

单词 伊于胡底

External sources (not reviewed)

伊 于胡底,原本是你們說得天下無敵的東西,現在卻永遠沉寂,這是無 [...]
Where will all this end? What has been [...]
described by you people as unrivalled in the world has now fallen silent forever, so this cannot be justified.
學生從這個屠場 出來,又要進入另一個屠場,便是要付高昂的學費來讀一 伊于胡底 的課程,即是說他們轉讀大學是有困難的,而政府對他們的學歷也採 取歧視的態度,他們最終會進入墳場。
That adds to the difficulties they experience when they want to switch to a university programme later. And the Government takes a discriminatory attitude towards their academic qualifications.
到目 前为止,已经向于伊洛瓦底和仰光地区九个乡镇的 2 000 所学校分发了 4 000 [...]
个备灾资源 包(每所学校分配两个)。
To date 4,000 disaster preparedness resource [...]
packs (two for each school) have been delivered to 2,000 schools in nine townships
of Ayeyarwady and Yangon divisions.
最后,我也赞扬土耳其政府和德国政府召开于今年年底在伊斯坦 布尔和波恩举行的会议。
Finally, I also commend the Governments of Turkey and Germany for convening the conferences to be
[...] held in Istanbul and Bonn at the end of this year.
于前者 ,一项显著成就是,完成了铺设和维护非洲海岸至欧洲 / 乌 胡 鲁 网 海 底电 缆的协议,签订了供应合同。
With regard to the former, a notable achievement was the finalization of the construction and maintenance agreement and the supply contract for the Africa Coast to Europe/Uhurunet cable.
以色列教科文组织全国委员会提请组织参于 2008 年举办的语言学伊利泽·本-耶 胡达( 1858--1922)诞辰一百五十周年纪念活动。
The Israel National Commission for UNESCO requested that UNESCO should be associated with the 150th anniversary of the birth of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, linguist (1858-1922), in 2008.
根据安理会暂行议事规则第 39
[...] 条,我邀请西非 国家经济共同体政治事务、和平与安全专员萨拉马 图·胡萨伊尼·苏 莱曼女士参加本次会议。
Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I
[...] invite Ms. Salamatu Hussaini Suleiman, Commissioner [...]
for Political Affairs, Peace and
Security of the Economic Community of West African States, to participate in this meeting.
所以,伊拉克政府决定确保该团体人员最于 2011底离开伊拉克,并处理其重新安置和保障其人权 问题。
The Iraqi Government therefore took the decision to
ensure the departure of members
[...] of the group from Iraq by the end of 2011, as well as to [...]
work on their resettlement and
on guaranteeing their human rights.
联伊援助团正在扩大其安保能力,且重整资源,以确保在美 伊 部 队于 2011 年底缩编 前,做好牢靠、可信和灵活的安保安排。
UNAMI is expanding its security capacity and realigning its resources in order to
ensure that robust, credible and flexible security arrangements are in
[...] place before the USF-I drawdown at the end of 2011.
安全理事会这些决议都是目的明确、重点突出和强有力的决议,所有决 议除其他规定外,都重申《日内瓦第四公约》适 于自 1 967 年以来被 以色列占领的包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土;对占领国以色列从 巴勒斯坦被占领土上驱逐巴勒斯坦平民深感遗憾、痛惜和谴责(第 468(1980)号、第 469(1980)号和第 484(1980)号决议都具体涉及(希布 伦)哈利勒市市长、哈胡勒市 市长和(希布伦)哈利勒 伊 斯 兰教法官 的驱逐问题);呼吁以色列撤销驱逐巴勒斯坦平民的命令;呼吁以色列 确保那些已被驱逐的人安全和立即返回被占领土并立即停止驱逐任何 其他巴勒斯坦平民。
These Security Council resolutions are clear, focused and strong, and all of them, among other provisions, reaffirm the applicability of
the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Palestinian
[...] Territory occupied by Israel since 1967, including East Jerusalem; deeply regret, deplore and condemn the deportation by Israel, the occupying Power, of Palestinian civilians from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (resolutions 468 (1980), 469 (1980) and 484 (1980) specifically concern the deportation of the Mayors of Al-Khalil (Hebron) and Halhoul and the Sharia Judge of Al-Khalil (Hebron)); [...]
upon Israel to rescind the orders to deport Palestinian civilians; and call upon Israel to ensure the safe and immediate return to the Occupied Territory of those already deported and to desist forthwith from deporting any other Palestinian civilians.
作为以 社区为基础的减少灾害风险的一部分,该项目还在遭到纳吉斯气旋严重影响 伊 洛 瓦 底 和仰 光地区的八个乡镇发展上述能力。
As a part of communitybased disaster risk reduction, the project is also building such capacity in eight townships severely affected by Cyclone Nargis in the Ayeyarwady and Yangon divisions.
