes in human and social behaviour, as well as advances in technology, have arisen because the people wanted them.
合伙人玛丽亚伊丽莎白•舍 弗勒和其子乔治•F.W.•舍弗勒继承了她的丈夫乔治•舍弗勒博士的毕生事业,舍弗勒先生于1996年去世。
Together with her son Georg F. W. Schaeffler, owner Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler is continuing the lifelong work of her husband Dr. Ing. h.c. Georg Schaeffler, who died in 1996.
2009 年 11 月 19 日大会第 48
次全体会议根据第五委员会的建议,8 任命下列 人士为会费委员会成员,自 2010 年 1 月 1
[...] 日起任期三年:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基 ___________________ 先生、迈沙勒·曼苏尔先生、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱先生 伊 霍 尔·胡梅尼先生莉萨·斯普拉特女士和角茂树先生。
At its 48th plenary meeting, on 19 November 2009, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Fifth Committee,8 appointed the following persons as members of the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term of office
beginning on 1 January 2010:
[...] Mr. Andrzej T. Abraszewski, Mr. Meshal Al-Mansour, Mr. Elmi Ahmed Dualeh, Mr. Ihor V. Humenny, [...]
Ms. Lisa P. Spratt and Mr. Shigeki Sumi.
以 下成员出席会议:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基、约瑟夫·阿卡克波-萨奇维、迈沙 勒·曼苏尔、阿卜杜勒-马利克·布赫杜、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱、戈登·埃 克斯雷、贝尔纳多·格雷贝尔、路易斯·马里亚诺·埃莫西利洛 · 索 萨 、 伊 霍 尔 ·胡 梅尼、安德烈·科瓦连科、理查德·穆恩、朴海延、爱德华多·拉莫斯、贡科·罗 舍尔莉萨·斯普 拉特、角茂树、考特尼·威廉斯和吴钢。
The following members were present: Andrzej T. Abraszewski, Joseph Acakpo-Satchivi, Meshal Al-Mansour, Abdelmalek Bouheddou, Elmi Ahmed Dualeh, Gordon Eckersley, Bernardo Greiver, Luis M. Hermosillo Sosa, Ihor V. Humenny, Andrei V. Kovalenko, Richard Moon, Hae-yun Park, Eduardo Ramos, Gönke Roscher, Lisa P. Spratt, Shigeki Sumi, Courtney Williams and Wu Gang.
随后,安哥拉、澳大利亚白俄罗 斯、比 利时、保加利亚、喀麦隆萨尔瓦 多、芬兰、德国、危地马拉、冰岛、爱尔兰、 拉脱维亚、立陶宛、荷兰、新西兰、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、塞内加尔、斯洛 [...]
[...] Angola, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroon, El Salvador, Finland, Germany, [...]
Guatemala, Iceland, Ireland,
Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, Senegal, Slovakia, Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America joined the sponsors.
當時,葛麗絲‧凱莉(Grace Kelly)伊莉莎白‧泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)和亨佛萊‧鮑嘉(Humphrey [...]
It was the time when Hollywood greats
[...] like Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor and Humphrey [...]
Bogart discovered the idyllic fishing
village on the Ligurian coast for themselves and, with it, a taste for the easy-going Mediterranean lifestyle.
為向英女王登基60年來所付出的貢獻表達敬意 伊莉 莎 白 女 王 登基六十年鑽禧信託,於2011年在澳洲柏斯所舉辦的大英國協領袖會議中成立,並應女王要求,這項基金的運作,將超越她的有生之年持續經營,以幫助大英聯邦國家的人民。
The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust fund was established at the 2011 CHOGM in Perth to honour Her Majesty The Queen’s sixty years of service by contributing, at her request, to initiatives that will endure beyond her lifetime and help people throughout the Commonwealth.
最后,我感谢我的特别代表兼特派团团 莉萨 M·布 滕汉姆女士和 2010 年 12 月离开特派团的联塞部队部队指挥官马里奥·塞萨尔·桑切斯·德贝纳尔迪海 军少将。
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to my Special Representative and Chief of Mission, Lisa M. Buttenheim, and to Rear Admiral Mario César Sánchez Debernardi, the Force Commander of UNFICYP, who left the mission in December 2010.
代理主席(以英语发言):第五委员会在其报告第 4 段中建议大会任命下列人士为会费委员会成员,自 2010 年 1
[...] 月 1 日起,任期 3 年:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫 斯基先生(波兰)、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱先生(索 马里)、伊霍尔 ·胡梅尼先生(乌克兰)、迈沙勒·曼 苏尔先生(科威特)、莉萨·斯普 拉特女士(美利坚合 众国)和角茂树先生(日本)。
: In paragraph 4 of the report, the Fifth Committee recommends that the General Assembly appoint the following persons as members of the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2010: Mr.
