

单词 伊利诺伊

伊利诺 ()

Illinois, US state

伊利诺伊 ()

Illinois, US state

External sources (not reviewed)

在购买这些土地近 50
[...] 年后,购买土地的原投资者之一Thomas Johnson的两名亲属和继承人向美 伊利诺伊 地 区法院提出诉讼。
Nearly 50 years after those land purchases, two relatives and heirs of Thomas Johnson, one
of the original investors in the land purchases, filed suit in United States
[...] District Court for the District of Illinois.
Miyake 女士拥有伊利诺伊大学 会计学学士学位,是美国注册会计师。
Ms. Miyake received a BS in Accounting from Northern Illinois University and is a US Certified Public Accountant.
芦荟indica罗伊尔(伊利诺伊肤蝇等幼虫。 Himal。 山。 1: 390. 1840), 产印度北部中,尼泊尔和泰国,它们紧密有关,表面上只在有带红色的花方面不同。
Aloe indica Royle (Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 390. 1840), from N India, Nepal, and Thailand, is closely related, apparently differing only in having reddish flowers.
伊利诺伊州已于 1998 年颁布了示范法。
The State of Illinois had already [...]
enacted the Model Law in 1998.
Bill Gertz,《中国正在构建具有战略意义的 海上交通线》,《华盛顿时报》,2005 年 1 月 17 日;Andrew Erickson,《中国海军分析人士正在考虑能源安全问题》,于美
[...] 国政治学会年会上发表的论文,芝加哥 伊利诺伊 州 , 2007 年 8 月 30 日。
Bill Gertz, “China builds up strategic sea lanes”, The Washington Times, 17 January 2005; Andrew Erickson, “Chinese Naval Analysts Consider the Energy Security Question”,
paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science
[...] Association, Chicago, Illinois, 30 August 2007.
他曾于布鲁塞尔自由大学(1981–1985)、 美伊利诺伊州大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 (1985–2006)和法国高等科学研究院 (1985 – 1995)等大学任数学教授,是法国、波兰及瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士。
He was a Professor of Mathematics
at the Free University
[...] of Brussel, Belgium from 1981 to 1985, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, [...]
USA from 1985 to 2006
and at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Paris, France from 1985 to 1995.
戴维斯继续设计了各种建筑类型,包括北卡罗莱纳州、印第安纳州 伊利诺伊 州 和 俄亥俄州的州议会大厦、大型机构以及乡村房屋和建筑。
Davis went on to design a variety of building types,
including the state houses in North
[...] Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio, large [...]
institutions, and country houses and estates.
25 1774 年和 1775 年伊利诺伊州和 Wabash土地公司先后直接伊利诺伊州和 Piankeshaw的各印第安国购买土地,违反了英国王室 1763 年《皇 家公告》对这类土地购买实行的禁令。
The case was feigned; it was the result of an act of collusion between the two parties, “for effect”.25 In 1774 and 1775, respectively, the Illinois and Wabash Land [...]
Companies purchased
lands directly from the Illinois and Piankeshaw Indian nations in violation of a bar the British crown had placed on such land purchases by the Royal Proclamation of 1763.
该公司的配送、销售和行政机构分别位于美国(科罗拉多州Colorado Springs和伊利诺伊州Champaign)、英国(Milton Keyes)、阿联酋(迪拜)、印度(孟买)和中国(北京)。
Distribution, sales, and administration offices are located in the United States (Colorado Springs, Colorado & Champaign, Illinois), the UK (Milton Keyes), the UAE (Dubai), India (Mumbai) and China (Beijing).
特奥伊利诺伊州董事会的 Charles Scott 已经成为长期志愿者。
Charles Scott of the
[...] Special Olympics Illinois Board of Directors [...]
has been a longtime volunteer.
Vogt 先生持有伊利诺伊大学 电子工程技术学士学位以及圣路易斯大学 MBA 硕士学位。
Mr. Vogt received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering Technology from the