在5月23 日的第1 次会议上,委员会举行了于“审 查落实信息社会世界 首脑会议成果的进展情况”的部长级圆桌会议,会议由进步通信协会执行主任安 丽埃泰·埃斯泰胡伊森女 士主持。以下人士参加了圆桌会议:莱索托通信、科 学和技术部部长莫泰约亚·梅青先生阁下,加纳通信部主任夸库·奥福苏-阿达 克瓦先生,几内亚电信和新信息技术部长奥耶·吉拉沃吉先生阁下,卡塔尔信通 技术部助理秘书长哈萨布·賽伊德先生,阿尔及利亚通信部部长顾问谢里夫·本 [...]
Original: English Asociation
[...] for Progressive Communications, in which the following participants took part: H.E. Mr. Mothetjoa Metsing, Minister of Communications, Science and Technology of Lesotho; Mr. Kwaku Ofusu Adarkwa, Chief Director [...]
of Ghana; H.E. Mr. Oye Guilavogui, Minister of Telecommunications & New Information Technology of Guinea; Mr. Hassab Al Sayed, Assistant Secretary-General, ICT of Qatar; Mr. Cherif Benmehrez, Adviser to the Minister of Communications of Algeria; Mr.Gabriel Rodriguez, Director of the Department of Energy, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile; and Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines.
此外,于内塔尼亚胡先生 坚持“四不”立场”, 执意破坏任何可能的重要成果,这种谈判充其量最多 只会导致又一轮令人失望的谈判。
no’s” obstinately undermining any possible significant outcome, at best such negotiations could lead only to yet another round of frustrating negotiations.
该项于 1999 年 10 月动工,施工内 容包括,在八莫(Bhamo)附近建设一个集装箱港,改善新集 装箱港至中国边境 Muse/Lwejel 之间的道路,疏伊洛瓦底江 以确保航道畅通。
The project, which began in October 1999, consists of constructing a container port near Bhamo, upgrading the road from the new container port to Muse/Lwejel on the Chinese border, and dredging the river to secure [...]
a vessel lane.
伊士曼干底板对 摄影的流行起到了关键的 作用,但是那个从前的银行职员注定要让摄影变的更轻松方便。
EASTMAN Dry Plates played a major [...]
role in popularizing photography, but the former bank clerk was determined to make it even easier.
因此,该党只能重新提交稍微超过 500 个成员的名单, 从而被视为一个地区性政党,只能 伊 洛 瓦 底 区 竞 选。
As a consequence, the party was only able to resubmit a list with just over 500 members and thus is considered a regional party able to run only in Irrawaddy Division.
在该项目中,幼发底河 和底格里斯河伊拉克 水资源的最主要来源,有关这两条河的水资源的国际共享的问题,将 是伊拉克水资源计划部门在 PC-CP 计划和管理共享水资源领域中的经提议的水资源合作机 [...]
In this project, the international
water sharing on the
[...] Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the crucial water resources of Iraq, will also [...]
be addressed as the highest
priority of the Iraqi water planning sector within the framework of the PC-CP programme and the proposed Water Cooperation Facility in the field of management of shared water resources.
本协定自双方签署之后正式生效,有效期至 2007 年底,但经伊朗政府和本组 织同意可按相同期限顺延。
It shall remain
[...] in force until the end of 2007 and may be [...]
renewed for a similar period as agreed upon between the Government and the Organization.
委员会还注意 到,缔约国认为,根据瑞士驻金沙萨使馆开展的调查,在申诉人及其子女出国前
[...] 居住的金沙萨,既没有种族冲突,也没有特定种族群体受到迫害;申诉人及其子 女出于卢旺达胡图人 而不是图西人;因此他们根据种族出身提出的主张并不可 信。
The Committee further notes the State party’s argument that, according to the investigation conducted by the Swiss embassy in Kinshasa, there is no ethnic conflict nor are particular ethnic groups being persecuted in Kinshasa, the city where the complainant and his children were living prior to their
departure; that the complainant and his
[...] children are of Rwandan Hutu rather than Tutsi origin; [...]
and that therefore the claims that
they make on the basis of their ethnic origin are not credible.
我们积极肯定以色 列采取行动,进一步消除部分障碍,以支持这一趋势: 进一步放宽于通过胡瓦拉 检查站出入纳布卢斯的 限制、增加进入伯利恒的游客人数,及提高西岸其他 地区生产的肉类和奶制品对东耶路撒冷的供应的可 预测性。
Economic activity is on the rise and we note positively Israel’s removal of some further obstacles to support this trend: easier access to Nablus via the Huwwara checkpoint; increased tourist access to Bethlehem; and more predictable access for meat and dairy products into East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank.