Andrzej Abraszewski (Poland), Mr. Elmi Ahmed Dualeh (Somalia), Mr. Ihor Humenny (Ukraine), Mr. Meshal Al-Mansour (Kuwait), Ms. Lisa Spratt (United States of America) and Mr. Shigeki Sumi (Japan).
此外,还有 13 名来自 世界各地显赫杰出人士出任委员,包括各国前首脑及部长、军事战略家及核裁 军专家,这些政要地位独特,为此事业带来了全新而又充满想象力的见解:费 瑟亲王(沙特阿拉伯)、阿列克谢·阿伯托夫(俄罗斯)、格罗·哈莱姆·布伦特 兰(挪威)、弗雷纳 z 诺舍·金瓦拉(南非)、弗朗索瓦·埃斯柏格(法国)、贾汉 吉尔·卡拉麦特(巴基斯坦)、布拉杰什·米什拉(印度)、克劳斯·瑙曼(德国)、 威廉·佩里(美国)、王英凡(中国)、 莉 · 威 廉 斯(英国)、维尔约 诺 · 萨 斯特 罗汉多约(印度尼西亚,替代已故的阿里·阿拉塔斯)以及埃内斯托·塞迪略(墨 西哥)。
They were joined as Commissioners by thirteen eminent and outstanding individuals from around the world, including former heads of state and ministers, military strategists and disarmament experts, all uniquely placed to bring fresh and imaginative vision to the undertaking: Turki Al Faisal (Saudi Arabia), Alexei Arbatov (Russian Federation), Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway), Frene Noshir Ginwala (South Africa), François Heisbourg (France), Jehangir Karamat (Pakistan), Brajesh Mishra (India), Klaus Naumann (Germany), William Perry (United States), Wang Yingfan (China), Shirley Williams (United Kingdom), Wiryono Sastrohandoyo (Indonesia, replacing the late Ali Alatas) and Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico).
2010 年 1 月 8 日,关于能源的专门网站 Platts.com
[...] 出版发表一篇文章,转 载参议莉萨·穆尔 科斯基(阿拉斯加共和党)的发言人罗伯特·狄龙的声明,指 [...]
出能源委员会约 7 个月前表决赞成 2009 年 7 月穆尔科斯基提出的
S 1517 计划, 即允许参与在古巴经济专属区的石油勘探和与此活动相关的旅行。
On 8 January 2010, the website Platts.com, which specializes in energy, published an article that reported
on the statements by Robert Dillon,
[...] spokesman for Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican-Alaska), [...]
that the Energy Committee
had voted seven months previously in favour of bill S 1517, submitted by Murkowski in July 2009, which would permit participation in oil exploration in Cuba’s exclusive economic zone and travel related to that activity.
在这方 面,我愿再次(见S/PV.6688)援引美利坚合众国前 国务卿康莉萨·赖斯 在这个问题上所说的话。
In that context, I would like to quote, for a second time (see S/PV.6688), the words of Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State of the United States of America, on this subject.
2010 年,应亚美尼亚白俄罗斯、萨克 斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、俄罗斯联邦、 塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦的请求(A/64/191),这个问题被列入大会第六十四届 会议议程。
This question was included in the agenda of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly, in 2010, at the request of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (A/64/191).
2.1 本奖项的名称为“联合国教科文组织哈马德 -本 - 伊萨 - 阿 勒 哈利法国王利用教育信息和 [...]
2.1 The Prize shall be entitled “UNESCO
[...] King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize [...]
for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education”.
盖茨先生获得过多种奖项,包括英国女 伊 丽 莎 白 二 世在 2005 年授予的荣 誉爵士头衔,西班牙于 [...]
2006 年授予的著名的阿斯图里亚斯王子国际合作奖,墨 西哥授予的阿兹台克之鹰勋章,以及哈佛大学等诸多著名大学授予的名誉博士学 位。
Mr. Gates has received many awards, including an honorary
[...] knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II in 2005, the [...]
prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for
international cooperation in 2006 from Spain, the Order of the Aztec Eagle from Mexico and many honorary doctorates from prominent universities, such as Harvard.
他重申,俄罗斯联邦参与了一些区域 一体化举措,例如白俄罗斯和萨 克 斯坦结成了海关联盟,以及与亚太区 域各种伙伴在诸如能源、交通运输和空间技术等领域继续开展合作。
He reaffirmed the participation of the Russian Federation in a number of regional
integration initiatives, such as the
[...] Customs Union with Belarus and Kazakhstan and the country’s [...]
continued cooperation with various
partners in Asia and the Pacific in such areas as energy, transport and space technologies.