[...] University of Southern Illinois and an M.B.A. from [...]
St. Louis University.
我们位于芝加哥郊区奥罗拉和沃伦维尔附近的内珀维尔:I-88 州际公路和 59 号公路南 1/2
[...] 英里(0.8 公里)处:右转至迪尔路之后在第 2 个驾道伊利诺伊州信 用合作社拐角)右转。
We are located in Naperville near the Chicago Suburbs of Aurora and Warrenville-1/2 mile
south of I-88 and Rt 59 - turn right onto Diehl Rd and turn right at
[...] the 2nd driveway (Illinois Credit Union on [...]
the corner).
纽约州纽约市 – 2011年6月19日 – 全球领先的、基于 SaaS 的临床开发解决方案供应商 Medidata Solutions 公司 (NASDAQ: MDSO) 将于本周伊利诺伊州芝加哥召开的药物信息协会 (DIA) 第 47 届年会上展演新产品、在教育分会场上进行宣讲并演示关键的集成方案。
NEW YORK, N.Y. – June 19, 2011 – Medidata Solutions (NASDAQ: MDSO), a leading global provider of SaaS-based clinical development solutions, will be showcasing new products, presenting in educational sessions and demonstrating key integrations at this week’s 47th Annual Meeting of the Drug Information Association (DIA) in Chicago, Ill.
该公司位伊 利诺伊州的 埃尔金,顾问人数不多,却能 每年开设多达 25 个主题的“课程”,包 [...]
括最大限度地提高借贷机会、实施信贷咨 询服务、处理身份盗用问题以及提供独一 无二的优质借贷服务。
Based in Elgin, Illinois, the firm’s small [...]
team of consultants provides up to 25 “schools” per year on various subjects
that include maximizing lending opportunities, implementing credit counseling services, managing identity theft issues, and delivering a uniquely positive lending experience.
马里兰州是美国第二个禁止销售婴儿床防撞护垫的联邦州, 位于芝加哥市内伊利诺伊州已 于年初已发布了对婴儿床防 撞护垫的禁令(参见我们早期出版的技术更新 [...]
TÜV 南德意志 集团消费品技术更新第 35 期3 )。
The city of Chicago, Illinois, has also banned [...]
the sale of crib pumper pads in the city since earlier this year (see our
previous update in TÜV SÜD Consumer Products E-ssentials Vol. 353 .
作为访问、浏览和/或使用一个或多个FT网站的交换条件,您同意,美国以及美 伊利诺伊 州 的 制定法和法律(但不包 伊利诺伊 州 的 冲突法原则)管辖本使用条件的解释,并适用于与材料或使用每个FT网站有关的一切事宜,而且,任何诉讼均受设于美 伊利诺伊 州 的州法院或联邦法院的专属管辖。
In exchange for accessing, browsing, and/or using one or more of FT’s Web Properties, you agree that the statutes and laws of the
United States and the State of Illinois, U.S.A., without regard to the
[...] State of Illinois’ conflicts of laws principles, govern the interpretation and construction of the TOU and will apply to all matters relating to the Materials or the use of each FT Web Property and that any litigation shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located in the State of Illinois, U.S.A.
Abate 获得美伊利诺斯大 学会计学士学位及 伊利诺 斯 大 学工商管理硕士学位。
Abate received a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Illinois and a master’s degree in business administration from Northern Illinois University.
伊利诺斯州史考基的Woodward MPC公司将负责油门弧座(TQA)的设计生产,油门弧座是控制引擎推力的直接环节,位于驾驶舱套间内。
Woodward MPC
[...] of Skokie, Illinois, USA will [...]
be responsible for the design and production of the throttle quadrant assembly
(TQA) which acts as the direct link for the control of the engine thrust and is located in the cockpit suite.
司法职务的诺斯是 虚幻,并没有任何关系人间的行为;和只有一个针对他们的愤怒女神中死亡 伊利 亚 特第十九258-60)活性暗示。
The judicial
[...] office of Minos is illusory and has nothing to do with earthly conduct; and there is only one allusion to the Furies suggestive of their activity among the dead (Iliad XIX, 258-60).
为了支持粉末涂料专用添加剂的开发与测试工作,我们分别在美国芝加哥 伊利诺 斯 州 和德国Ritterhude设立了全方位粉末应用实验室。
We have established full-service powder application
