

单词 伊比利亚半岛

See also:


Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star

半岛 n

peninsula n

半岛 adj

peninsular adj

External sources (not reviewed)

14 世纪的最初十年中,尽 伊比利亚半岛 的 穆 斯林控制势力减弱,伊斯兰教在西班牙的势力仍然很强大。
Islam was still a strong presence in Spain in the 1300s, although Muslim control of the Iberian Peninsula was waning.
His home was at the port of Iberian.
最后,我被任命为 Liebherr 港口设备最重要市伊比利亚半岛事 业 部的领导,四年中,取得突出的成绩。
Finally, as Head of Division, I was entrusted with the interesting task of
[...] managing the Iberian Peninsula, Liebherr Port Equipment's [...]
most important
market worldwide, and I did this for four very successful years.
我们正准备提供他的同事从拉丁美洲伊比利亚半岛 , 巴 西人知道如何提供高层次和响应事件。
We are preparing to offer colleagues from Latin
[...] America and the Iberian Peninsula an event of high [...]
level and responsiveness that Brazilians know how to offer.
The Portuguese Republic is a democratic sovereign State, located in
[...] Southwestern Europe (Iberian Peninsula).
蜘蛛伊比利亚半岛上的 潜在分布远大于目前已知的分布区,延伸到尚未发现蜘蛛分布的葡萄牙广大地区。
Iberian Peninsula distribution extends through [...]
a large part of Portugal where the spider has not been found.
[...] 城市建立联系和关系;审议与其附属市政当局有关的所有事项;促进睦邻权利; 促进拉丁美洲伊比利亚半岛首府 城市的均衡和协调发展;组织会议及其他有关 [...]
The main aims and purposes of the organization are to encourage links and relationships among the capitals and cities that are members of UCCI; to consider all matters relating to its affiliated municipalities; to promote the rights of neighbourhoods; to promote the balanced and harmonic
development of the capital cities of Latin
[...] America and the Iberian peninsula; to organize meetings [...]
and other activities promoting exchange of best practices.
西班牙领土的大部分位于欧洲西南端,与葡萄牙和安道尔同处 伊比利亚 半岛。
Most of the territory of Spain is,
along with Portugal and Andorra, part of the geographical
[...] unit of the Iberian peninsula, in the extreme southwest of Europe.
[...] 法都为妥善管理淡水、地表水和地下水资源明确设立了所需框架,而涉 伊比利 亚半岛跨界 含水层的问题则属于西班牙-葡萄牙区和埃布罗区的权限范围。
Spanish and European legislation clearly established the frameworks needed for the proper management of freshwater, surface water and groundwater resources, and
questions regarding the transboundary
[...] aquifers in the Iberian peninsula fell within the [...]
purview of the Spanish-Portuguese district and the Ebro district.
Echave 先生此前伊比利亚半岛最大 的独立收购基金 Magnum Capital 的合伙人。
Mr. Echave was most recently a partner with Magnum Capital, the largest
[...] independent buy-out fund on the Iberian Peninsula.
该联盟是一个具 有国际和城市性质的非营利组织,其成员包括以下来自拉丁美洲 伊比利亚半岛 的 2 7 个城市:安道尔城、亚松森、巴塞罗那(西班牙)、波哥大、巴西利亚、布 宜诺斯艾利斯、加拉加斯、危地马拉城、哈瓦那、拉巴斯、利马、里斯本、马德 里、马那瓜、墨西哥城市、蒙得维的亚、巴拿马城,里约热内卢(巴西)、圣何 [...]
It is an international,
[...] municipal, non-profit organization, which represents the following 27 cities of Latin America and the Iberian peninsula: Andorra la Vella; [...]
Asunción; Barcelona
(Spain); Bogotá; Brasilia; Buenos Aires; Caracas; Guatemala City; Havana; La Paz; Lima; Lisbon; Madrid; Managua; Mexico City; Montevideo; Panama City; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); San José; San Juan; Quito; San Salvador; Santiago; Santo Domingo; São Paulo (Brazil); Sucre (Bolivia) and Tegucigalpa (Honduras).
从旧石器 时代到新石器时代留下的文化遗迹;作伊比利亚半岛 原 住民族的凯尔特人伊 比利亚半岛人; 希腊、腓尼基和迦太基殖民地;罗马人、西哥特人、穆斯林和其 他出现在半岛上、并留下大量考古资料和遗迹的中世纪王国的人民;大量世上独 一无二的壁画艺术、城堡、大教堂、城市、中世纪城镇等等。
The presence of cultures since the Upper
Palaeolithic and
[...] Neolithic; Celts and Iberians as autochthonous peoples of the Iberian peninsula; Greek, Phoenician and Carthaginian colonies; Romans, Visigoths, Moors, and the peoples of the medieval peninsular kingdoms have [...]
all left vast archaeological
remains; a concentration of cave art sites that is unique in the world, castles, cathedrals, medieval cities and settlements, etc. In this regard, the Government of Spain, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, is implementing a series of policies for the conservation of heritage, both tangible and intangible.
[...] [...] 突各方已经利用了联合国牵头或支持在下列国家和地区开展的调解、促进和斡旋 努力:阿富汗、孟加拉国、科特迪瓦、塞浦路斯、厄瓜多尔、赤道几内亚、加蓬、 斐济、格鲁吉亚、大湖区、几内亚、圭亚那、委内瑞拉 伊 拉 克、洪都拉斯、肯亚、朝鲜半岛、吉 尔吉斯斯坦、黎巴嫩 利比亚 、 马 达加斯加、马拉维、马尔 代夫、中东(以色列-巴勒斯坦)、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴拿马、秘鲁、所罗门群岛、 斯里兰卡、苏丹(达尔富尔)、苏丹-南苏丹、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、突尼 [...]