此外白俄罗斯、萨克斯 坦 和俄罗斯联邦最近成立了关税联盟,其贸易额提高 25%以上。
In addition, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation had recently established a customs union which had increased trade among them by more than 25 per cent.
对话由非洲问题特别顾问兼最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展 中国家高级代表 Cheick Sidi Diarra 主持。小组成员有:肯尼亚教育部长 Sam
Ongeri;塞内加尔教育部长 Kalidou Diallo;多哥扫盲、小学及中学教育部 长 Essossimna Legzim
[...] Balouki;毛里求斯教育与人力资源部首席技术干事 H.B.Dansinghani 和世界银行教育司伊丽莎白·金。
The dialogue was moderated by Cheick Sidi Diarra, Special Adviser on Africa and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, and the panellists were: Sam Ongeri, Minister of Education of Kenya; Kalidou Diallo, Minister of Education of Senegal; Essossimna Legzim-Balouki, Minister of Literacy and Primary and Secondary Education of Togo; H. B. Dansinghani, Chief Technical
Officer, Ministry of Education and Human Resources
[...] of Mauritius; and Elizabeth King, Director of [...]
Education, World Bank.
落实这些审查提出的建议将有助于改白 俄罗斯和萨克斯 坦这两个国家制定的创新管理和机构框架。
Implementation of the recommendations resulting from those reviews
will contribute to
[...] improving the regulatory and institutional framework for innovation in two countries: Belarus and Kazakhstan.
[...] 作为军需转运中心,但是将随着朱巴后勤基地重要性日增而缩小规模,并继续对 喀土穆和北部阿卜伊、卡杜格莉、 达 马津各区的补给和再补给发挥重要作用。
The El Obeid logistics base will continue as a military transit hub, but will downsize in proportion to the growth in importance of the Juba
logistics base, and remain critical for supply and re-supply to Khartoum and the
[...] northern sectors Abyei, Kadugli and Ed Damazin.
大会第六十三届会议根据内部司法理事会的建 议,任命以下人士担任争议法庭审案法官,从 2009 年 7 月 1 日开始,任期一年:迈克尔·亚当斯先生(澳 大利亚)、让-弗朗索瓦·库桑先生(法国)和恩肯迪利 姆·阿莉亚·伊祖阿 科女士(尼日利亚)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Internal Justice Council, appointed the following persons as ad litem judges of the Dispute Tribunal for a one-year term of office beginning on 1 July 2009: Mr. Michael Adams (Australia), Mr. Jean-François Cousin (France) and Ms. Nkemdilim Amelia Izuako (Nigeria).
狮子王三部曲这个重要的一章提供您最喜爱的人物讲的原班人马(Nathan车道,马修·布罗德里克,厄 尼 · 萨 贝 拉 加上 莉 K a v ne r和杰里·斯蒂勒)和音乐由埃尔顿·约翰和蒂姆·莱斯。
This essential chapter of The Lion King trilogy features your favorite characters voiced by the original cast (Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Ernie Sabella plus Julie Kavner and Jerry Stiller) and music by Elton John and Tim Rice.
因此,我是否可以认为大会希望从 2010 年 7 月 1 日起将迈克尔·亚当斯、让-弗朗索瓦·库桑和恩肯 迪利姆·阿莉亚·伊祖阿 科等三名审案法官的任期 再延长一年?
May I therefore take it that the Assembly wishes to extend the terms of office of the three ad litem judges Michael Adams, Jean-François Cousin and Nkemdilim Amelia Izuako for an additional one-year term of office beginning on 1 July 2010?
1953年,芝华士兄弟特别研制皇家礼炮,向英女 伊莉 莎 白 二 世 加冕典礼致敬,这个最优质、权威的苏格兰威士忌品牌,从此傲视全球,并屡获殊荣,备受国际推祟。
Tribute to Honour” was created by Royal Salute, itself established by Chivas Regal in 1953 as a tribute to the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
在 10 月 4 日第 4
[...] 次会议上,阿拉伯联合酋长国代表代表阿富汗 白 俄 罗 斯、萨克斯 坦、肯尼亚、摩纳哥、挪威、卡塔尔、斯洛文尼亚、苏丹、汤加和阿拉 [...]
伯联合酋长国提出了题为“给予国际可再生能源机构大会观察员地位”的决议草 案(A/C.6/66/L.4)。
At the 4th meeting, on 4 October, the representative of
the United Arab Emirates, on behalf
[...] of Afghanistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Monaco, [...]
Norway, Qatar, Slovenia, the Sudan,
Tonga and the United Arab Emirates, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Observer status for the International Renewable Energy Agency in the General Assembly” (A/C.6/66/L.4).




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