莫图依卡友善新西兰人青年旅舍(YHA Motueka the Laughing Kiwi)于新西 兰南岛塔斯曼海湾(Tasman Bay)的西海岸,驾车很快即可到达亚伯塔斯曼国家公园和 胡 朗 伊 国 家 公园(Kahurangi National Park)。
YHA Motueka the Laughing Kiwi, located on the western shore of the Tasman Bay is on New Zealand’s South Island and is a short drive to the Abel Tasman and Kahurangi National Park.
另外,最近在阿根胡胡伊省进 行的一项研究表明,土著居民和混居族裔 13 岁至 15 岁年龄段吸烟率较高。
Furthermore, in a study conducted
[...] recently in Jujuy province, Argentina, it was found that, [...]
in the 13-15 age group, smoking
prevalence was higher among both males and females of indigenous and mixed ethnicity.
1999 年 8 月共同为 Rockefeller
基金会赞助的一个研究项目工作的两名科学家,Ingo Potrykus(瑞士联邦 技术局)和 Peter Beyer(Freiburg 大学),成功地在稻米的基因组中注入了三个基因 ——
[...] 两个来自水仙花,一个来自细菌— 于是 beta 胡萝卜素,维他命 A 的前体,就在稻 米中表现了出来。
In August 1999, collaborating on a Rockefeller Foundation funded research project, scientists Ingo Potrykus (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and Peter Beyer (University of Freiburg) succeeded in inserting three genes – two from daffodils,
one from a bacterium – into the rice
[...] genome so that beta carotene, the precursor of [...]
vitamin A, was expressed in rice grain.
Herriman的胡萝卜成瘾导​​致他偷 胡 萝 卜, 用 于 晚 餐 ,晚上怪可可,虽然这是他把它们藏在房子周围的人。
Mr. Herriman's carrot addictions lead him to blame Coco for stealing the carrots that were to be used for dinner that night, though it was him who hid them around the house.
2007 年 5 月,Myitsone 大 坝举行工程启动仪式,该 3,600 兆瓦的大坝坐落伊洛瓦底江上,位于克钦 邦境内恩梅开江和迈立开 江的交汇处。
In May 2007, the projectlaunching ceremony was held for the Myitsone Dam. The 3,600 MW Myitsone Dam will be located on the Irrawaddy River, at the confluence of the N’Mai Hka and Mali Hka Rivers in Kachin State.
例如,五个最发达省份和五个最落受省份的贫困率 之差,胡志民市的于 2% 到 Lai Chau 的 76%以上。
For example, the poverty rate between the top five and bottom five provinces ranges from
[...] less than 2% in Ho Chi Minh City to more than 76% [...]
in Lai Chau.
2010 年 8 月 16 日,阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希阁下宣布,“对其他 10 座铀浓 缩设施地点的研究”已经结束,并 于 今 年 年 底(伊 朗 年 历,为公元 2011 年 3 月) 之前或第二年初开始“建造这些设施中的一座设施”。35 在 2010 年 8 月 19 日的 信函中,原子能机构要求伊朗提供该设施的初步设计资料。
I should be grateful if you would bring this letter and the enclosed report to the attention of all members of the Security Council.
秘 书 长 先 前 关 于 企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案
(A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议,企业资源规划项目的设计、建
[...] 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30 个月于 2010 年底完 成 ,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需 [...]
24 个 月,主要是成果管理制、风险管理、运输和差旅等其余功能的设计-建 立-测试-部署。
The Secretary-General’s previous proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and
deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over
[...] a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the [...]
core finance, human resources,
procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and a second wave over a 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining functions, such as results-based management, risk management, transportation and travel.
这项宣布将标 志着一个进程的开始,实现卡尔伊 总 统在 2014底以前 由阿富汗国家安全部队掌管整个阿富汗安全 事务的目标。
This announcement will mark the beginning of a process to fulfil President Karzai’s goal for the Afghan National Security Forces to take the lead in conducting security operations across Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
2009 年 11 月 19 日大会第 48 次全体会议根据第五委员会的建议,8 任命下列 人士为会费委员会成员,自 2010 年 1 月 1 日起任期三年:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基 ___________________ 先生、迈沙勒·曼苏尔先生、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱先生 伊 霍 尔 · 胡 梅 尼 先生、 莉萨·斯普拉特女士和角茂树先生。
At its 48th plenary meeting, on 19 November 2009, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Fifth Committee,8 appointed the following persons as members of the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2010: Mr. Andrzej T. Abraszewski, Mr. Meshal Al-Mansour, Mr. Elmi Ahmed Dualeh, Mr. Ihor V. Humenny, Ms. Lisa P. Spratt and Mr. Shigeki Sumi.




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