Since my report on enhancing mediation and its support activities (S/2009/189), parties to disputes and conflicts have utilized United Nations-led or supported mediation, facilitation and good offices efforts in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Côte
d’Ivoire, Cyprus,
[...] Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea-Gabon, Fiji, Georgia, the Great Lakes region, Guinea, Guyana-Venezuela, Iraq, Honduras, Kenya, the Korean Peninsula, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, [...]
Malawi, Maldives, the
Middle East (Israel-Palestine), Myanmar, Nepal, Panama, Peru, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Sudan (Darfur), Sudan-South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Western Sahara and Yemen.
截止 2010 年 3 月 1 日,有 46 个管理局成 员欠款两年或两年以上:白俄罗斯、伯利兹、贝宁、 利 维 亚 、布基纳法索、佛 得角、科摩罗、库克群岛、科特迪瓦、古巴、刚果民主共和国、吉布提、多米尼 克、赤道几内亚、斐济、比亚、格 林纳达、几内亚、几 亚比 绍 、 洪都拉斯伊拉克、莱索托、马达加斯加、马尔代夫、马里、毛里塔尼亚、密克罗尼西亚联 邦、巴基斯坦、帕劳、巴拿马、巴布亚新几内亚、巴拉圭、摩尔多瓦共和国、圣 卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、圣多美和普林西比、塞舌尔、塞 利 昂 、 所罗 门岛、索马里、苏丹、多哥、汤加、瓦努阿图、赞比亚和津巴布韦。
As at 1 March 2010, 46 members of the Authority were in arrears
[...] for a period of two years or more: Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Comoros, Cook Islands, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Iraq, Lesotho, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Micronesia (Federated States of), Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Tonga, Vanuatu, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
哈马、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、 文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、乍得、中国、 科摩罗、刚果、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国、吉布提、多米尼克、埃及、加蓬、冈比亚、 印度尼西亚伊朗伊 斯兰共和国、伊拉克、约 旦、科威特、黎巴嫩利比里亚、 阿拉 伯 利比 亚民众 国、马来西亚、马尔代夫、马里、毛里 塔尼亚、摩洛哥、尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、尼日利 亚、阿曼、巴基斯坦、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、 塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、所罗门 岛、 南 非、苏丹、斯威士兰、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、 塔吉克斯坦、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、 阿拉伯联合酋长国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、 越南、也门、赞比亚、津巴布韦。
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea, Djibouti,
[...] Dominica, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, [...]
Turkey, Uganda,
United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
大会第六十六届会议正式记录(A/66/PV.11)显示,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜·费 尔南德斯·德基什内尔 2011 年 9 月 21 日在大会发言时,除其他外就福克兰 岛 (马 尔维纳斯)指出,大会的 10 项决议、非殖民化特别委员会的 29 项决议、美洲国家 组织的 11 项决议和 8 项宣言以伊比利亚-美洲论坛、南美洲国家联盟、南方共同 市场、阿拉伯和非洲国家会议等各种论坛的各项决议都要求处理这个主权问题。
As reflected in the official records of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly (A/66/PV.11), the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in her address to the General Assembly on 21 September 2011, inter
alia, stated with respect
[...] to the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) that 10 General Assembly resolutions, 29 resolutions of the Special Committee on decolonization, 11 resolutions and 8 declarations of the Organization of American States, as well as the resolutions of various forums, such as the Ibero-American forums, [...]
the Union of South
American Nations, the Southern Common Market, and meetings of Arab and African countries had demanded that the issue of sovereignty be addressed.
(b) 理事会观察员国:阿尔利亚、 亚美尼亚、博茨瓦纳、哥 比亚 、哥 斯达黎加、多米尼加共和国、危地马拉、 岛 、 伊 朗 伊 斯兰共和国、爱尔兰、以 色列、卢森堡、马来西亚、摩洛哥、新西兰、巴拉圭、瑞士、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土耳其、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。
(b) Observer States of
[...] the Council: Algeria, Armenia, Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, [...]
Morocco, New Zealand, Paraguay, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
如备忘录第 1
[...] 段及有关发言所述,会议秘书长收到下列 60 个会员国按照会 议议事规则第 3 条规定的格式提交的本国与会代表的正式全权证书:阿尔巴尼亚、 澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴林、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯 比 利 时 、巴西、保加亚、智 利、中国、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱 沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、亚那 、罗马教廷、匈 利 、 冰 岛 、 伊 朗 伊 斯兰共 和国、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、莱索托、列支敦士登、立陶宛、 卢森堡、马来西亚、马里、墨西哥、黑山、纳米比亚、荷兰、挪威、阿曼、巴拿 马、波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、圣马力诺、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、 [...] [...]