[...] laboratories in Chicago, Illinois and Ritterhude, [...]
Germany to support the development and
testing of additives specifically for powder coatings.
后排:比利时鲁汶大学 Ignaas Verpoest 教授,2009 年跨骏奖得主 Rodney
Priestley教授,跨骏员工 Astrid Keller,美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 Glenn H.
[...] Fredrickson教授,美伊利诺大学 Martin Gruebele 教授,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院 [...]
Jan-Anders Månson教授,跨骏董事会执行成员
René-Pierre Müller 博士,德国拜罗伊特大学 Volker Altstädt教授,日本东京工业大学特聘教授 Toshio Nishi,苏黎世 ETH Paolo Ermanni 教授(主持人)。
Standing: Prof. Dr. Ignaas Verpoest, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Prof. Dr. Rodney Priestley, Quadrant Award Winner 2009, Astrid Keller, Quadrant, Prof. Dr. Glenn H. Fredrickson, University of California,
Santa Barbara, USA, Prof. Dr. Martin Gruebele,
[...] University of Illinois, USA, Prof. Dr. [...]
Jan-Anders Månson, École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Dr. René-Pierre Müller (Executive Member of the Board Quadrant), Prof. Dr. Volker Altstädt, University of Bayreuth, Germany, Prof. Dr. Toshio Nishi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Prof. Dr. Paolo Ermanni, ETH Zurich (Moderation).
委员会请关于年长妇女的一般性建议草案拟订工作组(菲尔杜斯·阿拉·贝 古姆(主席)、芭芭拉·贝利、尼 克拉斯·布鲁恩、赛素里·初蒂恭、纳埃拉·加 博、林阳子和韦奥莱塔·诺伊鲍尔)向委员会第四十五届会议提交草案修订稿供 讨论,以期在委员会第四十六届会议上通过。
The Committee requested the Working Group on the elaboration of a draft general recommendation
on older women (Ferdous Ara Begum (Chair), Barbara Bailey, Niklas Bruun, Saisuree Chutikul, Naéla Gabr, Yoko Hayashi and Violeta Neubauer) to present a revised draft to the Committee at its forty-fifth session for discussion, with a view to adoption at its forty-sixth session.
2012 年 11 月 7 日星期三,Emerson 董事长兼首席执行官范大为将于东部时间上午 11:10 (中部时间 10:10)出席在美伊利诺州芝 加哥举行的 Baird 工业大会。
On Wednesday, November 7, 2012, Emerson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David N. Farr will present at the Baird Industrials Conference in Chicago, IL, at 11:10 a.m. ET (10:10 a.m. CT).
2009 年 12 月 8 日,墨西哥合众国总统利佩·卡 尔德 隆 · 伊诺 霍 萨 与土耳 其共和国总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安先生举行会晤,两国元首同意探讨建立 [...]
On 8 December
[...] 2009, at a meeting between Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, the President [...]
of the United Mexican States, and Mr. Recep
Tayyip Erdogan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, the two Heads of State agreed to explore the possibility of establishing a working group to propose bilateral cooperation mechanisms to combat organized crime and terrorism.
在最近一次访问金风科技位伊利诺 斯 州Shady Oaks的风力发电厂时,金风科技美国的执行者就非常自豪地指出,他感觉金风科技在美国比其传统的“美国”竞争对手具有更多的美国含量。
In a recent visit to Goldwind’s wind farm
[...] in Shady Oaks, Illinois, a Goldwind US [...]
executive was very proud to point out that
he felt that Goldwind US has a larger degree of US content than some of its traditional “US” competitors.
Kionix 成立于 1993 年,总部设在美国纽约州伊萨卡,在日本、韩国、香港、上海、台湾、新加坡、美国硅谷、加利福尼亚州 伊利诺 斯 州 芝加哥均设有区域办事处。
Founded in 1993, Kionix is headquartered in Ithaca, NY USA and has regional offices in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore, Silicon Valley, CA and Chicago, IL.




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