南非、苏丹、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥、乌克兰、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、 美利坚合众国、越南。
As indicated in paragraph 1 of the memorandum and the related statement, formal credentials of representatives to the Conference, in the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, had been submitted to the Secretary-General of the Conference by the following 60 States: Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Chile,
[...] China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guyana, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, [...]
Mali, Mexico, Montenegro,
Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Panama, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America and Viet Nam.
根据安理会暂行议事规则第 37 条,我邀请阿根 廷、澳大亚、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯 比利 时 、 多民 族利维亚国、 加拿大、智利、哥斯达黎加、古巴、 丹麦、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、斐济、芬兰、加 纳、洪都拉斯、匈利、冰岛、爱 尔兰 伊 朗 伊 斯兰 共和国、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、肯尼 亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、科威特、卢森堡、墨西哥、瑙鲁、 新西兰、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、 菲律宾、波兰、大韩民国、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、西 班牙、苏丹、土耳其、坦桑尼亚联合共和国和委内瑞 拉玻利瓦尔共和国参加本次会议。
In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the
representatives of
[...] Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Finland, Ghana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, [...]
Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Luxembourg,
Mexico, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, the Sudan, Turkey, the United Republic of Tanzania and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to participate in this meeting.
按照安理会暂行议事规则第 37 条,我邀请阿富 汗、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、孟加 拉国比利时、贝宁、保加亚、加 拿大、乍得、智 利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱 沙尼亚、芬兰、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈 利、 冰岛、伊拉克 、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、肯 尼亚、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支 敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、 黑山、新西兰、挪威、缅甸、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新几 内亚、秘鲁、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗 马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、 [...]
斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、乌克兰和也门的代表 参加本次会议。
In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representatives of Afghanistan,
[...] Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, [...]
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Norway, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine and Yemen to participate in this meeting.
在欧洲,欧洲海底观测网还在发展中, 计划在北冰洋、挪威缘、北欧海、亚述尔 岛 、 伊比利亚 缘 、 利古里亚海、地中 海 Hellenic 和西西里东部区域以及黑海等一些地区建立节点。
In Europe, the European Seafloor Observatory Network (ESONET) is in development and has nodes planned for locations in the Arctic Ocean, the Norwegian margin, the Nordic Seas, the Azores, the Iberian Margin, the Ligurian Sea, the Hellenic and East Sicily regions in the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea.
如备忘录第 1 段和有关发言所述,在全权证书委员会开会时,已根据议事规 则第 3 条收到了下列 42 个国家出席第二次老龄问题世界大会代表的正式全权证 书:安道尔、阿塞拜疆、巴哈马、中国、克罗地亚、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、加 蓬、几亚、教廷、岛、伊朗伊 斯兰共和国、伊拉克、牙买加、日本、约旦、 科威特、列支敦士登、马耳他、莫 比 克 、 缅甸、尼泊尔、荷兰、巴拿马、葡萄 牙、卡塔尔、大韩民国、斯洛伐克、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯利亚共 和国、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥、突尼斯、土耳其、乌拉圭、委内 瑞拉、越南和津巴布韦。
As noted in paragraph 1 of the memorandum and the statement relating thereto, formal credentials of representatives to the Second World Assembly on Ageing, in the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the
[...] [...] Assembly, had been received at the time of the meeting of the Credentials Committee from the following 42 States: Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, China, Croatia, the Dominican Republic, Finland, Gabon, Guinea, the Holy See, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Malta, Mozambique, Myanmar, [...]
Nepal, the Netherlands, Panama, Portugal,
Qatar, the Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
随后,奥利、比利时、保加利亚、 克 罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹 麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、 岛 、 爱尔兰、意大利、拉 脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞士和美利坚合众国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, [...]
Malta, the Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America joined the sponsors.
在已完成的清查登记工作(非洲中部、西非、印度洋和拉丁加 比 地 区 等)的基础上, 项目将启动世界其它地区(非洲东部和南部地区、斯堪的纳 亚半岛 国 家、拉丁美洲等)的 清查登记工作。
On the basis of inventories already compiled (in Central Africa, West Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Latin Caribbean), the project will help to launch inventories in other parts of the world (Eastern and Southern Africa, the Scandinavian countries and Latin America).
俄罗斯联邦 在发展交通运输系统方面取得了若干重大成就,包 括:(a) 赤塔-哈巴罗夫斯克公路竣工,从而使东部和西部边界之间实 现交通运输无缝连接;(b) 在执行修复半岛纵贯 铁路项目方面取得 进展;(c) 在 2015 年前把西利亚铁路的跨越时间减少至 7 天(7 日 横跨西伯利);以及(d) 以及通过全球轨道导航卫星系统(全球导航 卫星系统)和全球导航卫星系统/全球定位系统利用卫星追踪系统。
The Russian Federation had made a number of major achievements in the development of its transport system, including: (a) completion of the construction of Chita-Khabarovsk road, which provided a seamless transport connection between the eastern and western borders; (b) progress in the implementation of the project for the rehabilitation of the trans-Korean railway; (c) reduction of transit time on the Trans-Siberian Railway to seven days (Transib 7 days) by 2015; and (d) the use of satellite tracking systems with the Global Orbital Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) and GLONASS with the Global Positioning System (GPS).
[...] 多斯、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、埃 及、芬兰、加蓬、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度 伊 朗 伊 斯 兰 共和国、爱尔 兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、阿拉 利比亚 民 众国、马拉维、马来西亚、 马耳他、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、 [...]
亚共和国、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合 酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭和南斯拉夫。
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt,
Finland, Gabon, Germany,
[...] Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Malaysia, [...]
Malta, Mexico,
New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay and Yugoslavia.
不过,世界其他地区也已经或正在开发其他类型的司法合作网络, 伊比利 亚-美洲法律援助网络、美洲组织的西 半 球 刑 事事项和引渡互助信息交流网络、 英联邦联系人网络以及在印度洋地区和萨赫勒地区的司法合作区域平台。
However, others have been or are being developed
elsewhere in the
[...] world such as the Ibero-American Legal Assistance Network, the Hemispheric Information Exchange [...]
Network for Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition of OAS, the Commonwealth Network of Contact Persons, and judicial regional platforms for cooperation in the Indian Ocean region and in the Sahel.
[...] 共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚 伊 拉 克 、哈萨克斯坦、科威 特、拉脱亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 [...]
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech
Republic, Dominican
[...] Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, [...]
Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi,
Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM
[...] SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、 岛 、 利比 亚、立 陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 [...]
所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by:
Austria, Belgium,
[...] Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, [...]
Luxembourg, Madagascar,
New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳 利亚 、 孟 加拉国 比利 时 、 贝宁、保利 亚、布 基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米 尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、 岛 、 印 度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国、土耳其、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Angola,
[...] Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, [...]
Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,
Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.




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